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FastOMA - a package to infer orthology information among proteomes

Project description


FastOMA is a scalable software package to infer orthology relationship.

Input and Output:


1- Sets of protein sequences in FASTA format (with .fa extension) in the folder proteome. The name of each fasta file is the name of species. Please make sure that the name of fasta records do not contain special characters including ||.

2- The omamer database which you can download this which is from OMA browser. This file is 13 Gb containing all the gene families of the Tree of Life or you can download it for a subset of them, e.g. Primates (352MB).

3- Rooted Species tree in newick format. A rough species tree is enough and it does not need to be binary. Besides, we do not need branch lengths. Note that the name of leaves of the tree (species name) should be the same as the file name of FASTAs (without .fa extension) (item 1). And there shouldn't be any repeated names in leaves names and internal node names. The tree should not be with quotation.

You can see an example in the testdata folder.

$ ls proteome
$ cat species_tree.nwk

Besides, the internal node should not contain any special character (e.g. \ / or space). The reason is that FastOMA write some files whose names contain the internal node's name. If the species tree does not have label for some/all internal nodes, FastOMA labels them sequentially.

Input check:

After installing FastOMA, you can have a initial check for your input dataset by running the following in the folder in_folder:

cd in_folder

Main output:

Orthology information as HOG strcutre in OrthoXML format which can be used with PyHAM. The details of output are described below.

How to run FastOMA

In summary, you need to 1) install FastOMA and its prerequisites (below), and 2) put the input files in the folder in_folder and 3) run FastOMA using the nextflow recipe

nextflow run -profile docker --input_folder /path/to/in_folder   --output_folder /path/to/out_folder 

The script is tailored for a few species. To run FastOMA with hundreds of species, please use

More details on how to run

We provide for every commit of the repository a docker image for FastOMA on dockerhub. You can specify the container as part of the nextflow command with the parameter container_version. If you want to use the container of the current git checkout version, you can specify this in the following way:

nextflow run -profile docker \
    --container_version "sha-$(git rev-list --max-count=1 --abbrev-commit HEAD)" \
    --input_folder testdata/in_folder \
    --output_folder myresult/

How to install FastOMA


First, we create a fresh conda environment.

conda create --name FastOMA python=3.9
conda activate FastOMA
python -m pip install --upgrade pip

You may use conda to install fasttree, mafft. and openjdk (the alternative for Java 11< version <17 which is needed for nextflow).

conda install -c bioconda mafft fasttree
conda install -c conda-forge openjdk=16

How to install FastOMA

First, download the FastOMA package:

mv FastOMA-main FastOMA

Then install it

ls FastOMA/
python -m pip install -e FastOMA 

The output would be

Running develop for FastOMA
Successfully installed Cython-3.0.1 DendroPy-4.6.1  biopython-1.81 blosc2-2.0.0 ete3-3.1.3 future-0.18.3 humanfriendly-10.0 llvmlite-0.40.1 lxml-4.9.3 msgpack-1.0.5 nextflow-23.4.3 numba-0.57.1 numexpr-2.8.5 numpy-1.24.4 omamer-0.2.6 packaging-23.1 pandas-2.0.3 property-manager-3.0 py-cpuinfo-9.0.0 pyparsing-3.1.1 pysais-1.1.0 python-dateutil-2.8.2 pytz-2023.3 scipy-1.11.2 six-1.16.0 tables-3.8.0 tqdm-4.66.1 tzdata-2023.3 verboselogs-1.7

You can check your installation with running one of submodules of FastOMa

fastoma-infer-roothogs --version

You can make sure that omamer and nextflow is installed with running

omamer -h
nextflow -h

If it doesn't work, you may need to have the following for nextflow to work.

export PATH="/path/to/jdk-17/bin:$PATH"

You can always make sure whether you are using the python that you intended to use with which python and which python3. If you face any difficulty during installation, feel free to create a github issue, we'll try to solve it toghter.

How to run FastOMA on the test data

Then, cd to the testdata folder and download the omamer database and change its name to omamerdb.h5.

cd FastOMA/testdata
wget     # 105MB
mv Primates-v2.0.0.h5    in_folder/omamerdb.h5 

(This is for the test however, I would suggest downloading the LUCA-v2.0.0.h5 instead of Primates-v2.0.0.h5 for your real analysis.). Check the item 2 in the input section for details.

Now we have such a structure in our testdata folder.

$ tree ../testdata/in_folder
   ├── omamerdb.h5
   ├── proteome
   │   ├── AQUAE.fa
   │   ├── CHLTR.fa
   │   └── MYCGE.fa
   └── species_tree.nwk

Finally, run the package using nextflow as below:

# cd FastOMA/testdata
nextflow ../  --input_folder in_folder   --output_folder out_folder  -with-report

The script is tailored for a few species. In real case scenario, please use
The only difference between these two scripts is the amount of CPU and memory assigned to each job.

Note that to have a comprehensive test, we set the default value of needed cpus as 10.

expected log for test data

After few minutes, the run for test data finishes.

[] process > check_input ()     [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[] process > omamer_run ()      [100%] 3 of 3 ✔
[] process > infer_roothogs ()  [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[] process > batch_roothogs ()  [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[] process > hog_big ()         [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[] process > hog_rest ()        [100%] 2 of 2 ✔
[] process > collect_subhogs () [100%] 1 of 1 ✔

The first step is to run OMAmer for finding the putative gene families (putative rootHOG) based on kmer similarity. Next, we write them in FASTA files, which could be used to run next steps in parrallel on each FASTA gene family. Then, to have similar size jobs, we batch these FASTA files either as one big roothog (per job hog_big) or a few hundreds together as one job hog_rest. These are decided based on the FASTA file size. Finally once all jobs of hog_big and hog_rest are done, we collect_subhog and save all outputs.

If the run interrupted, by adding -resume to the nextflow commond line, you might be able to continue your previous nextflow job.

expected output structure for test data

The output of FastOMA includes four files (OrthologousGroupsFasta.tsv, rootHOGs.tsv, output_hog.orthoxml and species_tree_checked.nwk) and four folders (hogmap, OrthologousGroupsFasta, temp_pickles and temp_output).

The hogmap folder includes the output of OMAmer; each file corresponds to an input proteome. The folder OrthologousGroupsFasta includes FASTA files, and all proteins inside each FASTA file are orthologous to each other. These could be used as gene markers for species tree inference with refined resolution, more info. Note that Orthologous Groups are groups of strict orthologs, with at most 1 representative per species. Hierarchical Orthologous Groups are groups of orthologs and paralogs, defined at each taxonomic level.

So, following files and folders should appear in the folder out_folder which was the argument.

$ls out_folder
hogmap  OrthologousGroupsFasta  OrthologousGroups.tsv  output_hog.orthoxml  rootHOGs.tsv  species_tree_checked.nwk  temp_output  temp_pickles

among which output_hog.orthoxml is the final output in orthoXML format. Its content looks like this

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<orthoXML xmlns="" origin="OMA" originVersion="Nov 2021" version="0.3">
   <species name="MYCGE" NCBITaxId="1">
      <database name="QFO database " version="2020">
            <gene id="1000000000" protId="sp|P47500|RF1_MYCGE"/>
            <gene id="1000000001" protId="sp|P13927|EFTU_MYCGE"/>
            <gene id="1000000002" protId="sp|P47639|ATPB_MYCGE"/>
      <orthologGroup id="HOG:B0885011_sub10003">
         <property name="TaxRange" value="inter1"/>
         <geneRef id="1002000004"/>
         <geneRef id="1001000004"/>

If you are interested in specific gene in specific species, and wants to know proteins that are in the gene family, you can find its protein ID in the file rootHOGs.tsv using grep. The first column of this file rootHOGs.tsv shows the rootHOG ID which could be searched on the OMA browser. Note that some of the input genes might not appear in this file.

To find list of genes that are orthologous to your gene of interest, you can search in the file OrthologousGroups.tsv where each line is an orthologous group. Each line corresponds to a FASTA file in the folder OrthologousGroupsFasta.

Note that some of the output files are symlink (a.k.a a symbolic link), linked to files in the folder work created by nextflow pipeline. This means that if you remove or rename the work and its parents folder, you will not have access to the output files anymore.

If you are working on a large scale project, you may need to change the limitation on the number of files opened in linux using ulimit -n 271072.

You can learn about OMA and FastOMA on OMA Academy.

Regarding temp folders: The folder temp_output includes gene_id_dic_xml.pickle storing mapping between gene name and gene integer ID used for orthoxml format, temp_omamer_rhogs a folder that includes the fasta files of omamer-based gene families (described here).

The folder temp_pickles includes the pickle file of orthoxml object which are final product of FastOMA for each gene family stored in temp_omamer_rhogs. These file can be empty when the gene family doesn't end up as a group (usually with size of 5 Byte). Gene trees and MSAs will be stored in temp_pickles if activated (in and fastOMA installed with pip -e ).

using omamer's output

The first step of the FastOMA pipele is to run OMAmer. If you already have the hogmap files, you can put them in the in_folder/hogmap_in. Then your structure of files will be

$ tree ../testdata/
├── in_folder
│   ├── hogmap_in
│   │   ├── CHLTR.fa.hogmap
│   │   ├── MYCGE.fa.hogmap
│   ├── omamerdb.h5
│   ├── proteome
│   │   ├── AQUAE.fa
│   │   ├── CHLTR.fa
│   │   └── MYCGE.fa
│   └── species_tree.nwk

In this case, FastOMA uses two hogmap files and only run omamer for the AQUAE.fa. Then continue the rest of pipeline. Let's save the planet together with green computational Biology.

Run on a cluster

For running on a SLURM cluster you can add -c ../nextflow_slurm.config to the commond line.

# cd FastOMA/testdata
# rm -r out_folder work          # You may remove stuff from previous run
# ls ../ 

nextflow ../  -c ../nextflow_slurm.config   --input_folder in_folder   --output_folder out_folder

You may need to re-run nextflow command line by adding -resume, if the allocated time is not enough for your dataset.

You may need to increase the number of opoened files in your system with ulimit -n 131072 or higher.

Handle splice files

You can put the splice files in the folder in_folder/splice. They should be named as species_name.splice for each species. For each row of different isforoms of a preotien, FastOMA selects the best one (based on omamer family score and isoform length). We also use those proteins that are not in splice file but present in the FASTA proteome file.

$ head HUMAN.splice 

The selected isforoms will be added as a new column to the input splice files stored as tsv at out_folder/temp_output/selected_isoforms/

Under the hood: what are fastOMA gene families?

Firstly, those proteins that are mapped to the same OMAdb rootHOG (e.g. HOG:D0066142 for HOG:D0066142.1a.1a) by OMAmer are grouped together to create query rootHOGs (no protein from OMAdb is stored), from now on called rootHOG. Then, as OMAmer provide us with alternative mapping, we try to merge those rootHOGs (high chance of split HOGs) that have many shared mappings. The query proteins of these rootHOGs will be stored in only one rootHOG. These will be saved as fasta files in out_folder/temp_output/temp_omamer_rhogs with file names format HOG_LXXXXX.fa. L is the release ID of OMADB. Replacing _ with ':' gives the HOG ID which could be investigated in the OMA Browser.

There are some cases that only one protein is mapped to one rootHOG, called singleton (which is not good, we are hoping for orthologous groups/pairs). Using alternative OMAmer mapping, FastOMA tries to put these to other rootHOGs. Still some will be left.

FastOMA uses the linclust software to find new gene families on set of unmapped proteins and singletons. These will be saved as fasta files in out_folder/temp_output/temp_omamer_rhogs with file names format HOG_clustXXXXX.fa. These are initial gene families that are used in infer_subhogs step, which could be split into a few smaller gene families.

Downstream analysis

  • High resolution tree inference

  • Phylostragraphy with pyham

Change log

  • Update v0.1.5: docker, add help, clean nextflow
  • Update v0.1.4: new gene families with linclust if mmseqs is installed, using quoted protein name to handle species chars, check input first
  • Update v0.1.3: merge rootHOGs and handle singleton using omamer multi-hits
  • Update v0.1.2: improve rootHOG inference, splice, OMAmerv2 with multi-hits
  • Release v0.1.0: improve nextflow pipeline and outputs.
  • prelease v.0.0.6: use --fragment-detection for infer-subhogs and --low-so-detection --fragment-detection
  • prelease v.0.0.6: using input hogmpa
  • prelease v.0.0.5: adding pip
  • prelease v.0.0.4: simple nextflow
  • prelease v.0.0.3: with dask

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

fastoma-0.1.6.tar.gz (116.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

fastoma-0.1.6-py3-none-any.whl (151.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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