Algorithms for exploring Markov equivalence classes: MCMC, size counting
Project description
This package provides functions for sampling from a space of Markov equivalence classes of directed acyclic graphs via a reversible MCMC, and for counting and exploring sizes of these classes.
pip install MarkovEquClasses
from MarkovEquClasses import *
Yangbo He and Jinzhu Jia and Bin Yu, Reversible MCMC on Markov equivalence classes of sparse directed acyclic graphs, The Annals of Statistics,41(1),1742-1779,2013.
Yangbo He and Jinzhu Jia and Bin Yu, Supplement to “Reversible MCMC on Markov equivalence classes of sparse directed acyclic graphs”,2013.[]
Yangbo He and Jinzhu Jia and Bin Yu, Counting and Exploring Sizes of Markov Equivalence Classes of Directed Acyclic Graphs,To appear in Journal of machine learning research, 2015