Radiation Exposure Monitoring for physicists
Project description
OpenREM is a Django app to extract, store and export Radiation Exposure Monitoring related information, primarily from DICOM files.
Full documentation can be found on Read the Docs: http://docs.openrem.org
For upgrades, please look at the version 0.4.0 release notes
Quick start
(Linux path notation - use back slashes for Windows paths)
Install python 2.7
Install setuptools and pip
- Install OpenREM
pip install openrem
- Configure OpenREM
Locate install location, typically something/lib/python2.7/site-packages/openrem
- There are two files that need renaming:
openrem/openrem/local_settings.py.example to openrem/openrem/local_settings.py
openrem/openrem/wsgi.py.example to openrem/openrem/wsgi.py
in the local_settings.py file, set the database details.
- For testing purposes, use
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
- Create the database
python path/to/openrem/manage.py syncdb
- Start test web server
python path/to/openrem/manage.py runserver
Open the web addesss given, appending /openrem (http://localhost:8000/openrem)
Create some users and add them to the viewgroup, exportgroup or admingroup in the admin interface, eg http://localhost:8000/admin
- Add some data!
openrem_rdsr.py rdsrfile.dcm