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National Renewable Energy Laboratory's System Advisor Model Python Wrapper

Project description

  • Provides a wrapper around the SAM library that groups together the C API functions by technology or financial model into modules.
  • Includes error-checking, explicit input and output definition, and conversion between Python data types.
  • PySAM modules are compatible with PySSC, which is included as a subpackage. PySSC is the original wrapper used by SAM's code generator.
  • Automatically assign default values to input parameters from SAM's default value database.
  • Built-in documentation of models and parameters.
  • Minimum Python 3.5 for Windows 7 64-bit, MacOSX 10.6, or CentOS 5.

Set up

Install: pip install NREL-PySAM

Import a technology or financial model: import PySAM.<PySAM Module>

Import PySSC subpackage: from PySAM.PySSC import PySSC

Create a new empty model: PySAM.<PySAM Module>.new()

Create a new model with values assigned from defaults: PySAM.<PySAM Module>.default(string configuration)

View parameter groups per class and available default values: help(model)

View descriptions of parameters in a group: help(model.<group>)

Module Names and Descriptions

PySAM Module SAM Desktop Description
Battwatts Simplified battery storage model
Belpe Electric load calculator for residential buildings
Biomass Biomass combustion Biomass combustion for electricity generation
CashloanModel Financial model for residential and commercial behind-the-meter projects
Equpartflip All Equity Partnership Flip PPA all equity partnership flip (no debt) financial model
GenericSystem Generic system Basic power system model using either capacity, capacity factor, and heat rate, or an hourly power generation profile as input
Geothermal Geothermal Geothermal power model for hydrothermal and EGS systems with flash or binary conversion
Hcpv High concentration PV Concentrating photovoltaic system with a high concentration photovoltaic module model and separate inverter model
HostDeveloper Third party ownership - host/developer Third party ownership with PPA financial model from host and developer perspective
IphToLcoefcr LCOH Calculator Calculate levelized cost of heat using fixed charge rate method for industrial process heat models
Lcoefcr LCOE calculator (FCR method) Calculate levelized cost of electricity using fixed charge rate method instead of cash flow
Levpartflip Leveraged Partnership Flip PPA leveraged partnership flip (with debt) financial model
LinearFresnelDsgIph Process heat linear direct steam Linear Fresnel for industrial process heat applications
Pvsamv1 Photovoltaic (detailed) Detailed photovoltaic system model with separate components for module and inverter
Pvwattsv5 Photovoltaic (PVWatts) PVWatts photovoltaic system model with simple inputs
Pvwattsv5Lifetime PVWatts photovoltaic system model for multi-year lifetime analysis
Saleleaseback PPA sale leaseback (utility) PPA sale leaseback partnership financial model
Singleowner PPA single owner (utility) PPA single owner financial model
StandAloneBattery Detailed battery storage model
Swh Solar water heating Solar water heating model for residential and commercial building applications
TcsdirectSteam CSP power tower direct steam CSP direct steam power tower model for power generation
Tcsdish CSP dish Stirling CSP dish-Stirling model with parameters for SES and WGA-ADDS systems for power generation
TcsgenericSolar CSP generic model CSP power system model with solar field characterized using a table of optical efficiency values
Tcsiscc CSP integrated solar combined cycle CSP molten salt power tower system with a natural gas combined cycle power plant
TcslinearFresnel CSP linear Fresnel direct steam Linear Fresnel model with steam heat transfer fluid for industrial process heat applications
TcsmoltenSalt CSP power tower molten salt CSP molten salt power tower for power generation
TcsMSLF CSP linear Fresnel molten salt CSP linear Fresnel with molten salt heat transfer fluid for power generation
TcstroughEmpirical CSP parabolic trough (empirical) CSP parabolic trough model based on empirically-derived coefficients and equations for power generation
TcstroughPhysical CSP parabolic trough (physical) CSP parabolic trough model based on heat transfer and thermodynamic principles for power generation
Thermalrates Thermal flat rate structure net revenue calculator
Thirdpartyownership Third party ownership - host Third party ownership with PPA or lease agreement financial model from host perspective
TroughPhysicalProcessHeat Process heat parabolic trough Parabolic trough for industrial process heat applications
Utilityrate5 Retail electricity bill calculator
Windpower Wind Wind power system with one or more wind turbines

To run a case from the SAM GUI:

  1. On the drop-down menu for the case, click Generate code then JSON for inputs, and export the case inputs to a JSON file.

  2. For each SSC compute module required for the simulation (see Configurations and SSC Compute Modules below), create a new PySSC data table and wrap it with the equivalent PySAM class, releasing memory ownership to the newly created instance. Do not call PySSC.data_free on the data passed to the wrap function!

For example, the following code imports the parameters from a JSON file named genericsystem_case.json that was exported from a Generic System-Single Owner case in SAM, creates a PySSC table for the Generic System and Single Owner SSC compute modules, and then wraps each table in the appropriate PySAM class:

import json
import PySAM.GenericSystem as GenericSystem
import PySAM.Singleowner as Singleowner
from PySAM.PySSC import *

ssc = PySSC()
with open("genericsystem_case.json") as f:
	dic = json.load(f)
	gs_dat = dict_to_ssc_table(dic, "generic_system")
	so_dat = dict_to_ssc_table(dic, "singleowner")
	gs = GenericSystem.wrap(gs_dat)
	so = Singleowner.wrap(so_dat)
  1. For each PySAM class, you can export the parameters to separate dictionaries. This allows the data to be loaded later using assign.

    help(gs.Plant) # descriptions
    gs_params = gs.export()
    so_params = so.export()
    another_gs =
    another_so =
  2. For some compute module input parameters, the SAM graphical user interface (GUI) uses equations to calculate the value of the parameter from special GUI inputs that are not passed to the compute module. Other compute module input parameters are used by more than one compute module in the simulation. In some cases, you may need to write additional code to ensure values for these parameters are correctly assigned. We hope to eliminate the need for this additional code in the future. Until then, you can find the SAM GUI equations in the runtime/ui folder, and determine compute module inputs from the SSC source code or using the SDKtool, available as part of the SAM installation as described on the SAM SDK web page.

For example, for the Flat Plate PV-Single Owner configuration, the ground coverage ratio (GCR) is used in two ways: It is an input to the Flat Plate PV compute module for self-shading calculations, and also may be used in GUI equations to calculate the land cost component of the total installed cost input to the Single Owner compute module. If your Python code changes the value of Pvsamv1.SystemDesign.gcr to x, and you are including land cost y in $/acre in your analysis, you need code like the following adapted from the GUI equations in runtime/ui/PV System Design.txt to ensure the change is accounted for in Singleowner.SystemCosts.total_installed_cost:

pv.SystemDesign.subarray1_gcr = x
land_area = pv.CECPerformanceModelWithModuleDatabase.cec_area 
	* (pv.SystemDesign.subarray1_nstrings 
	* pv.SystemDesign.subarray1_modules_per_string) / x * 0.0002471  # m^2 to acres

# total_installed_cost = total_direct_cost + permitting_total + engr_total + grid_total + landprep_total + sales_tax_total + land_total
# y = land cost in $/acre
so.SystemCosts.total_installed_cost = cost_without_land + y * land_area

For the same Flat Plate PV-Single Owner configuration, an example of an input that is used by both compute modules is analysis_period. It is used by the Single Owner module as the number of years for the cash flow, and by the Flat Plate PV model for battery lifecycle calculations.

  1. To run a simulation, use execute(verbosity) where 0 indicates minimal messages and 1 produces log messages. All outputs are available in the Outputs group of a PySAM class.
pv.Outputs.export() # as dictionary

Configurations and SSC Compute Modules

A configuration is a combination of compute modules required to model a type of system (performance model) or project (performance model plus financial model).

Configuration SSC Compute Module(s)
Battery-None battery
Biopower-All Equity Partnership Flip biomass, equpartflip
Biopower-Commercial biomass, utilityrate5, cashloan
Biopower-LCOE Calculator biomass, lcoefcr
Biopower-Leveraged Partnership Flip biomass, levpartflip
Biopower-None biomass
Biopower-Sale Leaseback biomass, saleleaseback
Biopower-Single Owner biomass, singleowner
Dish Stirling-All Equity Partnership Flip tcsdish, equpartflip
Dish Stirling-Commercial tcsdish, utilityrate5, cashloan
Dish Stirling-LCOE Calculator tcsdish, lcoefcr
Dish Stirling-Leveraged Partnership Flip tcsdish, levpartflip
Dish Stirling-None tcsdish
Dish Stirling-Sale Leaseback tcsdish, saleleaseback
Dish Stirling-Single Owner tcsdish, singleowner
DSGL IPH-LCOH Calculator linear_fresnel_dsg_iph, iph_to_lcoefcr, lcoefcr
DSGL IPH-None linear_fresnel_dsg_iph
DSLF-All Equity Partnership Flip tcslinear_fresnel, equpartflip
DSLF-Commercial tcslinear_fresnel, utilityrate5, cashloan
DSLF-LCOE Calculator tcslinear_fresnel, lcoefcr
DSLF-Leveraged Partnership Flip tcslinear_fresnel, levpartflip
DSLF-None tcslinear_fresnel
DSLF-Sale Leaseback tcslinear_fresnel, saleleaseback
DSLF-Single Owner tcslinear_fresnel, singleowner
DSPT-All Equity Partnership Flip tcsdirect_steam, equpartflip
DSPT-Leveraged Partnership Flip tcsdirect_steam, levpartflip
DSPT-Sale Leaseback tcsdirect_steam, saleleaseback
DSPT-Single Owner tcsdirect_steam, singleowner
Empirical Trough-All Equity Partnership Flip tcstrough_empirical, equpartflip
Empirical Trough-Commercial tcstrough_empirical, utilityrate5, cashloan
Empirical Trough-LCOE Calculator tcstrough_empirical, lcoefcr
Empirical Trough-Leveraged Partnership Flip tcstrough_empirical, levpartflip
Empirical Trough-None tcstrough_empirical
Empirical Trough-Sale Leaseback tcstrough_empirical, saleleaseback
Empirical Trough-Single Owner tcstrough_empirical, singleowner
Flat Plate PV-All Equity Partnership Flip pvsamv1, equpartflip
Flat Plate PV-Commercial pvsamv1, utilityrate5, cashloan
Flat Plate PV-Host Developer pvsamv1, utilityrate5, host_developer
Flat Plate PV-LCOE Calculator pvsamv1, lcoefcr
Flat Plate PV-Leveraged Partnership Flip pvsamv1, levpartflip
Flat Plate PV-None pvsamv1
Flat Plate PV-Residential belpe, pvsamv1, utilityrate5, cashloan
Flat Plate PV-Sale Leaseback pvsamv1, saleleaseback
Flat Plate PV-Single Owner pvsamv1, utilityrate5, singleowner
Flat Plate PV-Third Party belpe, pvsamv1, utilityrate5, thirdpartyownership
Fuel Cell-Commercial pvwattsv5_lifetime, fuelcell, battery, utilityrate5, thermalrate, cashloan
Fuel Cell-Single Owner pvwattsv5_lifetime, fuelcell, battery, utilityrate5, thermalrate, singleowner
Generic CSP System-All Equity Partnership Flip tcsgeneric_solar, equpartflip
Generic CSP System-Commercial tcsgeneric_solar, utilityrate5, cashloan
Generic CSP System-LCOE Calculator tcsgeneric_solar, lcoefcr
Generic CSP System-Leveraged Partnership Flip tcsgeneric_solar, levpartflip
Generic CSP System-None tcsgeneric_solar
Generic CSP System-Sale Leaseback tcsgeneric_solar, saleleaseback
Generic CSP System-Single Owner tcsgeneric_solar, singleowner
Generic System-All Equity Partnership Flip generic_system, equpartflip
Generic System-Commercial generic_system, utilityrate5, cashloan
Generic System-Host Developer generic_system, utilityrate5, host_developer
Generic System-LCOE Calculator generic_system, lcoefcr
Generic System-Leveraged Partnership Flip generic_system, levpartflip
Generic System-None generic_system
Generic System-Residential generic_system, utilityrate5, cashloan
Generic System-Sale Leaseback generic_system, saleleaseback
Generic System-Single Owner generic_system, singleowner
Generic System-Third Party generic_system, utilityrate5, thirdpartyownership
Geothermal Power-All Equity Partnership Flip geothermal, equpartflip
Geothermal Power-LCOE Calculator geothermal, lcoefcr
Geothermal Power-Leveraged Partnership Flip geothermal, levpartflip
Geothermal Power-None geothermal
Geothermal Power-Sale Leaseback geothermal, saleleaseback
Geothermal Power-Single Owner geothermal, singleowner
High-X Concentrating PV-All Equity Partnership Flip hcpv, equpartflip
High-X Concentrating PV-LCOE Calculator hcpv, lcoefcr
High-X Concentrating PV-Leveraged Partnership Flip hcpv, levpartflip
High-X Concentrating PV-None hcpv
High-X Concentrating PV-Sale Leaseback hcpv, saleleaseback
High-X Concentrating PV-Single Owner hcpv, singleowner
ISCC-Single Owner tcsiscc, singleowner
MSLF-All Equity Partnership Flip tcsMSLF, equpartflip
MSLF-Commercial tcsMSLF, utilityrate5, cashloan
MSLF-LCOE Calculator tcsMSLF, lcoefcr
MSLF-Leveraged Partnership Flip tcsMSLF, levpartflip
MSLF-Sale Leaseback tcsMSLF, saleleaseback
MSLF-Single Owner tcsMSLF, singleowner
MSPT-All Equity Partnership Flip tcsmolten_salt, equpartflip
MSPT-Leveraged Partnership Flip tcsmolten_salt, levpartflip
MSPT-Sale Leaseback tcsmolten_salt, saleleaseback
MSPT-Single Owner tcsmolten_salt, singleowner
Physical Trough IPH-LCOH Calculator trough_physical_process_heat, iph_to_lcoefcr, lcoefcr
Physical Trough IPH-None trough_physical_process_heat
Physical Trough-All Equity Partnership Flip tcstrough_physical, equpartflip
Physical Trough-Commercial tcstrough_physical, utilityrate5, cashloan
Physical Trough-LCOE Calculator tcstrough_physical, lcoefcr
Physical Trough-Leveraged Partnership Flip tcstrough_physical, levpartflip
Physical Trough-None tcstrough_physical
Physical Trough-Sale Leaseback tcstrough_physical, saleleaseback
Physical Trough-Single Owner tcstrough_physical, singleowner
PVWatts-All Equity Partnership Flip pvwattsv5, equpartflip
PVWatts-Commercial pvwattsv5, battwatts, utilityrate5, cashloan
PVWatts-Host Developer pvwattsv5, utilityrate5, host_developer
PVWatts-LCOE Calculator pvwattsv5, lcoefcr
PVWatts-Leveraged Partnership Flip pvwattsv5, levpartflip
PVWatts-None pvwattsv5
PVWatts-Residential pvwattsv5, belpe, battwatts, utilityrate5, cashloan
PVWatts-Sale Leaseback pvwattsv5, saleleaseback
PVWatts-Single Owner pvwattsv5, singleowner
PVWatts-Third Party pvwattsv5, belpe, battwatts, utilityrate5, thirdpartyownership
Solar Water Heating-Commercial swh, utilityrate5, cashloan
Solar Water Heating-LCOE Calculator swh, lcoefcr
Solar Water Heating-None swh
Solar Water Heating-Residential swh, belpe, utilityrate5, cashloan
Wind Power-All Equity Partnership Flip windpower, equpartflip
Wind Power-Commercial windpower, utilityrate5, cashloan
Wind Power-LCOE Calculator windpower, lcoefcr
Wind Power-Leveraged Partnership Flip windpower, levpartflip
Wind Power-None windpower
Wind Power-Residential windpower, utilityrate5, cashloan
Wind Power-Sale Leaseback windpower, saleleaseback
Wind Power-Single Owner windpower, singleowner

Version 1.1, April 15, 2019 ~ SAM 2018.11.11.3, SSC Version 208

  • Group all modules under PySAM namespace
  • Defaults for technology and financial models according to SAM GUI configurations
  • Include PySSC with dictionary functions as subpackage
  • Remove AdjustmentFactors group from non-technology modules
  • Fix custom exception for use with multiprocessing package
  • Documentation updates

Project details

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Source Distributions

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Built Distributions

NREL_PySAM-1.1-cp37-cp37m-win_amd64.whl (13.5 MB view hashes)

Uploaded CPython 3.7m Windows x86-64

NREL_PySAM-1.1-cp37-cp37m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (17.8 MB view hashes)

Uploaded CPython 3.7m

NREL_PySAM-1.1-cp37-cp37m-macosx_10_14_x86_64.whl (14.8 MB view hashes)

Uploaded CPython 3.7m macOS 10.14+ x86-64

NREL_PySAM-1.1-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl (13.5 MB view hashes)

Uploaded CPython 3.6m Windows x86-64

NREL_PySAM-1.1-cp36-cp36m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (18.3 MB view hashes)

Uploaded CPython 3.6m

NREL_PySAM-1.1-cp36-cp36m-macosx_10_7_x86_64.whl (14.9 MB view hashes)

Uploaded CPython 3.6m macOS 10.7+ x86-64

NREL_PySAM-1.1-cp35-cp35m-win_amd64.whl (13.6 MB view hashes)

Uploaded CPython 3.5m Windows x86-64

NREL_PySAM-1.1-cp35-cp35m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl (18.3 MB view hashes)

Uploaded CPython 3.5m

NREL_PySAM-1.1-cp35-cp35m-macosx_10_6_x86_64.whl (14.9 MB view hashes)

Uploaded CPython 3.5m macOS 10.6+ x86-64

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