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Project administration which supports the eXtreme Programming methodology.

Project description

eXtreme Management Tool


This application provides project administration which supports the eXtreme Programming Methodology.

Content Types

  • Project Multiple projects can be added by employees. For each project, iterations and stories can be added by both the customers and employees.

  • Iteration The project will be planned with iterations. An iteration is a period of 1 to 3 weeks in which a number of stories will be implemented.

  • Offer Contains the stories that a customer wants in this Project. It is used as a way to bundle the wishes of the client and give a first indication of the size of a project.

  • Story The customer can define new features by describing these feature in a story.

  • Task The employees can estimate the story by defining tasks.

  • Booking While working on tasks the employees can track time and easily book those at the end of the day.


Customers can create stories and submit them for estimating. The employees will find pending stories in the review portlet. He will fill-in a rough estimate and change the state by using the ‘mark estimated’ transition.

The customers are able to prioritize the stories based on value for the organisation and the rough estimate. When the team has committed to the number of stories, they can start writing tasks and provide estimates for each task.

After all tasks have been written and estimated the iteration can be started by following the transition ‘start working’. This will set the status of all tasks to ‘todo’, so developers will see their tasks in the todo list.

When completing all tasks in a story the story itself will be set to ‘completed’.

Time Registration

When a developer has done work on a task he can add bookings to the task and describe the work in the comment field.

Project overview

Customers can monitor all progress at the Iteration overview page. This gives the customer the “Overall Plan” by showing each iteration in a list with progress bars. By clicking on an iteration more detailed information will be shown about the stories.


Ahmad Hadi <>

Jean-Paul Ladage <>

Maurits van Rees <>

Mirella van Teulingen <>

Jodok Batlogg <>

Harald Friessnegger <>

Daniel Nouri <>

Joris Slob <>

Mark van Lent <>

Hans-Peter Locher <>

Stefan Eletzhofer <>

Reinout van Rees <>


2.0beta2 (2009-01-09)

  • Refactored the add_task KSS - it now collapses again. [simon]

  • Added totals to the finished iterations view and (total) estimate to the planned iterations view. [reinout + mark]

2.0beta1 (2009-01-08)

  • Fixed translations

  • The my project dropdown now displays all active projects for ProjectManagers. [jladage]

  • Removed personalized My todo list from iteration view. [jladage]

  • When no start or end date is provided, simply a dash is displayed. [jladage]

  • The release plan was guarded with Manage Portal permission, this is now set to the View permission. [jladage]

  • The ‘add task’ link is now only displayed when the user has the correct permission. [simon]

  • Removed the Project Administration templates and view. [jladage]

  • Removed the old update_hours_form, we now have the time tracker. [jladage]

  • Corrected the available method for the tasks portlet, so anonymous doesn’t see it. [jladage]

  • Added site action ‘Projects’ to link to the project website, this way we are consistent with the time tracker site actions. [jladage]

2.0alpha3 (2009-01-07)

  • The Add task form at the story view is now loaded using kss. By default no assignee is selected.[jladage]

  • Updated the dutch translations.[jladage]

  • Added a link to a list of ‘Planned iterations’ to the iterations portlet. [jladage]

  • Cleaned up a number of templates that are not used anymore, project_administration, customer_view, etc. [jladage]

  • Current iteration link in the Iterations portlet now provides a correct URL. In addition if two iterations are in the state ‘in-progress’ a status message will guide you to the other iteration. [jladage]

  • Added view that lists finished (=invoiced or completed) iterations. [reinout]

  • now zaps several known old-style portlets. [reinout]

  • Replaced story estimation portlet by a new-style one. [reinout]

  • Removed obsolete portlet_my_projects portlet. [reinout]

  • Added better documentation to portlets.xml, unified names/titles of portlets in various places. [reinout]

  • Added new-style link-to-poi-issue portlet as replacement for part of the old-style poi portlet. [reinout]

  • Added new-style poi_creation portlet as replacement for part of the old-style poi portlet. [reinout]

  • Fixed possible DiscussionNotAllowed error when expanding a Story. [maurits]

  • Now refreshing story details box provider when quick-adding a Task. [maurits]

  • Changed story details box into a provider (viewlet manager without viewlets) so we can refresh that provider with KSS. [maurits]

  • Moved “eXtremeManagement: View Tracker” permission from xm.tracker to Products.eXtremeManagement as we do not actually use that permission in the xm.tracker package but only in actions.xml of Products.eXtremeManagement. This also means we do not have to have a dependency on xm.tracker (at least currently). [maurits]

  • Fixed issue #127 - “Add task” widget breaks if there aren’t Employees [maurits]

  • Renamed reorder_stories to releaseplan [jladage].

  • The time tracker is now guarded by a special permission. As a result only users with the Projectmanager or Employee assigned globally will be able to use the timetracker. [jladage]

  • The invoicing view now only shows projects that are billable. This change requires that the getBillableProject index has to be reindexed manually [jladage]

  • Instead of sending an email to new assignees of a Task whenever that Task is edited, only send an email when the Task gets transitioned to the to-do state. Also made the email sending more robust in the face of special characters, like Czech. This refs: [maurits]

  • Enable optional experimental.catalogqueryplan usage. This needed a fix in some of the tests as experimental.catalogqueryplan caches daterange results in REQUEST. Add the egg to buildout’s egg list to get a speed increase. [reinout]

  • Show the number of comments of a Story in the story details viewlet (when expanding the story in the iteration view). Fixes [maurits]

  • Employees overview: show the strict percentages and totals for the week, meaning: count only the days in this month. The totals and percentages that really count the whole week are now available as a tooltip. This is pending refactoring into two views as Managers and Employees have a different wish list here. [maurits]

  • Moved employees_overview page here from xm.theme. [maurits]

  • Fix: Only add the billable hours of a day to the week/month when some work (billable or not) has been done on that day. [maurits]

  • In the migration from ProjectFolders/CustomerFolders to normal Folders, set the immediately addable types too. Note that Customer content type is not addable by default anymore, so in the migrated CustomerFolder you can only add a Customer when you allow Customers to be added globally. [maurits]

  • Refactored KSS, CSS, JS and Python for workflow gadgets. Removed duplicated ids (#task-list-for-story) in favour of existing class (.tasklist_table), added KSS rebinding of workflow menus and stripped redundant CSS. [simon]

  • Added /inprogress view for managers that lists all in-progress iterations. [reinout]

  • Added /invoicing view for managers that lists all invoicable iterations. [reinout]

  • Removed almost all descriptions for Customer as they’re useless (“enter address” description for an “address” field). Some of the descriptions were wrong anyway. Fixes [reinout]

  • Added checks whether start/endDate are set as toLocalizedTime(None) returns today as value. So unset start/end dates looked like today. Fixes [reinout]

  • Corrected my CSS/KSS bug in the story workflow state changer, re: [simon]

  • Added more of our content types to the kupu collections and linkables. Fixes [maurits]

  • Add an empty entry to the xm.add_task_form viewlet. Now one can quickly add tasks without having to assign anyone to it. [mark]

2.0 alpha 2 (2008-09-17)

  • Fixed UnicodeDecodeError in the state change viewlet. [maurits]

  • Cloned and tweaked the CSS for our clone of the Plone authoring actionMenu. [simon]

2.0 alpha (2008-09-16)

  • Added ‘locked status’ logic so the release planning view can display it. Cleaned up release planning view logic, icluding class generation. Corrected relevant tests.

  • Added CSS and exception-hardening to our previous work on reorderable stories - on failing to move a story we redirect to the story so it can be fixed. [reinout+simon]

  • Made the eXtremeManagement PTSTranslationDomain available as zope.i18n domain. This makes portal status messages from kss translatable again. [maurits]

  • Got the actual drag/drop to work. Needs more work though. [reinout]

  • Started the view for reordering stories. [reinout+simon]

  • Made the review state of tasks in the simple task list overview be a dropdown list with workflow transitioning via KSS, just like the default Plone review state. [maurits+simon]

  • @Lazy optimizations in browser/ [reinout]

  • Show link to xm time tracker in site actions when the xm.tracker package is available. [maurits]

  • Include zcml of xm.tracker when the package is there. [maurits]

  • Created @@xm_global_state view, with currently one method has_tracker which is True when the xm.tracker package is available. [maurits]

  • Treating booking’s description as webintelligenttext. [reinout]

  • Cleaned up redundancy in task_review template (issue #75). [simon]

  • Merged fix from the time tracker branch (issue #75): Changed task_overview template and to display localised workflow state labels. [simon]

  • Merged fix from the time tracker branch: catch a divide by zero error. [reinout]

  • Merged the testing changes from the zest-timetracker branch. [maurits]

  • Added Products.Poi to the install_requires in as Poi now has eggs for both branch 1.1 and trunk. [maurits]

  • made the print view for offer look nicer. Added new dutch translation. [mirella]

  • Show attachments (Image, File, most importantly Story) in the project view, but only when xm.theme is not available, as that has a portlet and another view for this info. (Merged from branches/1.6, r69421 and r69426.)

  • Added tests for style conditions, which lead me to a bug in the logic. In the booking_month view, in case someone worked less than 40 hours in a week that total will be highligted. [jladage]

  • Fix a Plone 3.0 support issue in the javascript registry.[jladage]

  • fixed name typo in css [mirella]

  • minor css changes to, added translations and description for employees overview. Added odd color ad padding to employees overview, generated i18ndude and added the missing dutch translations and update_hours_form placed bookingsdate next to title. <th> has nowrap and left/right padding.[mirella]

  • Now loading the zcml from kss.plugin.yuidnd automatically, so that package does not need to be included in [instance]zcml of buildout.cfg anymore. [maurits]

1.6.1 (2008-07-31)

2008-07-30 - mirella

  • removed hours/minutes from iteration view of start and enddate of an iteration.

2008-07-30 - jladage

  • bookings per month now doesn’t highlight days with less than 8 hours. Instead it highlight if the hours per week is below 40 hours and if the billable percentage for a week is below 50%.

2008-07-23 - markvl

  • Made the check for customers in the myprojects view more robust. Employees which also have a customer role are no longer seen as customers.

2008-07-23 - mirella
  • added translations

  • show in iteration view the budget left in a row below the total.

  • removed actual hours and budget left hours from the table above the stories.

  • fixed width of the table

2008-07-17 - mirella
  • changed width of storylist table in 97% for fixing IE7 problem of overlap.

2008-07-17 - jladage

  • Added migration for content types ‘ProjectFolder’ and ‘CustomerFolder’ back to regular folders.

  • Added a note about upgrading from older versions than 2.0.

  • Marked all code related to the following content types with BBB for easy cleanup in the next release.

1.6 final (2008-07-16)

  • Official Release, no changes since rc10

1.6 rc10 (2008-07-09)

  • Fixed name of permissions that had a rogue slash at the end. Silly me. [maurits]

  • Fixed typos that referred to a different spelling of the Projectmanager role. [maurits]

1.6 rc9 (2008-06-30)

2008-06-26 - seletz

  • browser/ Only update story viewlets in story context.

  • browser/viewlets/ delegate icon fetching to the view, and do it there such that it only returns the icon name. That fixes the icon-of-iteration-is-not-found-if-site-is-named-plone bug.

  • browser/ Only update viewlet for task bookings if we’re actually in task context. Otherwise we’ll get a ComponentLookupError if the story gets activated (tasks get automatically transitioned from new->activated).

1.6 rc8 (2008-06-26)

2008-06-26 - seletz

  • skins/eXtremeManagement/ Render the task list even if empty; otherwise the KSS-ified task adding cannot refresh the task list.

  • browser/ fix comparsion of WF event states to fix a ComponentLookupError if adding tasks using KSS in a story.

  • added mr_savage and myself to the AUTHORS.txt (no CONTRIBUTORS.txt?)

2008-06-23 - reinout

  • 1.6 rc7 release

2008-06-16 - mr_savage

  • skins/ changed tal to use urlparameter memberid when constructing links to tasks in different states if param present in request

2008-06-16 - mr_savage

  • skins/ changed tal to use urlparameter memberid when constructing links to previous / current month if param present in request

2008-06-16 - mr_savage

  • skins/ changed tal to use urlparameter memberid when constructing links to previous / next year if param present in request

2008-06-16 - mr_savage

  • skins/ changed tal to use urlparameter memberid when constructing links to booking_year, previous-month, current-month if param present in request

2008-06-13 - mr_savage

  • browser/ get_open_issues_in_project() now internally

    calls a multi adapter ( context, request ) to get issues


    default implementation of IXMIssueGetter

  • interfaces/ IXMIssueGetter interface

  • configure.zcml

    adapter registration

2008-06-10 - mr_savage

  • content/ set the default for the startDate to current DateTime

2008-06-06 - maurits

  • Split single kss event handler on the IAfterTransitionEvent into a story and task specific one.

  • Used xm.AddTask in a few spots.

  • Added permissions.zcml for defining permissions like xm.AddProject.

  • Register event handler to update some viewlets on the story page when that story gets a workflow transition.

2008-06-06 - maurits + jladage

  • Added getLayout method to This exists to please the discussion form. Needed because we do not mix in the DynamicViewFTI class. Note: this is also used by e.g. Stories by using acquisition.

2008-06-05 - maurits

  • Do not load the details for all stories in the project or iteration view. Instead use KSS to show those details when wanted. eXtreme.js is no longer needed, but can’t be properly removed from the javascript registry with GenericSetup.

  • Fixed own mistake in generateUniqueId where this would fail if there were no tasks in the story yet.

2008-05-20 - maurits

  • Remove empty interfaces/ and accompanying Zope 3 bridge.

  • Lots of pep8/pyflakes cleanup.

  • Remove the unused migration functions from

2008-05-15 - maurits

  • In do not notify the quick installer that we have installed our own GS profile; meanwhile there were three references to eXtremeManagement, Products.eXtremeManagement and profile-Products.eXtremeManagement in the quick installer in a test site.

  • Removed the upgrade profile for moving to 3.0 (that was removing a few actions from content types) as it was confusing for developers and now also for the quick installer.

2008-05-14 - maurits

  • Do not send task emails when updating the task schema, also when not using the (commented out) method in

  • Fixed some bugs around bookings, mostly the detailed bookings view, including fixing some test failures.

2008-03-30 - jladage

  • Added ‘billableProject’ field to the Project content type. A booking will set the default value according to the projects value.

  • Extended the month_booking view with percentage of billable work, excluded double entries from previous months in total hours and greyed out those cells. If the employee booked less than 8 hours a day it’s marked red.

2008-02-25 - jladage

  • Refactored the QuickInstaller code to use again to make sure our dependencies are installed correctly. Also move the GS profiles of and xm.portlets to this profile.

2008-02-25 - mark

  • Change in the iteration workflow so the sharing tab is not shown for iterations and all content contained in them.

2008-02-14 - mark and maurits

  • Replaced the macros in the iteration and story views by providers.

2008-01-28 - mark

  • Make the add task KSS form more robust to also cope with a lack of assignees.

  • While we’re at it: also add portal messages to provide feedback to the user when the task is added and when there is no title.

2008-01-21 - mark

  • The offer view has its own browser view class now.

  • In the offer view a story can be edited by a single click on the pencil icon. (That is, is the user has the “Modify portal content” permission on the stories.)

2008-01-20 - jladage

  • Up till now Customers had ‘Delete object’ and ‘Copy and Move’ permission with a project. Also the new Offer content type was addable by Customer. These security issues are now corrected. To update your site security, reinstall the product and hit the “Update security setting” in the portal_workflow.

20080-01-14 - mark

  • It is now also possible to directly assign someone to a task when using the form at the bottom of the story view.

  • Made several strings in page templates i18n aware.

2008-01-14 - jladage

  • Renamed non_iterations to attachment, because we filter our both iterations and offers. Minor changes to the project view, including translations

2008-01-11 - joris and mark

  • Additional content type: Offer. To bundle all the initial stories when a project starts.

2008-01-02 - maurits

  • Bugfix: no bookings were shown for January in the booking month overview.

2007-12-21 - joris

  • Moved the graph option from the to the xm_properties and optimistically renamed it project_chart in anticipation of more charts

  • Dynamically scale the labels for the y-axis so it shows human readable steps like 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, …

2007-12-12 - joris

  • Added charts to xm tool. Because this is the first release of charts they are disabled by default in the code. To enable the graphs, set GRAPHS to True in the

  • There is now one view with a chart: the Project view has a estimated hours and worked hours per iteration chart.

2007-12-11 - mark

  • Added a form to the bottom of the story view (using a viewlet) to quickly add multiple tasks.

  • Added a budget field to the project content type and show the hours left on the iteration view (for open iterations).

2007-10-30 - maurits

  • Bugfix: DST bug in the week/month bookings overview and possibly some more. It adds a good number of tests for that as well.

2007-06-18 - rocky

  • Added UI information to display the reason why a story or task cannot be “activated”.

  • Task details table refactored to float to the right along with the new reason-task-cannot-be-activated details.

  • Replaced assignee username information being displayed on the task view with the “nicest” form of the user (ie full name if it exists, otherwise username).

  • Replaced booking “booked by” information being displayed on the task view with the “nicest” form of the user (ie full name if it exists, otherwise username).

2007-05-04 - maurits

  • Merge the mergeable parts of branches/1.2-events:

  • 38656:40204: small start with event handler, big cleanup of tests, add testbrowser tests, use IntDisplayList for Task/Booking hours/minutes.

  • 40226: only the part of this commit that changes doc/create.txt and tests dir: manually fire event.

  • 40256: use e.g. tasks.update(hours=5) instead of other ways to update fields, which helps in triggering a reindex.

  • 40417: add property sheet for eXtremeManagement with GenericSetup, containing HOURS_PER_DAY and MAXIMUM_NOT_COMPLETED_PERCENTAGE that used to be in

  • 41415:41483: improve the order of the install function and the GenericSetup steps, moving functions from that quick installer to GS. Add property send_task_mails to our property sheet, which can be set to False when updating the Task schema (which is done during install).

2007-05-03 - jladage

  • Cleanup up license headers in all files

  • Removed unused afterInstall and afterUninstall method

  • Updated schema definitions for Customer, CustomerFolder and ProjectMember.

  • clean up getattrs for __implements__ of all types

  • Move code to

2006-05-05 - friessnegger

  • content/ getRawEstimate was accessing tasks by calling contentValues() we also want to allow other content apart from tasks in stories so i refactored the code in story to use the new method getStoryTasks that is aware of that.

  • skins/ set the filter on Story and Task objects, to make a story containing other types than tasks beeing displayable. since the script is also used in a project to display stories i added story as a type too.

2006-04-06 - friessnegger

  • tools/ added filtering capability to getFilteredIssues

  • skins/ refactored dashboard using a script rather than the tools-method to be able to call it anywhere in the portal and get all issues and tasks in the current path. dashboard only shows todo issues/tasks (‘open’, ‘in-progress’, …)

2006-03-10 - batlogg, friessnegger

  • added support to assign members out of PAS to tasks

  • refactored Task._get_assignees, Project.getMembers

2005-10-23 - jladage

  • Release 1.0

  • fixed permission

  • fixed workflows

2005-09-23 - jladage

  • Prepared initial release by merging the agx-itegration branch back to trunk.

  • Added tests package and related classed to the model.

  • Wrote more tests for Setup and Content Types.

  • Fixed calculations

Project details

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Products.eXtremeManagement-2.0beta2.tar.gz (204.1 kB view hashes)

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