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A Python Library for Gene–environment Interaction Analysis via Deep Learning

Project description

GENetLib: A Python Library for Gene–environment Interaction Analysis via Deep Learning


GENetLib is a Python library that addresses the lack of portable and friendly software for analyzing gene-environment (G-E) interactions using a deep learning approach with penalization, as developed by Wu et al., 2023. It also provides a functional data analysis moethod based on neural network framework.

Wu, S., Xu, Y., Zhang, Q., & Ma, S. (2023). Gene–environment interaction analysis via deep learning. Genetic Epidemiology, 1–26.
Ren, R., Fang, K., Zhang, Q., & Ma, S. (2023). FunctanSNP: an R package for functional analysis of dense SNP data (with interactions). Bioinformatics, 39(12), btad741.




Normal installation

pip install GENetLib


pip install GENetLib -i 




Example data for method ScalerGE and GridScalerGE


Example data for users to apply the method ScalerGE and GridScalerGE.

SimDataScaler(rho_G, rho_E, dim_G, dim_E, n, dim_E_Sparse = 0, ytype = 'Survival', n_inter = None, linear = True, seed = 0)
Arguments Description
rho_G numeric, correlation of gene variables.
rho_E numeric, correlation of environment variables.
dim_G numeric, dimension of gene variables.
dim_E numeric, dimension of environment variables.
n numeric, sample size.
dim_E_Sparse numeric, dimension of sparse environment variables.
ytype character, "Survival", "Binary" or "Continuous" type of the output y. If not specified, the default is survival.
n_inter numeric, number of interaction effect variables.
linear bool, "True" or "False", whether or not to generate linear data. The default is True.
seed numeric, random seeds each time when data is generated.

The function "SimDataScaler" outputs a tuple including generated data and the positions of interaction effect variables.

  • data: a dataframe contains gene variables, environment variables, interaction variables and output y.
  • interaction efecct variables: an array contains the positions of interaction effect variables.
See Also

See also as ScalerGE, GridScalerGE.

import GENetLib
from GENetLib.SimDataScaler import SimDataScaler
scaler_survival_linear = SimDataScaler(rho_G = 0.25, rho_E = 0.3, dim_G = 500, dim_E = 5, n = 1500, dim_E_Sparse = 2, ytype = 'Survival', n_inter = 30)
scaler_survival_linear_data = scaler_survival_linear[0]
scaler_survival_linear_inter = scaler_survival_linear[1]


Example data for method FuncGE and GridFuncGE


Example data for users to apply the method FuncGE and GridFuncGE.

SimDataFunc(n, m, ytype, seed = 0)
Arguments Description
n numeric, sample size.
m numeric, the sequence length of each sample.
ytype character, "Survival", "Binary" or "Continuous" type of the output y. If not specified, the default is continuous.
seed numeric, random seeds each time when data is generated.

The function "SimDataScaler" outputs a dictionary including response variable y, scalar variable z and sequence (genotypes) data X.

  • x: a matrix representing the sequence data, with the number of rows equal to the number of samples.
  • y: an array representing the response variables.
  • z: a matrix representing the scalar covariates, with the number of rows equal to the number of samples.
  • location: a list defining the sampling sites of the sequence (genotypes) data.
See Also

See also as FuncGE, GridFuncGE.

import GENetLib
from GENetLib.SimDataFunc import SimDataFunc
Func_continuous = SimDataFunc(n = 1000, m = 100, ytype = 'Continuous', seed = 1)
x = Func_continuous['X']
y = Func_continuous['y']
z = Func_continuous['z']
location = Func_continuous['location']


G-E interaction analysis via deep leanring when the input X is scaler


This function provides an approach based on deep neural network in conjunction with MCP and L2 penalizations which can simultaneously conduct model estimation and selection of important main G effects and G–E interactions, while uniquely respecting the "main effects, interactions" variable selection hierarchy.

ScalerGE(data, ytype, dim_G, dim_E, haveGE, num_hidden_layers, nodes_hidden_layer, Learning_Rate2, L2, Learning_Rate1, L, Num_Epochs, t = None, model = None, split_type = 0, ratio = [7, 3], important_feature = True, plot = True, model_reg = None, isfunc = False)
Arguments Description
data dataframe or list, follow the format: dataframe with {G, GE(optional), E, y} or list with {y, G, E, GE(optional)}.
ytype character, "Survival", "Binary" or "Continuous" type of the output y.
dim_G numeric, dimension of gene variables.
dim_E numeric, dimension of environment variables.
haveGE bool, "True" or "False", whether there are GE interactions in the data. If not, the function will calculate GE interactions.
num_hidden_layers numeric, number of hidden layers in the neural network.
nodes_hidden_layer list, contains number of nodes in each hidden layer.
Learning_Rate2 numeric, learning rate of hidden layers.
L2 numeric, tuning parameter of L2 penalization.
Learning_Rate1 numeric, learning rate of sparse layers.
L numeric, tuning parameter of MCP penalization.
Num_Epochs numeric, number of epochs for neural network training.
t numeric, threshold in the selection ofimportant features.
model tuple, pre-trained models. If not specified, the default is none.
split_type integer, types of data split. If split_type = 0, the data is divided into a training set and a validation set. If split_type = 1, the data is divided into a training set, a validation set and a test set.
ratio list, the ratio of data split.
important_feature bool, "True" or "False", whether or not to show output features.
plot bool, "True" or "False", whether or not to show the line plot of residuals with the number of neural network epochs.

The function "ScalerGE" outputs a tuple including training results of the neural network.

  • Residual of the training set.
  • Residual of the validation set.
  • C index(y is survival) or R2(y is continuous or binary) of the training set.
  • C index(y is survival) or R2(y is continuous or binary) of the validation set.
  • A neural network after training.
  • Important features of gene variables.
  • Important features of G-E interaction variables.
See Also

See also as SimDataScaler, GridScalerGE.

import GENetLib
from GENetLib.SimDataScaler import SimDataScaler
from GENetLib.ScalerGE import ScalerGE
ytype = 'Survival'
num_hidden_layers = 2
nodes_hidden_layer = [1000, 100]
Learning_Rate2 = 0.035
L2 = 0.01
Learning_Rate1 = 0.06
L = 0.09
Num_Epochs = 100
t = 0.01
scaler_survival_linear = SimDataScaler(rho_G = 0.25, rho_E = 0.3, dim_G = 500, dim_E = 5, n = 1500, dim_E_Sparse = 2, ytype = 'Survival', n_inter = 30)
ScalerGERes = ScalerGE(scaler_survival_linear[0], ytype, 500, 5, True, num_hidden_layers, nodes_hidden_layer, Learning_Rate2, L2, Learning_Rate1, L, Num_Epochs, t, split_type = 0, ratio = [7, 3], important_feature = True, plot = True)


G-E interaction analysis via deep leanring when the input X is functional data


This function provides an approach based on deep neural network in conjunction with MCP and L2 penalizations which treats functional data or discrete realizations of functioanal data.

FuncGE(y, z, location, X, ytype, btype, num_hidden_layers, nodes_hidden_layer, Learning_Rate2, L2, Learning_Rate1, L, Num_Epochs, nbasis1, params1, t = None, Bsplines = 20, norder1 = 4, model = None, split_type = 0, ratio = [7, 3], plot_res = True, plot_beta = True)
Arguments Description
y numeric, an array representing the response variables.
z numeric, a matrix representing the scalar covariates, with the number of rows equal to the number of samples.
location list, a list defining the sampling sites of the sequence data.
X numeric or dict, a matrix representing the sequence data with the number of rows equal to the number of samples or a "FD" item which represents the functional data.
ytype character, "Survival", "Binary" or "Continuous" type of the output y.
btype character, "Bspline", "Exponential", "Fourier", "Monomial" or "power" type of spline.
num_hidden_layers numeric, number of hidden layers in the neural network.
nodes_hidden_layer list, contains number of nodes in each hidden layer.
Learning_Rate2 numeric, learning rate of hidden layers.
L2 numeric, tuning parameter of L2 penalization.
Learning_Rate1 numeric, learning rate of sparse layers.
L numeric, tuning parameter of MCP penalization.
Num_Epochs numeric, number of epochs for neural network training.
nbasis1 integer, an integer specifying the number of basis functions that constitutes the genetic variation function.
params1 integer, in addition to rangeval1 (a vector of length 2 giving the lower and upper limits of the range of permissible values for the genetic variation function) and nbasis1, all bases have one or two parameters unique to that basis type or shared with one other.
Bsplines integer, an integer specifying the number of basis functions that constitutes the genetic effect function.
norder1 integer, an integer specifying the order of bsplines that constitutes the genetic effect function, which is one higher than their degree. The default of 4 gives cubic splines.
model tuple, pre-trained models. If not specified, the default is none.
split_type integer, types of data split. If split_type = 0, the data is divided into a training set and a validation set. If split_type = 1, the data is divided into a training set, a validation set and a test set.
ratio list, the ratio of data split.
plot_res bool, "True" or "False", whether or not to show the line plot of residuals with the number of neural network epochs.
plot_beta bool, "True" or "False", whether or not to show the graph of predicted functions.

The function "FuncGE" outputs a tuple including training results of the neural network.

  • Residual of the training set.
  • Residual of the validation set.
  • C index(y is survival) or R2(y is continuous or binary) of the training set.
  • C index(y is survival) or R2(y is continuous or binary) of the validation set.
  • A neural network after training.
  • Estimated coefficients of the chosen basis functions for the genetic effect function beta0(t) and interaction items betak(t).
  • The estimated genetic effect function beta(t) and interaction items betak(t).
See Also

See also as SimDataFunc, GridFuncGE.

import GENetLib
from GENetLib.SimDataFunc import SimDataFunc
from GENetLib.FuncGE import FuncGE
num_hidden_layers = 2
nodes_hidden_layer = [100,10]
Learning_Rate2 = 0.035
L2 = 0.01
Learning_Rate1 = 0.02
L = 0.01
Num_Epochs = 50
nbasis1 = 5
params1 = 4
Func_continuous = SimDataFunc(n = 1500, m = 30, ytype = 'Continuous', seed = 123)
y = Func_continuous['y']
z = Func_continuous['z']
location = Func_continuous['location']
X = Func_continuous['X']
FuncGE_Res = FuncGE(y, z, location, X, 'Continuous', 'Bspline', num_hidden_layers, nodes_hidden_layer, Learning_Rate2, L2, Learning_Rate1, L, Num_Epochs, nbasis1, params1, Bsplines = 5, norder1 = 4, model = None, split_type = 1, ratio = [3, 1, 1], plot_res = True)


Grid search for ScalerGE


This function performs grid search for ScalerGE over a grid of values for the regularization parameter L, L2 and learning rate Learning_Rate1, Learning_Rate2.

GridScalerGE(data, ytype, dim_G, dim_E, haveGE, num_hidden_layers, nodes_hidden_layer, Learning_Rate2, L2, Learning_Rate1, L, Num_Epochs, t = None, model = None, split_type = 0, ratio = [7, 3], important_feature = True, plot = True, model_reg = None, isfunc = False)
Arguments Description
data dataframe or list, follow the format: dataframe with {G, GE(optional), E, y} or list with {y, G, E, GE(optional)}.
ytype character, "Survival", "Binary" or "Continuous" type of the output y.
dim_G numeric, dimension of gene variables.
dim_E numeric, dimension of environment variables.
haveGE bool, "True" or "False", whether there are GE interactions in the data. If not, the function will calculate GE interactions.
num_hidden_layers numeric, number of hidden layers in the neural network.
nodes_hidden_layer list, contains number of nodes in each hidden layer.
Learning_Rate2 list, learning rate of hidden layers.
L2 list, tuning parameter of L2 penalization.
Learning_Rate1 list, learning rate of sparse layers.
L list, tuning parameter of MCP penalization.
Num_Epochs numeric, number of epochs for neural network training.
t numeric, threshold in the selection ofimportant features.
model tuple, pre-trained models. If not specified, the default is none.
split_type integer, types of data split. If split_type = 0, the data is divided into a training set and a validation set. If split_type = 1, the data is divided into a training set, a validation set and a test set.
ratio list, the ratio of data split.
important_feature bool, "True" or "False", whether or not to show output features.
plot bool, "True" or "False", whether or not to show the line plot of residuals with the number of neural network epochs.

The function "GridScalerGE" outputs a tuple including training results of the neural network.

  • Values of tunning parameters after grid search.
  • Residual of the training set.
  • Residual of the validation set.
  • C index(y is survival) or R2(y is continuous or binary) of the training set.
  • C index(y is survival) or R2(y is continuous or binary) of the validation set.
  • A neural network after training.
  • Important features of gene variables.
  • Important features of GE interaction variables.
See Also

See also as SimDataScaler, ScalerGE.

import GENetLib
from GENetLib.SimDataScaler import SimDataScaler
from GENetLib.GridScalerGE import GridScalerGE
ytype = 'Survival'
num_hidden_layers = 2
nodes_hidden_layer = [1000, 100]
Learning_Rate2 = [0.035, 0.045]
L2 = [0.1]
Learning_Rate1 = [0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06]
L = [0.04, 0.05, 0.06, 0.07, 0.08, 0.09]
Num_Epochs = 100
t = 0.01
dim_E = 5
dim_G = 500
haveGE = True
scaler_survival_linear = SimDataScaler(rho_G = 0.25, rho_E = 0.3, dim_G = 500, dim_E = 5, n = 1500, dim_E_Sparse = 2, ytype = 'Survival', n_inter = 30)
GridScalerGERes = GridScalerGE(scaler_survival_linear[0], ytype, dim_G, dim_E, haveGE, num_hidden_layers, nodes_hidden_layer, Learning_Rate2, L2, Learning_Rate1, L, Num_Epochs, t, split_type = 1, ratio = [3, 1, 1], plot = True)


Grid search for FuncGE


This function performs grid search for FuncGE over a grid of values for the regularization parameter L, L2 and learning rate Learning_Rate1, Learning_Rate2.

GridFuncGE(y, z, location, X, ytype, btype, num_hidden_layers, nodes_hidden_layer, Learning_Rate2, L2, Learning_Rate1, L, Num_Epochs, nbasis1, params1, t = None, Bsplines = 20, norder1 = 4, model = None, split_type = 0, ratio = [7, 3], plot_res = True, plot_beta = True)
Arguments Description
y numeric, an array representing the response variables.
z numeric, a matrix representing the scalar covariates, with the number of rows equal to the number of samples.
location list, a list defining the sampling sites of the sequence data.
X numeric or dict, a matrix representing the sequence data with the number of rows equal to the number of samples or a "FD" item which represents the functional data.
ytype character, "Survival", "Binary" or "Continuous" type of the output y.
btype character, "Bspline", "Exponential", "Fourier", "Monomial" or "power" type of spline.
num_hidden_layers numeric, number of hidden layers in the neural network.
nodes_hidden_layer list, contains number of nodes in each hidden layer.
Learning_Rate2 list, learning rate of hidden layers.
L2 list, tuning parameter of L2 penalization.
Learning_Rate1 list, learning rate of sparse layers.
L list, tuning parameter of MCP penalization.
Num_Epochs numeric, number of epochs for neural network training.
nbasis1 integer, an integer specifying the number of basis functions that constitutes the genetic variation function.
params1 integer, in addition to rangeval1 (a vector of length 2 giving the lower and upper limits of the range of permissible values for the genetic variation function) and nbasis1, all bases have one or two parameters unique to that basis type or shared with one other.
Bsplines integer, an integer specifying the number of basis functions that constitutes the genetic effect function.
norder1 integer, an integer specifying the order of bsplines that constitutes the genetic effect function, which is one higher than their degree. The default of 4 gives cubic splines.
model tuple, pre-trained models. If not specified, the default is none.
split_type integer, types of data split. If split_type = 0, the data is divided into a training set and a validation set. If split_type = 1, the data is divided into a training set, a validation set and a test set.
ratio list, the ratio of data split.
plot_res bool, "True" or "False", whether or not to show the line plot of residuals with the number of neural network epochs.
plot_beta bool, "True" or "False", whether or not to show the graph of predicted functions.

The function "GridFuncGE" outputs a tuple including training results of the neural network.

  • Values of tunning parameters after grid search.
  • Residual of the training set.
  • Residual of the validation set.
  • C index(y is survival) or R2(y is continuous or binary) of the training set.
  • C index(y is survival) or R2(y is continuous or binary) of the validation set.
  • A neural network after training.
  • Estimated coefficients of the chosen basis functions for the genetic effect function beta0(t) and interaction items betak(t).
  • The estimated genetic effect function beta(t) and interaction items betak(t).
See Also

See also as SimDataFunc, FuncGE.

import GENetLib
from GENetLib.SimDataFunc import SimDataFunc
from GENetLib.GridFuncGE import GridFuncGE
num_hidden_layers = 2
nodes_hidden_layer = [100, 10]
Learning_Rate2 = [0.005, 0.01, 0.015]
L2 = [0.005, 0.01, 0.015]
Learning_Rate1 = [0.001, 0.005]
L = [0.005, 0.006, 0.007]
Num_Epochs = 50
nbasis1 = 5
params1 = 4
Func_continuous = SimDataFunc(n = 1000, m = 30, ytype = 'Continuous', seed = 1)
y = Func_continuous['y']
z = Func_continuous['z']
location = Func_continuous['location']
X = Func_continuous['X']
GridFuncGE_Res = GridFuncGE(y, z, location, X, 'Continuous', 'Bspline', num_hidden_layers, nodes_hidden_layer, Learning_Rate2, L2, Learning_Rate1, L, Num_Epochs, nbasis1, params1, Bsplines = 5, norder1 = 4, model = None, split_type = 0, ratio = [7,3], plot_res = True)

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