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Allinone Including 双语版Readme


Line 9 中文版README

Line 348 Readme in English


All-in-one Including

多功能一体机库版本,现已更新至4.0.0版本 说明如下:



Line 40 主文件

Line 70 数据库文件

Line 94 模块文件

Line 128 计算器模块

Line 205 数字、中文互换模块

Line 237 彩票一体机模块

Line 260 二分查找模块

Line 282 math库计算器模块

Line 304 小学学生信息管理系统模块

Line 324 图形计算器模块 主文件
Help on module Allinone:


    # -*- coding:UTF-8 -*-
    # @Author:Chay
    # @TIME:2024/07/23 17:00
    # @version:4.0.1
    # @Software:Visual Studio Code

    allinone(fuwu, mode, *args)
        :param fuwu 需要服务的功能
        :param mode 部分功能需要的模式详见Github中All-in-one2.4.0分支的Wiki页
        :param *args 可变参数表示需要传入的参数建议用元组或列表类型具体所需类型见README.MD
        :return: 0正常1不正常其他返回值表示功能的结果

        功能按代码顺序排序不分先后):大小写互换抽取随机数求最小公倍数求最大公倍数图形计算器小学学生信息管理系统二分查找求余向下取整向上取整多个数求和多个数求差多个数求积判断闰年判断是否为质数整数小数计算加减乘除)、分数计算加减乘除......具体见Github All-in-one2.4.0分支Readme.md文件

    d:\chay\project\all-in-one\src\all-in-one_chaylichenyi\ 数据库文件
Help on module shujuku:


    # -*- coding:UTF-8 -*-
    # @Author:Chay
    # @TIME:2024/07/23 17:00
    # @version:4.0.1
    # @Software:Visual Studio Code

    sjc(fuwu: str, mode: int, canshu: str)

    d:\chay\project\all-in-one-including(git)\all-in-one_chaylichenyi\module\ 模块文件
Help on module xiaogongju:


    # -*- coding:UTF-8 -*-
    # @Author:Chay
    # @TIME:2024/07/21 17:20
    # @Software:IDLE 3.9.6

    chouqusuiji(num1: int, num2: int, mode: int, weishu: int) -> str

    daorxiao(args: str, mode: int) -> str

    f(a: float, n: int, m: int) -> int

    kaisamima(arg: str, mode: int, n: int) -> str

    quzheng(num: float, mode: int) -> int

    twonumbers_TheBiggestCommonfactor(num1: int, num2: int) -> int

    twonumbers_TheMinimumCommonmultiple(num1: int, num2: int) -> int

    d:\chay\project\all-in-one\src\all-in-one_chaylichenyi\module\ 计算器模块
Help on module calculator:


    # -*- coding:UTF-8 -*-
    # @Author:Chay
    # @TIME:2024/07/21 17:20
    # @Software:Visual Studio Code

    FtemporCtemp(mode: str, FtemporCtemp: float) -> float

    duihuan(mode: int, money: float) -> float

    fab(x: int) -> int

    factorization(num: int) -> list[int]

    fanzhuanzifuchuan(s: str) -> str

    fenjisuan(num1: str, num2: str, mode: str) -> float

    isfab(x: int) -> bool

    isfabhuiwenshu(x: int) -> bool

    isfabhuiwenzhishu(x: int) -> bool

    isfabparam(x: int) -> bool

    isfabwanquanpingfangshu(num: int) -> bool

    ishuiwenshu(d: int) -> bool

    ishuiwenzhishu(d: int) -> bool

    isleapyear(x) -> bool

    isparam(d: int) -> bool

    istribonacci(n: int) -> bool

    istribonaccihuiwenshu(n: int) -> bool

    istribonaccihuiwenshuparam(n: int) -> bool

    istribonacciparam(n: int) -> bool

    istribonacciwanquanpingfangshu(num: int) -> bool

    iswanquanpingfangshu(num: int) -> bool

    jinzhizhuanhuan(a: int, b: int, c: str) -> str

    mima(num: int, n: int) -> int

    tribonacci(n: int) -> int

    wanquanpingfangshu(num: int) -> int

    xiaoorfen(num: str, mode: int) -> str

    xiaoorzhengjisuan(num1: float, num2: float, mode: str) -> float

    yiyuannci(fangcheng: str, mode: int) -> tuple

    d:\chay\project\all-in-one\src\all-in-one_chaylichenyi\module\ 数字、中文互换模块
Help on module numbertochinese:


    # -*- coding:UTF-8 -*-
    # @Author:Chay
    # @TIME:2024/07/21 18:00
    # @version:4.0.0
    # @Software:Visual Studio Code

    No2Cn(number: int) -> str

    chinese2digits(uchars_chinese: str) -> int

    maxdigit(number: int, count: int) -> tuple

    common_used_numerals = {'零': 0, '一': 1, '二': 2, '三': 3, '四': 4, '五': 5, '六': 6, '日': 7, '八': 8, '九': 9, '十': 10, '百': 100, '千': 1000, '万': 10000, '亿': 100000000}
    digitdict = {1: '十', 2: '百', 3: '千', 4: '万'}
    numdict = {1:"一",2:"二",3:"三",4:"四",5:"五",6:"六",7:"七",8:"八",9:"九",0:"零"}

    d:\chay\project\all-in-one\src\all-in-one_chaylichenyi\module\ 彩票一体机模块
Help on module lotterytickets:


    # -*- coding:UTF-8 -*-
    # @Author:Chay
    # @TIME:2024/5/3 23:25
    # @version:4.0.0
    # @Software:Visual Studio Code

    lotterytickets(user: str, mubiao: str, mode: int) -> str

    d:\chay\project\all-in-one\src\all-in-one_chaylichenyi\module\ 二分查找模块
Help on module erfenchazhao_py:


    # -*- coding:UTF-8 -*-
    # @Author:Chay
    # @TIME:2022/12/25 9:03
    # @Software:IDLE 3.9.6

    erfenchazhao(yuanlst, shengxulst, target)

    d:\chay\project\all-in-one\src\all-in-one_chaylichenyi\module\ math库计算器模块
Help on module math_cal_py:


    # -*- coding:UTF-8 -*-
    # @Author:Chay
    # @TIME:2022/12/24 15:38
    # @Software:IDLE 3.9.6

    math_cal(mode, float1, float2)

    d:\chay\project\all-in-one\src\all-in-one_chaylichenyi\module\ 小学学生信息管理系统模块
Help on module student_py:




    d:\chay\project\all-in-one\src\all-in-one_chaylichenyi\module\ 图形计算器模块
Help on module tuxing_cal:


    :param huida 图形
    :return 0

    tuxing(huida, mode, *args2)


详见 单位转换器&物理量计算模块(需导入UnitConvertChay)

毫米(mm)到其他单位的转换 mmtocm(x: float) -> float:将毫米转换为厘米。 mmtodm(x: float) -> float:将毫米转换为分米。 mmtom(x: float) -> float:将毫米转换为米。 mmtokm(x: float) -> float:将毫米转换为千米。 厘米(cm)到其他单位的转换 cmtodm(x: float) -> float:将厘米转换为分米。 cmtom(x: float) -> float:将厘米转换为米。 cmtokm(x: float) -> float:将厘米转换为千米。 cmtomm(x: float) -> float:将厘米转换为毫米(虽然看似逆向转换,但提供了完整性)。 分米(dm)到其他单位的转换 dmtom(x: float) -> float:将分米转换为米。 dmtokm(x: float) -> float:将分米转换为千米。 dmtomm(x: float) -> float:将分米转换为毫米。 dmtocm(x: float) -> float:将分米转换为厘米。 米(m)到其他单位的转换 mtokm(x: float) -> float:将米转换为千米。 mtomm(x: float) -> float:将米转换为毫米。 mtocm(x: float) -> float:将米转换为厘米(注意与mmtocm函数名相同,但功能不同)。 mtodm(x: float) -> float:将米转换为分米。 千米(km)到其他单位的转换 kmtomm(x: float) -> float:将千米转换为毫米。 kmtocm(x: float) -> float:将千米转换为厘米。 kmtodm(x: float) -> float:将千米转换为分米。 kmtom(x: float) -> float:将千米转换为米。 微米和纳米单位转换 μmtomm(x: float) -> float:将微米转换为毫米。 mmtoμm(x: float) -> float:将毫米转换为微米。 nmtoμm(x: float) -> float:将纳米转换为微米。 μmtonm(x: float) -> float:将微米转换为纳米。


密度 ρ 函数定义:def ρ(V=0.0, m=0.0, g=9.8, h=0.0, p=0.0, Ffu=0.0) -> float: 功能说明:计算密度。支持多种计算方式: 如果给定体积 V 和质量 m,则直接计算密度(ρ = m/V)。 如果给定压强 p、重力加速度 g 和高度 h,则计算流体密度(ρ = p / (g * h))。 如果给定流体浮力 Ffu、重力加速度 g 和体积 V,则通过浮力计算密度(ρ = Ffu / (g * V))。 如果参数无效,则抛出 ValueError 异常。 质量 m 函数定义:def m(G=0.0, g=9.8, V=0.0, ρ=0.0) -> float: 功能说明:计算质量。支持多种计算方式: 如果给定重力 G 和重力加速度 g,则计算质量(m = G/g)。 如果给定体积 V 和密度 ρ,则计算质量(m = ρ * V)。 如果参数无效,则抛出 ValueError 异常。 体积 Vtiji 函数定义:def Vtiji(m=0.0, ρ=0.0, g=9.8, Ffu=0.0) -> float: 功能说明:根据质量和密度或其他物理量计算体积。支持多种计算方式: 如果给定质量 m 和密度 ρ,则计算体积(V = m/ρ)。 如果给定流体浮力 Ffu、重力加速度 g 和密度 ρ,则通过浮力计算体积(此处逻辑可能需要根据实际物理公式调整)。 如果参数无效,则抛出 ValueError 异常。 速度 Vsudu 函数定义:def Vsudu(Slu=0.0, t=0.0) -> float: 功能说明:计算流速。如果给定流过的距离 Slu 和时间 t,则计算流速(Vs = Slu/t)。如果参数无效,则抛出 ValueError 异常。 压强 p 函数定义:def p(F=0.0, S=0.0, ρ=0.0, g=9.8, h=0.0) -> float: 功能说明:计算压强。支持多种计算方式: 如果给定力 F 和受力面积 S,则计算压强(p = F/S)。 如果给定密度 ρ、高度 h 和重力加速度 g,则计算流体压强(p = ρ * g * h)。 如果参数无效,则抛出 ValueError 异常。 电流 I、电压 U、电阻 R 和功率 Pgong 这些函数(I, U, R, Pgong)分别用于计算电流、电压、电阻和功率,根据欧姆定律(U = I * R)和功率公式(Pgong = U * I)实现。它们各自接收不同的参数组合,并根据提供的参数计算相应的物理量。如果参数无效,则抛出 ValueError 异常。

Readme in English

Allinone Readme in English/英文版Allinone使用说明

Module Index

Line 364 Allinone Main Module Documentation

Line 370 Calculator Module Documentation

Line 673 Xiaogongju Module Documentation

Line 760 Math_calculator Module Documentation

Line 820 Tuxing_calculator Module Documentation

Allinone Main Module Documentation Main module for the Allinone Function. mode:depending on your choice, you can choose the function you want to use.(such as you choose Ftemp or Ctemp you should incoming mode param in "℃to℉" or "℉to℃")

Calculator Module Documentation

FtemporCtemp Converts temperature between Fahrenheit and Celsius.

def FtemporCtemp(mode: str, FtemporCtemp: float) -> float

mode: "℃to℉" (Celsius to Fahrenheit) or "℉to℃" (Fahrenheit to Celsius) FtemporCtemp: Temperature to convert Returns: Converted temperature (without unit)

duihuan Performs currency exchange.

def duihuan(mode: int, money: float) -> float

mode: 1-16, corresponding to different currency conversions money: Amount to exchange (in the currency unit before the arrow in the mode) Returns: Converted currency amount

yiyuannci Solves linear, quadratic, and cubic equations.

def yiyuannci(fangcheng: str, mode: int) -> tuple

fangcheng: Equation in the form ax+b=0, ax^2+bx+c=0, or ax^3+bx^2+cx+d=0 mode: Highest degree of the equation (1, 2, or 3) Returns: Tuple containing the solution(s) of the equation

fanzhuanzifuchuan Reverses a string.

def fanzhuanzifuchuan(s: str) -> str

s: String to reverse Returns: Reversed string isparam Checks if a number is prime.

def isparam(d: int) -> bool

d: Number to check Returns: True if prime, False otherwise

ishuiwenshu Checks if a number is a palindrome.

def ishuiwenshu(d: int) -> bool

d: Number to check Returns: True if palindrome, False otherwise

ishuiwenzhishu Checks if a number is a palindromic prime.

def ishuiwenzhishu(d: int) -> bool

d: Number to check Returns: True if palindromic prime, False otherwise

fab Calculates the xth number in the Fibonacci sequence.

def fab(x: int) -> int

x: Position in the Fibonacci sequence Returns: The xth Fibonacci number

isfab Checks if a number is in the Fibonacci sequence.

def isfab(x: int) -> bool

x: Number to check (0 < x <= 12586269025) Returns: True if in Fibonacci sequence, False otherwise

isfabparam Checks if a number is both in the Fibonacci sequence and prime.

def isfabparam(x: int) -> bool

x: Number to check (0 < x <= 12586269025) Returns: True if Fibonacci prime, False otherwise

isfabhuiwenshu Checks if a number is both in the Fibonacci sequence and a palindrome.

def isfabhuiwenshu(x: int) -> bool

x: Number to check (0 < x <= 12586269025) Returns: True if Fibonacci palindrome, False otherwise

isfabhuiwenzhishu Checks if a number is in the Fibonacci sequence, a palindrome, and prime.

def isfabhuiwenzhishu(x: int) -> bool

x: Number to check (0 < x <= 12586269025) Returns: True if Fibonacci palindromic prime, False otherwise

isleapyear Checks if a year is a leap year.

def isleapyear(x) -> bool

x: Year to check Returns: True if leap year, False otherwise

tribonacci Calculates the xth number in the Tribonacci sequence.

def tribonacci(n: int) -> int

n: Position in the Tribonacci sequence Returns: The nth Tribonacci number

istribonacci Checks if a number is in the Tribonacci sequence.

def istribonacci(n: int) -> bool

n: Number to check Returns: True if in Tribonacci sequence, False otherwise

istribonaccihuiwenshu Checks if a number is both in the Tribonacci sequence and a palindrome.

def istribonaccihuiwenshu(n: int) -> bool

n: Number to check Returns: True if Tribonacci palindrome, False otherwise

istribonaccihuiwenshuparam Checks if a number is in the Tribonacci sequence, a palindrome, and prime.

def istribonaccihuiwenshuparam(n: int) -> bool

n: Number to check Returns: True if Tribonacci palindromic prime, False otherwise

istribonacciparam Checks if a number is both in the Tribonacci sequence and prime.

def istribonacciparam(n: int) -> bool

n: Number to check Returns: True if Tribonacci prime, False otherwise

iswanquanpingfangshu Checks if a number is a perfect square.

def iswanquanpingfangshu(num: int) -> bool

num: Number to check Returns: True if perfect square, False otherwise

wanquanpingfangshu Calculates the dth perfect square.

def wanquanpingfangshu(num: int) -> int

num: Position of the perfect square Returns: The dth perfect square

isfabwanquanpingfangshu Checks if a number is both in the Fibonacci sequence and a perfect square.

def isfabwanquanpingfangshu(num: int) -> bool

num: Number to check Returns: True if Fibonacci perfect square, False otherwise

istribonacciwanquanpingfangshu Checks if a number is both in the Tribonacci sequence and a perfect square.

def istribonacciwanquanpingfangshu(num: int) -> bool

num: Number to check Returns: True if Tribonacci perfect square, False otherwise

jinzhizhuanhuan Converts numbers between different bases.

def jinzhizhuanhuan(a: int, b: int, c: str) -> str

a: Base of input number (2 <= a <= 36) b: Base of output number (2 <= b <= 36) c: Number to convert (without prefix, must follow rules of base a) Returns: Converted number as a string

factorization Performs prime factorization of a number.

def factorization(num: int) -> list[int]

num: Number to factorize Returns: List of prime factors

mima Extracts a password from a number.

def mima(num: int, n: int) -> int

num: Number to extract password from n: Number of digits in the password Returns: Extracted password

xiaoorfen Converts between decimal and fraction representations.

def xiaoorfen(num: str, mode: int) -> str

num: Number to convert mode: 1 (decimal to fraction) or 2 (fraction to decimal) Returns: Converted number as a string

xiaoorzhengjisuan Performs arithmetic operations on decimals or integers.

def xiaoorzhengjisuan(num1: float, num2: float, mode: str) -> float

num1: First operand num2: Second operand mode: Operation (+, -, *, or ** for exponentiation) Returns: Result of the operation

fenjisuan Performs arithmetic operations on fractions.

def fenjisuan(num1: str, num2: str, mode: str) -> float

num1: First fraction num2: Second fraction mode: Operation (+, -, *, or ** for exponentiation) Returns: Result of the operation as a fraction

bmi Calculates BMI (Body Mass Index).

def bmi(weight: int, height: int) -> float

weight: Weight in kg height: Height in meters Returns: BMI inde

Xiaogongju Module Documentation


def quzheng(num: float, mode: int) -> int:

Function to round numbers.

Parameters: num: The number to be rounded (float) mode: Rounding mode (1 for floor, 2 for ceiling) Returns: The rounded number Raises: ValueError if mode is not 1 or 2


def daorxiao(args: str, mode: int) -> str:

Function to convert case of characters.

Parameters: args: The string to be converted mode: Conversion mode (1 for uppercase to lowercase, 2 for lowercase to uppercase) Returns: The converted string Raises: TypeError if mode is invalid


def twonumbers_TheBiggestCommonfactor(num1: int, num2: int) -> int:

Function to find the greatest common factor of two numbers.

Parameters: num1: The first number num2: The second number Returns: The greatest common factor of num1 and num2


def twonumbers_TheMinimumCommonmultiple(num1: int, num2: int) -> int:

Function to find the least common multiple of two numbers.

Parameters: num1: The first number num2: The second number Returns: The least common multiple of num1 and num2


def chouqusuiji(num1: int, num2: int, mode: int, weishu: int) -> str:

Function to generate random values.

Parameters: num1: The minimum value in the random number range num2: The maximum value in the random number range mode: 1 for random number, 2 for random string, 3 for random color code (#......) weishu: The number of characters in the random string Returns: The generated random value as a string


def kaisamima(arg: str, mode: int, n: int) -> str:

Function to encrypt or decrypt using Caesar cipher.

Parameters: arg: The string to be encrypted or decrypted mode: 1 for encryption, 2 for decryption n: The shift value Returns: The encrypted or decrypted string Raises: ValueError if arg contains non-alphabetic characters, TypeError if mode is invalid


def f(a: float, n: int, m: int) -> int:

Function to round numbers based on specific rules.

Parameters: a: The float number to be rounded n: Lower bound for rounding m: Upper bound for rounding Returns: The rounded integer Raises: ValueError if the input doesn't meet the specified rules

Math_cal Module Documentation


This function performs various mathematical calculations based on the specified mode.

def math_cal(mode:int,float1:float,float2:float)
Using the function
s = math_cal(mode,float1,float2)

mode (int): The calculation mode, ranging from 1 to 19. If the mode is outside this range, an exception will be raised. float1 (float): First float parameter. float2 (float): Second float parameter.

Usage Notes

The parameters float1 and float2 are used based on the selected mode. If a parameter is not needed for a particular mode, use 0 as a placeholder.


Mode 3: math_cal(3, 5.2, 0) Mode 4: math_cal(4, 0, 0) Mode 1: math_cal(1, 5.92, -8) Return Value Returns the result of the calculation based on the selected mode.

Modes and Operations

Copysign Cosine Degrees e (Euler's number) π (Pi) Tangent Square root Sine Radians Power Modf Logarithm Ldexp Not isnan Not isinf Factorial Absolute value Exp Exceptions Raises a TypeError if the mode is not within the valid range (1-19).

Tuxing_calculator Module Documentation

Function: tuxing

Description of the Function

Performs geometric calculations for various shapes.


This function performs various geometric calculations based on the specified shape and mode.

tuxing(huida, mode, *args2)
Parameters input

huida: The shape to calculate (e.g., "长方体", "正方体", "正方形", etc.) mode: The calculation mode (e.g., "体积", "面积", "表面积", etc.) *args2: Additional arguments required for the calculation

Return Value

The result of the calculation, or:

0: Successful calculation 1: Invalid calculation mode 2: Invalid shape

Supported Shapes and Calculations
长方体 (Cuboid)

体积 (Volume) 表面积 (Surface Area) 染色问题 (Coloring Problem) 棱长总和 (Sum of Edge Lengths) 容积 (Capacity)

正方体 (Cube)

体积 (Volume) 表面积 (Surface Area) 染色问题 (Coloring Problem) 棱长总和 (Sum of Edge Lengths) 容积 (Capacity)

正方形 (Square)

面积 (Area) 边长之和 (Sum of Side Lengths) 折纸盒问题 (Paper Box Folding Problem)

长方形 (Rectangle)

面积 (Area) 周长 (Perimeter) 折纸盒问题 (Paper Box Folding Problem)

平行四边形 (Parallelogram)

面积 (Area) 周长 (Perimeter) 折纸盒问题 (Paper Box Folding Problem)

菱形 (Rhombus)

面积 (Area) 周长 (Perimeter)

三角形 (Triangle)

面积 (Area) 周长 (Perimeter)

梯形 (Trapezoid)

面积 (Area) 周长 (Perimeter)

圆形 (Circle)

面积 (Area) 周长 (Perimeter) 方中圆 (Circle in Square) 圆中方 (Square in Circle)

UnitConvertChay Module Documention

Length Unit Conversion Functions

mm to Other Units

mmtocm(x: float) -> float: Converts millimeters to centimeters. mmtodm(x: float) -> float: Converts millimeters to decimeters. mmtom(x: float) -> float: Converts millimeters to meters. mmtokm(x: float) -> float: Converts millimeters to kilometers. cm to Other Units

cmtodm(x: float) -> float: Converts centimeters to decimeters. cmtom(x: float) -> float: Converts centimeters to meters. cmtokm(x: float) -> float: Converts centimeters to kilometers. cmtomm(x: float) -> float: Converts centimeters to millimeters (reverse conversion for completeness). dm to Other Units

dmtom(x: float) -> float: Converts decimeters to meters. dmtokm(x: float) -> float: Converts decimeters to kilometers. dmtomm(x: float) -> float: Converts decimeters to millimeters. dmtocm(x: float) -> float: Converts decimeters to centimeters. m to Other Units

mtokm(x: float) -> float: Converts meters to kilometers. mtomm(x: float) -> float: Converts meters to millimeters. mtocm(x: float) -> float: Converts meters to centimeters (same function name as mmtocm but different functionality). mtodm(x: float) -> float: Converts meters to decimeters. km to Other Units

kmtomm(x: float) -> float: Converts kilometers to millimeters. kmtocm(x: float) -> float: Converts kilometers to centimeters. kmtodm(x: float) -> float: Converts kilometers to decimeters. kmtom(x: float) -> float: Converts kilometers to meters. Micron and Nanometer Unit Conversions

μmtomm(x: float) -> float: Converts microns to millimeters. mmtoμm(x: float) -> float: Converts millimeters to microns. nmtoμm(x: float) -> float: Converts nanometers to microns. μmtonm(x: float) -> float: Converts microns to nanometers.

Physical Quantity Conversion Functions

Density ρ

Function Definition: def ρ(V=0.0, m=0.0, g=9.8, h=0.0, p=0.0, Ffu=0.0) -> float: Calculates density. Supports multiple calculation methods: Given volume V and mass m, directly calculates density (ρ = m/V). Given pressure p, gravitational acceleration g, and height h, calculates fluid density (ρ = p / (g * h)). Given fluid buoyancy Ffu, gravitational acceleration g, and volume V, calculates density via buoyancy (ρ = Ffu / (g * V)). Raises ValueError if parameters are invalid. Mass m

Function Definition: def m(G=0.0, g=9.8, V=0.0, ρ=0.0) -> float: Calculates mass. Supports multiple calculation methods: Given gravity G and gravitational acceleration g, calculates mass (m = G/g). Given volume V and density ρ, calculates mass (m = ρ * V). Raises ValueError if parameters are invalid. Volume V

Function Definition: def Vtiji(m=0.0, ρ=0.0, g=9.8, Ffu=0.0) -> float: Calculates volume based on mass, density, or other physical quantities. Supports multiple methods: Given mass m and density ρ, calculates volume (V = m/ρ). May adjust logic for calculating volume via fluid buoyancy Ffu, gravitational acceleration g, and density ρ based on actual physics formulas. Raises ValueError if parameters are invalid. Velocity Vs

Function Definition: def Vsudu(Slu=0.0, t=0.0) -> float: Calculates flow velocity. If given the distance traveled Slu and time t, calculates velocity (Vs = Slu/t). Raises ValueError if parameters are invalid. Pressure p

Function Definition: def p(F=0.0, S=0.0, ρ=0.0, g=9.8, h=0.0) -> float: Calculates pressure. Supports multiple calculation methods: Given force F and area S, calculates pressure (p = F/S). Given density ρ, height h, and gravitational acceleration g, calculates fluid pressure (p = ρ * g * h). Raises ValueError if parameters are invalid. Electrical Current I, Voltage U, Resistance R, and Power P

These functions (I, U, R, Pgong) are for calculating electrical current, voltage, resistance, and power respectively, based on Ohm's Law (U = I * R) and the power formula (Pgong = U * I). They accept different parameter combinations and calculate the corresponding physical quantity based on the provided parameters. Raises ValueError if parameters are invalid.

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