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Karhunen Loève decomposed Gaussian processes with forward variable selection

Project description

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About FoKL

FoKL-GPy, or FoKL, is a Python package intended for use in machine learning. The name comes from a unique implementation of Forward variable selection using Karhunen-Loève decomposed Gaussian Processes (GP's) in Python (i.e., FoKL-GPy).

The primary advantages of FoKL are:

  • Fast inference on static and dynamic datasets using scalable GP regression
  • Significant accuracy retained despite being fast

Some other advantages of FoKL include:

  • Export modeled non-linear dynamics as a symbolic equation
  • Take first and second derivatives of model with respect to any input variable (e.g., gradient)
  • Multiple kernels available (BSS-ANOVA, Bernoulli Polynomials)
  • Automatic normalization and formatting of dataset
  • Automatically split specified fraction of dataset into a training set and retain the rest for testing
  • Easy adjusting of hyperparameters for sweeping through variations in order to find optimal settings
  • Ability to save, share, and load models
  • Ability to evaluate a model without known data

To read more about FoKL, please see the Benchmarks and Papers section.

Installation and Setup

FoKL is available through PyPI:

pip install FoKL

Alternatively, the GitHub repository may be cloned to create a local copy in which the examples and documentation will be included:

git clone

Once installed, import the FoKL module into your environment with:

from FoKL import FoKLRoutines

If loading a pre-existing FoKL class object:

model = FoKLRoutines.load('filename_of_model')

# Or, if your pre-existing model is in a different folder than your Python script:
model = FoKLRoutines.load('filename_of_model', 'directory_of_model')

Else if creating a new FoKL class object:

model = FoKLRoutines.FoKL()

Now you may call methods on the class and reference its attributes. For help with this, please see Use Cases.

Use Cases

Please first refer to the following for tutorials and examples:

Then, see Package Documentation as needed.

Package Documentation


self = FoKLRoutines.load(filename, directory=None)

Load a FoKL class from a file.

By default, directory is the current working directory that contains the script calling this method. An absolute or relative directory may be defined if the model to load is located elsewhere.

For simplicity, enter the returned output from as the argument here, i.e., for filename. Do this while leaving directory blank since filename can simply include the directory itself.


self = FoKLRoutines.FoKL(**kwargs)

This creates a class object that contains all information relevant to and defining a FoKL model.

Upon initialization, hyperparameters and some other settings are defined with default values as attributes of the FoKL class. These attributes are as follows, and any or all may be specified as a keyword or later updated by redefining the a class attribute.

Type Keyword Argument Default Value Description
hyper kernel 'Cubic Splines' Basis functions (i.e., kernel) to use for training a model
hyper phis f(kernel) Data structure with coefficients for basis functions
hyper relats_in [] Boolean matrix indicating which input variables and/or interactions should be excluded from the model
hyper a 4 Shape parameter of the initial-guess distribution for the observation error variance of the data
hyper b f(a, data) Scale parameter of the initial-guess distribution for the observation error variance of the data
hyper atau 4 Parameter of the initial-guess distribution for the $tau^2$ parameter
hyper btau f(atau, data) Parameter of the initial-guess distribution for the $tau^2$ parameter
hyper tolerance 3 Influences how long to continue training after additional terms yield diminishing returns
hyper draws 1000 Total number of draws from the posterior for each tested model
hyper gimmie False Boolean to return the most complex model tried instead of the model with the optimum Bayesian information criterion (BIC)
hyper way3 False Boolean to include three-way interactions
hyper threshav 0.05 Threshold to propose terms for elimination. Increase to propose and eliminate more terms
hyper threshstda 0.5 Threshold to eliminate terms based on standard deviation relative to mean
hyper threshstdb 2 Threshold to eliminate terms based on standard deviation independent of mean
hyper aic False Boolean to use Aikaike information criterion (AIC)
setting UserWarnings True Boolean to print user-warnings (i.e., FoKL warnings) to command terminal
setting ConsoleOutput True Boolean to print progress of model training to command terminal

The following methods are embedded within the class object:

Method Description
clean Automatically format, normalize, and create test/train sets from user's provided dataset.
bss_derivatives Algebraically calculate partial derivatives of model with respect to input variables.
evaluate_basis Calculate value of specified basis function at single point along normalized domain.
evaluate Calculate values of FoKL model for all requested sets of datapoints.
coverage3 Evaluate FoKL model, calculate confidence bounds, calculate RMSE, and produce plot.
fit Train new FoKL model to best-fit training dataset according to hyperparameters.
clear Delete attributes from FoKL class so that new models may be trained without new class objects.
to_pyomo Convert a FoKL model to an expression in a Pyomo model.
save Save FoKL class with all its attributes to retain model and avoid re-training.

Each method has optional inputs that allow for flexibility in how FoKL is used so that you may leverage these methods for your specific requirements. Please refer to the Use Cases first, then explore the following documentation of each method as needed.


self.clean(self, inputs, data=None, **kwargs)

For cleaning and formatting inputs prior to training a FoKL model. Note that data is not required but should be entered if available; otherwise, leave blank.

Input Type Description Default
inputs any NxM matrix of N experimental measurements, i.e., independent x variables for training f(x1, ..., xM) n/a
data any Nx1 vector of N experimental results, i.e., dependent y variable where
y = f(x1, ..., xM)
Keyword Type Description Default
train scalar fraction of N datapoints to use for training 1

Other keywords are in development to enable alternate routines of splitting the dataset into test and train sets according to the percentage set by train, but currently the split is performed randomly. Also in development are automatic outlier detection and removal routines.

After calling clean, several new attributes get defined for the FoKL class. The following is a full list but often only self.inputs and are needed; however, self.traininputs and self.traindata as well as the numpy versions self.inputs_np and self.traininputs_np can be useful. Be sure to use these attributes in place of the original dataset entered as inputs and data so that normalization and formatting errors are avoided.

Attribute Type Description
self.inputs list all normalized inputs w/o outliers (i.e., self.traininputs and self.testinputs) numpy all data w/o outliers (i.e., self.traindata and self.testdata)
self.rawinputs list all normalized inputs w/ outliers (i.e., user's inputs but normalized and formatted)
self.rawdata numpy all data w/ outliers (i.e., user's data but formatted)
self.traininputs list train set of self.inputs
self.traindata numpy train set of
self.testinputs list test set of self.inputs
self.testdata numpy test set of
self.normalize list [min, max] factors used to normalize user's inputs to 0-1 scale of self.rawinputs
self.outliers numpy indices removed from self.rawinputs and self.rawdata as outliers
self.trainlog numpy indices of self.inputs used for self.traininputs
self.testlog numpy indices of used for self.traindata
self.inputs_np numpy self.inputs as a numpy array of experiments x input variables
self.rawinputs_np numpy self.rawinputs as a numpy array of experiments x input variables
self.traininputs_np numpy self.traininputs as a numpy array of experiments x input variables
self.testinputs_np numpy self.testinputs as a numpy array of experiments x input variables


dy = self.bss_derivatives(self, **kwargs)

For returning gradient of modeled function with respect to each, or specified, input variable. If user overrides default settings, then 1st and 2nd partial derivatives can be returned for any variables.

Keyword Type Description Default
inputs numpy NxM matrix of x input variables for training f(x1, ..., xM) self.inputs_np
kernel string or integer basis functions to use for differentiation (i.e., 'Cubic Splines' or 'Bernoulli Polynomials') self.kernel
d1 boolean list or integer index of input variable(s) (i.e., state(s)) to use for first partial derivative; see tip below True
d2 boolean list or integer index of input variable(s) (i.e., state(s)) to use for second partial derivative; see tip below False
draws integer total number of draws from the posterior for each tested model self.draws
betas numpy draw from the posterior distribution of coefficients self.betas
phis list coefficients for the basis functions self.phis
mtx numpy basis function interaction matrix from the best model self.mtx
span list [min, max]'s of inputs used in clean during normalization self.normalize
IndividualDraws boolean for returning derivative(s) at each draw False
ReturnFullArray boolean for returning NxMx2 array with zeros for non-requested states such that indexing is preserved; otherwise, only requested states are squeezed into a 2D matrix where columns correspond to increasing input variable index and derivative order False
Output Type Description Default
dy numpy derivative of model with respect to input variable(s) (i.e., state(s)) defined by d1 and d2 gradient


  • To turn off all first-derivatives, set d1=False instead of d1=0. The reason is d1 and d2, if set to an integer, will return the derivative with respect to the input variable indexed by that integer using Python indexing. In other words, for a two-input FoKL model, setting d1=1 and d2=0 will return the first-derivative with respect to the second input (d1=1) and the second-derivative with respect to the first input (d2=0). Alternatively, d1=[False, True] and d2=[True, False] will function the same so that boolean lists may be used in cases where the derivative with respect to more than one state, but not all states, is required.


basis = self.evaluate_basis(self, c, x, kernel=None, d=0)

Evaluate a basis function at a single point by providing coefficients, x value(s), and (optionally) the kernel. This method is primarily used internally by other methods and so is not expected to be used by the user, but is available for testing purposes and to provide insight toward how the basis functions get evaluated in the evaluate method.

For evaluating a FoKL model, see evaluate.

Input Type Description
c list coefficients of the basis function
x scalar value of independent variable at which to evaluate the basis function
Keyword Type Description Default
kernel string or integer basis function to evaluate ('Cubic Splines' or 'Bernoulli Polynomials') self.kernel
d integer order of derivative (where 0 is no derivative) 0
Output Type Description
basis scalar value of basis function at x

If insightful for understanding how to define c, note the kernels yield the following basis function equations (using Python syntax):

Kernel Order Basis
'Cubic Splines' d=0
c[0] + c[1] * x + c[2] * (x ** 2) + c[3] * (x ** 3)
" d=1
c[1] + 2 * c[2] * x + 3 * c[3] * (x ** 2)
" d=2
2 * c[2] + 6 * c[3] * x
'Bernoulli Polynomials' d=0
sum(c[k] * (x ** k) for k in range(len(c)))
" d=1
sum(k * c[k] * (x ** (k - 1)) for k in range(1, len(c)))
" d=2
sum((k - 1) * k * c[k] * (x ** (k - 2)) for k in range(2, len(c)))


meen = self.evaluate(self, inputs=None, betas=None, mtx=None, **kwargs)

Evaluate the FoKL model for provided inputs and (optionally) calculate bounds.

Input Type Description Default
inputs numpy input variable(s) at which to evaluate the FoKL model self.inputs_np
betas numpy coefficients defining FoKL model self.betas
mtx numpy interaction matrix defining FoKL model self.mtx
Keyword Type Description Default
normalize list [min, max] factors to normalize inputs; leave blank if inputs is already normalized or set to self.normalize to use the same scale as the original dataset processed by clean None
draws integer total number of draws from the posterior for each tested model self.draws
clean boolean to automatically normalize and format inputs; note this will override normalize and result in inputs scaled to 0-1 False
ReturnBounds boolean to return confidence bounds as second output False
Output Type Description
meen numpy model predictions for provided inputs (i.e., y where y = f(x0, x1, ..., xM))

Note if attempting to automatically format inputs but normalize to different [min, max] values than those of inputs, this will have to be done manually. A work around to achieve this is as follows:

# Un-normalized and un-formatted 'raw' input variables of dataset:
x = [x0, x1, ..., xM]

# Initialize FoKL class:
f = FoKLRoutines.FoKL(...)

# Automatically normalize and format:

# Normalized and formatted 'raw' input variables of dataset:
x = f.inputs_np

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Un-normalized and un-formatted 'other' input variables to evaluate:
u = [u0, u1, ..., uM]

# Initialize additional "throw-away" FoKL class in order to access clean without overriding attributes:
dummy = FoKLRoutines.FoKL(...)

# Automatically normalize and format:

# Normalized and formatted 'other' input variables to evaluate:
u = dummy.inputs_np

# Both x and u are normalized to 0-1 scales, but we need to re-scale u according to x:
u = u * (dummy.normalize[1] - dummy.normalize[0]) + dummy.normalize[0]  # scale of original u
u = (u - f.normalize[0]) / (f.normalize[1] - f.normalize[0])  # scale of normalized x

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Both x and u are on the same scale now, normalized according to x, and so long as u is contained within x's extrema:
meen = f.evaluate(u)

The following will NOT achieve the same results:

meen != f.evaluate(u, clean=True)
meen != f.evaluate(u, clean=True, normalize=f.normalize)

However, if attempting to ONLY normalize inputs to different [min, max] values, implying the format of inputs matches exactly with the format of inputs_np returned by clean (that is, NxM numpy matrix), then the following will indeed achieve the same results:

meen = f.evaluate(u, normalize=f.normalize)


meen, bounds, rmse = self.coverage3(self, **kwargs)

For validation testing of a FoKL model. Default functionality is to evaluate all inputs (i.e., train and test sets) using evaluate. Returned is the predicted output meen, confidence bounds bounds, and Root Mean Square Error rmse. A plot may be returned by setting plot=True; or, for a potentially more meaningful plot in terms of judging accuracy, plot='sorted' will plot the data in increasing value.

To govern what is passed to evaluate:

Keyword Type Description Default
inputs list normalized and properly formatted inputs to evaluate self.inputs
data numpy properly formatted data outputs to use for validating predictions
draws integer total number of draws from the posterior for each tested model self.draws

To govern basic plot controls:

Keyword Type Description Default
plot boolean or string for generating plot; set to 'sorted' for plot of ordered data False
bounds boolean for plotting bounds True
xaxis integer index of the input variable to plot along the x-axis indices
labels boolean for adding labels to plot True
xlabel string x-axis label 'Index'
ylabel string y-axis label 'Data'
title string plot title 'FoKL
legend boolean for adding legend to plot True
LegendLabelFoKL string FoKL's label in legend 'FoKL'
LegendLabelData string Data's label in legend 'Data'
LegendLabelBounds string Bounds's label in legend 'Bounds'

To govern detailed plot controls:

Keyword Type Description Default
PlotTypeFoKL string FoKL's color and line type 'b'
PlotSizeFoKL scalar FoKL's line size 2
PlotTypeBounds string Bounds' color and line type 'k--'
PlotSizeBounds scalar Bounds' line size 2
PlotTypeData string Data's color and line type 'ro'
PlotSizeData scalar Data's line size 2
Output Type Description
meen numpy predicted output values for each indexed input (from evaluate)
bounds numpy confidence interval for each predicted output value (from evaluate)
rmse scalar Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) of prediction versus known data


betas, mtx, evs =, inputs=None, data=None, **kwargs)

Training routine for fitting model to known inputs and data.

Input Type Description Default
inputs list NxM matrix of independent x variables for fitting
f(x1, ..., xM)
data numpy Nx1 vector of dependent variable y to create model for predicting the value of y = f(x1, ..., xM) self.traindata
Keyword Type Description Default
clean boolean to perform automatic normalization and formatting by internally calling clean False
ConsoleOutput boolean to print [ind, ev] to console during FoKL model generation True

If clean=True, then any keywords documented for the clean method may be used here in fit. See documentation for clean, and note the class attributes that get defined for future reference.

Output Type Description
betas numpy draws from the posterior distribution of coefficients, with rows corresponding to single draws and columns corresponding to terms in the model
mtx numpy interaction matrix of the best model, with rows corresponding to terms in the model (i.e., columns of betas beyond the first column) and columns corresponding to input variables (i.e., columns of self.inputs_np); values are order of basis function
ev numpy vector of BIC values from all the models evaluated


self.clear(self, keep=None, clear=None, all=False)

Delete all attributes from the FoKL class except for hyperparameters and settings, unless otherwise specified by the clear keyword. If an attribute is listed in both the clear and keep keywords, then the attribute is cleared.

Input Type Description Default
keep list of strings attributes to keep in addition to hyperparameters and settings, e.g., keep=['inputs_np', 'mtx'] self.keep
clear list of strings hyperparameters to delete, e.g., clear=['kernel', 'phis'] None
all boolean if True then all attributes (including hyperparameters) get deleted regardless False

Note when the FoKL class was initialized, the names of the hyperparameters and settings which got defined as attributes were stored in a list of strings. This list of strings was defined as self.keep when the class was initialized, which here preserves those attributes by default. See documentation for FoKLRoutines.FoKL to see a list of these attributes (i.e., hyperparameters and settings).

To remove all attributes from the class, simply call:



m = self.to_pyomo(self, m=None, y=None, x=None, ReturnObjective=False)

Automatically convert a FoKL model trained with or defined by the 'Bernoulli Polynomials' kernel to a symbolic expression of a Pyomo model. By default, the symbolic FoKL expression is defined as a Pyomo constraint; however, it may be defined as the Pyomo model's objective with ReturnObjective=True.

Input Type Description Default
m Pyomo model pre-existing Pyomo model if already defined None
y scalar if known, value of FoKL model output variable to include in Pyomo model None
x list of scalar(s) and/or None(s) if known, value(s) of FoKL model input variables to include in Pyomo model (e.g., x=[0.7, None, 0.4]) [None, ..., None]
ReturnObjective boolean to set the FoKL model as the Pyomo model's objective (i.e., minimize error in FoKL model evaluation) False
Output Type Description
m Pyomo model Pyomo model with FoKL model included
Objects of Pyomo Model Type Description
m.y variable FoKL model output variable
m.x set of variables FoKL model input variables
m.fokl expression FoKL model equation f(x0, x1, ... xM)
m.con constraint if ReturnObjective=False, m.y = m.fokl
m.obj objective if ReturnObjective=True, minimize abs(m.fokl - m.y)


filepath =, filename=None, directory=None)

Save a FoKL class as a file. By default, filename is of the form 'model_yyyymmddhhmmss.fokl' and is saved to the directory of the Python script calling this method. Use directory to change the directory saved to, or simply embed the directory manually within filename. Note that the directory must exist prior to calling this method.

Returned is filepath. Enter this as the argument to load to later reload the model. Explicitly, that is:

FoKLRoutines.load(filepath)  # == FoKLRoutines.load(filename, directory)
Input Type Description
filename string name of file to save model as (note '.fokl' extension can be automatically or manually appended)
directory string absolute path to pre-existing folder in which to contain filename, or path relative to directory of script calling this method
Output Type Description
filepath string absolute path to where the file was saved


T, Y = GP_Integrate(betas, matrix, b, norms, phis, start, stop, y0, h, used_inputs)
Input Description
betas betas is a list of arrays in which each entry to the list contains a specific row of the betas matrix, or the mean of the betas matrix for each model being integrated.
matrix matrix is a list of arrays containing the interaction matrix of each model.
b b is an array of the values of all the other inputs to the model(s) (including any forcing functions) over the time period we integrate over. The length of b should be equal to the number of points in the final time series (end-start)/h. All values in b need to be normalized with respect to the min and max values of their respective values in the training dataset.
norms norms is a matrix of the min and max values of all the inputs being integrated (in the same order as y0). Min values are in the top row, max values in the bottom.
phis phis is a data structure with coefficients for basis functions.
start start is the time at which integration begins.
stop stop is the time to end integration.
y0 y0 is an array of the inital conditions for the models being integrated.
h h is the step size with respect to time.
used_inputs used_inputs is a list of arrays containing the information as to what inputs are used in what model. Each array should contain a vector corresponding to a different model. Inputs should be referred to as those being integrated first, followed by those contained in b (in the same order as they appear in y0 and b respectively).
Output Description
T T is an array of the time steps the models are integrated at.
Y Y is an array of the models that have been integrated, at the time steps contained in T.

For example, if two models were being integrated, with 3 other inputs total and the 1st model used both models outputs as inputs and the 1st and 3rd additional inputs, while the 2nd model used its own output as an input and the 2nd and 3rd additional inputs,

used_inputs = [[1, 1, 1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0]]

If the models created do not follow this ordering scheme for their inputs, the inputs can be rearranged based upon an alternate numbering scheme provided to used_inputs. E.g., if the inputs need to be reordered then the 1st input should have a '1' in its place in the used_inputs vector, the 2nd input should have a '2' and so on. Using the same example as before, if the 1st models inputs needed rearranged so that the 3rd additional input came first, followed by the two model outputs in the same order as they are in y0, and ends with the 1st additional input, then the 1st cell in used_inputs would have the form [2, 3, 4, 0, 1].

Benchmarks and Papers

As mentioned in About FoKL, the primary advantage offered by FoKL in comparison to other machine learning packages is a significant decrease in computation time for training a model while not experiencing a significant decrease in accuracy. This holds true for most datasets but especially for those with an underlying static or dynamic relationship as is often the case in any physical science experiment.

The following paper outlines the methodology of FoKL and includes two example problems.

The two example problems are:

  • ‘Susceptible, Infected, Recovered’ (SIR) toy problem
  • ‘Cascaded Tanks’ experimental dataset for a benchmark

Future Development

FoKL-GPy is actively in development. Current focus is on:

  • Pyomo
  • optimization of code and integration with faster C++ routines
  • adding examples for better comparisons and benchmarks
  • more robust tutorials

Please reach out via the information in the Contact Us section with any suggestions for development.

Contact Us

Topic Point of Contact Email
Jacob Krell
David Mebane


FoKL-GPy has an MIT license. Please see the LICENSE file.


Please cite: K. Hayes, M.W. Fouts, A. Baheri and D.S. Mebane, "Forward variable selection enables fast and accurate dynamic system identification with Karhunen-Loève decomposed Gaussian processes", arXiv:2205.13676

Credits: David Mebane (ideas and original code), Kyle Hayes (integrator), Derek Slack (Python porting), Jacob Krell (Python v3 dev.)

Funding provided by National Science Foundation, Award No. 2119688

Project details

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Source Distribution

FoKL-3.2.0.tar.gz (22.0 MB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

FoKL-3.2.0-py3-none-any.whl (10.8 MB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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