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Advanced HyperParameter Tuning

Project description


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Please cite when using this package for research and other machine learning purposes

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. Classes
  4. Usage Examples


A package that provides smart tuning using greedy algorithms, and also enables feature selection as part of hyperparameter tuning.


pip install JXAutoML 



Feature importance extractor using Linear Regression and Random Forest


The purpose of this package is to provide an ordering of discrete feature combinations for tuning packages JiaoCheng and YangZhou so that feature combinations can participate in tuning like a hyperparameter in a meaningful way.

The package performs feature combination ordering by linear regression √(r2) and random forest regressor feature importance, which represents the multi-feature vs label equivalent of pearson’s coefficient and NMI respectively.

Algorithm Description

Linear Regression sqrt(r²):

  • Starting with no features in the combination, iteratively add the feature that will increase r² of the resulting y~X linear model using training features by the most.

    Then, {combo: NingXiang score} will be {X, sqrt(r² of y~X)}

Random Forest feature importance:

  • First use
RandomForest(n_estimators = 100, max_depth = 12, max_features = 0.75, random_state = self._seed, ccp_alpha = 0, max_samples = 0.75)

to build the model based on training data.

  • Then, using this model’s feature importance, iteratively add features from greatest importance to least, and set NingXiang score as the sum of this set of features’ importance.

XGBoost feature importance:

-First use

XGBoost(n_estimators=100, max_depth=12, subsample=0.75, random_state=self._seed, gamma=0, eta=0.01, colsample_bytree=0.75)

to build the model based on training data.

  • Then, using this model’s feature importance, iteratively add features from greatest importance to least, and set NingXiang score as the sum of this set of features’ importance.


  • Under both use cases, the NingXiang score will be between [0, 1], however, the linear regression use case is not guaranteed to reach 1.
  • Classification models should only use Random Forest feature importance.


Method Description Parameters
min_features = 0, gap = 1 Builds a linear regression model and gets NingXiang score based on the square root of R², iteratively adding the feature that increases R² the most each time.
Can set the number of features in the minimum feature combo (to avoid having a combo of just 1 or 2 features, as some models can’t train with too few features).
Can set the gap between the number of features in neighboring combinations (useful for Natural Language Processing where there are too many features to try all).
min_features (int): The minimum number of features in a combination.
gap (int): The gap between the number of features in neighboring combinations.
get_rf_based_feature_combinations(min_features = 0, gap = 1, n_jobs = 1) Builds a random forest model and gets NingXiang output based on feature importance.
Can set the number of features in the minimum feature combo.
Can set the gap between the number of features in neighboring combinations.
min_features (int): The minimum number of features in a combination.
gap (int): The gap between the number of features in neighboring combinations.
n_jobs (int): The number of jobs to run in parallel.
get_rf_based_feature_combinations_from_feature_importance(feature_importance = None, min_features = 0, gap = 1) Uses ready-made feature importance to create NingXiang output.
Can set the number of features in the minimum feature combo.
Can set the gap between the number of features in neighboring combinations.
feature_importance (dict of str:float): Pre-calculated feature importance.
min_features (int): The minimum number of features in a combination.
gap (int): The gap between the number of features in neighboring combinations.
show_rf_stats() Displays the random forest (or XGB) feature importance dataframe and the validation score (if the validation score was inputted). N/A
export_ningxiang_output(address) Exports the current NingXiang output object as a pickle object. address (str): The address where the pickle object will be saved. Does not need to include .pickle.
get_xgb_based_feature_combinations(self, min_features=0, gap=1, n_jobs=1) Builds a XGBoost model and gets NingXiang output based on feature importance.
Can set the number of features in the minimum feature combo.
Can set the gap between the number of features in neighboring combinations.
min_features (int): The minimum number of features in a combination.
gap (int): The gap between the number of features in neighboring combinations.
n_jobs (int): The number of jobs to run in parallel.


Attribute Type
train_x DataFrame
train_y Series
clf_type str - 'Regression' or 'Classification'
ningxiang_output dict
object_saving_address str


Ultra greedy hyperparameter tuning algorithm


The purpose of this package is to provide a framework for feature-by-feature tuning, a different (and in most cases faster but less accurate) method compared to JiXi, YangZhou etc.

Sometimes, a data scientist would be stuck in the midst of data cleaning, but would like to get a glimpse of how well this data is currently performing as a benchmark, and hence does not need to necessarily find the global maximum in the field space. JiaoCheng, being more greedy and hence training less combinations and taking less time than JiXi, is suitable for this purpose.

The package takes in X and y data for train, validate and test as DataFrame, as well as a dictionary of {hyperparameters name -> string: hyperparameter values as a list}, dictionary of default values for each hyperparameter and list of order of features, and autogenerates all combinations of these hyperparameters to be tuned.

JiaoCheng starts at the default values combination, and searches through different values of first hyperparameter whilst holding other hyperparameter values constant. The maximum combination from this search gets updated as the new ‘default value combination’ (now called ‘current max combination’) and the second hyperparameter is searched through holding other hyperparameter values of the ‘current max combination’ fixed. Once all hyperparameter have been searched through in this manner, if the ‘current max combination’ is the same as that before this round of all hyperparameter being searched, then the algorithm is terminated. Else, another round of search is undertaken.

The idea was taken from the Gibbs Sampling Algorithm in statistics.


Method Description Parameters
JiaoCheng() Initialisation of the JiaoCheng object. N/A
read_in_data(train_x, train_y, val_x, val_y, test_x, test_y) Reads in Train Test Split data. train_x (pd.DataFrame): Training data features.
train_y (pd.Series): Training data labels.
val_x (pd.DataFrame): Validation data features.
val_y (pd.Series): Validation data labels.
test_x (pd.DataFrame): Test data features.
test_y (pd.Series): Test data labels.
read_in_model(model, type, optimised_metric=None, pytorch_model=False, pytorch_graph_model=False) Reads in the underlying model class to tune for optimal parameters; also reads in what metric to optimise for, and whether the model is a PyTorch class model. model (Any model class): Must allow .fit() and .predict().
type (str): Either "Classification" or "Regression".
optimised_metric (str): If type = 'Regression', must be in ['r2', 'rmse', 'mape']; if type = 'Classification', must be in ['accuracy', 'f1', 'precision', 'recall', 'balanced_accuracy', 'AP', 'AUC'].
pytorch_model (bool): Whether the model is a PyTorch class model.
set_hyperparameters(parameter_choices) Reads in the different values of each hyperparameter to try. Function will automatically generate each combination. parameter_choices (dict of str:list): Hyperparameter names (as defined in model class) and their sorted values to try out.
set_non_tuneable_hyperparameters(non_tuneable_hyperparameter_choice) Reads in values for non-tuneable hyperparameters (i.e., doesn’t need to clog up the tuning output CSV). non_tuneable_hyperparameter_choices (dict of str:int): Non-tuneable hyperparameters that do not need to appear in the tuning output CSV.
set_features(ningxiang_output) Reads in feature combinations for tuning. ningxiang_output (dict of tuple:float): Feature combinations for tuning.
set_tuning_order(order) Sets the order of tuning for hyperparameters in JiaoCheng tuning. order (list): Order of hyperparameters for tuning.
set_hyperparameter_default_values(default_values) Sets the default values for hyperparameters in JiaoCheng tuning. default_values (dict of str:int/float/str): Default values for hyperparameters.
set_tuning_result_saving_address(address) Sets the saving address for the tuning output CSV. address (str): Does not need to include .csv.
tune(key_stats_only = False) Begins the tuning process. key_stats_only (bool): If True, calculates only key statistics and skips non-important stats.
read_in_tuning_result_df(address) Reads in an existing DataFrame from a .csv file consisting of tuning results. Automatically populates the result array and checked array if CSV columns match parameter choices. address (str): Must include .csv.
set_tuning_best_model_saving_address(address) Sets the address for exporting the best model as a pickle file. address (str): Does not need to include .pickle.
view_best_combo_and_score() Views the current best combination and its validation score. N/A


Attribute Type
str:float dict
non_tuneable_parameter_choices Dictionary
checked np.array
result np.array
tuning_result_saving_address str
best_model_saving_address str
best_score int
best_combo list
best_clf model object
clf_type str
combos List of lists
n_items list
hyperparameter_tuning_order list of hyperparameters
regression_extra_output_columns List (pre-set)
classification_extra_output_columns list (pre-set)


Ultra greedy hyperparameter tuning algorithm (Advanced)


The purpose of this package is to provide a framework for feature-by-feature tuning, a different (and in most cases faster but less accurate) method compared to JiXi, YangZhou etc. Yet slightly more through (and hence expensive) than the original JiaoCheng algorithm.

Sometimes, a data scientist would be stuck in the midst of data cleaning, but would like to get a glimpse of how well this data is currently performing as a benchmark, and hence does not need to necessarily find the global maximum in the field space. JiaoCheng-B, being more greedy and hence training less combinations and taking less time than JiXi, is suitable for this purpose.

The package takes in X and y data for train, validate and test as DataFrame, as well as a dictionary of {hyperparameters name -> string: hyperparameter values as a list}, dictionary of default values for each hyperparameter and list of order of features, and autogenerates all combinations of these hyperparameters to be tuned. JiaoCheng-B has multiple stages, and each is one run on JiaoCheng: at the default values combination, and searches through different values of first hyperparameter whilst holding other hyperparameter values constant. The maximum combination from this search gets updated as the new ‘default value combination’ (now called ‘current max combination’) and the second hyperparameter is searched through holding other hyperparameter values of the ‘current max combination’ fixed. Once all hyperparameter have been searched through in this manner, if the ‘current max combination’ is the same as that before this round of all hyperparameter being searched, then this stage of the algorithm is completed. Else, another round of search is undertaken. At the completion of each stage, the order of the hyperparameters being searched is adjusted by moving the first hyperparameter to the back of the list order and repeating the stage with the new order (and default hp values once again). The algorithm only terminates when every hyperparameter had its turn as the first-searched hyperparameter

Due to the JX architecture memorising tuned combination from previous stages, the algorithm typically has very similar total searched combinations as JiaoCheng[-A], and can therefore be considered an insurance taken out for JiaoCheng[-A] at a very cheap premium.


Method Description Parameters
JiaoCheng() Initialises the object. N/A
read_in_data(train_x, train_y, val_x, val_y, test_x, test_y) Reads in Train Test Split data. train_x (pd.DataFrame): Training data features.
train_y (pd.Series): Training data labels.
val_x (pd.DataFrame): Validation data features.
val_y (pd.Series): Validation data labels.
test_x (pd.DataFrame): Test data features.
test_y (pd.Series): Test data labels.
read_in_model(model, type, optimised_metric=None, pytorch_model=False, pytorch_graph_model=False) Reads in the underlying model class to tune for optimal parameters, the metric to optimise for, and whether the model is a PyTorch class model. model (Any model class): Must allow .fit() and .predict().
type (str): Either "Classification" or "Regression".
optimised_metric (str): Metric to optimise, varies by type.
pytorch_model (bool): Whether the model is a PyTorch class model.
set_hyperparameters(parameter_choices) Reads in the different values of each hyperparameter to try. Automatically generates each combination. parameter_choices (dict of str:list): Hyperparameter names and their corresponding values to try.
set_non_tuneable_hyperparameters(non_tuneable_hyperparameter_choice) Reads in values for non-tuneable hyperparameters. non_tuneable_hyperparameter_choices (dict of str:int): Non-tuneable hyperparameters that do not need to appear in the tuning output CSV.
set_features(ningxiang_output) Reads in feature combinations for tuning. ningxiang_output (dict of tuple:float): Feature combinations for tuning.
set_tuning_order(order) Sets the order of tuning for hyperparameters in JiaoCheng tuning. order (list): Order of hyperparameters for tuning.
set_hyperparameter_default_values(default_values) Sets the default values for hyperparameters in JiaoCheng tuning. default_values (dict of str:int/float/str): Default values for hyperparameters.
set_tuning_result_saving_address(address) Sets the saving address for the tuning output CSV. address (str): Does not need to include .csv.
tune(key_stats_only = False) Begins the tuning process. key_stats_only (bool): If True, calculates only key statistics and skips non-important stats.
read_in_tuning_result_df(address) Reads in an existing DataFrame from a .csv file consisting of tuning results. Automatically populates the result array and checked array if CSV columns match parameter choices. address (str): Must include .csv.
set_tuning_best_model_saving_address(address) Sets the address for exporting the best model as a pickle file. address (str): Does not need to include .pickle.
view_best_combo_and_score() Views the current best combination and its validation score. N/A


Attribute Type
np.array np.array
result np.array
tuning_result_saving_address str
best_model_saving_address str
best_score = -np.inf int
best_combo list
best_clf model object
clf_type str – 'Regression' or 'Classification'
combos List of lists
n_items list - Denotes how many values in each hyperparameter dimension
hyperparameter_tuning_order list of hyperparameters
regression_extra_output_columns List (pre-set)
classification_extra_output_columns list (pre-set)


Greedy hyperparameter tuning algorithm


YangZhou-B begins by searching all Cruise Combinations (mathematical combinations of all cruise indices from each dimension). Cruise indices are:

  • [0, 4], [0, 5], [0, 3, 6] or [0, 4, 7] for dimensions containing 5, 6, 7, and 8 values respectively.

The maximum gap between two indices is 5, and the minimum is 3.

Then, starting with the median combination (median index of each dimension) as the initial core, the Guidance Algorithm is activated, in which all the horizontal/vertical neighboring combinations are searched (i.e., all the combinations which are the same as the core except for one dimension being +1 or -1 compared to previously). If score(neighbour) - score(core) >= -0.005, then the neighboring combination is added as the new core.

The Guidance Algorithm is then repeated for each of the new cores. When no new cores need to be tested, the maximum scoring combination will have all surrounding neighbors searched, and if a new maximum scoring combination is found, then it will also get its neighbors searched until no new maximum scoring combination can be found. The Guidance Algorithm is then terminated.

The Cruise Algorithm is then subsequently activated, in which each of the cruise combinations' scores will be compared to the current best scoring combination and its surrounding +/-1 neighbor block (including itself). If a cruise combination’s score is higher than the:

warning threshold = mean(best surrounding block) - qt(0.95) * (sd / √(3^d))

then the Guidance Algorithm will be restarted on that cruise combination.

The Cruise Algorithm terminates once all cruise combinations have been compared to the warning threshold (which could change as the Cruise Algorithm goes on).

Once the Cruise Algorithm ends, the Guidance Algorithm gets activated one more time starting at the current maximum scoring combination, and the whole YangZhou-B Algorithm ends when this call of Guidance Algorithm is finished.

Note: Although scores of certain combinations will undoubtedly be called upon multiple times, they can be stored and thus the expensive basic operation of train-searching a combination will only ever need to be completed once for each combination.

Algorithm Assumptions

  1. The scores observed from the same {data, model, hyperparameter combination, split size} belongs to the same underlying population which are normally distributed around a theoretical value. i.e. Accuracies of SVM on a fixed set of hyperparameters with 80-20 split size on the same set of data (but with random holdouts of 80% training data) is considered to be sampled from the same population (and thereby same distribution)


Method Description Parameters
YangZhouB() Initialises the object. N/A
read_in_data(train_x, train_y, val_x, val_y, test_x, test_y) Reads in Train Test Split data. train_x (pd.DataFrame): Training data features.
train_y (pd.Series): Training data labels.
val_x (pd.DataFrame): Validation data features.
val_y (pd.Series): Validation data labels.
test_x (pd.DataFrame): Test data features.
test_y (pd.Series): Test data labels.
read_in_model(model, type, optimised_metric=None, pytorch_model=False, pytorch_graph_model=False) Reads in the underlying model class to tune for optimal parameters, the metric to optimise for, and whether the model is a PyTorch class model. model (Any model class): Must allow .fit() and .predict().
type (str): Either "Classification" or "Regression".
optimised_metric (str): Metric to optimise, varies by type.
pytorch_model (bool): Whether the model is a PyTorch class model.
set_hyperparameters(parameter_choices) Reads in the different values of each hyperparameter to try. Automatically generates each combination. parameter_choices (dict of str:list): Hyperparameter names and their corresponding values to try.
set_non_tuneable_hyperparameters(non_tuneable_hyperparameter_choice) Reads in values for non-tuneable hyperparameters. non_tuneable_hyperparameter_choices (dict of str:int): Non-tuneable hyperparameters that do not need to appear in the tuning output CSV.
set_features(ningxiang_output) Reads in feature combinations for tuning. ningxiang_output (dict of tuple:float): Feature combinations for tuning.
set_tuning_result_saving_address(address) Sets the saving address for the tuning output CSV. address (str): Does not need to include .csv.
tune(key_stats_only = False) Begins the tuning process. key_stats_only (bool): If True, calculates only key statistics and skips non-important stats.
tune_parallel(part, splits, key_stats_only = False) Begins the tuning process, splitting all combinations into parts and tuning the specified part. part (int): The specific part to tune.
splits (int): The number of splits.
key_stats_only (bool): If True, calculates only key statistics and skips non-important stats.
read_in_tuning_result_df(address) Reads in an existing DataFrame from a .csv file consisting of tuning results. Automatically populates the result array and checked array if CSV columns match parameter choices. address (str): Must include .csv.
set_tuning_best_model_saving_address(address) Sets the address for exporting the best model as a pickle file. address (str): Does not need to include .pickle.
view_best_combo_and_score() Views the current best combination and its validation score. N/A


Attribute Type
hyperparameters list
feature_n_ningxiang_score_dict Dictionary
str:float str:float
non_tuneable_parameter_choices Dictionary
str:str/float/int str:str/float/int
checked np.array
result np.array
checked_core np.array
been_cruised np.array
combo np.array
been_best np.array
tuning_result_saving_address str
best_model_saving_address str
best_score = -np.inf int
best_combo list
best_clf model object
clf_type str – 'Regression' or 'Classification'
n_items list - Denotes how many values in each hyperparameter dimension
regression_extra_output_columns List (pre-set)
classification_extra_output_columns list (pre-set)


10Cross Validation version of JiaoCheng


See JiaoCheng


Method Description Parameters
JiaoCheng_10CV() Initialisation of the JiaoCheng_10CV object. N/A
read_in_data(train_x_list, train_y_list, val_x_list, val_y_list) Reads in Train Test Split data. train_x_list (List[pd.DataFrame]): Training data features (list containing one for every fold).
train_y_list (List[pd.Series]): Training data labels (list containing one for every fold).
val_x_list (List[pd.DataFrame]): Validation data features (list containing one for every fold).
val_y_list (List[pd.Series]): Validation data labels (list containing one for every fold).
read_in_model(model, type, optimised_metric=None, pytorch_model=False, pytorch_graph_model=False) Reads in the underlying model class to tune for optimal parameters; also reads in what metric to optimise for, and whether the model is a PyTorch class model. model (Any model class): Must allow .fit() and .predict().
type (str): Either "Classification" or "Regression".
optimised_metric (str): If type = 'Regression', must be in ['r2', 'rmse', 'mape']; if type = 'Classification', must be in ['accuracy', 'f1', 'precision', 'recall', 'balanced_accuracy', 'AP', 'AUC'].
pytorch_model (bool): Whether the model is a PyTorch class model.
set_hyperparameters(parameter_choices) Reads in the different values of each hyperparameter to try. Function will automatically generate each combination. parameter_choices (dict of str:list): Hyperparameter names (as defined in model class) and their sorted values to try out.
set_non_tuneable_hyperparameters(non_tuneable_hyperparameter_choice) Reads in values for non-tuneable hyperparameters (i.e., doesn’t need to clog up the tuning output CSV). non_tuneable_hyperparameter_choices (dict of str:int): Non-tuneable hyperparameters that do not need to appear in the tuning output CSV.
set_features(ningxiang_output) Reads in feature combinations for tuning. ningxiang_output (dict of tuple:float): Feature combinations for tuning.
set_tuning_order(order) Sets the order of tuning for hyperparameters in JiaoCheng_10CV tuning. order (list): Order of hyperparameters for tuning.
set_hyperparameter_default_values(default_values) Sets the default values for hyperparameters in JiaoCheng_10CV tuning. default_values (dict of str:int/float/str): Default values for hyperparameters.
set_tuning_result_saving_address(address) Sets the saving address for the tuning output CSV. address (str): Does not need to include .csv.
tune(key_stats_only = False) Begins the tuning process. key_stats_only (bool): If True, calculates only key statistics and skips non-important stats.
read_in_tuning_result_df(address) Reads in an existing DataFrame from a .csv file consisting of tuning results. Automatically populates the result array and checked array if CSV columns match parameter choices. address (str): Must include .csv.
set_tuning_best_model_saving_address(address) Sets the address for exporting the best model as a pickle file. address (str): Does not need to include .pickle.
view_best_combo_and_score() Views the current best combination and its validation score. N/A


Attribute Type
str:float dict
non_tuneable_parameter_choices Dictionary
checked np.array
result np.array
tuning_result_saving_address str
best_model_saving_address str
best_score int
best_combo list
best_clf model object
clf_type str
combos List of lists
n_items list
hyperparameter_tuning_order list of hyperparameters


10Cross Validation version of YangZhouB


See YangZhouB


Method Description Parameters
YangZhouB_10CV() Initialises the object. N/A
read_in_data(train_x_list, train_y_list, val_x_list, val_y_list) Reads in Train Test Split data. train_x_list (List[pd.DataFrame]): Training data features (list containing one for every fold).
train_y_list (List[pd.Series]): Training data labels (list containing one for every fold).
val_x_list (List[pd.DataFrame]): Validation data features (list containing one for every fold).
val_y_list (List[pd.Series]): Validation data labels (list containing one for every fold).
read_in_model(model, type, optimised_metric=None, pytorch_model=False, pytorch_graph_model=False) Reads in the underlying model class to tune for optimal parameters, the metric to optimise for, and whether the model is a PyTorch class model. model (Any model class): Must allow .fit() and .predict().
type (str): Either "Classification" or "Regression".
optimised_metric (str): Metric to optimise, varies by type.
pytorch_model (bool): Whether the model is a PyTorch class model.
set_hyperparameters(parameter_choices) Reads in the different values of each hyperparameter to try. Automatically generates each combination. parameter_choices (dict of str:list): Hyperparameter names and their corresponding values to try.
set_non_tuneable_hyperparameters(non_tuneable_hyperparameter_choice) Reads in values for non-tuneable hyperparameters. non_tuneable_hyperparameter_choices (dict of str:int): Non-tuneable hyperparameters that do not need to appear in the tuning output CSV.
set_features(ningxiang_output) Reads in feature combinations for tuning. ningxiang_output (dict of tuple:float): Feature combinations for tuning.
set_tuning_result_saving_address(address) Sets the saving address for the tuning output CSV. address (str): Does not need to include .csv.
tune(key_stats_only = False) Begins the tuning process. key_stats_only (bool): If True, calculates only key statistics and skips non-important stats.
tune_parallel(part, splits, key_stats_only = False) Begins the tuning process, splitting all combinations into parts and tuning the specified part. part (int): The specific part to tune.
splits (int): The number of splits.
key_stats_only (bool): If True, calculates only key statistics and skips non-important stats.
read_in_tuning_result_df(address) Reads in an existing DataFrame from a .csv file consisting of tuning results. Automatically populates the result array and checked array if CSV columns match parameter choices. address (str): Must include .csv.
set_tuning_best_model_saving_address(address) Sets the address for exporting the best model as a pickle file. address (str): Does not need to include .pickle.
view_best_combo_and_score() Views the current best combination and its validation score. N/A


Attribute Type
hyperparameters list
feature_n_ningxiang_score_dict Dictionary
str:float str:float
non_tuneable_parameter_choices Dictionary
str:str/float/int str:str/float/int
checked np.array
result np.array
checked_core np.array
been_cruised np.array
combo np.array
been_best np.array
tuning_result_saving_address str
best_model_saving_address str
best_score = -np.inf int
best_combo list
best_clf model object
clf_type str – 'Regression' or 'Classification'
n_items list - Denotes how many values in each hyperparameter dimension

Usage Examples

Create Dataset

from sklearn.datasets import make_regression, make_classification
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

# create regression data
X_reg, y_reg = make_regression(
    n_samples=100, n_features=5, noise=0.1, random_state=42
X_reg_df = pd.DataFrame(
    X_reg, columns=[f"feature_{i+1}" for i in range(X_reg.shape[1])]
y_reg_series = pd.Series(y_reg, name="target")

## train-test split
X_reg_df_train, X_reg_df_valtest, y_reg_series_train, y_reg_series_valtest = (
    train_test_split(X_reg_df, y_reg_series, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)
X_reg_df_val, X_reg_df_test, y_reg_series_val, y_reg_series_test = train_test_split(
    X_reg_df_valtest, y_reg_series_valtest, test_size=0.5, random_state=42

# Create classification data
X_class_2, y_class_2 = make_classification(
X_class_2_df = pd.DataFrame(
    X_class_2, columns=[f"feature_{i+1}" for i in range(X_class_2.shape[1])]
y_class_2_series = pd.Series(y_class_2, name="target")

## train-test split
) = train_test_split(X_class_2_df, y_class_2_series, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)
X_class_2_df_val, X_class_2_df_test, y_class_2_series_val, y_class_2_series_test = (

# 10CV
# regression
X_reg_df_train = X_reg_df_train.reset_index(drop=True)
y_reg_series = y_reg_series.reset_index(drop=True)
kf = KFold(n_splits=10, shuffle=True, random_state=42)
reg_cv_splits = list(kf.split(X_reg_df_train, y_reg_series))

train_X_reg_list = [X_reg_df_train.iloc[train_idx] for train_idx, _ in reg_cv_splits]
val_y_reg_list = [y_reg_series.iloc[train_idx] for train_idx, _ in reg_cv_splits]

val_X_reg_list = [X_reg_df_train.iloc[val_idx] for _, val_idx in reg_cv_splits]
val_y_reg_list = [y_reg_series.iloc[val_idx] for _, val_idx in reg_cv_splits]

# classification
X_class_2_df_train = X_class_2_df_train.reset_index(drop=True)
y_class_2_series_train = y_class_2_series_train.reset_index(drop=True)
kf = KFold(n_splits=10, shuffle=True, random_state=42)
class_2_cv_splits = list(kf.split(X_class_2_df_train, y_class_2_series_train))

train_X_class_2_list = [X_class_2_df_train.iloc[train_idx] for train_idx, _ in class_2_cv_splits]
train_y_class_2_list = [y_class_2_series_train.iloc[train_idx] for train_idx, _ in class_2_cv_splits]

val_X_class_2_list = [X_class_2_df_train.iloc[val_idx] for _, val_idx in class_2_cv_splits]
val_y_class_2_list = [y_class_2_series_train.iloc[val_idx] for _, val_idx in class_2_cv_splits]

NingXiang Example

RF features

feature_selector = NingXiang()
feature_selector.read_in_train_data(X_reg_df_train, y_reg_series_test)

## feature order object
reg_feature_order_dict = feature_selector.get_rf_based_feature_combinations(n_jobs=-1)


feature_selector = NingXiang()
feature_selector.read_in_train_data(X_class_2_df_train, y_class_2_series_train)

## feature order object
class_feature_order_dict = feature_selector.get_rf_based_feature_combinations(n_jobs=-1)


JiaoCheng Example


from JXAutoML.JiaoCheng import JiaoCheng as tuner
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier as clf

# what values to try for each hyperparameter
parameter_choices = {
    "max_depth": (3, 6, 12, 24),
    "max_samples": (0.4, 0.55, 0.7, 0.85),

# what values to set non-tuneable parameters/hyperparameters
non_tunable_hyperparameters_dict = {"random_state": 42, "n_jobs": -1}

tuning_order = ["features", "max_depth", "max_samples"]
default_hyperparameter_values = {"features": 0, "max_depth": 3, "max_samples": 0.4}

tuner = tuner()

# define what model we are tuning
    clf, 'Classification', pytorch_model=False, optimised_metric='accuracy'

# read in the data for training and validation
tuner.read_in_data(X_class_2_df_train, y_class_2_series_train, X_class_2_df_val, y_class_2_series_val, X_class_2_df_test, y_class_2_series_test)

# set what hp values to tune
# WARNING: this may take a while if no. tuneable hyperparameters are large

# set up hp values that need to be changed from default but NOT to be tuned

# set up feature importance ordering
# WARNING: this may take a while if no. tuneable hyperparameters are large

# set up the order of hyperparameters when iteratively tuning using JiaoCheng

# set up the default hp values for first iteration of tuning JiaoCheng

# set up where to save the tuning result csv

# set up where to save the current best model


JiaoChengB Example

from JXAutoML.JiaoChengB import JiaoChengB as tuner
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor as clf

# what values to try for each hyperparameter
parameter_choices = {
    "max_depth": (3, 6, 12, 24),
    "max_samples": (0.4, 0.55, 0.7, 0.85),

# what values to set non-tuneable parameters/hyperparameters
non_tunable_hyperparameters_dict = {"random_state": 42, "n_jobs": -1}

tuning_order = ["max_depth", "max_samples"]
default_hyperparameter_values = {"max_depth": 3, "max_samples": 0.4}

tuner = tuner()

# define what model we are tuning
    clf, 'Regression', pytorch_model=False, optimised_metric='r2'

# read in the data for training and validation
tuner.read_in_data(X_reg_df_train, y_reg_series_train, X_reg_df_val, y_reg_series_val, X_reg_df_test, y_reg_series_test)

# set what hp values to tune
# WARNING: this may take a while if no. tuneable hyperparameters are large

# set up hp values that need to be changed from default but NOT to be tuned

# set up the order of hyperparameters when iteratively tuning using JiaoCheng

# set up the default hp values for first iteration of tuning JiaoCheng

# set up where to save the tuning result csv

# set up where to save the current best model


YangZhou Example

from JXAutoML.YangZhouB import YangZhouB as tuner
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier as clf

# what values to try for each hyperparameter
parameter_choices = {
    "max_depth": (3, 6, 12, 24),
    "max_samples": (0.4, 0.55, 0.7, 0.85),

# what values to set non-tuneable parameters/hyperparameters
non_tunable_hyperparameters_dict = {"random_state": 42, "n_jobs": -1}

tuner = tuner()

# define what model we are tuning
    clf, 'Classification', pytorch_model=False, optimised_metric='accuracy'

# read in the data for training and validation
tuner.read_in_data(X_class_2_df_train, y_class_2_series_train, X_class_2_df_val, y_class_2_series_val, X_class_2_df_test, y_class_2_series_test)

# set what hp values to tune
# WARNING: this may take a while if no. tuneable hyperparameters are large

# set up hp values that need to be changed from default but NOT to be tuned

# set up feature importance ordering

# WARNING: this may take a while if no. tuneable hyperparameters are large

# set up where to save the tuning result csv

# set up where to save the current best model


JiaoCheng_10CV Example


from JXAutoML.JiaoCheng_10CV import JiaoCheng_10CV as tuner
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier as clf

# what values to try for each hyperparameter
parameter_choices = {
    "max_depth": (3, 6, 12, 24),
    "max_samples": (0.4, 0.55, 0.7, 0.85),

# what values to set non-tuneable parameters/hyperparameters
non_tunable_hyperparameters_dict = {"random_state": 42, "n_jobs": -1}

tuning_order = ["features", "max_depth", "max_samples"]
default_hyperparameter_values = {"features": 0, "max_depth": 3, "max_samples": 0.4}

tuner = tuner()

# define what model we are tuning
    clf, 'Classification', pytorch_model=False, optimised_metric='accuracy'

# read in the data for training and validation
tuner.read_in_data(train_X_class_2_list, train_y_class_2_list, val_X_class_2_list, val_y_class_2_list)

# set what hp values to tune
# WARNING: this may take a while if no. tuneable hyperparameters are large

# set up hp values that need to be changed from default but NOT to be tuned

# set up feature importance ordering
# WARNING: this may take a while if no. tuneable hyperparameters are large

# set up the order of hyperparameters when iteratively tuning using JiaoCheng

# set up the default hp values for first iteration of tuning JiaoCheng

# set up where to save the tuning result csv

# set up where to save the current best model


YangZhou_10CV Example

from JXAutoML.YangZhouB_10CV import YangZhouB_10CV as tuner
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier as clf

# what values to try for each hyperparameter
parameter_choices = {
    "max_depth": (3, 6, 12, 24),
    "max_samples": (0.4, 0.55, 0.7, 0.85),

# what values to set non-tuneable parameters/hyperparameters
non_tunable_hyperparameters_dict = {"random_state": 42, "n_jobs": -1}

tuner = tuner()

# define what model we are tuning
    clf, 'Classification', pytorch_model=False, optimised_metric='accuracy'

# read in the data for training and validation
tuner.read_in_data(train_X_class_2_list, train_y_class_2_list, val_X_class_2_list, val_y_class_2_list)

# set what hp values to tune
# WARNING: this may take a while if no. tuneable hyperparameters are large

# set up hp values that need to be changed from default but NOT to be tuned

# set up feature importance ordering

# WARNING: this may take a while if no. tuneable hyperparameters are large

# set up where to save the tuning result csv

# set up where to save the current best model


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JXAutoML-0.4.3.tar.gz (64.3 kB view hashes)

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JXAutoML-0.4.3-py3-none-any.whl (52.0 kB view hashes)

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