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A DynamoDB json util from and to python objects

Project description

DynamoDB Json

DynamoDB json util to load and dump strings of Dynamodb json format to python object and vise-versa


just use pip:

pip install dynamodb-json


The dynamodb-json util works the same as json loads and dumps functions:

import time
import uuid
from datetime import datetime
from decimal import Decimal

from dynamodb_json import json_util as json

json_ = {"MyString": "a",
         "num": 4,
         "MyBool": False,
         "my_dict": {"my_date": datetime.utcnow()},
         "MyNone": None,
         "MyZero": 0,
         "myDecimal": Decimal("19.2"),  # converts Decimal to float, load it as float
         "myLong": long(1938475658493),
         "MyNestedDict": {
             "my_other_nested": {
                 "name": "John",
                 "surname": "Lennon",
                 "MyOtherNone": None,
                 "floaty": float(29.4),
                 "myList": [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, "This Is Sparta!"],
                 "mySet": {1, 3, 4, 5, 6},  # converts set to list, returns as list
                 "myUUID": uuid.uuid4(),  # converts uuid to string, loads it as string
                 "time": time.time()  # converts it to seconds python float, loads it as float

dynamodb_json = json.dumps(json_)

# {
# "my_dict": {"M": {"my_date": {"S": "2017-04-22T14:41:35.780000"}}}, 
# "MyBool": {"BOOL": false}, "MyNone": {"NULL": true}, 
# "MyNestedDict": {
#   "M": {"my_other_nested": {
#       "M": {"myUUID": {"S": "2f4ad21e098f49b18e22ad209779048b"}, 
#             "surname": {"S": "Lennon"}, "name": {"S": "John"}, 
#             "mySet": {"L": [{"N": "1"}, {"N": "3"}, {"N": "4"}, {"N": "5"}, {"N": "6"}]}, 
#             "floaty": {"N": "29.4"}, "time": {"N": "1492872095.78"}, 
#             "myList": {"L": [{"N": "1"}, {"N": "3"}, {"N": "4"}, {"N": "5"}, {"N": "6"}, {"S": "This Is Sparta!"}]}, 
#             "MyOtherNone": {"NULL": true}}
#             }
#       }
#   }, 
# "myDecimal": {"N": "19.2"}, "num": {"N": "4"}, 
# "MyString": {"S": "a"}, 
# "myLong": {"N": "1938475658493"}, 
# "MyZero": {"N": "0"}
# }


# {'my_dict': {'my_date': datetime.datetime(2017, 4, 22, 14, 41, 35, 780000)}, 'MyBool': False, 'MyNone': None,
#  'MyNestedDict': {
#      'my_other_nested': {'myUUID': '2f4ad21e098f49b18e22ad209779048b', 
#                          'surname': 'Lennon', 'name': 'John',
#                          'mySet': [1, 3, 4, 5, 6], 
#                          'floaty': 29.4, 
#                          'time': 1492872095.78,
#                          'myList': [1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 'This Is Sparta!'], 
#                          'MyOtherNone': None
#                          }
#              }, 
#  'myDecimal': 19.2,
#  'num': 4, 
#  'MyString': 'a', 
#  'myLong': 1938475658493L, 
#  'MyZero': 0
# }

Project details

Download files

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Source Distribution

dynamodb_json-1.4.2.tar.gz (9.3 kB view details)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

dynamodb_json-1.4.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (9.5 kB view details)

Uploaded Python 2 Python 3

File details

Details for the file dynamodb_json-1.4.2.tar.gz.

File metadata

  • Download URL: dynamodb_json-1.4.2.tar.gz
  • Upload date:
  • Size: 9.3 kB
  • Tags: Source
  • Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? Yes
  • Uploaded via: twine/5.0.0 CPython/3.12.3

File hashes

Hashes for dynamodb_json-1.4.2.tar.gz
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 a304b4117877f3697af5554158e5034c3c48973a3ba49ecf49dddb09ac502b03
MD5 6b57cd54b8abcad3b14b8b23ec3bd3bf
BLAKE2b-256 6f657216f2111c4e47ffb44b6415334c221d5543ce2a85c8d80e155e7cb06851

See more details on using hashes here.

File details

Details for the file dynamodb_json-1.4.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl.

File metadata

File hashes

Hashes for dynamodb_json-1.4.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm Hash digest
SHA256 b78259bb13cf96695ab6554d6616341ace4e2530e24cedb738a01a7cef828309
MD5 f229c92328677c76182f1406bd8a8361
BLAKE2b-256 d2061b30b1e89ff8e86215e8e0fb1cbf3004976f5435b9dcafc3c1f7623e2a77

See more details on using hashes here.

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