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A python simulation engine for System Dynamics models

Project description

Business Prototyping Toolkit for Python

Welcome to the Business Prototyping Toolkit for Python! (BPTK_Py)

What is it?

BPTK_Py is the implementation of a simulation and plotting engine for System Dynamics models. It gives you the power to simulate System Dynamics Models within Python and create beautiful plots of the simulation results for use in Jupyter Lab/ Notebooks - or just export the simulation results for further processing outside the framework.

The framework requires a Python simulation model following certain conventions.

Typically System Dynamics models are created using visual modeling environments. To address this use case, BPTK_Py ships with transentis' sdcc parser for transpiling such models into Python code.

Currently sdcc only supports models created using the XMILE format, which is an open XML protocol for sharing interoperable system dynamics models and simulations. The XMILE standard is governed by the OASIS standards consortium.

Stella is a visual modeling environment that stores system dynamics models in this format.

In future we may extend the sdcc transpiler to support other model formats (such as Vensim® by Ventana Systems).

Main Features

  • Simulation of System Dynamics simulation models
  • Creating interactive plots from simulation results
  • Retrieve simulation results as Pandas DataFrame timeseries data
  • Automatic conversion of XMILE models to Python

Getting Help

BPTK_Py has initially been developed by transentis Labs Gmbh. For questions regarding installation, usage and other help please contact us at:

Our BPTK_Py tutorial contains sample models and Jupyter notebooks that explain how to use our framework. You can download the tutorial from our website. This readme covers the installation process, the main API methods and how to define a simulation model.

Installing the BPTK_PY framework

Like every piece of software, BPTK_Py and its dependencies have to be installed correctly.

If you already have a running Python and Jupyter environment, pip install BPTK-Py or pip3 install BPTK-Py will do!

Assuming you are starting from scratch, you need to perform the following steps

  1. Install Python
  2. Install Node and npm
  3. Install BPTK_Py
  4. Install JupyterLab (optional)
  5. Setup a virtual environment (optional)
  6. Download our BPTK_Py tutorial (optional)

Install Python

First of all, you need Python. Download the latest version for your operating system. BPTK-Py was tested with Python 3.7, 3.6 and 3.4.

Install Node and npm

Both for our sdcc compiler and also for displaying interactive widgets in Jupyter you need to install Node.js for your operating system. Make sure you install npm (the node.js package manager) along with node.js. This should be done automatically when downloading and installing from the official site.

Python and Node on your favorite Linux Distribution

If you are using a Linux Distribution, you may want to use your preferred package manager for downloading Python and node.

For Ubuntu using apt:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install nodejs python3 python3-pip npm

Other Linux distributions should have similar packages. You may always refer to the official websites of Python and Node.js for help on installing on your specific operating system.

Install BPTK_Py using Pip

After the prerequisites, we have to install BPTK_Py into our python environment. This requires you to use the command shell. In windows, press windows + R and type "powershell". In Mac OS X run the Terminal app. Linux users may use their preferred terminal emulator.

To install the package, just type pip install BPTK-Py or pip3 install BPTK-Py. Pip is a package manager that keeps Python packages up-to-date.

Pip installs the package and makes it available system-wide. It downloads all dependencies for the package automatically.

After Pip finished successfully, you are ready for working with the framework.

If for some reason Pip is not available on your system, first download it. Regardless the operating system, this should do:

  1. Download The file may open in your browser tab. Make sure to save it on your hard drive.
  2. Install pip: in a terminal, go to the directory of the downloaded script and issue python3 ./ and wait a minute or two.

Linux/UNIX shorthand: [1]

curl -o
python3 ./

Install JupyterLab

Additionally, you may want to use Jupyter Lab to work interactively on the simulations - just as we do.

pip install jupyterlab
jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager

Now you have a functioning version of jupyter lab and can start working interactively using jupyter notebooks. Just type jupyter lab in the terminal to get started.

In order to keep your system clean, you may want to use a virtual environment instead of installing Python system-wide.

Setup a virtual environment

A virtual environment is a local copy of your Python distribution that stores all packages required and does not interfere with your system's packages.

Following steps are required to set up the venv and and install BPTK_Py into it:

pip install virtualenv
virtualenv bptk_test 

# Enter the virtual environment. In the beginning of your prompt you should see "(bptk_test)"
source bptk_test/bin/activate  #  For UNIX/Linux/Mac OS X
bptk_test\Scripts\activate.bat # For Windows

pip install BPTK-Py
pip install jupyterlab
jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager

Package dependencies

If for any reason, you want to install the requirements manually or need to know why we need the packages, here comes the list.

If you observe malfunctions in the framework and believe the reason may be incompatibilities with newer versions of the packages, please inform us.

So far, we tested the framework with Python 3.4, 3.6 and 3.7. It should be working fine with other Python 3.x versions.

Package name What we use it for Latest tested version
pandas DataFrames and internal results storage 0.23.4
matplotlib Plotting environment 2.2.2
ipywidgets Widget environment for notebooks 7.4.0
scipy Linear interpolation for graphical functions 1.1.0
numpy Linear interpolation and required by pandas 1.15.0
jupyter lab extension for jupyter-widgets Use ipywidgets in jupyter lab 0.36.1


Currently the BPTK_Py framework is geared towards our own need and has a number of limitations - we are happy to extend the framewor. Please let us know what you need so that we can prioritize our activities.

Here are the known limitations:

  • Currently the simulator only supports the Euler method, Runge-Kutta Integration is not supported.
  • The SD model transpiler only supports stocks, flows/biflows and converters. The other modeling elements provided by Stella (such as ovens and conveyors) are not supported.
  • The SD model transpiler currently only supports the following builtin functions: size, stddev, sum, mean, rank, previous, abs, max, min, int, sin, cos, round, savediv, if, delay, init, normal, random, pulse, step

Using the Framework in Python

Initializing the Framework in Your Python Code

To initialize the framework in your own python script / jupyter notebook and get access to the API methods (see later sections), use these lines:

Required lines

from BPTK_Py.bptk import bptk 

bptk = bptk()

Optional lines

# To Show all available scenarios and -managers:
print("Available Scenario Managers and Scenarios:\n")
managers = bptk.scenario_manager_factory.get_scenario_managers(scenario_managers_to_filter=[])

for key, manager in managers.items():
    print("*** {} ***".format(key))

    for name in manager.get_scenario_names():
        print("\t {}".format(name))

On first run, the framework needs to download some additional dependencies for model compilation. Please be patient for some seconds. This will only occur on first-time run. Now you are ready to play around with the APIs!

Plotting API

After initializing BPTK_Py, let us dive into the plotting API, the heart of the simulation framework. An API exposes certain functionalities - "methods" or "functions" - for use by the actual application user. It is the interface between the complex simulations and the user. BPTK_Py aims at making simulation and result plotting as simple as possible. This is why there are only two functions that are doing everything for you:

  • the plot_scenarios method for static plots (described here)
  • the dashboard method for interactive dashboards. All parameters for plot_scenarios are valid for this one as well.

You may use the API to generate plots from your simulation models almost instantly. You can control all major settings for the simulation and the later plot layout using a large set of parameters:


The method plots one or multiple equations for an arbitrary amount of scenarios. The scenario names are specified in the scenario JSON file. The other parameters are optional. Always use Python's list notations for the plural parameters (scenarios / equations / scenario_managers).

  • scenario_managers: You may use a list to filter the scenarios by the scenario managers. If not specified, bptk_py will look for the specified scenarios(s) within all scenario managers. You might receive duplicates. We handle this by adding a suffix for all duplicates based on their scenario manager's name.
  • scenarios: Select the scenario(s) to plot. Only scenarios and equations are mandatory.
  • equations: Select the simulation's equation(s) to plot. If no equation is specified, the simulator has nothing to simulate.
  • kind: Kind of plot (area, line, bar, ...)
  • alpha: The alpha defines the opacity. Float 0.0 < alpha <= 1.0.
  • freq: Here we define the interval of the dates that we convert the ticks to. "D" means daily, "H" hourly, "M" monthly, "Y" annually and so on.
  • start_date: Date from which plot starts
  • title: Plot title
  • visualize_from_period: First t to visualize from (in case we want to cut off the first x periods)
  • visualize_to_period: Last t to visualize (to cut off later periods)
  • x_label and y_label: set the label names for the axis.
  • series_names: The equation names are not the kind of names we want to show the customer. You may use the series_names parameter to rename them. Supply the equations to rename and their destination names. Use Python's dict notation: { equation_name : rename_to }. The dictionary serves as a set of replacement rules. To correctly rename the series, you have to understand how the framework sets the names of series to avoid ambiguity in series names. If you use more than one scenario manager for plotting, bptk_py applies the following series naming schema: "scenarioManager"_"scenario"_"equation". If you want to replace this, use series_names={"scenarioManager_scenario_equation": "new name"}. You may as well define a rule that replaces the name of each scenario Manager with a whitespace. The number of rules is not limited.

This was just a short intro. You may learn how to create interactive plots and define scenarios in our tutorial and blog posts available at

Creating your own Simulation models

Instead of converting 3rd party simulation models, you may define your own simulation model. A simulation model is a self-contained python script. This means, it can be executed as its own file without any dependencies. Well, only for some methods you may require some python packages, but feel free to rewrite if you want to omit these.

Here is a working example of a simulation model python file:

import statistics
import math
import random
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

# linear interpolation between a set of points
def LERP(x,points):
    x_vals = np.array([ x[0] for x in points])
    y_vals = np.array([x[1] for x in points])

    if x<= x_vals[0]:
        return y_vals[0]

    if x >= x_vals[len(x_vals)-1]:
        return y_vals[len(x_vals)-1]

    f = interp1d(x_vals, y_vals)
    return float(f(x))

class simulation_model():
  def memoize(self, equation, arg):
    mymemo = self.memo[equation]
    if arg in mymemo.keys():
      return mymemo[arg]
      result = self.equations[equation](arg)
      mymemo[arg] = result

    return result

  def __init__(self):
    # Simulation Buildins
    self.dt = 0.25
    self.starttime = 1
    self.stoptime = 120
    self.equations = {
        "equation_1" : lambda t : self.memoize("constant_1",t) if t <= self.starttime else 100 + self.memoize("equation_1",t-self.dt),

        "constant_1" : lambda t : 10000

    self.points = {

    self.dimensions = {
  		'Dim_Name_1': {
  			'labels': [  ],
  			'variables': [  ]

    self.memo = {}
    for key in list(self.equations.keys()):
      self.memo[key] = {}  # DICT OF DICTS!

  def specs(self):
    return self.starttime, self.stoptime, self.dt, 'Days', 'Euler'

  def setDT(self,v):
    self.dt = v

  def setStarttime(self,v):
    self.starttime = v

  def setStoptime(self,v):
    self.stoptime = v

The imports are quite convenient to give you access to methods for different functions such as mathematical and scientific functions using math and scipy as well as statistical functions. eel free to remove or add imports as required. This is no convention. Just make sure that you import all packages the model requires to function properly. As said before, the model should be self-contained.

The LERP method is required for interpolation of graphical functions. For simplicity, we use interpol1d from the scipy package. Feel free to replace it. Then you see that we start a class simulation_model. For the framework to recognize the model, do only use this class name.

The __init__ configures the model properties such as the start time, stop time, dt and the equations. equations is a python dict that stores all equations. An equation has a key and is a lambda function of the following format:

   "name_of_equation" : lambda t : 0 if t <= self.starttime else self.memoize("some_equation",t-self.dt)

Even constants have to be a lambda function. For each t it just returns the same value. This means, a valid constant looks like this : "constant_name" : lambda t : 10000.

An equation usually refers to past values of the same equation or other equations. This is why the most important method is the memoize method. It uses the concept of memoization to cache simulation results for each equation and point in time to avoid deep recursions for big t's. For each equation, it fills a dictionary inside the self.memo. To avoid tail-recursion you need a stop-criterion for each lambda, usually this is the start time. To ease the understanding of the concepts used, refer to this simple example with two equations:

def __init__(self):
    # Setup all other things

    self.equations = {
        "equation_1" : lambda t : self.memoize("constant_1",t) if t <= self.starttime else 100 + self.memoize("equation_1",t-self.dt),

        "constant_1" : lambda t : 10000

The constant_1 equation always returns 10,000. equation_1 returns 10,000 if the given t is below or equal the model's start time or otherwise recurse by calling the memoize method for itself and t-self.dt and add 100 to that result. The memoize method either returns its cached value for t-dt or calls the equation if the cache for t-dt is not built yet.

For storing graphical functions, we make use of the dict self.points. It stores lists of (x,y) values you may use in your equations for linear interpolation by calling the LERP function for arbitrary x values. In this way, you avoid defining very complex functions in equations. The x values may even be the result of other equations.

Example set of points:

self.points = {
  		'productivity': [ [0,0.4],[0.25,0.444],[0.5,0.506],[0.75,0.594],[1,1.03400735294118],[1.25,1.119],
  		    [1.5,1.1625],[1.75,1.2125],[2,1.2375],[2.25,1.245],[2.5,1.25] ],

ATTENTION: Please always do use the following lines to initialize the simulation model's memo as shown in the example:

for key in list(self.equations.keys()):
      self.memo[key] = {}

This code initializes the model's memo for each equation with an empty dictionary. You are now able to define your own simulation model quickly. If something is missing, please do contact us!




Copyright (c) 2018 transentis labs GmbH

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



  • Monitoring of Scenario JSON files:
    • Reload scenarios upon change (also works if Scenario manager spreads over multiple files)
    • Find added scenarios
  • Better merging of base_constants / base_points if spread over multiple files and initialization for all scenarios that belong to a scenario manager (It is still better to set up base constants/points in one file only to avoid redundancy or data loss)
  • General stability and code improvement
  • Docstrings improved

  • Horizontal lines in graphs to improve readability
  • Improvements to readme file
  • Small bug fixes

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