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simplest and coolest color Library. print and menaged colors in Python!

Project description


Run the following to install:

pip install ColorCraft


python -m pip install ColorCraft

if that didn't work, try replacing pip with pip3. need help? my discord: i am me#3889


print and menaged colors in Python!

>>> from ColorCraft import Color
>>> from ColorCraft import activeColor
>>> activeColor()
>>> Color((0,140,140),type='rgb') # rgb type default "hex"
<Color(color=35980,hex='008c8c')> # md doesn't support coloring
>>> Color('00cfff') # hex type
<Color(color=53247,hex='00cfff')> # md doesn't support coloring
>>> from ColorCraft import Colors
>>> dir(Colors)
[..., 'hex2rgb', 'hsl2rgb', 'int2hex', 'random', 'rgb', 'rgb2hex', 'terminalColors']
>>> dir(Colors.rgb)
[..., 'black', 'blue', 'brown', 'cyan', 'darkgreen', 'deeppink', 'deepskyblue', 'drakgray', 'gold', 'gray', 'green', 'hotpink', 'lime', 'orange', 'pink', 'purple', 'red', 'silver', 'skyblue', 'teal', 'violet', 'white', 'yellow']
>>> Color(Colors.random().color,type='rgb') # random color from the Colors.rgb class return basic ColorObj
<Color(color=32896,hex='008080')> # md doesn't support coloring
>>> print("logging color")
logging color # md doesn't support coloring
>>> print("FAIL color",color="FAIL")
FAIL color # md doesn't support coloring
>>> print("warn the color is here",color="WARNING")
warn the color is here # md doesn't support coloring
>>> print("[OK] color text is here",color="OKBLUE")
[OK] color text is here # md doesn't support coloring

let's try Hello, World! program

from ColorCraft import *
print("Hello, World!")

Warning importing everything replace the bult-in print function. to replace it again add this block print = __builtins__.print

examples Color/Colors class

this is a test program

from ColorCraft import __test__

cmder.png colors

active Colors

from ColorCraft import * #import Everything
activeColor() #trun on the Colors
print("normal COLOR",color="normal") # 'normal' means no colors or you can replace it with None

Important if your using cmd or powershell make sure to call the activeColor function

print Colors logs

from ColorCraft.Print import printColors
from ColorCraft.Print import print
# the a available keywards Colors
for LOF in printColors:
	print("Hello, World",LOF,sep=": ",color=LOF)

don't like printColors? then take a look at this

from ColorCraft.Color import Color
print("green Color:", repr(Color((0,200,25),type='rgb')), color=normal)
# output : green Color: <Color(color=51225,hex='00c819')>

change print color

# contrell print color
print("Hello User, i am Blue!", color=Color((0,144,250),type='rgb'))

random Colors

random Color

print("random Color:",repr(Color(type='random')), color=normal)

random color from Color class

from ColorCraft.Color import Color
# contrell print color
# random Color rgb(0>=255,0>=255,0>=255)
print("Hello User, i am Random Color!", color=Color((type='random'))

random from Colors.rgb class

from ColorCraft.Color import Colors
from ColorCraft.Color import Color
random = Colors.random()
# random color from the Colors.rgb class. return basic ColorObj
print("Hello, i am Random!", color=Color(random.color,type='rgb',
>> random = Colors.random()
>> Color(random.color,type='rgb',

Note you must pass the color type. call the bultin help function to know more

example ColorArray

random Colors Array

>>> from ColorCraft import ColorArray
>>> ColorArray(range(0,10))
<Array([<Color(color=16197168,hex='f72630')>, <Color(color=3654320,hex='37c2b0')>, <Color(color=16176321,hex='f6d4c1')>, <Color(color=15026181,hex='e54805')>, <Color(color=16720637,hex='ff22fd')>, <Color(color=15261965,hex='e8e10d')>, <Color(color=15084580,hex='e62c24')>, <Color(color=8171351,hex='7caf57')>, <Color(color=13859068,hex='d378fc')>, <Color(color=285121,hex='0459c1')>])>

random rgbs colors

>>> colors = ColorArray(range(0,10),dum="null")
>>> colors
<Array([<Color(color=6908265,hex='696969',name='gray')>, <Color(color=16776960,hex='ffff00',name='yellow')>, <Color(color=16716947,hex='ff1493',name='deeppink')>, <Color(color=16716947,hex='ff1493',name='deeppink')>, <Color(color=8388736,hex='800080',name='purple')>, <Color(color=0,hex='000000',name='black')>, <Color(color=65280,hex='00ff00',name='lime')>, <Color(color=16738740,hex='ff69b4',name='hotpink')>, <Color(color=9055202,hex='8a2be2',name='violet')>, <Color(color=6908265,hex='696969',name='gray')>])>

blank array

>>> ColorArray(range(0,10),dum="blank::white")
<Array([<Color(color=16777215,hex='ffffff',name='white')>, <Color(color=16777215,hex='ffffff',name='white')>, <Color(color=16777215,hex='ffffff',name='white')>, <Color(color=16777215,hex='ffffff',name='white')>, <Color(color=16777215,hex='ffffff',name='white')>, <Color(color=16777215,hex='ffffff',name='white')>, <Color(color=16777215,hex='ffffff',name='white')>, <Color(color=16777215,hex='ffffff',name='white')>, <Color(color=16777215,hex='ffffff',name='white')>, <Color(color=16777215,hex='ffffff',name='white')>])>

Warning make sure to write the right value for dum


ColorArray class Features

>>> colors = ColorArray([Color('ffd700',name="gold"),Color('00aeff',name='blue'),Color("ee0000",name="red")],dum="blank::red")
>>> colors
<Array([<Color(color=16766720,hex='ffd700',name='gold')>, <Color(color=44799,hex='00aeff',name='blue')>, <Color(color=15597568,hex='ee0000',name='red')>])>
>>> colors[0]
>>> colors[1]
>>> colors.append("6aa84f")
>>> colors[len(colors)-1]
>>> colors.display()
Color Object                                      | Color
<Color(color=16766720,hex='ffd700',name='gold')>  | âˆ
<Color(color=44799,hex='00aeff',name='blue')>     | âˆ
<Color(color=15597568,hex='ee0000',name='red')>   | âˆ
<Color(color=6989903,hex='6aa84f')>               | âˆ
# md doesn't support coloring

Color class Features

>>> myColor = colors[0]
>>> myColor.print("Hello World")
Hello World
>>> myColor.print
<bound method Color.print of <Color(color=16766720,hex='ffd700',name='gold')>>
>>> myColor.colorize
<bound method Color.colorize of <Color(color=16766720,hex='ffd700',name='gold')>>
>>> myColor.colorize("Hello i am a color text")
'\x1b[38;2;255;215;0mHello i am a color text\x1b[0m'
>>> print(myColor.colorize("Hello i am a color text"))
Hello i am a color text
>>> str(myColor)
>>> int(myColor)
>>> hex(int(myColor))
>>> myColor.print()

Colors class Features

>>> Colors.random_rgb()
(226, 137, 27)
>>> Colors.random_rgb()
(132, 188, 185)
>>> Colors.random()
<ColorObject(color=(192, 192, 192),name='silver')>
>>> Colors.random()
<ColorObject(color=(255, 20, 147),name='deeppink')>
>>> Colors.hex2rgb("00e0ff")
(0, 224, 255)
>>> Colors.hex2rgb("00efaa")
(0, 239, 170)
>>> Colors.rgb2hex(Colors.hex2rgb("00efaa"))
>>> Colors.rgb2hex(Colors.hex2rgb("0aea0f"))
>>> Colors.rgb.brown
(139, 69, 19)
>>> Colors.rgb.white
(255, 255, 255)
>>> Colors.rgb.skyblue
(135, 206, 235)
>>> Colors.rgb2hex(Colors.rgb.skyblue)

print Features

>>> from ColorCraft import *
>>> activeColor()
>>> myColor = Color((250,250,0),type="rgb")
>>> print("Hello, World!",color=myColor)
Hello, World!
>>> bg_ = Color((0,200,200),type="rgb")
>>> print("Hello, World!",color=myColor,bg=bg_)
Hello, World!
>>> print("test",color="logb",bg="logc")
>>> print("test",color="logb",bg="bf0f00")
>>> print("test",color="c0c0c0",bg="bf0f00")
>>> from ColorCraft.Print import printColors,logs
>>> from ColorCraft import TColor
>>> dir(TColor),logs,printColors
(['BOLD', 'ENDC', 'FAIL', 'HEADER', 'LOG', 'LOGB', 'LOGC', 'NORMAL', 'OKBLUE', 'OKCYAN', 'OKGREEN', 'UNDERLINE', 'WARNING', ...], {'LOG': '16C60C', 'LOGB': '3B78FF', 'LOGC': '61D6D6', 'NORMAL': None}, ['FAIL', 'HEADER', 'OKBLUE', 'OKCYAN', 'OKGREEN', 'WARNING'])

Change Log

0.2.0 (2022/06/30)

  • First Release
  • rename to ColorCraft

what's new?

ColorCraft 0.3.0v

activeColor() had been renamed to init()

from ColorCraft import init

print only Accepts Color/str object

from ColorCraft import Color,colorize
from ColorCraft.Printv2 import print
print("printing " + colorize("Hello, World!","#f9aafe"),color="header")
print("Hello, World!",color=Color("ffee00"))

print have new kw formats

# formats(['negative', 'negative2', 'bold', 'underline', 'italic'])
from ColorCraft.Printv2 import print
from ColorCraft import Color

print("Hello, Underline",         formats= "underline",        color=Color("ffee00"))
print("Hello, Underline and Bold",formats=["underline","bold"],color=None           )

Note most of the formats don't work in 'Windows'

new ColorArray

delete and set items

>>> from ColorCraft import ColorArray
>>> A = ColorArray()
>>> A
>>> A.append('ee0000')
>>> A.append('ffee00')
>>> A.append('0000ff')
>>> A.append('00ee00')
>>> A
<Array([<Color(color=15597568,hex='ee0000')>, <Color(color=16772608,hex='ffee00')>, <Color(color=255,
	hex='0000ff')>, <Color(color=60928,hex='00ee00')>])>
>>> A.insert(2,"f9aafe")
>>> A
<Array([<Color(color=15597568,hex='ee0000')>, <Color(color=16772608,hex='ffee00')>, <Color(color=
	16362238,hex='f9aafe')>, <Color(color=255,hex='0000ff')>, <Color(color=60928,hex='00ee00')>])>

>>> a = ColorCraft.ColorArray([])
>>> a
>>> a.append("ee0000")
>>> a
>>> a.append("ffee00")
>>> a
<Array([<Color(color=15597568,hex='ee0000')>, <Color(color=16772608,hex='ffee00')>])>
>>> a.append("00ee00")
>>> a
<Array([<Color(color=15597568,hex='ee0000')>, <Color(color=16772608,hex='ffee00')>, <Color(color=60928,
>>> a.append("0000ff")
>>> a
<Array([<Color(color=15597568,hex='ee0000')>, <Color(color=16772608,hex='ffee00')>, <Color(color=60928,hex='00ee00')>, <Color(color=255,hex='0000ff')>])>
>>> a.append("000faa")
>>> a
<Array([<Color(color=15597568,hex='ee0000')>, <Color(color=16772608,hex='ffee00')>, <Color(color=60928,
	hex='00ee00')>, <Color(color=255,hex='0000ff')>, <Color(color=4010,hex='000faa')>])
>>> del a[len(a)-1]
>>> dir(a)
>>> B = ColorArray(range(10),dum=Blank("eeffaa"))
>>> B
<Array([<Color(color=15663018,hex='eeffaa')>, <Color(color=15663018,hex='eeffaa')>, <Color(color=15663018,hex='eeffaa')>, <Color(color=15663018,hex='eeffaa')>, <Color(color=15663018,hex='eeffaa')>, <Color(color=15663018,hex='eeffaa')>, <Color(color=15663018,hex='eeffaa')>, <Color(color=15663018,hex='eeffaa')>, <Color(color=15663018,hex='eeffaa')>, <Color(color=15663018,hex='eeffaa')>])>
>>> C = ColorArray(range(10),dum=Blank("fffff"))
>>> C
<Array([<Color(color=1048575,hex='fffff')>, <Color(color=1048575,hex='fffff')>, <Color(color=1048575,hex='fffff')>, <Color(color=1048575,hex='fffff')>, <Color(color=1048575,hex='fffff')>, <Color(color=1048575,hex='fffff')>, <Color(color=1048575,hex='fffff')>, <Color(color=1048575,hex='fffff')>, <Color(color=1048575,hex='fffff')>, <Color(color=1048575,hex='fffff')>])>
>>> B.extend(C)
>>> b = ColorArray(B[0:10])

Change Log

0.2.0 (2022/06/30)

  • First Release
  • rename to ColorCraft

0.3.0 (2022/09/23)

  • new module Printv2
  • print have new kw formats
  • print only Accepts Color/str object
  • activeColor() had been renamed to init()
  • new ColorArray; delete and set items
  • Blank class

Project details

Download files

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Source Distribution

ColorCraft-0.3.0.tar.gz (11.5 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

ColorCraft-0.3.0-py3-none-any.whl (14.0 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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