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A Python 3 library to simplify working with Blackboard APIs.

Project description


This library is intended to explore Blackboard REST APIs and to help create POCs for integrations. Please note this tool is not supported by Blackboard and no warranties of any kind are provided.


The Bb Rest Helper includes 5 classes to simpilfy common API operations with Blackboard APIs;

  1. Get_Config. This class is used to get configuration variables (url,key,secret)from an external configuration file in Json format. If you are authenticating for more than one API (i.e. Learn and Collaborate) you will need separate configuration files (i.e. learn_config.json and collab_config.json).

  2. Auth_Helper. This class is used to get the token that then will be used in the API calls. Provides different methods for the different APIs.

  3. Bb_Requests. This class is used to simplify calls to the Blackboard Rest APIs. Provides methods for GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE requests.

  4. Bb_Utils. A set of convenience functions (Logging, printing...), this will be extended over time.

  5. Ally_Helper This class is used to simplify interaction with Ally as a service, includes methods to authenticate, upload a file, check processing status and retrieve the feedback. As it is an initial release for this API with limited features, it is implemented as a separate class to provide easier access to these methods rather than having to code them manually or with the Bb_rest_helper library.

Changes to last version (V2)

The library continues to evolve with refinements and new use cases. As a personal project, the Bb Rest Helper did not came with much documentation about changes and versions, however, it is also true that changes util this version have been mostly compatible with previous versions (incremental enhancements and fixes) and the history can be checked in the Github repository

This version, however, brings some breaking changes, so make sure to review this information before updating;

  1. GET requests support for api pagination for the sake of simplicity, GET requests for the learn API via the Bb_GET method will now return results from ALL pages, while this makes the method heavier to run, it is possible to control the amount of results via parameters (either using query parameters to filter results or directly using the limit). Collaborate GET requests will continue to work as before.

  2. Changes to url/endpoints until now, some manipulation was required to pass the full endpoint to the Bb_Request calls. In this version, a decision was made to split the base_url and endpoint as separate arguments for the methods. While this involves some refactoring for stuff created with previous versions, it enhances the overall workflows and allowed to build better support for other features such as pagination.

req = Bb_Requests()
base_url = 'your server url'
endpoint = 'API endpoint'
request_url = f'{base_url}{endpoint}'
request = req.Bb_GET(request_url, token, params)

req = Bb_Requests()
base_url = 'your server url'
endpoint = 'API endpoint'
request = req.Bb_GET(base_url,endpoint,token, params)
  1. Quick authentication method for Learn and Collaborate has been included in the Bb_Utils class, it uses the Get_Config and Auth_Helper classes under the hood to provide a convenient one liner that returns the token and the base_url.
utils = Bb_Utils()
quick_auth_learn = utils.quick_auth('./learn_config.json','Learn')
quick_auth_collab = utils.quick_auth('./collab_config.json','Collaborate')

#With this method you have access to the token and the url for each platform
#So it will not be neccesary to hardcode the url or call Get_Config separately

learn_token = quick_auth_learn['token']
collab_token = quick_auth_collab['token']

learn_url = quick_auth_learn['url']
collab_url = quick_auth_collab['url']
  1. Added rate limit information to logs on Bb_requests for Learn requests When performing a request to the learn API using Bb_requests, rate limit information covering API Limit, Remaining API calls and time to reset the API limit is included in the logs. This could not be implemented for Collaborate as it does not provide the same level of information in the response headers


The library was first coded in Python 3.7. with dependencies to the request and PyJWT libraries. It has worked seamlessly with 3.8 and 3.9 and the plan is to continue supporting it and incorporating new features, fixes and enhancements.

The first step is to get the right credentials for the API that you will be using. Depending on the API, the process may be a bit different. We offer a summary, but please check for the full picture.

For Blackboard Learn

  1. Register a new application in the Blackboard developer portal (, grab key, secret and application id.

  2. Configure the application in your Learn instance. You will need the application id and a user with the right permissions. DO NOT USE AN ADMIN USER!

  3. Fill the configuration template (config.json). You may want to rename to "learn_config.json" to keep track of the changes.

For Blackboard Collaborate

  1. Use REST API credentials or LTI integration credentials. REST credentials are standalone (not connected to your institution´s login group) and can be obtained by writing to LTI credentials are the same that you would use to configure Collaborate in your LMS, and can be obtained from Blackboard support. Any changes in your production system as a result of API testing are at your sole responsability.

  2. Fill the configuration template (config.json). you may want to rename to "collab_config.json" to keep track of the changes.

For ALLY as a service

  1. You need a client id, key and secret. At this time, the best way to obtain this information is to engage your Account Executive to discuss pricing and request credentials. As the API continues to grow, this process may change.

  2. Fill the configuration template (config.json). you may want to rename to "Ally_config.json" to keep track of the changes.


Once you have the right credentials in place and your application is registered (if needed). You need to set up your environment:

OPTIONAL: Create a python3 virtual environment. A virtual environment will provide you with a separate and clean instalation of Python just for the project you are working on, this is really helpful to avoid issues with libraries and dependencies across projects. You can create a virtual environment in Python 3 with venv:

Create a virtual environment by navigating to the desired folder for your application and using the command:

python3 -m venv path/to/env

You can activate this virtual environment by using the command:

source env/bin/activate

You may need to update you pip install as the virtualenv usaully is set to default:

pip3 install --upgrade pip

Install the Bb_rest_helper package from PYPI (using PIP). It is recomended that you always install the latest version available.

pip3 install Bb-rest-helper  

Once you are done working on your project, you can just deactivate the virtual environment by using:



Import the classes that you need!

from Bb_rest_helper import Get_Config
from Bb_rest_helper import Auth_Helper
from Bb_rest_helper import Bb_Requests
from Bb_rest_helper import Bb_Utils
from Bb_rest_helper import Ally_Helper

Create an instance of the Get_Config class to get configuration values from a JSON file:

#create an instance of the Get_Config class.
config = Get_Config('./collab_config.json')

#the json file will have the following structure:
    "url":" Your server URL",
    "key":" Your Key",
    "secret":" Your secret"

#Get configuration values
url = config.get_url()
key = config.get_key()
secret = config.get_secret()

If using more than one API, you will need to use separate configuration files.

#Get Collab credentials
collab_config = Get_Config('./collab_config.json')

collab_url = collab_config.get_url()
collab_key = collab_config.get_key()
collab_secret = collab_config.get_secret()

#Get Learn credentials
learn_config = Get_Config('./learn_config.json')

learn_url = learn_config.get_url()
learn_key = learn_config.get_key()
learn_secret = learn_config.get_secret()

Note that if the path of the configuration file is incorrect, the program will be terminated and an error will be logged. Make sure that your configuration files are in the right path.

Configure the logging, otherwise the application will run, but will not provide any info. To do so create an instance of the Bb_utils class and set the logging by using the set_logging() method.

#Create an instance of the Bb_utils class
utils = Bb_utils()
#Set the logging, default does not require arguments

Default logging level is DEBUG, but this can be changed by passing the desired level value to the set_logging method. it is also possible to change the path for the logs folder, but currently only within the the main folder of the application.


Get the authentication token by creating an instance of the auth method, and then calling the relevant auth function:

collab_auth = Auth_Helper(collab_url,collab_key,collab_secret)
collab_token = collab_auth.collab_auth()

learn_auth = Auth_Helper(learn_url,learn_key,learn_secret)
learn_token = learn_auth.learn_auth()

#Alternatively you can just get the Collaborate or Learn token using
#the quick_auth one liner method included in Bb_Utils. 
#This method calls Get_Config for you.Note this is NOT valid for ALLY.

utils = Bb_Utils()
quick_auth_learn = utils.quick_auth('./learn_config.json','Learn')
quick_auth_collab = utils.quick_auth('./collab_config.json','Collaborate')

#With this method you have access to the token and the url for each platform
#So it will not be neccesary to hardcode the url or call Get_Config separately

learn_token = quick_auth_learn['token']
collab_token = quick_auth_collab['token']

learn_url = quick_auth_learn['url']
collab_url = quick_auth_collab['url']

#Note ally is part of a separate class, and different methods apply
ally_auth = Ally_Helper(

ally_token = ally_auth.ally_auth()

Example GET call:

Create variables for the base_url (your server url or collaborate CSA url) API endpoint url, and the request parameters. Note that in V2 you no longer need to pass an F String with the whole request url (base_url + endpoint)

#Learn GET Courses endpoint and params example
base_url = 'your server url'
courses_endpoint = '/learn/api/public/v3/courses'
params = {

#Collaborate GET Sessions endpoint and params example
base_url = 'your collaborate CSA url'
session_endpoint = f'{url}/sessions'
params = {

If you do not wish to use parameters, just dont pass anthing as params. The library has bee updated to have an empty dictionary as a default, so you no longer need to pass {}

The next step is to create an instance of Bb_Requests, then call the Bb_GET method pasing the endpoint, token and parameters as arguments.

#Create an instance of the Bb_Requests class
reqs = Bb_Requests()

#Learn GET example
learn_data = reqs.Bb_GET(base_url,courses_endpoint,learn_token,params)

#Collab GET example
collab_data = reqs.Bb_GET(base_url,session_endpoint,collab_token,params)

Create an instance of the Bb_utils class, then Use the pretty_printer method to print the results to the console

#Create an instance of the Bb_utils class
utils = Bb_utils()

# Use the pretty printer method to print results to the console

Differences between a POST, PUT, PATCH requests.

The only difference is that these requests need an additional JSON payload, as per the API definition, to be able to create and/or update records, also the right method needs to be selected from the Bb_request class (i.e. Bb_POST for a post request).

#example of a json payload to create courses in Learn
payload = {
     "externalId": "Javier_API_003",
     "courseId": "Javier_API_003",
     "name": "Learn helper test",
     "description": "A learn helper test to check if the class works as expectted",
     "organization": False,
     "ultraStatus": "Ultra",
     "availability": {
          "available": "Yes",
          "duration": {
               "type": "Continuous",

Bb_Utils class

Bb_Utils is a class that contains utiliy methods that make our life easier when performing certain common operations with the Blackboard REST APIs such as logging, pretty printing, date formatting or id conversion. This class is somewhat experimental and will be growing over time as the need arises in new projects. Here is a brief explanation of the methods in this class:

The first step to use the methods is to create an isntance of the Bb_utils class: utils = Bb_Utils()

set_logging: This method has been coverd in detail in section 2 of this document.

pretty_printer: Prints the response from any of the requests methods in a prettified format to the console.

#Example call.
courses = reqs.Bb_GET(url_courses,learn_token,params)

by default, the method will indent 4 spaces and sort the keys aphabetically, this can be modified by passing sort_keys = False as a second argument

utils.pretty_printer(courses, sort_keys = False)

check_course_id: Checks if a given Learn course exists in the server by taking the external course id as an argument and returs True or False. Please note that the accuracy of this method depends on the externalId being an specific value. It is discouraged to use short, commong strings such as 001 or aaa as those would likely return many different values.

#Returns True or False.
check_course = utils.(external_course_id)

time_format: This method is provided to facilitate date formatting when importing dates from other applications, i.e, dates in excel format, it can take a date string with the following formats


optional arguments for date delimiter (default "/") and hour delimiter (default ":") can be provided. The outcome of the method is:

formatted_date = utils.time_format(DD/MM/YYYY)

learn_convert_external_id: This method is used to get the external id of a learn course as an argument and return another field in the get response (usually the course id). We found it is a common operation, particularly when getting a list of courses in a CSV.

#Returns the courseId (default)
converted_id = utils.learn_convert_external_id(

if interested in converting the externalId to another value that can be found in the get response for courses, pass that field name as the last argument for the method

#Returns the dataSourceId instead of the id
conv_id = utils.learn_convert_external_id(

quick_auth This method has been covered in the USAGE section of this document.

Ally Helper usage

Get the athentication token as described in the configuration section:

#Note ally is part of a separate class, and different methods apply
ally_auth = Ally_Helper(

ally_token = ally_auth.ally_auth()

Upload a file to be checked for accesibility, providing the token and the file path. Make sure to provide a supported file

upload = ally_upload_file(ally_token,'./file.docx')

Use the ally_get_hash() method to easily get the the file hash from the upload request response.

file_hash = ally_get_hash(upload)

Check status of the file processing by pasing the token and file hash as arguments to the check status method.

check = ally_check_status(ally_token,file_hash)

Get the accesibility feedback for the file from the get feedback method by passing the token and content hash.

feedback = ally_get_feedback(ally_token, file_hash)

Project details

Download files

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Source Distribution

Bb_rest_helper-2.0.1.tar.gz (13.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

Bb_rest_helper-2.0.1-py3-none-any.whl (13.1 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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