Generate Mantle models using JSON files
Project description
Generate [Mantle]( models using JSON files.
##Quick start ### Usage
$ python3 [-h] [–prefix PREFIX] json_file output_dir
### Example $ python3 api_model.json class –prefix XYZ
will generate Mantle models according to your api_model.json structure. The output files will be created under output_dir directory, and the Objective-C classes have the prefix XYZ.
## Features * Supports nested JSON data, which means JSON2Mantle can generate the correct number of classes that the JSON file contains. * Convert field name like var_name to varName automatically. * Written in Python 3.
## Notice * setup is under construction. * Only supports generating Objective-C files.
## TODO - [ ] reserved words - [ ] URL type
## License The MIT License (MIT)