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Numerical optimization framework

Project description


Indago is a Python 3 module for numerical optimization.

Indago containts several modern methods for real fitness function optimization over a real parameter domain. It was developed at the Department for Fluid Mechanics and Computational Engineering of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Engineering, by Stefan Ivić, Siniša Družeta, Luka Grbčić, and others.

Indago is developed for in-house research and teaching purposes and is not officially supported in any way, comes with no guarantees whatsoever and is not properly documented. However, we use it regulary and it seems to be working fine. Hopefully you will find it useful as well.

Important: After every Indago update please check this document since Indago methods and APIs can undergo significant changes at any time.


You can install Indago via pip:

pip install indago

If you wish to update your existing Indago installation, just do:

pip install indago --upgrade

Optimization problem setup

Using Indago is easy. The setup of the optimization problem in Indago is the same regardless of the used optimization method:

# Evaluation function
def goalfun(x):
    obj = np.sum(x ** 2)  # minimization objective
    constr1 = x[0] - x[1]  # constraint x_0 - x_1 <= 0
    constr2 = - np.sum(x)  # constraint sum x_i >= 0
    return obj, constr1, constr2

# Initialize the chosen method
from indago import PSO # ...or any other Indago method
optimizer = PSO()

# Optimization variables settings = -10 # lower bound, given as scalar (equal for all variables)
optimizer.ub = 10 + np.arange(8) # upper bounds, given as np.array (one bound value per variable)

# Set evaluation function
optimizer.evaluation_function = goalfun  

# Objectives and constraints settings
optimizer.objectives = 1  # number of objectives (optional parameter, default objectives=1), this is obj in evaluation function
optimizer.objective_labels = ['Squared sum minimization']  # labels for objectives (optional parameter, used in reporting)
optimizer.constraints = 2  # number of constraints (optional parameter, default constraints=0), these are constr1 and constr2 in evaluation function
optimizer.constraint_labels = ['Constraint 1', 'Constraint 2']  # labels for constraints (optional parameter, used in reporting)

# Print optimizer parameters
print(optimizer) # not necessary, but useful for checking the setup of the optimizer

# Run optimization
result = optimizer.optimize() # (using default parameters of the method)

# Extract results
print(result.f) # minimum of obj with constr1 and constr2 satisfied
print(result.X) # design vector at minimum

Alternatively, you can achieve the same by using a shorthand one-line solution, which is also available in Indago:

from indago import minimize
X, f = minimize(goalfun, 8, -10, 10 + np.arange(8), 'PSO', 
                objectives=1, objective_labels=['Squared sum minimization'], 
                constraints=2, constraint_labels=['Constraint 1', 'Constraint 2'])

Instead of stating 'PSO' as the method you want to use, you can use a different one, or easily iterate through all the available methods, as they are listed in indago.optimizers_name_list and indago.optimizers_dict.


As of now, Indago consists of the following stochastic optimization methods:

  • Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
  • Fireworks Algorithm (FWA)
  • Squirrel Search Algorithm (SSA)
  • Differential Evolution (DE)
  • Bat Algorithm (BA)
  • Electromagnetic Field Optimization (EFO)
  • Manta Ray Foraging Optimization (MRFO)
  • Artificial Bee Colony (ABC)

and custom implementation of a gradient free local search method called

  • Multi-Scale Grid Search (MSGS).

These methods are available through a unified API, which was designed to be as accessible as possible. Indago relies heavily on NumPy, so the inputs and outputs of the optimizers are mostly NumPy arrays. Besides NumPy, Indago uses only Matplotlib, a couple of SciPy functions, and rich module for fancy console printouts. Indago methods also include some of our original research improvements, so feel free to try those as well. And don't forget to cite. :)

Particle Swarm Optimization

Let us use PSO as a primary step-by-step example. First, we need to import NumPy and Indago PSO, and then initialize an optimizer object:

import numpy as np
from indago import PSO
pso = PSO() 

Then, we must provide a goal function which needs to be minimized, say:

def goalfun(x):	# must take 1d np.array
    return np.sum(x**2) # must return scalar number
pso.evaluation_function = goalfun

Now we can define optimizer inputs:

pso.variant = 'Vanilla' # we will use Standard PSO, the other available option is 'TVAC' [1]; default variant='Vanilla'
pso.dimensions = 20 # number of variables in the design vector (x) (optional, if not given will be infered from lb/ub) = np.ones(pso.dimensions) * -1 # 1d np.array of lower bound values (if scalar value is given, it will automatically be transformed to 1d np.array of size dimensions, filled with the value)
pso.ub = np.ones(pso.dimensions) * 1 # 1d np.array of upper bound values (if scalar value is given, it will automatically be transformed to 1d np.array of size dimensions, filled with the value)
pso.max_iterations = 1000 # if no stopping criteria given, default max_iterations=100*dimensions
pso.max_evaluations = 5000 # optional maximum allowed number of function evaluations; when surpassed, optimization is stopped (if reached before pso.max_iterations are exhausted)
pso.target_fitness = 10**-3 # optional fitness threshold; when reached, optimization is stopped (if it didn't already stop due to exhausted pso.max_iterations or pso.maximum_evaluations)

Also, we can provide optimization method parameters:

pso.params['swarm_size'] = 15 # number of PSO particles; default swarm_size=dimensions
pso.params['inertia'] = 0.8 # PSO parameter known as inertia weight w (should range from 0.5 to 1.0), the other available options are 'LDIW' (w linearly decreasing from 1.0 to 0.4) and 'anakatabatic'; default inertia=0.72
pso.params['cognitive_rate'] = 1.0 # PSO parameter also known as c1 (should range from 0.0 to 2.0); default cognitive_rate=1.0
pso.params['social_rate'] = 1.0 # PSO parameter also known as c2 (should range from 0.0 to 2.0); default social_rate=1.0

If we want to use our novel adaptive inertia weight technique [2], which will often produce faster convergence and better accuracy, we invoke it by:

pso.params['inertia'] = 'anakatabatic'

and then we need to also specify the anakatabatic model:

pso.params['akb_model'] = 'Languid' # other options explained below

Apart from 'Languid' [3,4], we can use 'TipsySpider', 'FlyingStork' or 'MessyTie' models for Vanilla PSO, and 'RightwardPeaks' or 'OrigamiSnake' models for TVAC PSO [2]. According to our experience, your best bets are 'Languid' and 'TipsySpider'.

We can enable reporting during the optimization process by providing the monitoring argument:

pso.monitoring = 'basic' # other options are 'none' and 'dashboard'; default monitoring='none'

Finally, we can start the optimization and retrieve the results:

result = pso.optimize()
min_f = result.f # fitness at minimum, scalar number
x_min = result.X # design vector at minimum, 1d np.array

And that's it!

(If you're using the indago.minimize function instead, note that params used above is a Python dict, hence it should be prepared as such and then given as a keyword argument, e.g. params={'swarm_size': 15, 'inertia': 0.8}).

Fireworks Algorithm

If we want to use FWA [5], we just have to import it instead of PSO:

from indago import FWA
fwa = FWA()

Now we can proceed in the same manner as with PSO.

For FWA, the only method available is basic FWA, which is implemented in two versions: 'Vanilla' (ignores contraints) and 'Rank' (supports using constraints):

fwa.variant = 'Rank' # the other option is 'Vanilla' which does not support constraints; default variant='Rank'

In FWA we can set the following method parameters:

fwa.params['n'] = 20 # default n=dimensions
fwa.params['m1'] = 10 # default m1=dimensions/2
fwa.params['m2'] = 10 # default m2=dimensions/2

Squirrel Search Algorithm

We can try our luck also with SSA [6]. We initialize it like this:

from indago import SSA
ssa = SSA()

In SSA, the only available variant is 'Vanilla' (which is set as default), and there are two method parameters:

ssa.params['swarm_size'] = 15 # number of squirrels; default swarm_size=dimensions
ssa.params['acorn_tree_attraction'] = 0.6 # ranges from 0.0 to 1.0; default acorn_tree_attraction=0.5

If we want to fine-tune the method, we can define a few other SSA parameters:

ssa.params['predator_presence_probability'] = 0.1 # default
ssa.params['gliding_constant'] = 1.9 # default
ssa.params['gliding_distance_limits'] = [0.5, 1.11] # default

Differential Evolution

If we want to use DE [7], we initialize it in the same way as with the other methods:

from indago import DE
de = DE()

There are two DE variants implemented, namely SHADE and LSHADE. Say we want to use LSHADE:

de.variant = 'LSHADE' # default variant='SHADE'

Both DE variants use the following parameters:

de.params['initial_population_size'] = 200 # default initial_population_size=dimensions*18
de.params['external_archive_size_factor'] = 2.6 # default
de.params['historical_memory_size'] = 4 # default historical_memory_size=6
de.params['p_mutation'] = 0.2 # default p_mutation=0.11

DE implementation does not (yet) support using constraints.

Bat Algorithm

For using BA [8], we initialize it in the same way as with the other methods:

from indago import BA
ba = BA()

The only BA version implemented is the original Bat Algorithm [8] with mutation modified to make it fitness-scalable. We specifiy it as:

ba.variant = 'Vanilla'

The following parameters are used:

ba.params['bat_swarm_size'] = 15 # default bat_swarm_size=dimensions
ba.params['loudness'] = 1 # default
ba.params['pulse_rate'] = 0.001 # default
ba.params['alpha'] = 0.9 # default 
ba.params['gamma'] = 0.1 # default 
ba.params['freq_range'] = [0, 1] # default

Electromagnetic Field Optimization

To use EFO [9], we initialize it in the same way as shown above:

from indago import EFO
efo = EFO()

In EFO, the only available variant is 'Vanilla' (which is set as default):

efo.variant = 'Vanilla'

The following parameters are used:

efo.params['population_size'] =  100 # default population_size=10*dimensions
efo.params['R_rate'] = 0.25 # should range from 0.1 to 0.4; default R_rate=0.25
efo.params['Ps_rate'] = 0.25 # should range from 0.1 to 0.4; default Ps_rate=0.25
efo.params['P_field'] = 0.075 # should range from 0.05 to 0.1; default P_field=0.075
efo.params['N_field'] = 0.45 # should range from 0.4 to 0.5; default N_field=0.45

Currently, parallelization in EFO is not allowed due to it being entirely ineffective for this method.

Manta Ray Foraging Optimization

If we want to use MRFO [10], we initialize it in the same way as with the other methods:

from indago import MRFO
mrfo = MRFO()

In MRFO, the only available variant is 'Vanilla' (set as default):

mrfo.variant = 'Vanilla'

The following parameters are used:

mrfo.params['manta_population'] = 3 # default manta_population=dimensions
mrfo.params['somersault_factor'] = 2 # default (added for experimentation purposes, best leave at default)

Artificial Bee Colony

If we want to use ABC [11], we initialize it in the same way as with the other methods:

from indago import ABC
abc = ABC()

In ABC, the only available variant is 'Vanilla' (set as default):

abc.variant = 'Vanilla'

The following parameters are used:

abc.params['bees'] = 50 # default bees=dimensions
abc.params['trial_limit'] = 5 # default trial_limit=population*dimensions/2 

Multi-Scale Grid Search

Indago's MSGS optimizer is actually a variation of Pattern Search. Use it as any other method:

from indago import MSGS
msgs = MSGS()

MSGS allow two parameters: Grid size n regulating the grid size in each dimension, and optimization variables tolerance xtol used for stopping of search grid refinement and providing additional stopping criteria for MSGS:

msgs.params['n'] = 10
msgs.params['xtol'] = np.full(msgs.dimensions, 1e-5) 

Which method to choose?

There are so many methods, which one do you pick? You can test them quickly on your evaluation function by using the inspect function:

from indago import inspect
# trying 20 runs of PSO, FWA and EFO on the evaluation function of 8 dimensions with two constraints, with lb=-10, ub=10, on 1000 evaluations executed in parallel
results, X_best = inspect(goalfun, -10*np.ones(8), 10*np.ones(8), objectives=1, constraints=2,
				  evaluations=1000, optimizers_name_list=['PSO', 'FWA', 'EFO'], 
				  runs=20, number_of_processes=4) 

You'll get a table printout with results of the test, which are also available in the returned Python dict (results). If you skip the list of optimization method names, inspect will try all available methods. Note that the optimizers used for this test are default-set, i.e. no customization is available.

If you want to test customized optimizers and compare their performance, you can use inspect_optimizers function. Say we have two optimizers prepared, opt1 and opt2. We can quickly test them like this:

from indago import inspect_optimizers
results, X_best = inspect_optimizers({'opt1 description': opt1, 'opt2 description': opt2}, runs=200)

Again, we'll get the results in a nice table printout, as well as in the returned object.

In both of these functions, you can turn off the table printout by specifying printout=False.

So you've used inspect and found a method which seems to work fine. But what about it's params? The choice of method parameters for these methods can sometimes strongly affect the method's performance. If your evaluation function is not very expensive and/or you can afford this, you could use minimize_exhaustive, which will try to tune your optimizer on a large number of runs and report the best solution found. Say we want to optimize our evaluation function with tuned PSO, and use FWA for tuning:

from indago import minimize_exhaustive
result, tuned_params = minimize_exhaustive(goalfun, -10*np.ones(8), 10*np.ones(8), 'PSO', 
                                           {'cognitive_rate': [1, 2], 'social_rate': [1, 2]}, 'FWA',
                                           runs=100, epochs=20, 
                                           evaluations=1000, objectives=1, constraints=2, number_of_processes=4)

This means that we want to try to hyper-optimize 'cognitive_rate' and 'social_rate' parameters, by varying them both in the range of [1, 2]. (If you omit the entire dict, all parameters will be tuned. If you give None as the range, the default range will be used.) Due to the strong stochasticity of the PSO method, we want to repeat every optimization 100 times (recommended minimum, also default), and utilize FWA (default=DE) to hyper-optimize PSO for 50 iterations (i.e. epochs, default=10). Note that this could be prohibitively expensive, but if you can afford it, also quite useful. The best solution found is in the result tuple, and the hyper-optimized parameters are in the tuned_params dict.

Custom initialization

Optionally, we can provide pre-defined design vector(s) for initialization. This can be useful for boosting the optimizer by feeding it known near-optimal solutions, or using non-uniform random generators, etc. The provided design vectors are injected into the method's population at the start of the optimization (the rest of the population will be initialized with uniform random values, as per usual).

optimizer.X0 = np.array([[1,2,3], [2,3,4]]) # 1d or 2d np.array with each row representing one design vector

Alternatively, X0 can represent the number of random candidates generated at the start of optimization. Each method utilizes these candidates, fully or partially, for initial population, swarm or starting point. Initial candidates are chosen in order of their fitness. This is useful in local search MSGS which don't utilize candidates population concept but rather starts from a single point: specifying megs.X0 = 10 generates randomly 10 candidates and starts the search from best one.

Multiple objectives and constraints handling

The optimization methods implemented in Indago are able to consider nonlinear constraints defined as c(x) <= 0. The constraints handling is enabled by the multi-level comparison which is able to compare multi-constraint solution candidates.

Multi-objective optimization problems can also be treated in Indago by automatically constructed weighted sum fitness, hence reducing the problem to single-objective.

The following example prepares a PSO optimizer for an evaluation which returns two objectives and two constraints:

pso.objectives = 2
pso.objective_labels = ['Route length', 'Passing time']
pso.objective_weights = [0.4, 0.6]
pso.constraints = 2
pso.constraint_labels = ['Obstacles intersection length', 'Curvature limit']

The evaluation function needs to be modified accordingly:

def evaluate(x):
    # Calculate minimization objectives o1 and o2
    # Calculate constraints c1 and c2
    # Constraints are defined as c1 <= 0 and c2 <= 0
    return o1, o2, c1, c2

Stopping criteria

Five distinct criteria can be enabled for stopping the Indago optimization:

  • Stop when reached maximum number of iterations (optimizer.max_iterations),
  • Stop when reached maximum number of evaluations (optimizer.max_evaluations),
  • Stop when reached target fitness (optimizer.target_fitness),
  • Stop when reached maximum number of iterations with no progress (optimizer.max_stalled_iterations),
  • Stop when reached maximum number of evaluations with no progress (optimizer.max_stalled_evaluations).

The optimization stops when any of the specified criteria is reached. These stopping criteria are enabled only if they are specified by the user. However, since the optimization process needs to end somehow, if no stopping criteria are set by the user the maximum number of iterations (optimizer.max_iterations) is automatically set to the default value calculated as max_iterations = 100 * dimensions. Stopping criteria can be used in any combination.

Optimization monitoring

Three different modes of optimization process monitoring in the terminal can be used by specifiying the parameter optimizer.monitoring. The available options are:

  • 'none' - no output is displayed (this is the default behavior),
  • 'basic' - one line of output per iteration is provided, comprising basic convergence parameters, and
  • 'dashboard' - a live dashboard is shown, featuring progress bars and continuously updated values of parameters most important for tracking optimization convergence.

Additionally to the monitoring in the terminal, the optimization process can be supervised via convergence log file. This option can be enabled by specifying a log file name (as a string) as the optimizer.convergence_log_file parameter. The log file consists of problem and optimizer parameters summary, and stores best candidate's optimization variables, objectives and constraints values after each iteration. For post-processing purposes, the convergence content of the log file can be conveniently loaded using np.loadtxt('convergence.log').

Parallel evaluation

Indago is able to evaluate a group of solution candidates (e.g. a swarm in PSO) in parallel mode. This is especially useful for expensive (in terms of computational time) engineering problems whose evaluation relies on simulations such as CFD or FEM.

Indago utilizes the multiprocessing module for parallelization and it can be enabled by specifying the number_of_processes parameter:

optimizer.number_of_processes = 4 # use 'max' for employing all available processors/cores

Note that the implemented parallelization scales well only on relatively slow goal functions. Also keep in mind that Python multiprocessing sometimes does not work when initiated from imported code, so you need to have the optimization run call (optimizer.optimize()) wrapped in if __name__ == '__main__':.

When dealing with numerical simulations, one mostly needs to specify input files and a directory in which the simulation runs. If execution is performed in parallel, these file/directory names need to be unique to avoid possible conflicts in simulation files. In order to facilitate this, Indago offers the option of passing a unique string over to the evaluation function, thus enabling execution of simulations without conflicts.

To enable the passing of a unique string to evaluation function, set forward_unique_str to True:

optimizer.forward_unique_str = True

Note that the evaluation function needs an additional argument through which the unique string is received:

def evaluate(X, unique_str=None):
    # Prepare a simulation case in a new file and/or a new directory with names based on unique_str
    # Run external simulation and extract results
    return objective

Post-iteration processing

When dealing with simulation based evaluation functions, one often needs to keep some of the results (i.e. simulation results stored in uniqe_str directory). However, numerous evaluations can easily consume a large amount of the disk space. Bearing this in mind, Indago offers setting of an post-iteration processing function which can be customized in order to perform the desired actions, such as cleanup, visualisations, etc. The function needs to be defined to take three arguments: iteration, list/array of evaluated candidates (in a given iteration) and the overall best candidate, i.e. (it, candidates, best). This feature works for both single- and multi-processing evaluations. The used post-processing function is called after each collective evaluation (possibly more than once in each iteration, depending on the optimization method used).

The following example shows how to cleanup the evaluation results and store convergence log:

def evaluate(X, unique_str):

    # Create directory for calculation

    o, c1, c2 = np.sum(X**2), X[0] - X[1] + 35, np.sum(np.cos(X) + 0.2)

    # Save stuff to the directory
    np.savetxt(f'{test_dir}/{unique_str}/in_out.txt', np.hstack((X, [o, c1, c2])))

    return o, c1, c2

def my_post_iteration_processing(it, candidates, best):

    # In case of iterations without evaluations
    if candidates.size == 0:

    if candidates[0] <= best:
        # Keeping only overall best solution
        if os.path.exists(f'{test_dir}/best'):
        os.rename(f'{test_dir}/{candidates[0].unique_str}', f'{test_dir}/best')

        # Keeping best solution of each iteration (if it is the best overall)
        # os.rename(f'{test_dir}/{candidates[0].unique_str}', f'{test_dir}/best_it{it}')

        # Log keeps track of new best solutions in each iteration
        with open(f'{test_dir}/log.txt', 'a') as log:
            X = ', '.join(f'{x:13.6e}' for x in candidates[0].X)
            O = ', '.join(f'{o:13.6e}' for o in candidates[0].O)
            C = ', '.join(f'{c:13.6e}' for c in candidates[0].C)
            log.write(f'{it:6d} X:[{X}], O:[{O}], C:[{C}], fitness:{candidates[0].f:13.6e}\n')

        candidates = np.delete(candidates, 0)  # Remove the best from candidates (since its directory is already renamed)

    # Remove candidates' directories
    for c in candidates:
        # print(f'Removing {test_dir}/{c.unique_str}')

optimizer.post_iteration_processing = my_post_iteration_processing

Failing evaluation function

Sometimes, for whatever reason, goal function (i.e. optimizer.evaluation_function) may fail to compute. Indago features a built-in (semi-experimental) scheme for handling such cases, which are identified by evaluation function returning np.nan. You can control this scheme by setting the optimizer.eval_fail_behavior to one of the following:

  • 'abort' - optimization is stopped at the first event of evaluation function returning np.nan (default)
  • 'ignore' - optimizer will ignore any np.nan values returned by the evaluation function (note that Vanilla FWA does not support this)
  • 'retry' - optimizer will try to resolve the issue by repeatedly receding a failed design vector a small step towards the best solution thus far

When using optimizer.eval_fail_behavior = 'retry' the retrying mechanism can be fine-tuned by setting additional parameters:

optimizer.eval_retry_attempts = 5 # retry at most 5 times to evaluate the unevaluated design vector; default eval_retry_attempts=10
optimizer.eval_retry_recede = 0.05 # at each retry move the unevaluated design vector 5% towards the hitherto best solution; any value in range (0,1) is allowed; default eval_retry_recede=0.01

Note that setting optimizer.eval_retry_recede = 0 yields pure evaluation retries without design vector modification, which might be useful for randomly failing fitness functions.

Failed evaluations are detected by optimizer.evaluation_function returning np.nan. Thus the function should be prepared in such a way so that it returns np.nan if it fails to compute. However, if you want Indago to handle this for you, you can enable

optimizer.safe_evaluation = True # default safe_evaluation=False

Although this treatment of failing evaluation functions will probably solve the problem, it may also hamper the efficiency of the optimization method. Therefore keep in mind that it is always better to make sure that your goal function never fails to compute.

Results and convergence plot

Some intermediate optimization results are stored in optimizer.history dict, which can be explored/analyzed after the optimization is finished.

Also, a utility function is available for visualizing optimization convergence, which produces convergence plots for all defined objectives and constraints:


CEC 2014

Indago also includes the CEC 2014 test suite [12], comprising 30 test functions for real optimization methods. You can use it by importing it like this:

from indago.benchmarks import CEC2014

Then, you have to initialize it for a specific dimensionality of the test functions:

test = CEC2014(20) # initialization od 20-dimension functions, you can also use 10, 50 and 100

Now you can use specific test functions (test.F1, test.F2, ... up to test.F30), they all take 1d np.array of size 10/20/50/100 and return a scalar number. Alternatively, you can iterate through the built-in list of them all:

test_results = []
for f in test.functions:
    optimizer.evaluation_function = f

Have fun!


  1. Ratnaweera, A., Halgamuge, S. K., & Watson, H. C. (2004). Self-organizing hierarchical particle swarm optimizer with time-varying acceleration coefficients. IEEE Transactions on evolutionary computation, 8(3), 240-255.

  2. Družeta, S., & Ivić, S. (2020). Anakatabatic Inertia: Particle-wise Adaptive Inertia for PSO, arXiv:2008.00979 [cs.NE].

  3. Družeta, S., & Ivić, S. (2017). Examination of benefits of personal fitness improvement dependent inertia for Particle Swarm Optimization. Soft Computing, 21(12), 3387-3400.

  4. Družeta, S., Ivić, S., Grbčić, L., & Lučin, I. (2019). Introducing languid particle dynamics to a selection of PSO variants. Egyptian Informatics Journal, 21(2), 119-129.

  5. Tan, Y., & Zhu, Y. (2010, June). Fireworks algorithm for optimization. In International conference in swarm intelligence (pp. 355-364). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

  6. Jain, M., Singh, V., & Rani, A. (2019). A novel nature-inspired algorithm for optimization: Squirrel search algorithm. Swarm and evolutionary computation, 44, 148-175.

  7. Tanabe, R., & Fukunaga, A. S. (2014). Improving the search performance of SHADE using linear population size reduction. In Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), pp. 1658–1665, Beijing, China.

  8. Yang, X. S., & Gandomi, A. H. (2012). Bat algorithm: a novel approach for global engineering optimization. Engineering computations.

  9. Abedinpourshotorban, H., Shamsuddin, S. M., Beheshti, Z., & Jawawi, D. N. (2016). Electromagnetic field optimization: a physics-inspired metaheuristic optimization algorithm. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 26, 8-22.

  10. Zhao, W., Zhang, Z., & Wang, L. (2020). Manta ray foraging optimization: An effective bio-inspired optimizer for engineering applications. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 87, 103300.

  11. Karaboga, D., & Akay, B. (2009). A comparative study of artificial bee colony algorithm. Applied mathematics and computation, 214(1), 108-132.

  12. Liang, J. J., Qu, B. Y., & Suganthan, P. N. (2013). Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2014 special session and competition on single objective real-parameter numerical optimization. Computational Intelligence Laboratory, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou China and Technical Report, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 635.

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Indago-0.4.0-py3-none-any.whl (61.6 kB view hashes)

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