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Data Quality Framework Governance is a structured approach to assessing, monitoring, and improving the quality of data.

Project description

Data Quality Framework Governance (DQFG)

Data Quality Framework Governance is a structured approach to assessing, monitoring, and improving the quality of data. An effective Data Quality Framework considers these dimensions and integrates them into a structured approach to ensure that data serves its intended purpose, supports informed decision-making, and maintains the trust of users and stakeholders.

Data Quality is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring, assessment, and improvement to adapt to changing data requirements and evolving business needs.

Example: To call functions from the library.

from DataQualityFrameworkGovernance import Uniqueness as uq

Data Quality Framework (DataWorkflow & DataPipeline)


    User configures DataframeDictionary and DataFunctionConfig in JSON file, based on the JSON file, data pipeline tasks will be performed in processing framework.

    import pandas as pd
    from DataQualityFrameworkGovernance.DataWorkflow import DataPipeline as dp
    json_config_file = ''
    #output_csv = 'full path of system location to save the output / result - [OPTIONAL, if the result to be saved in a CSV file]'

    The output_csv parameter is optional in 'processing_framework' function, and if specified, the result will be saved exclusively in CSV file format. Please provide the full path, including the desired CSV file name, for saving the output.

    Refer DataWorkflow, Pre-configured Json


    DateTime DQ# Dataset_name DQ_Dimension DQ_Rule/Function_name Error_in_JSON Error log DQ_Rule/Function_description DQ_Valid_count DQ_Invalid_count DQ_Total_count DQ_Valid% DQ_Invalid% DQ_Flag_Inclusion Data_enabled Function_enabled Parameter_enabled Source
    2023-12-23 11:44:13.324231 DQFGCP02 ecomm_data Completeness DataQualityFrameworkGovernance.Completeness.missing_values_in_column No No error in JSON config "Parameter: df: 'ecomm_data', columnname: 'address2', calculate: 'Yes'" 7 43 50 14.000000000000002 86.0 Y True True True
    2023-12-23 11:44:13.339754 DQFGCP01 ecomm_data Completeness DataQualityFrameworkGovernance.Completeness.missing_values_in_dataset No No error in JSON config "Parameter: df: 'ecomm_data', calculate: 'Yes'" 770 80 50 90.58823529411765 9.411764705882353 Y True True True
    2023-12-23 11:44:13.361530 DQFGAC01 ecomm_data Accuracy DataQualityFrameworkGovernance.Accuracy.accuracy_tolerance_numeric No No error in JSON config "Parameter: df: 'ecomm_data', base_column: 'actual_price', lookup_column: 'discounted_price', tolerance_percentage: '0', calculate: 'Yes'" 0 50 50 0.0 100.0 Y True True True
    2023-12-23 11:44:13.379107 DQFGAC02 ecomm_data Accuracy DataQualityFrameworkGovernance.Accuracy.accurate_number_range No No error in JSON config "Parameter: df: 'ecomm_data', range_column_name: 'actual_price', lower_bound: '1', upper_bound: '1000', calculate: 'Yes'" 50 0 50 100.0 0.0 Y True True True
    2023-12-23 11:44:13.395435 DQFGAC03 ecomm_data Accuracy DataQualityFrameworkGovernance.Accuracy.accurate_datetime_range No No error in JSON config "Parameter: df: 'ecomm_data', range_column_name: 'purchase_datetime', from_date: '2023-05-01', to_date: '2023-05-28', date_format: '%Y-%m-%d', calculate: 'Yes'" 22 28 50 44.0 56.00000000000001 Y True True True

Library structure


    Calculating data quality accuracy of a set of values (base values) by comparing them to a known correct value (lookup value) by setting a user-defined tolerance percentage, applicable for numeric values.

    from  DataQualityFrameworkGovernance  import  Accuracy as ac
    print(ac.accuracy_tolerance_numeric(dataframe, 'base_column', 'lookup_column', tolerance_percentage))

    Number range ensures that data values are accurate and conform to expected values or constraints. It is applicable to a variety of contexts, including exam scores, weather conditions, pricing, stock prices, age, income, speed limits for vehicles, water levels, and numerous other scenarios.

    from  DataQualityFrameworkGovernance  import  Accuracy as ac
    print(ac.accurate_number_range(dataframe, 'range_column_name', lower_bound, upper_bound))
    print(ac.accurate_number_range(df, 'Age', 4, 12))
    (Output will extract the age between 4(lower bound) and 12 (upper bound) from column 'Age' in the dataset 'df')

    The datetime range filter guarantees the accuracy and adherence of data values to predetermined criteria or constraints. It is applicable to a variety of contexts, including capturing outliers in date of birth, age and many more.

    from  DataQualityFrameworkGovernance  import  Accuracy as ac
    print(ac.accurate_datetime_range(Dataframe, 'range_column_name', 'from_date', 'to_date', 'date_format'))
    print(ac.accurate_datetime_range(df, 'Date', '2023-01-15', '2023-03-01', '%Y-%m-%d'))

    Important: Specify date format in '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f' (It can be specified in any format aligned to source date format).


    Summary of missing values in each column.

    from  DataQualityFrameworkGovernance  import  Completeness as cp

    Summary of missing values in a dataset.

    from  DataQualityFrameworkGovernance  import  Completeness as cp

    If data in two columns is consistent, check if the "Start Date" and "End Date" column are in the correct chronological order.

    from  DataQualityFrameworkGovernance  import  Consistency as ct
    #print(ct.start_end_date_consistency(dataframe, 'start_date_column_name', 'end_date_column_name', date_format))
    df = pd.read_csv('')
    print(ct.start_end_date_consistency(df, 'purchase_datetime', 'refund_date','%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))

    Important: Specify date format in '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f' (It can be specified in any format aligned to source date format).


    Identify and display duplicate rows in a dataset.

    from  DataQualityFrameworkGovernance  import  Uniqueness as uq

    Display unique column values in a dataset.

    from  DataQualityFrameworkGovernance  import  Uniqueness as uq
    print(uq.unique_column_values(dataframe, 'column_name'))

    Validate age based on the criteria in a dataset.

    from  DataQualityFrameworkGovernance  import  Validity as vl
    print(vl.validate_age(dataframe, 'age_column', min_age, max_age))

    Validating accuracy of email addresses in a dataset by verifying that they follow a valid email format.

    from  DataQualityFrameworkGovernance  import  Validity as vl

    If all values in a given array list are present in a specific column of a dataset then it provides a status message indicating whether all names are found or not. Array values must be within square brackets.

    #array list = ["Tom", "Jerry", "Donald"] - Text
    #array list = [10, 20, 30] - Numeric
    #array list = [True, False] - Boolean
    #array list = [0, 1] - Flag
    from  DataQualityFrameworkGovernance  import  Validity as vl
    df = pd.read_csv('')
    meta_member = ["Yes", "N"]
    print(vl.isMetadataMember(df, 'replaced', meta_member,"No"))
    #print(vl.isMetadataMember(dataframe, 'column_name_to_look', [array_list]))
    #Parameter 'No' is optional to enable and disable calculation

    Examines each value in a column and appends a new column to the existing column, indicating whether the column is numeric.

    from  DataQualityFrameworkGovernance  import  Validity as vl
    df = pd.read_csv('')
    print(vl.is_column_numeric(df, 'actual_price'))
    #print(vl.is_column_numeric(dataframe, 'column_name'))

    Examines each value in a column and appends a new column to the existing column, indicating whether the values contains numeric.

    from  DataQualityFrameworkGovernance  import  Validity as vl
    df = pd.read_csv('')
    print(vl.contains_number_in_column(df, 'product_name'))
    #print(vl.contains_number_in_column(dataframe, 'column_name'))

    Examines each value in a dataset and appends a new column for each existing column, indicating whether the values are numeric.

    from  DataQualityFrameworkGovernance  import  Validity as vl
    #Example for specific column selection

    Examines each value in a column and appends a new column to the existing column, indicating whether the values are text. Result would be false, if text or string contains number.

    from  DataQualityFrameworkGovernance  import  Validity as vl
    df = pd.read_csv('')
    #print(vl.textonly_in_column(dataframe, 'column_name'))

    Examines each value in a dataset and appends a new column for each existing column, indicating whether the values are text. Result would be false, if text or string contains number.

    from  DataQualityFrameworkGovernance  import  Validity as vl
    #Example for specific column selection

    Examines each value in a column and appends a new column to the existing column, indicating whether the values are in date time, in a speciifed format.

    from  DataQualityFrameworkGovernance  import  Validity as vl
    print(vl.is_date_in_column(dataframe,'column_name', date_format))

    Important: Specify date format in '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f' (It can be specified in any format aligned to source date format).


    Examines each value in a dataset and appends a new column for each existing column, indicating whether the values are in date time, in a speciifed format.

    from  DataQualityFrameworkGovernance  import  Validity as vl
    df = pd.read_csv('')
    print(vl.is_date_in_dataset(df,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
    #print(vl.is_date_in_dataset(df[['purchase_datetime','product_name']],'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
    #print(vl.is_date_in_dataset(dataframe, date_format))
    #Example for specific column selection
    is_date_in_dataset(dataframe[['column1','column7']], date_format='%Y-%m-%d')

    Important: Specify date format in '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f' (It can be specified in any format aligned to source date format).


    Count the number of rows in a DataFrame.

    from  DataQualityFrameworkGovernance  import  Datastats as ds

    Count the number of columns in a DataFrame.

    from  DataQualityFrameworkGovernance  import  Datastats as ds

    Count the number of rows & columns in a DataFrame.

    from  DataQualityFrameworkGovernance  import  Datastats as ds

    Limits the maximum length of a string to specific length. Example, when applied to the input string 'ABCDEFGH', the function returns 'ABCDE', effectively truncating the original string to the first 5 characters.

    from  DataQualityFrameworkGovernance  import  Datastats as ds
    print(ds.limit_max_length(dataframe, column_name, start_length, length))
    #Example: 'ABCDEFGH' input string returns 'ABCDE'
Data Interoperability

    Data migration reconciliation is a crucial step in ensuring the accuracy and integrity of data transfer between a source and target system. The process involves comparison of the source and target data to identify any disparities. If the columns in both datasets differ, the process returns an ouput to align the source and target dataset.

    Output of column name mismatch

    Column MatchStatus TableLocation
    Department Unmatched Source
    Departmentt Unmatched Target
    EmployeeID Matched NotApplicable

    After structural alignment is confirmed, a comprehensive check is performed by comparing the content of each column. Any inconsistencies between the source and target data are flagged as mismatches. This includes the identification of specific 'column name(s)' where discrepancies occur, 'row number or position' and 'mismatched records' in both the source and target datasets. This comprehensive reporting ensures that discrepancies can be easily located and addressed, promoting data accuracy and the successful completion of the migration process.

    from  DataQualityFrameworkGovernance  import  Interoperability as io
    print(io.data_migration_reconciliation(source_dataframe, target_dataframe))
    #Example of saving source and target dataframe from csv file
    import pandas as pd
    source_dataframe = pd.read_csv('source_data.csv')
    target_dataframe = pd.read_csv('target_data.csv')


    Column Row no. / Position Source Data Target Data
    Column name 2 33 3
    Column name 289 Donald Trump Donald Duck

    Data integration reconciliation involves combining data from different sources into a unified view. This function compares two datasets, source_dataset and target_dataset, based on a unique identifier, ID. It checks for disparities in each column, cell by cell, between the two datasets. For each mismatch, it identifies the specific column and provides a status of "Matched" or "Mismatched." If the columns in both datasets differ, the process returns an ouput to align the source and target dataset.

    Example output of column name mismatch

    Column MatchStatus TableLocation
    Department Unmatched Source
    Departmentt Unmatched Target
    EmployeeID Matched NotApplicable

    After structural alignment is confirmed, a comprehensive check is performed by comparing the content of each column. Any inconsistencies between the source and target data are flagged as mismatches.


    source_dataset: The source dataset, a DataFrame containing the data to be compared. target_dataset: The target dataset, a DataFrame containing the data to be compared against the source dataset ID: A unique identifier column present in both datasets, used to match rows between the two datasets.

    Return Value:

    status: A string indicating the overall comparison status, either "Matched" or "Mismatched." mismatched_columns: A list of columns that have mismatches between the two datasets.

    import pandas as pd
    from  DataQualityFrameworkGovernance  import  Interoperability as io
    source_dataset = pd.DataFrame({
    	'Ordinal': [54, 55, 56, 57],
    	'Name': ['Theresa May','Boris Johnson', 'Liz Truss', 'Rishi Sunak'],
    	'Monarch': ['Elizabeth II', 'Elizabeth II', 'Elizabeth II & Charles III', 'Charles III']
    target_dataset = pd.DataFrame({
    	'Ordinal': [55, 56, 57],
    	'Name': ['Boris Johnson', 'Liz Truss', 'Rishi Sunak'],
    	'Monarch': ['Elizabeth II', 'Elizabeth II', 'Charles III']
    comparison_results = io.data_integration_reconciliation(source_dataset, target_dataset, 'Ordinal')


    Ordinal Status Mismatched_Columns MergeStatus Name_source Name_target Monarch_source Monarch_target
    54 Mismatch Name, Monarch left_only Theresa May NaN Elizabeth II NaN
    56 Mismatch Monarch both Liz Truss Liz Truss Elizabeth II & Charles III Elizabeth II
    55 Match None both Boris Johnson Boris Johnson Elizabeth II Elizabeth II
    57 Match None both Rishi Sunak Rishi Sunak Charles III Charles III

    Data consolidation is a process of combining information from multiple datasets to create a unified dataset. This function with three parameters – dataset1, dataset2, and a parameter to determine consolidation direction (0 for rows ,1 for columns), users can choose between consolidating data by rows or columns.

    Compile by Rows (0):

    When choosing compile=0, the function will stack the datasets vertically, effectively appending the rows of dataset2 beneath the rows of dataset1.

    Compile by Columns (1):

    Alternatively, selecting compile=1 will concatenate the datasets side by side, merging columns from dataset2 to the right of those from dataset1.

    from  DataQualityFrameworkGovernance  import  Interoperability as io
    CompileByColumns = io.data_consolidation(df1, df2,1)
    CompileByRows = io.data_consolidation(df1, df2,0)

Supporting python libraries:

  • Pandas, re, requests


DQ Framework Design

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