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A CLI tool based on GREP designed for the modern world

Project description


JREP is a general-purpose command line utility that takes the basic concept of GREP and transforms it into an infinitely more versatile tool fit for the modern world.

Basically I couldn't find a good GREP for windows and GREP itself kinda sucks so I did it myself. Excpect dumb bodges and messy code despite my efforts to keep both to a minimum.

Check here for compatibility info

The current output of jrep --help:
For details, check below

usage: [--help [topic]] [--string] [--enhanced-engine]
               [--file FILE [FILE ...]] [--glob GLOB [GLOB ...]]
               [--stdin-files | --stdin-globs | --stdin-anti-match-strings]
               [--no-duplicates] [--no-name-duplicates]
               [--name-regex Regex [Regex ...]]
               [--name-anti-regex Regex [Regex ...]]
               [--name-ignore-regex Regex [Regex ...]]
               [--full-name-regex Regex [Regex ...]]
               [--full-name-anti-regex Regex [Regex ...]]
               [--full-name-ignore-regex Regex [Regex ...]]
               [--name-glob Glob [Glob ...]]
               [--name-anti-glob Glob [Glob ...]]
               [--name-ignore-glob Glob [Glob ...]]
               [--full-name-glob Glob [Glob ...]]
               [--full-name-anti-glob Glob [Glob ...]]
               [--full-name-ignore-glob Glob [Glob ...]]
               [--dir-name-regex Regex [Regex ...]]
               [--dir-name-anti-regex Regex [Regex ...]]
               [--dir-name-ignore-regex Regex [Regex ...]]
               [--dir-full-name-regex Regex [Regex ...]]
               [--dir-full-name-anti-regex Regex [Regex ...]]
               [--dir-full-name-ignore-regex Regex [Regex ...]]
               [--file-regex Regex [Regex ...]]
               [--file-anti-regex Regex [Regex ...]]
               [--file-ignore-regex Regex [Regex ...]]
               [--match-regex Regex [Regex ...]]
               [--match-anti-regex Regex [Regex ...]]
               [--match-ignore-regex Regex [Regex ...]] [--sort SORT]
               [--sort-regex Regex [Regex ...]] [--sort-dir SORT_DIR]
               [--no-headers] [--print-dir-names] [--print-file-names]
               [--print-full-paths] [--print-posix-paths]
               [--dont-print-matches] [--print-match-offset]
               [--print-match-range] [--replace Regex [Regex ...]]
               [--sub Regex [Regex ...]] [--name-sub Regex [Regex ...]]
               [--dir-name-sub Regex [Regex ...]] [--escape]
               [--count COUNT [COUNT ...]] [--limit LIMIT [LIMIT ...]]
               [--depth-first] [--glob-root-dir GLOB_ROOT_DIR]
               [--match-whole-lines] [--print-failed-files] [--no-warn]
               [--hard-warn] [--weave-matches] [--strict-weave]
               [--pre-match-exec cmd] [--match-exec cmd]
               [--if-match-exec-before cmd] [--if-match-exec-after cmd]
               [--if-no-match-exec-after cmd] [--pre-file-exec cmd]
               [--file-exec cmd] [--if-file-exec-before cmd]
               [--if-file-exec-after cmd] [--if-no-file-exec-after cmd]
               [--pre-dir-exec cmd] [--dir-exec cmd]
               [--if-dir-exec-before cmd] [--if-dir-exec-after cmd]
               [--if-no-dir-exec-after cmd] [--order ORDER [ORDER ...]]
               [--no-flush] [--force-flush] [--print-rundata] [--verbose]
               [Regex ...]

  --help [topic], -h [topic]            show this help message and exit OR use
                                        `--help [topic]` for help with [topic]

Files and regexes:
  Regex                                 Regex(es) to process matches for
                                        (reffered to as "get regexes")
  --string, -s                          Treat get regexes as strings. Doesn't
                                        apply to any other options.
  --enhanced-engine, -E                 Use alternate regex engine from
  --file FILE [FILE ...], -f FILE [FILE ...]
                                        A list of files to check
  --glob GLOB [GLOB ...], -g GLOB [GLOB ...]
                                        A list of globs to check
  --include-dirs                        Process directories as files
  --stdin-files, -F                     Treat STDIN as a list of files
  --stdin-globs, -G                     Treat STDIN as a list of globs
  --stdin-anti-match-strings            Treat STDIN as a list of strings to
                                        not match

  --no-duplicates, -D                   Don't print duplicate matches (See
                                        also: --order)
  --no-name-duplicates                  Don't process files whose names have
                                        already been processed (takes --name-
                                        sub, --print-full-paths and --print-
  --name-regex Regex [Regex ...], -t Regex [Regex ...]
                                        If a file name matches all supplied
                                        regexes, keep going. Otherwise
  --name-anti-regex Regex [Regex ...], -T Regex [Regex ...]
                                        Like --name-regex but excludes file
                                        names that match any of the supplied
  --name-ignore-regex Regex [Regex ...]
                                        Like --name-anti-regex but doesn't
                                        contribute to --count *-failed-files
  --full-name-regex Regex [Regex ...]   Like --name-regex but for absolute
                                        file paths (C:/xyz instead of xyz)
  --full-name-anti-regex Regex [Regex ...]
                                        Like --name-anti-regex but applied to
                                        full file paths
  --full-name-ignore-regex Regex [Regex ...]
                                        Like --full-name-anti-regex but
                                        doesn't contribute to --count
  --name-glob Glob [Glob ...]           If a file name matches all supplied
                                        globs, keep going. Otherwise continue
  --name-anti-glob Glob [Glob ...]      Like --name-glob but excludes file
                                        names that match any of the supplied
  --name-ignore-glob Glob [Glob ...]    Like --name-anti-glob but doesn't
                                        contribute to --count *-failed-files
  --full-name-glob Glob [Glob ...]      Like --name-glob but for absolute file
                                        paths (C:/xyz instead of xyz)
  --full-name-anti-glob Glob [Glob ...]
                                        Like --name-anti-glob but applied to
                                        full file paths
  --full-name-ignore-glob Glob [Glob ...]
                                        Like --full-name-anti-glob but doesn't
                                        contribute to --count *-failed-files
  --dir-name-regex Regex [Regex ...]    If a directory name matches all
                                        supplied regexes, enter it. Otherwise
  --dir-name-anti-regex Regex [Regex ...]
                                        Like --dir-name-regex but excludes
                                        directories that match any of the
                                        supplied regexes
  --dir-name-ignore-regex Regex [Regex ...]
                                        Like --dir-name-anti-regex but doesn't
                                        contribute to --count total-failed-
  --dir-full-name-regex Regex [Regex ...]
                                        Like --dir-name-regex but for absolute
                                        directory paths (C:/xyz instead of
  --dir-full-name-anti-regex Regex [Regex ...]
                                        Like --dir-name-anti-regex but applied
                                        to full directory paths
  --dir-full-name-ignore-regex Regex [Regex ...]
                                        Like --dir-full-name-anti-regex but
                                        doesn't contribute to --count total-
  --file-regex Regex [Regex ...]        Regexes to test file contents for
  --file-anti-regex Regex [Regex ...]   Like --file-regex but excludes files
                                        that match of the supplied regexes
  --file-ignore-regex Regex [Regex ...]
                                        Like --file-anti-regex but doesn't
                                        contribute to --count *-failed-files
  --match-regex Regex [Regex ...]       Groups are split along lone *. Matches
                                        from the Nth get regex are tested with
                                        the Nth group
  --match-anti-regex Regex [Regex ...]  Like --match-regex but excludes
                                        matches that match any of the supplied
  --match-ignore-regex Regex [Regex ...]
                                        Like --match-anti-regex but doesn't
                                        contribute to --count *-failed-matches

  --sort SORT, -S SORT                  Sort files by ctime, mtime, atime,
                                        name, or size. Prefix key with "r" to
                                        reverse. A windows-esque "blockwise"
                                        sort is also available. Run jrep
                                        --help blockwise for more info
  --sort-regex Regex [Regex ...]        Regexes to apply to file names keys
                                        (like --replace) for purposes of
                                        sorting (EXPERIMENTAL)
  --sort-dir SORT_DIR                   --sort on a per-directory basis

  --no-headers, -H                      Don't print match: or file: before
  --print-dir-names, -d                 Print names of explored directories
  --print-file-names, -n                Print file names as well as matches
  --print-full-paths, -p                Print full file paths
  --print-posix-paths, -P               Replace \ with / when printing file
  --dont-print-matches, -N              Don't print matches (use with --print-
                                        file-names to only print names)
  --print-match-offset, -o              Print where the match starts in the
                                        file as a hexadecimal number (ignores
  --print-match-range, -O               Print where the match starts and ends
                                        in the file as a hexadecimal number
                                        (implies -o)

  --replace Regex [Regex ...], -r Regex [Regex ...]
                                        Regex replacement
  --sub Regex [Regex ...], -R Regex [Regex ...]
                                        re.sub argument pairs after --replace
                                        is applied. Run --help sub for
                                        more info
  --name-sub Regex [Regex ...]          Applies --sub to file names. A lone *
                                        separates subsitutions for y/z and
  --dir-name-sub Regex [Regex ...]      --name-sub but for directory names
  --escape, -e                          Escape back slashes, newlines,
                                        carriage returns, and non-printable

  --count COUNT [COUNT ...], -c COUNT [COUNT ...]
                                        Count match/file/dir per file, dir,
                                        and/or total (Ex: --count fm dir-
  --limit LIMIT [LIMIT ...], -l LIMIT [LIMIT ...]
                                        Limit match/file/dir per file, dir,
                                        and/or total (Ex: --limit filematch=1
  --depth-first                         Enter subdirectories before processing
  --glob-root-dir GLOB_ROOT_DIR         Root dir to run globs in (JANK)
  --match-whole-lines, -L               Match whole lines like FINDSTR
  --print-failed-files                  Print file names even if they fail
                                        (Partially broken)
  --no-warn                             Don't print warning messages
  --hard-warn                           Throw errors instead of warnings
  --weave-matches, -w                   Weave regex matchdes (print first
                                        results for each get regex, then
                                        second results, etc.)
  --strict-weave, -W                    Only print full weave sets

  --pre-match-exec cmd                  Command to run before printing each
  --match-exec cmd                      Command to run after printing each
  --if-match-exec-before cmd            Command to run as soon as least one
                                        match passes
  --if-match-exec-after cmd             Command to run at the end if at least
                                        one match passed
  --if-no-match-exec-after cmd          Command to run at the end if at no
                                        matches passed
  --pre-file-exec cmd                   Command to run before printing each
                                        file name
  --file-exec cmd                       Command to run after printing each
                                        file name
  --if-file-exec-before cmd             Command to run as soon as least one
                                        file passes
  --if-file-exec-after cmd              Command to run at the end if at least
                                        one file passed
  --if-no-file-exec-after cmd           Command to run at the end if at no
                                        files passed
  --pre-dir-exec cmd                    Command to run before printing each
                                        dir name
  --dir-exec cmd                        Command to run after printing each dir
  --if-dir-exec-before cmd              Command to run as soon as least one
                                        dir passes
  --if-dir-exec-after cmd               Command to run at the end if at least
                                        one dir passed
  --if-no-dir-exec-after cmd            Command to run at the end if at no
                                        dirs passed

  --order ORDER [ORDER ...]             The order in which modifications to
                                        matches are applied. Run jrep --help
                                        order for more info
  --no-flush                            Improves speed by disabling manually
                                        flushing the stdout buffer (ideal for
                                        chaining commands)
  --force-flush                         Always flush STDOUT (slow)
  --print-rundata                       Print raw runData JSON at the end
                                        (used for debugging)
  --verbose, -v                         Verbose info
The following have extended help that can be seen with --help [topic]: sub, blockwise, order, exec

Extended help messages

These can be accessed by doing jrep --help [topic] where [topic] is the part in parenthesis

(sub) --sub advanced usage

The easiest way to explain advanced uses of --sub is to give an example. So take --sub a ? b ? c d e f + x ? y z * ? t ? e d * abc xyz as an example.
What it means is the following

  • a ? b ? c d e f: If a match from get regex 0 matches a and not b, replace c with d and e with f
  • +: New conditions but stay on the same get regex
  • x ? y z: If a match from get regex 0 matches x, replace y with z
  • *: Move on to the next get regex
  • ? t ? e d: If a match from get regex 1 does't match t, replace e with d
  • *: Move on to the next get regex
  • abc xyz: Replace abc with xyz without any conditions

Obviously 99% of use cases don't need conditionals at all so just doing --sub abc def * uvw xyz is sufficient

(blockwise) Blockwise sorting

A generic sort function will think "file10.jpg" comes before "file2.jpg"
Windows, on the other hand, has code that treats the number part as a number
Blockwise sort mimics this behaviour by

  1. Splitting filenames into groups of number and non-number characters. Ex. abc123def456.jpg -> ["abc", "123", "def", "456", ".jpg"]
  2. When comparing 2 filenames, compare the first element ("block") of both name's lists according to the following two rules
    1. If either block is made of non-number characters, compare the two blocks as strings
    2. If both blocks are numbers, compare them as numbers

The end result is that file2.jpg is correctly placed before file10.jpg

(order) --order usage

--order determines the order of functions that process matches

  • The default value for --order is replace, match-whole-lines, sub, stdin-anti-match-strings, match-regex, no-name-duplicates, no-duplicates, print-dir-name, print-name, print-match
  • Changing the order of sub, replace, and match-whole-lines will mostly "work" but the output will make next to no sense
  • The main purpose of this is to move match-regex and no-duplicates to earlier in the chain

(exec) Using the --exec family of options

Usage looks like --exec "echo {}" or just --exec "echo"
--match-exec/--exec: after printing matches
--pre-match-exec: before printing matches
--match-exec: after printing file names
--pre-match-exec: before printing file names
--dir-exec: after printing directory names
--pre-dir-exec: before printing directory names


  Python 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10
Windows 10 ? ? ? ? Y
Ubuntu 20.04 ? ? Y? ? ?
  • I primarily develop JREP on a Windows 10 machine running Python 3.10
  • Due to how I override some internal stuff I'll need to test each version of python individually
  • I don't have a Mac machine or the $1000 required to get one. It probably works but don't count on it

The end goal is for JREP to 100% work on

  • Windows 7 through 11
  • The second latest LTS releases of every major Linux distro
  • The past decade of Mac machines

I don't think there's much (if any) platform-specific jank in JREP but it'll take a while to confirm that

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Source Distribution

JREP-0.1.tar.gz (40.4 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

JREP-0.1-py3-none-any.whl (42.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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