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All-in-one Including

多功能一体机库版本,现已更新至4.0.0版本 说明如下:

Help on module Allinone:


    # -*- coding:UTF-8 -*-
    # @Author:Chay
    # @TIME:2024/07/21 18:00
    # @version:4.0.0
    # @Software:Visual Studio Code

    allinone(fuwu, mode, *args)
        :param fuwu 需要服务的功能
        :param mode 部分功能需要的模式详见Github中All-in-one2.4.0分支的Wiki页
        :param *args 可变参数表示需要传入的参数建议用元组或列表类型具体所需类型见README.MD
        :return: 0正常1不正常其他返回值表示功能的结果

        功能按代码顺序排序不分先后):大小写互换抽取随机数求最小公倍数求最大公倍数图形计算器小学学生信息管理系统二分查找求余向下取整向上取整多个数求和多个数求差多个数求积判断闰年判断是否为质数整数小数计算加减乘除)、分数计算加减乘除......具体见Github All-in-one2.4.0分支Readme.md文件


Help on module xiaogongju:


    # -*- coding:UTF-8 -*-
    # @Author:Chay
    # @TIME:2024/07/21 17:20
    # @Software:IDLE 3.9.6

    chouqusuiji(num1: int, num2: int, mode: int, weishu: int) -> str

    daorxiao(args: str, mode: int) -> str

    f(a: float, n: int, m: int) -> int

    kaisamima(arg: str, mode: int, n: int) -> str

    quzheng(num: float, mode: int) -> int

    twonumbers_TheBiggestCommonfactor(num1: int, num2: int) -> int

    twonumbers_TheMinimumCommonmultiple(num1: int, num2: int) -> int


Help on module calculator:


    # -*- coding:UTF-8 -*-
    # @Author:Chay
    # @TIME:2024/07/21 17:20
    # @Software:Visual Studio Code

    FtemporCtemp(mode: str, FtemporCtemp: float) -> float

    csqrt = sqrt(z, /)
        Return the square root of z.

    duihuan(mode: int, money: float) -> float

    fab(x: int) -> int

    factorization(num: int) -> list[int]

    fanzhuanzifuchuan(s: str) -> str

    fenjisuan(num1: str, num2: str, mode: str) -> float

    isfab(x: int) -> bool

    isfabhuiwenshu(x: int) -> bool

    isfabhuiwenzhishu(x: int) -> bool

    isfabparam(x: int) -> bool

    isfabwanquanpingfangshu(num: int) -> bool

    ishuiwenshu(d: int) -> bool

    ishuiwenzhishu(d: int) -> bool

    isleapyear(x) -> bool

    isparam(d: int) -> bool

    istribonacci(n: int) -> bool

    istribonaccihuiwenshu(n: int) -> bool

    istribonaccihuiwenshuparam(n: int) -> bool

    istribonacciparam(n: int) -> bool

    istribonacciwanquanpingfangshu(num: int) -> bool

    iswanquanpingfangshu(num: int) -> bool

    jinzhizhuanhuan(a: int, b: int, c: str) -> str

    mima(num: int, n: int) -> int

    tribonacci(n: int) -> int

    wanquanpingfangshu(num: int) -> int

    xiaoorfen(num: str, mode: int) -> str

    xiaoorzhengjisuan(num1: float, num2: float, mode: str) -> float

    yiyuannci(fangcheng: str, mode: int) -> tuple

    CC = CC
    Catalan = Catalan
    Complexes = Complexes
    E = E
    EX = EX
    EmptySequence = EmptySequence
    EmptySet = EmptySet
    EulerGamma = EulerGamma
    FU = {'L': <function L>, 'TR0': <function TR0>, 'TR1': <function TR1>,...
    GoldenRatio = GoldenRatio
    I = I
    Id = Lambda(_x, _x)
    Integers = Integers
    Naturals = Naturals
    Naturals0 = Naturals0
    Q = <sympy.assumptions.ask.AssumptionKeys object>
    QQ = QQ
    QQ_I = QQ_I
    RR = RR
    Rationals = Rationals
    Reals = Reals
    S = S
    TribonacciConstant = TribonacciConstant
    UniversalSet = UniversalSet
    ZZ = ZZ
    ZZ_I = ZZ_I
    doctest = <LazyFunction object at 0x1aca0ce1ad0>: wrapping 'sympy.test...
            Runs doctests in all \*.py files in the SymPy directory which match
            any of the given strings in ``paths`` or all tests if paths=[].


            - Paths can be entered in native system format or in unix,
              forward-slash format.
            - Files that are on the blacklist can be tested by providing
              their path; they are only excluded if no paths are given.


            >>> import sympy

            Run all tests:

            >>> sympy.doctest() # doctest: +SKIP

            Run one file:

            >>> sympy.doctest("sympy/core/") # doctest: +SKIP
            >>> sympy.doctest("polynomial.rst") # doctest: +SKIP

            Run all tests in sympy/functions/ and some particular file:

            >>> sympy.doctest("/functions", "") # doctest: +SKIP

            Run any file having polynomial in its name, doc/src/modules/polynomial.rst,
            sympy/functions/special/, and sympy/polys/

            >>> sympy.doctest("polynomial") # doctest: +SKIP

            The ``split`` option can be passed to split the test run into parts. The
            split currently only splits the test files, though this may change in the
            future. ``split`` should be a string of the form 'a/b', which will run
            part ``a`` of ``b``. Note that the regular doctests and the Sphinx
            doctests are split independently. For instance, to run the first half of
            the test suite:

            >>> sympy.doctest(split='1/2')  # doctest: +SKIP

            The ``subprocess`` and ``verbose`` options are the same as with the function
            ``test()`` (see the docstring of that function for more information) except
            that ``verbose`` may also be set equal to ``2`` in order to print
            individual doctest lines, as they are being tested.

        Note: this is a LazyFunction wrapper of 'sympy.testing.runtests.doctest'

    false = False
    grevlex = ReversedGradedLexOrder()
    grlex = GradedLexOrder()
    igrevlex = InverseOrder()
    igrlex = InverseOrder()
    ilex = InverseOrder()
    latex = <sympy.printing.printer._PrintFunction object>
        Convert the given expression to LaTeX string representation.

        full_prec: boolean, optional
            If set to True, a floating point number is printed with full precision.
        fold_frac_powers : boolean, optional
            Emit ``^{p/q}`` instead of ``^{\frac{p}{q}}`` for fractional powers.
        fold_func_brackets : boolean, optional
            Fold function brackets where applicable.
        fold_short_frac : boolean, optional
            Emit ``p / q`` instead of ``\frac{p}{q}`` when the denominator is
            simple enough (at most two terms and no powers). The default value is
            ``True`` for inline mode, ``False`` otherwise.
        inv_trig_style : string, optional
            How inverse trig functions should be displayed. Can be one of
            ``'abbreviated'``, ``'full'``, or ``'power'``. Defaults to
        itex : boolean, optional
            Specifies if itex-specific syntax is used, including emitting
        ln_notation : boolean, optional
            If set to ``True``, ``\ln`` is used instead of default ``\log``.
        long_frac_ratio : float or None, optional
            The allowed ratio of the width of the numerator to the width of the
            denominator before the printer breaks off long fractions. If ``None``
            (the default value), long fractions are not broken up.
        mat_delim : string, optional
            The delimiter to wrap around matrices. Can be one of ``'['``, ``'('``,
            or the empty string ``''``. Defaults to ``'['``.
        mat_str : string, optional
            Which matrix environment string to emit. ``'smallmatrix'``,
            ``'matrix'``, ``'array'``, etc. Defaults to ``'smallmatrix'`` for
            inline mode, ``'matrix'`` for matrices of no more than 10 columns, and
            ``'array'`` otherwise.
        mode: string, optional
            Specifies how the generated code will be delimited. ``mode`` can be one
            of ``'plain'``, ``'inline'``, ``'equation'`` or ``'equation*'``.  If
            ``mode`` is set to ``'plain'``, then the resulting code will not be
            delimited at all (this is the default). If ``mode`` is set to
            ``'inline'`` then inline LaTeX ``$...$`` will be used. If ``mode`` is
            set to ``'equation'`` or ``'equation*'``, the resulting code will be
            enclosed in the ``equation`` or ``equation*`` environment (remember to
            import ``amsmath`` for ``equation*``), unless the ``itex`` option is
            set. In the latter case, the ``$$...$$`` syntax is used.
        mul_symbol : string or None, optional
            The symbol to use for multiplication. Can be one of ``None``,
            ``'ldot'``, ``'dot'``, or ``'times'``.
        order: string, optional
            Any of the supported monomial orderings (currently ``'lex'``,
            ``'grlex'``, or ``'grevlex'``), ``'old'``, and ``'none'``. This
            parameter does nothing for `~.Mul` objects. Setting order to ``'old'``
            uses the compatibility ordering for ``~.Add`` defined in Printer. For
            very large expressions, set the ``order`` keyword to ``'none'`` if
            speed is a concern.
        symbol_names : dictionary of strings mapped to symbols, optional
            Dictionary of symbols and the custom strings they should be emitted as.
        root_notation : boolean, optional
            If set to ``False``, exponents of the form 1/n are printed in fractonal
            form. Default is ``True``, to print exponent in root form.
        mat_symbol_style : string, optional
            Can be either ``'plain'`` (default) or ``'bold'``. If set to
            ``'bold'``, a `~.MatrixSymbol` A will be printed as ``\mathbf{A}``,
            otherwise as ``A``.
        imaginary_unit : string, optional
            String to use for the imaginary unit. Defined options are ``'i'``
            (default) and ``'j'``. Adding ``r`` or ``t`` in front gives ``\mathrm``
            or ``\text``, so ``'ri'`` leads to ``\mathrm{i}`` which gives
        gothic_re_im : boolean, optional
            If set to ``True``, `\Re` and `\Im` is used for ``re`` and ``im``, respectively.
            The default is ``False`` leading to `\operatorname{re}` and `\operatorname{im}`.
        decimal_separator : string, optional
            Specifies what separator to use to separate the whole and fractional parts of a
            floating point number as in `2.5` for the default, ``period`` or `2{,}5`
            when ``comma`` is specified. Lists, sets, and tuple are printed with semicolon
            separating the elements when ``comma`` is chosen. For example, [1; 2; 3] when
            ``comma`` is chosen and [1,2,3] for when ``period`` is chosen.
        parenthesize_super : boolean, optional
            If set to ``False``, superscripted expressions will not be parenthesized when
            powered. Default is ``True``, which parenthesizes the expression when powered.
        min: Integer or None, optional
            Sets the lower bound for the exponent to print floating point numbers in
            fixed-point format.
        max: Integer or None, optional
            Sets the upper bound for the exponent to print floating point numbers in
            fixed-point format.
        diff_operator: string, optional
            String to use for differential operator. Default is ``'d'``, to print in italic
            form. ``'rd'``, ``'td'`` are shortcuts for ``\mathrm{d}`` and ``\text{d}``.
        adjoint_style: string, optional
            String to use for the adjoint symbol. Defined options are ``'dagger'``
            (default),``'star'``, and ``'hermitian'``.


        Not using a print statement for printing, results in double backslashes for
        latex commands since that's the way Python escapes backslashes in strings.

        >>> from sympy import latex, Rational
        >>> from import tau
        >>> latex((2*tau)**Rational(7,2))
        '8 \\sqrt{2} \\tau^{\\frac{7}{2}}'
        >>> print(latex((2*tau)**Rational(7,2)))
        8 \sqrt{2} \tau^{\frac{7}{2}}


        >>> from sympy import latex, pi, sin, asin, Integral, Matrix, Rational, log
        >>> from import x, y, mu, r, tau

        Basic usage:

        >>> print(latex((2*tau)**Rational(7,2)))
        8 \sqrt{2} \tau^{\frac{7}{2}}

        ``mode`` and ``itex`` options:

        >>> print(latex((2*mu)**Rational(7,2), mode='plain'))
        8 \sqrt{2} \mu^{\frac{7}{2}}
        >>> print(latex((2*tau)**Rational(7,2), mode='inline'))
        $8 \sqrt{2} \tau^{7 / 2}$
        >>> print(latex((2*mu)**Rational(7,2), mode='equation*'))
        \begin{equation*}8 \sqrt{2} \mu^{\frac{7}{2}}\end{equation*}
        >>> print(latex((2*mu)**Rational(7,2), mode='equation'))
        \begin{equation}8 \sqrt{2} \mu^{\frac{7}{2}}\end{equation}
        >>> print(latex((2*mu)**Rational(7,2), mode='equation', itex=True))
        $$8 \sqrt{2} \mu^{\frac{7}{2}}$$
        >>> print(latex((2*mu)**Rational(7,2), mode='plain'))
        8 \sqrt{2} \mu^{\frac{7}{2}}
        >>> print(latex((2*tau)**Rational(7,2), mode='inline'))
        $8 \sqrt{2} \tau^{7 / 2}$
        >>> print(latex((2*mu)**Rational(7,2), mode='equation*'))
        \begin{equation*}8 \sqrt{2} \mu^{\frac{7}{2}}\end{equation*}
        >>> print(latex((2*mu)**Rational(7,2), mode='equation'))
        \begin{equation}8 \sqrt{2} \mu^{\frac{7}{2}}\end{equation}
        >>> print(latex((2*mu)**Rational(7,2), mode='equation', itex=True))
        $$8 \sqrt{2} \mu^{\frac{7}{2}}$$

        Fraction options:

        >>> print(latex((2*tau)**Rational(7,2), fold_frac_powers=True))
        8 \sqrt{2} \tau^{7/2}
        >>> print(latex((2*tau)**sin(Rational(7,2))))
        \left(2 \tau\right)^{\sin{\left(\frac{7}{2} \right)}}
        >>> print(latex((2*tau)**sin(Rational(7,2)), fold_func_brackets=True))
        \left(2 \tau\right)^{\sin {\frac{7}{2}}}
        >>> print(latex(3*x**2/y))
        \frac{3 x^{2}}{y}
        >>> print(latex(3*x**2/y, fold_short_frac=True))
        3 x^{2} / y
        >>> print(latex(Integral(r, r)/2/pi, long_frac_ratio=2))
        \frac{\int r\, dr}{2 \pi}
        >>> print(latex(Integral(r, r)/2/pi, long_frac_ratio=0))
        \frac{1}{2 \pi} \int r\, dr

        Multiplication options:

        >>> print(latex((2*tau)**sin(Rational(7,2)), mul_symbol="times"))
        \left(2 \times \tau\right)^{\sin{\left(\frac{7}{2} \right)}}

        Trig options:

        >>> print(latex(asin(Rational(7,2))))
        \operatorname{asin}{\left(\frac{7}{2} \right)}
        >>> print(latex(asin(Rational(7,2)), inv_trig_style="full"))
        \arcsin{\left(\frac{7}{2} \right)}
        >>> print(latex(asin(Rational(7,2)), inv_trig_style="power"))
        \sin^{-1}{\left(\frac{7}{2} \right)}

        Matrix options:

        >>> print(latex(Matrix(2, 1, [x, y])))
        >>> print(latex(Matrix(2, 1, [x, y]), mat_str = "array"))
        >>> print(latex(Matrix(2, 1, [x, y]), mat_delim="("))

        Custom printing of symbols:

        >>> print(latex(x**2, symbol_names={x: 'x_i'}))


        >>> print(latex(log(10)))
        \log{\left(10 \right)}
        >>> print(latex(log(10), ln_notation=True))
        \ln{\left(10 \right)}

        ``latex()`` also supports the builtin container types :class:`list`,
        :class:`tuple`, and :class:`dict`:

        >>> print(latex([2/x, y], mode='inline'))
        $\left[ 2 / x, \  y\right]$

        Unsupported types are rendered as monospaced plaintext:

        >>> print(latex(int))
        \mathtt{\text{<class 'int'>}}
        >>> print(latex("plain % text"))
        \mathtt{\text{plain \% text}}

        See :ref:`printer_method_example` for an example of how to override
        this behavior for your own types by implementing ``_latex``.

        .. versionchanged:: 1.7.0
            Unsupported types no longer have their ``str`` representation treated as valid latex.

    lex = LexOrder()
    mathml = <sympy.printing.printer._PrintFunction object>
        Returns the MathML representation of expr. If printer is presentation
        then prints Presentation MathML else prints content MathML.

    nan = nan
    oo = oo
    ord0 = ord0
    pi = pi
    plot_backends = {'matplotlib': <class 'sympy.plotting.backends.matplot...
    pretty = <sympy.printing.printer._PrintFunction object>
        Returns a string containing the prettified form of expr.

        For information on keyword arguments see pretty_print function.

    sieve = <prime sieve (6): 2, 3, 5, ... 11, 13
    totient si..., ... 2, 4
    srepr = <sympy.printing.printer._PrintFunction object>
        return expr in repr form

    sstr = <sympy.printing.printer._PrintFunction object>
        Returns the expression as a string.

        For large expressions where speed is a concern, use the setting
        order='none'. If abbrev=True setting is used then units are printed in
        abbreviated form.


        >>> from sympy import symbols, Eq, sstr
        >>> a, b = symbols('a b')
        >>> sstr(Eq(a + b, 0))
        'Eq(a + b, 0)'

    sstrrepr = <sympy.printing.printer._PrintFunction object>
        return expr in mixed str/repr form

        i.e. strings are returned in repr form with quotes, and everything else
        is returned in str form.

        This function could be useful for hooking into sys.displayhook

    test = <LazyFunction object at 0x1ac9fcb9cd0>: wrapping 'sympy.testing...
        Interface to run tests via pytest compatible with SymPy's test runner.


            Note that a `pytest.ExitCode`, which is an `enum`, is returned. This is
            different to the legacy SymPy test runner which would return a `bool`. If
            all tests sucessfully pass the `pytest.ExitCode.OK` with value `0` is
            returned, whereas the legacy SymPy test runner would return `True`. In any
            other scenario, a non-zero `enum` value is returned, whereas the legacy
            SymPy test runner would return `False`. Users need to, therefore, be careful
            if treating the pytest exit codes as booleans because
            `bool(pytest.ExitCode.OK)` evaluates to `False`, the opposite of legacy


            >>> import sympy  # doctest: +SKIP

            Run one file:

            >>> sympy.test('sympy/core/tests/')  # doctest: +SKIP
            >>> sympy.test('_basic')  # doctest: +SKIP

            Run all tests in sympy/functions/ and some particular file:

            >>> sympy.test("sympy/core/tests/",
            ...            "sympy/functions")  # doctest: +SKIP

            Run all tests in sympy/core and sympy/utilities:

            >>> sympy.test("/core", "/util")  # doctest: +SKIP

            Run specific test from a file:

            >>> sympy.test("sympy/core/tests/",
            ...            kw="test_equality")  # doctest: +SKIP

            Run specific test from any file:

            >>> sympy.test(kw="subs")  # doctest: +SKIP

            Run the tests using the legacy SymPy runner:

            >>> sympy.test(use_sympy_runner=True)  # doctest: +SKIP

            Note that this option is slated for deprecation in the near future and is
            only currently provided to ensure users have an alternative option while the
            pytest-based runner receives real-world testing.

            paths : first n positional arguments of strings
                Paths, both partial and absolute, describing which subset(s) of the test
                suite are to be run.
            subprocess : bool, default is True
                Legacy option, is currently ignored.
            rerun : int, default is 0
                Legacy option, is ignored.
            use_sympy_runner : bool or None, default is None
                Temporary option to invoke the legacy SymPy test runner instead of
                `pytest.main`. Will be removed in the near future.
            verbose : bool, default is False
                Sets the verbosity of the pytest output. Using `True` will add the
                `--verbose` option to the pytest call.
            tb : str, 'auto', 'long', 'short', 'line', 'native', or 'no'
                Sets the traceback print mode of pytest using the `--tb` option.
            kw : str
                Only run tests which match the given substring expression. An expression
                is a Python evaluatable expression where all names are substring-matched
                against test names and their parent classes. Example: -k 'test_method or
                test_other' matches all test functions and classes whose name contains
                'test_method' or 'test_other', while -k 'not test_method' matches those
                that don't contain 'test_method' in their names. -k 'not test_method and
                not test_other' will eliminate the matches. Additionally keywords are
                matched to classes and functions containing extra names in their
                'extra_keyword_matches' set, as well as functions which have names
                assigned directly to them. The matching is case-insensitive.
            pdb : bool, default is False
                Start the interactive Python debugger on errors or `KeyboardInterrupt`.
            colors : bool, default is True
                Color terminal output.
            force_colors : bool, default is False
                Legacy option, is ignored.
            sort : bool, default is True
                Run the tests in sorted order. pytest uses a sorted test order by
                default. Requires pytest-randomly.
            seed : int
                Seed to use for random number generation. Requires pytest-randomly.
            timeout : int, default is 0
                Timeout in seconds before dumping the stacks. 0 means no timeout.
                Requires pytest-timeout.
            fail_on_timeout : bool, default is False
                Legacy option, is currently ignored.
            slow : bool, default is False
                Run the subset of tests marked as `slow`.
            enhance_asserts : bool, default is False
                Legacy option, is currently ignored.
            split : string in form `<SPLIT>/<GROUPS>` or None, default is None
                Used to split the tests up. As an example, if `split='2/3' is used then
                only the middle third of tests are run. Requires pytest-split.
            time_balance : bool, default is True
                Legacy option, is currently ignored.
            blacklist : iterable of test paths as strings, default is BLACKLIST_DEFAULT
                Blacklisted test paths are ignored using the `--ignore` option. Paths
                may be partial or absolute. If partial then they are matched against
                all paths in the pytest tests path.
            parallel : bool, default is False
                Parallelize the test running using pytest-xdist. If `True` then pytest
                will automatically detect the number of CPU cores available and use them
                all. Requires pytest-xdist.
            store_durations : bool, False
                Store test durations into the file `.test_durations`. The is used by
                `pytest-split` to help determine more even splits when more than one
                test group is being used. Requires pytest-split.

        Note: this is a LazyFunction wrapper of 'sympy.testing.runtests_pytest.test'

    true = True
    zoo = zoo



Help on module numbertochinese:


    # -*- coding:UTF-8 -*-
    # @Author:Chay
    # @TIME:2024/07/21 18:00
    # @version:4.0.0
    # @Software:Visual Studio Code

    No2Cn(number: int) -> str


    maxdigit(number: int, count: int) -> tuple

    common_used_numerals = {'零': 0, '一': 1, '二': 2, '三': 3, '四': 4, '五': 5, '六': 6, '日': 7, '八': 8, '九': 9, '十': 10, '百': 100, '千': 1000, '万': 10000, '亿': 100000000}
    digitdict = {1: '十', 2: '百', 3: '千', 4: '万'}
    numdict = {1:"一",2:"二",3:"三",4:"四",5:"五",6:"六",7:"七",8:"八",9:"九",0:"零"}


Help on module lotterytickets:


    # -*- coding:UTF-8 -*-
    # @Author:Chay
    # @TIME:2024/5/3 23:25
    # @version:4.0.0
    # @Software:Visual Studio Code

    lotterytickets(user: str, mubiao: str, mode: int) -> str


Help on module erfenchazhao_py:


    # -*- coding:UTF-8 -*-
    # @Author:Chay
    # @TIME:2022/12/25 9:03
    # @Software:IDLE 3.9.6

    erfenchazhao(yuanlst, shengxulst, target)


Help on module math_cal_py:


    # -*- coding:UTF-8 -*-
    # @Author:Chay
    # @TIME:2022/12/24 15:38
    # @Software:IDLE 3.9.6

    math_cal(mode, float1, float2)


Help on module student_py:





Help on module tuxing_cal:


    :param huida 图形
    :return 0

    tuxing(huida, mode, *args2)



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all_in_one_chay-4.0.2.tar.gz (30.8 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

All_in_one_chay-4.0.2-py3-none-any.whl (25.3 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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