FUll circular RNA CHaracterization from RNA-Seq
Project description
FUCHS - FUll circular RNA CHaracterization from RNA-Seq
FUCHS is a python pipeline designed to fully characterize circular RNAs. It uses a list of circular RNAs and reads spanning the back-splice junction as well as a BAM file containing the mapping of all reads (alternatively of all chimeric reads).
The reads from one circle are extracted by FUCHS and saved in an individual BAM file. Based on these BAM files, FUCHS will detect alternative splicing within the same circle boundaries, summarize different circular isoforms from the same host-gene and generates coverage plots for each circle. It will also cluster circles based on their coverage profile. These results can be used to identify potential false positive circles.
FUCHS dependes on bedtools (>= 2.25.0) and samtools (>= 1.3.1) and Python (> 2.7; pysam>=, pybedtools>=0.7.8, numpy>=1.11.2, pathos>=0.2.1) and R(> 3.2.0; amap, Hmisc, gplots). All Python an R dependencies will be installed automatically when installing FUCHS. Please make sure to have the correct versions of bedtools and samtools in your $PATH.
Clone the repository and install FUCHS using setup.py:
$ git clone git@github.com:dieterich-lab/FUCHS.git
$ cd FUCHS
$ python setup.py install --user
# This will install a FUCHS binary in $HOME/.local/bin/
# make sure this folder is in your $PATH
# Check the installation:
$ FUCHS --help
To characterize circRNAs from RNA-seq data you have to:
Map RNAseq data from quality checked fastq files with either STAR , BWA, TopHat-Fusion.
Detect circRNAs using DCC, CIRI, CIRCfinder or CIRCexplorer depending on the program you used for mapping.
Run FUCHS (right now only the combination STAR + DCC has been tested; other setups are under development)
Step by step tutorial
In this tutorial we will be using HEK293 data available in this repository and use STAR with DCC to detect circular RNAs
1. Mapping of RNA-Seq data
Map RNA-seq data with STAR (Dobin et al., 2013). Note that –alignSJoverhangMin and –chimJunctionOverhangMin should use the same value, to make the circRNA expression and linear gene expression level comparable. Note that STARlong is not mapping chimeric reads correctly.
Note: The joined pair mapping should be run first. If the data are paired end, two additional separate mate mappings are recommended This step is not mandatory, but will increase the sensitivity of DCC detection, because it collect small circRNAs which appear with one chimeric junction point at each read mate. If the data is single end, only one mapping step is needed. In this case, PE sequencing data was used.
$ STAR --readFilesCommand zcat --runThreadN 18
--genomeDir [genome]
--outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate
--readFilesIn [sample]_1.fastq.gz ([sample]_2.fastq.gz)
--outFileNamePrefix [sample]
--quantMode GeneCounts
--genomeLoad NoSharedMemory
--outReadsUnmapped Fastx
--outSJfilterOverhangMin 15 15 15 15
--alignSJoverhangMin 15
--alignSJDBoverhangMin 10
--outFilterMultimapNmax 20
--outFilterScoreMin 1
--outFilterMismatchNmax 999
--outFilterMismatchNoverLmax 0.05
--outFilterMatchNminOverLread 0.7
--alignIntronMin 20
--alignIntronMax 1000000
--alignMatesGapMax 1000000
--chimSegmentMin 15
--chimScoreMin 15
--chimScoreSeparation 10
--chimJunctionOverhangMin 15
--twopassMode Basic
--alignSoftClipAtReferenceEnds No
--outSAMattributes NH HI AS nM NM MD jM jI XS
--sjdbGTFfile [annotation].gtf
1.1. Mates separate mapping (optional for PE data)
Note: the mate assignments should be consistent throughout the mapping and circular RNA detection process. In the following case, SamplePairedRead_1.fastq.gz is the first mate which also was the first mate in the STAR call.
# remap unmapped reads as single end to obtain double breakpoint fragments
$ gzip sample/Unmapped.out.mate1
$ mv sample/Unmapped.out.mate1.gz sample/Unmapped_out_mate1.fastq.gz
$ STAR --readFilesCommand zcat --runThreadN 18 --genomeDir [genome] --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate --readFilesIn [sample]/Unmapped_out_mate1.fastq.gz --outFileNamePrefix [sample].mate1. --quantMode GeneCounts --genomeLoad NoSharedMemory --outReadsUnmapped Fastx --outSJfilterOverhangMin 15 15 15 15 --alignSJoverhangMin 15 --alignSJDBoverhangMin 10 --outFilterMultimapNmax 20 --outFilterScoreMin 1 --outFilterMismatchNmax 999 --outFilterMismatchNoverLmax 0.05 --outFilterMatchNminOverLread 0.7 --alignIntronMin 20 --alignIntronMax 1000000 --alignMatesGapMax 1000000 --chimSegmentMin 15 --chimScoreMin 15 --chimScoreSeparation 10 --chimJunctionOverhangMin 15 --twopassMode Basic --alignSoftClipAtReferenceEnds No --outSAMattributes NH HI AS nM NM MD jM jI XS --sjdbGTFfile [annotation].gtf
$ gzip sample/Unmapped.out.mate2
$ mv sample/Unmapped.out.mate2.gz sample/Unmapped_out_mate2.fastq.gz
$ STAR --readFilesCommand zcat --runThreadN 18 --genomeDir [genome] --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate --readFilesIn [sample]/Unmapped_out_mate2.fastq.gz --outFileNamePrefix [sample].mate2. --quantMode GeneCounts --genomeLoad NoSharedMemory --outReadsUnmapped Fastx --outSJfilterOverhangMin 15 15 15 15 --alignSJoverhangMin 15 --alignSJDBoverhangMin 10 --outFilterMultimapNmax 20 --outFilterScoreMin 1 --outFilterMismatchNmax 999 --outFilterMismatchNoverLmax 0.05 --outFilterMatchNminOverLread 0.7 --alignIntronMin 20 --alignIntronMax 1000000 --alignMatesGapMax 1000000 --chimSegmentMin 15 --chimScoreMin 15 --chimScoreSeparation 10 --chimJunctionOverhangMin 15 --twopassMode Basic --alignSoftClipAtReferenceEnds No --outSAMattributes NH HI AS nM NM MD jM jI XS --sjdbGTFfile [annotation].gtf
2. Detection of circRNAs from chimeric.out.junction files with DCC
Acquiring suitable GTF files for repeat masking
It is strongly recommended to specify a repetitive region file in GTF format for filtering.
A suitable file can for example be obtained through the UCSC table browser . After choosing the genome, a group like Repeats or Variation and Repeats has to be selected. For the track, we recommend to choose RepeatMasker together with Simple Repeats and combine the results afterwards.
Note: the output file needs to comply with the GTF format specification. Additionally it may be the case that the names of chromosomes from different databases differ, e.g. 1 for chromosome 1 from ENSEMBL compared to chr1 for chromosome 1 from UCSC. Since the chromosome names are important for the correct functionality of DCC a sample command for converting the identifiers may be sed -i 's/^chr//g' your_repeat_file.gtf
Preparation of files containing the paths to required chimeric.out.junction files
samplesheet file, containing the paths to the jointly mapped chimeric.out.junction files
$ cat samplesheet /path/to/STAR/sample/joint_mapping/chimeric.out.junction
mate1 file, containing the paths to chimeric.out.junction files of the separately mapped first read of paired-end data
$ cat mate2 /path/to/STAR/sample.mate1/joint_mapping/chimeric.out.junction
mate2 file, containing the paths to chimeric.out.junction files of the separately mapped first read of paired-end data
$ cat mate2 /path/to/STAR/sample.mate2/joint_mapping/chimeric.out.junction
Running DCC
After performing all preparation steps DCC can now be started:
# Call DCC to detect circRNAs, using HEK293 data as example.
$ DCC @samplesheet \ # @ is generally used to specify a file name
-mt1 @mate1 \ # mate1 file containing the mate1 independently mapped chimeric.junction.out files
-mt2 @mate2 \ # mate2 file containing the mate1 independently mapped chimeric.junction.out files
-D \ # run in circular RNA detection mode
-R [Repeats].gtf \ # regions in this GTF file are masked from circular RNA detection
-an [Annotation].gtf \ # annotation is used to assign gene names to known transcripts
-Pi \ # run in paired independent mode, i.e. use -mt1 and -mt2
-F \ # filter the circular RNA candidate regions
-M \ # filter out candidates from mitochondrial chromosomes
-Nr 2 2 \ minimum number of replicates the candidate is showing in [1] and minimum count in the replicate [2]
-fg \ # candidates are not allowed to span more than one gene
-G \ # also run host gene expression
-A [Reference].fa \ # name of the fasta genome reference file; must be indexed, i.e. a .fai file must be present
# For details on the parameters please refer to the help page of DCC:
$ DCC -h
By default, DCC assumes that the data is stranded. For non-stranded data the -N flag should be used.
Although not mandatory, we strongly recommend to the -F filtering step
Output files generated by DCC
The output of DCC consists of the following four files: CircRNACount, CircCoordinates, LinearCount and CircSkipJunctions.
CircRNACount: a table containing read counts for circRNAs detected. First three columns are chr, circRNA start, circRNA end. From fourth column on are the circRNA read counts, one sample per column, shown in the order given in your samplesheet.
CircCoordinates: circular RNA annotations in BED format. The columns are chr, start, end, genename, junctiontype (based on STAR; 0: non-canonical; 1: GT/AG, 2: CT/AC, 3: GC/AG, 4: CT/GC, 5: AT/AC, 6: GT/AT), strand, circRNA region (startregion-endregion), overall regions (the genomic features circRNA coordinates interval covers).
LinearCount: host gene expression count table, same setup with CircRNACount file.
CircSkipJunctions: circSkip junctions. The first three columns are the same as in LinearCount/CircRNACount, the following columns represent the circSkip junctions found for each sample. circSkip junctions are given as chr:start-end:count, e.g. chr1:1787-6949:10. It is possible that for one circRNA multiple circSkip junctions are found due to the fact the the circular RNA may arise from different isoforms. In this case, multiple circSkip junctions are delimited with semicolon. A 0 implies that no circSkip junctions have been found for this circRNA.
3. Prepare input data for FUCHS
The files chimeric.sam, mate1.chimeric.sam, and mate2.chimeric.sam files for FUCHS have to be merged (not necessary if circles were detected using BWA/CIRI)
# convert SAM to BAM
$ samtools view -Sb -o sample sample/Chimeric.out.sam
$ samtools view -Sb -o sample.1 sample.1/Chimeric.out.sam
$ samtools view -Sb -o sample.2 sample.2/Chimeric.out.sam
# sort both BAM files
$ samtools sort -o sample.sorted.bam sample.bam
$ samtools sort -o sample.1.sorted.bam sample.1.bam
$ samtools sort -o sample.2.sorted.bam sample.2.bam
# create an index for both BAM files
$ samtools index sample.sorted.bam
$ samtools index sample.1.sorted.bam
$ samtools index sample.2.sorted.bam
# merge both mate BAM files into one new BAM file
$ samtools merge merged_sample.bam sample.sorted.bam sample.1.sorted.bam sample.2.sorted.bam
# re-index the newly aggregated BAM file
$ samtools index merged_sample.bam
4. Running FUCHS
Run FUCHS to start the pipeline which will extract reads, check mate status, detect alternative splicing events, classify different isoforms, generate coverage profiles and cluster circRNAs based on coverage profiles
# using STAR/DCC Input
$ FUCHS -r 2 -q 2 -p ensembl -e 2 -T ~/tmp
-D CircRNACount
-J sample/Chimeric.out.junction
-F sample.1/Chimeric.out.junction
-R sample.2/Chimeric.out.junction.fixed
-B merged_sample.sorted.bam
-A [annotation].bed
-N sample
# if BWA/CIRI was used, use -C to specify the circIDS list (omit -D, -J, -F and -R)
# For details on the parameters please refer to the help page of FUCHS:
$ FUCHS --help
5. Optional FUCHS modules
Run the additional module guided_denovo_circle_structure_parallel.py to obtain a more refined circle reconstruction based on intron signals. The circRNA seperated bamfiles (step 2) are the only input needed for the module. If you supply an annotation file, unsupported exons will be reported with a score of 0, if you do not supply an annotation file, unsupported will not be reported.
$ guided_denovo_circle_structure_parallel -c 18 -A [annotatation].bed -I FUCHS/output/folder -N sample
# FUCHS/output/folder corresponds to the output directory of the FUCHS pipeline
# sample corresponds to your sample name, just as specified for the pipeline
That’s all folks
Required input data
circID |
read1,read2,read3 |
1:3740233|3746181 |
MISEQ:136:000000000-ACBC6:1:2107:10994:20458,MISEQ:136:000000000-ACBC6:1:1116:13529:8356 |
1:8495063|8614686 |
MISEQ:136:000000000-ACBC6:1:2118:9328:9926 |
The first column contains the circle id formated as folllowed chr:start|end. The second column is a comma separated list of read names spanning the back-splice junction.
bamfile: Alignment file produced by any mapper. This file must contain all chimerically mapped reads and may contain also linearly mapped reads.
Chr |
Start |
End |
Name |
Score |
Strand |
1 |
67092175 |
67093604 |
NR_075077_exon_0_0_chr1_67092176_r |
0 |
- |
1 |
67096251 |
67096321 |
NR_075077_exon_1_0_chr1_67096252_r |
0 |
- |
1 |
67103237 |
67103382 |
NR_075077_exon_2_0_chr1_67103238_r |
0 |
- |
Normal BED file in BED6 format. The name should contain a gene name or gene ID and the exon_number. You can specify how the name should be processed using -p (platform), -s (character used to separate name and exon number) and -e (exon_index).
Output produced by FUCHS
This file summarizes the relationship of different circRNAs derived from the same host-gene.
Transcript |
circles |
same_start |
same_end |
overlapping |
within |
NM_016287 |
1:20749723-20773610 |
. |
. |
. |
. |
NM_005095 |
1:35358925-35361789,1:35381259-35389082,1:35381259-35390098 |
1:35381259-35389082|1:35381259-35390098, |
. |
. |
. |
NM_001291940 |
1:236803428-236838599,1:236806144-236816543 |
. |
. |
. |
1:236803428-236838599|1:236806144-236816543, |
hek293.exon_counts.bed: This file is a bed-formatted file that describes the exon-structure and can be loaded into any genome browser. Each line corresponds to a circRNA.
Chr |
Circle Start |
Circle End |
Transcript |
Num of Reads |
Strand |
Start |
End |
Color |
Num of Exon |
Exon Lengths |
Relative Exon Starts |
chr1 |
35358925 |
35361789 |
NM_005095 |
9 |
+ |
35358925 |
35361789 |
0,255,0 |
3 |
521,61,170 |
0,2269,2694 |
chr1 |
20749723 |
20773610 |
NM_016287 |
4 |
- |
20749723 |
20773610 |
0,255,0 |
4 |
159,90,143,159 |
0,7443,21207,23728 |
hek293.exon_counts.txt: This file contains similar information as the previous file, just more detailed inforamtion on the exons. Each line corresponds to one exon.
sample |
circle_id |
transcript_id |
other_ids |
exon_id |
chr |
start |
end |
strand |
exon_length |
unique_reads |
fragments |
number+ |
number- |
hek293 |
1:35358925-35361789 |
NM_005095 |
NM_005095 |
2 |
1 |
35358924 |
35359446 |
+ |
522 |
9 |
9 |
4 |
5 |
hek293 |
1:35358925-35361789 |
NM_005095 |
NM_005095 |
3 |
1 |
35361193 |
35361255 |
+ |
62 |
3 |
3 |
1 |
2 |
hek293 |
1:35358925-35361789 |
NM_005095 |
NM_005095 |
4 |
1 |
35361618 |
35361789 |
+ |
171 |
9 |
9 |
4 |
5 |
hek293 |
1:20749723-20773610 |
NM_016287 |
NM_016287 |
3 |
1 |
20749722 |
20749882 |
- |
160 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
0 |
hek293 |
1:20749723-20773610 |
NM_016287 |
NM_016287 |
4 |
1 |
20757165 |
20757256 |
- |
91 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
hek293 |
1:20749723-20773610 |
NM_016287 |
NM_016287 |
5 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
hek293 |
1:20749723-20773610 |
NM_016287 |
NM_016287 |
6 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
hek293 |
1:20749723-20773610 |
NM_016287 |
NM_016287 |
7 |
1 |
20770929 |
20771073 |
- |
144 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
hek293 |
1:20749723-20773610 |
NM_016287 |
NM_016287 |
8 |
1 |
20773450 |
20773610 |
- |
160 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
0 |
hek293.mate_status.txt: This output file contains the results of analysing the amount of how often each fragment spans a chimeric junction. A fragment can either span the chimeric junction once (single), only one end spans the junction, twice (double) both ends span the chimeric junction, or more than twice (undefined).
circle_id |
transcript_ids |
num_reads |
min_length |
max_length |
single |
double |
undefined |
1_20749723_20773610 |
NM_016287 |
4 |
790 |
790 |
4 |
0 |
0 |
1_35358925_35361789 |
NM_005095 |
9 |
754 |
754 |
9 |
0 |
0 |
Chr |
Circle-Start |
Circle-End |
Transcript |
Ratio |
Strand |
Intron-Start |
Intron-End |
Color |
NumExon-2 |
IntronLength |
RelativeStart |
chr5 |
178885614 |
178931326 |
NM_030613 |
60.0 |
. |
178913072 |
178931236 |
255,0,0 |
3 |
1,146,1 |
0,30950,45711 |
chr6 |
161034259 |
161049979 |
NM_001291958 |
40.0 |
. |
161049332 |
161049852 |
255,0,0 |
3 |
1,520,1 |
0,15073,15719 |
circle_id |
transcript_id |
skipped_exon |
intron |
read_names |
splice_reads |
exon_reads |
5_178885614_178931326 |
NM_030613 |
5:178916564-178916710 |
set([('5', 178913072, 178931236)]) |
MISEQ:136:000000000-ACBC6:1:2103:10044:24618,MISEQ:136:000000000-ACBC6:1:2115:19571:6931,MISEQ:136:000000000-ACBC6:1:1119:25537:8644 |
3 |
5 |
6_161034259_161049979 |
NM_001291958 |
6:161049332-161049852 |
set([('6', 161049332, 161049852)]) |
MISEQ:136:000000000-ACBC6:1:1113:25288:9067,MISEQ:136:000000000-ACBC6:1:2116:11815:3530 |
2 |
5 |
1_35358925_35361789_9reads.sorted.bam 1_35358925_35361789_9reads.sorted.bam.bai 1_20749723_20773610_4reads.sorted.bam 1_20749723_20773610_4reads.sorted.bam.bai
1_35358925_35361789_NM_005095.png 1_20749723_20773610_NM_016287.png cluster_means_all_circles.png
1_35358925_35361789.NM_005095.txt 1_20749723_20773610.NM_016287.txt coverage.clusters.all_circles.pdf coverage_profiles.all_circles.pdf
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Details for the file FUCHS-0.3.1.tar.gz
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- Download URL: FUCHS-0.3.1.tar.gz
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- Size: 42.4 MB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/4.0.2 CPython/3.7.3
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 1bc97482faf077b6bb15f5f18f4d3f6c14577f612c3e290865e235ac2517b90c |
MD5 | 99ff7196158e036120949fb904bc1937 |
BLAKE2b-256 | 3532af70225a84730c310202cf139b7ae4770281e4bc04460e6df28f20c5cf72 |