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Official Crowlingo SDK. Access to all NLP and NLU services that analyze texts regardless of the language.

Project description

PyCrowlingo: Python SDK for Crowlingo APIs

Here is the official Python client for Crowlingo. Access to all NLP and NLU services that analyze texts regardless of the language.


You can use pip to install the library:

$ pip install PyCrowlingo

Alternatively, you can just clone the repository and run the script:

$ python install


First of all, you will need to instantiate a client of Crowlingo. You can do it using your API token:

from PyCrowlingo import Client
client = Client('[TOKEN]')

Or using your account credentials:

from PyCrowlingo import Client
client = Client('[EMAIL]', '[PASSWORD]')


You can call all the endpoints available on Crowlingo. All of them are detailed with examples on the documentation.

model_id = "AskUbuntu"
text = "Est-il recommandé d'utiliser MongoDb pour indexer mes documents ?"
res = client.classifier.classify(model_id, text)
# => classes=[ClassDetection(class_id='Software Recommendation', confidence=0.865559518920126), ClassDetection(class_id='None', confidence=0.08626591166898656), ClassDetection(class_id='Make Update', confidence=0.023677259150309892), ClassDetection(class_id='Setup Printer', confidence=0.012666236228835963), ClassDetection(class_id='Shutdown Computer', confidence=0.011831074031741516)]

The response will be Pydantic object. So, you can get the values with the response's attributes:

# =>  'Software Recommendation'


If you need to analyze texts through different services, it can be cumbersome to call the API for every step of processing. Gain some speed and productivity by using a Pipeline. It allows you to create a workflow of processing for your data. To do so, you have to use the ApiModels instead of the client function.

from PyCrowlingo import Pipeline
from PyCrowlingo.ApiModels import *
text = "On 26 April 1986, Chernobyl suffered the world’s worst nuclear disaster. An experiment designed to test the safety of the power plant went wrong and caused a fire which spewed radiation for 10 days. Clouds carrying radioactive particles drifted for thousands of miles, releasing toxic rain all over Europe. Those living close to Chernobyl - about 116,000 people - were immediately evacuated. A 30 km exclusion zone was imposed around the damaged reactor. This was later expanded to cover more affected areas."
pipeline = Pipeline(client, text=text) 
# Put the client on the pipeline and the common variables using keywords arguments
pipeline.add(Concepts.Extract, precision=0.9).add(Entities.Extract, visualize=True).add(Entities.Duckling)
# Add each step using pipeline.add(EndpointModel, *individuals arguments)
res =
# Execute the pipeline
# => responses={'[POST] /entities/duckling': {'duckling': [{'body': 'On 26 April 1986', 'start': 0, 'value': {'values': [{'value': '1986-04-26T00:00:00.000-08:00', 'grain': 'day', 'type': 'value'}], 'value': '1986-04-26T00:00:00.000-08:00', 'grain': 'day', 'type': 'value'}, 'end': 16, 'dim': 'time', 'latent': False}, {'body': '10 days', 'start': 190, 'value': {'value': 10, 'day': 10, 'type': 'value', 'unit': 'day', 'normalized': {'value': 864000, 'unit': 'second'}}, 'end': 197, 'dim': 'duration', 'latent': False}, {'body': 'thousands', 'start': 249, 'value': {'value': 1000, 'type': 'value'}, 'end': 258, 'dim': 'number', 'latent': False}, {'body': '116,000', 'start': 347, 'value': {'value': 116000, 'type': 'value'}, 'end': 354, 'dim': 'number', 'latent': False}, {'body': 'immediately', 'start': 369, 'value': {'values': [{'value': '2020-05-25T15:57:30.724-07:00', 'grain': 'second', 'type': 'value'}], 'value': '2020-05-25T15:57:30.724-07:00', 'grain': 'second', 'type': 'value'}, 'end': 380, 'dim': 'time', 'latent': False}, {'body': '30 km', 'start': 394, 'value': {'value': 30, 'type': 'value', 'unit': 'kilometre'}, 'end': 399, 'dim': 'distance', 'latent': False}]}, '[POST] /entities/extract': {'entities': [{'start': 3, 'end': 16, 'ent_type': 'DATE', 'text': '26 April 1986'}, {'start': 18, 'end': 27, 'ent_type': 'GPE', 'text': 'Chernobyl'}, {'start': 190, 'end': 197, 'ent_type': 'DATE', 'text': '10 days'}, {'start': 249, 'end': 267, 'ent_type': 'QUANTITY', 'text': 'thousands of miles'}, {'start': 299, 'end': 305, 'ent_type': 'LOC', 'text': 'Europe'}, {'start': 329, 'end': 338, 'ent_type': 'GPE', 'text': 'Chernobyl'}, {'start': 341, 'end': 354, 'ent_type': 'CARDINAL', 'text': 'about 116,000'}, {'start': 394, 'end': 399, 'ent_type': 'QUANTITY', 'text': '30 km'}], 'visualization': '<div class="entities" style="line-height: 2.5; direction: ltr">On \n<mark class="entity" style="background: #bfe1d9; padding: 0.45em 0.6em; margin: 0 0.25em; line-height: 1; border-radius: 0.35em;">\n    26 April 1986\n    <span style="font-size: 0.8em; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1; border-radius: 0.35em; text-transform: uppercase; vertical-align: middle; margin-left: 0.5rem">DATE</span>\n</mark>\n, \n<mark class="entity" style="background: #feca74; padding: 0.45em 0.6em; margin: 0 0.25em; line-height: 1; border-radius: 0.35em;">\n    Chernobyl\n    <span style="font-size: 0.8em; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1; border-radius: 0.35em; text-transform: uppercase; vertical-align: middle; margin-left: 0.5rem">GPE</span>\n</mark>\n suffered the world’s worst nuclear disaster. An experiment designed to test the safety of the power plant went wrong and caused a fire which spewed radiation for \n<mark class="entity" style="background: #bfe1d9; padding: 0.45em 0.6em; margin: 0 0.25em; line-height: 1; border-radius: 0.35em;">\n    10 days\n    <span style="font-size: 0.8em; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1; border-radius: 0.35em; text-transform: uppercase; vertical-align: middle; margin-left: 0.5rem">DATE</span>\n</mark>\n. Clouds carrying radioactive particles drifted for \n<mark class="entity" style="background: #e4e7d2; padding: 0.45em 0.6em; margin: 0 0.25em; line-height: 1; border-radius: 0.35em;">\n    thousands of miles\n    <span style="font-size: 0.8em; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1; border-radius: 0.35em; text-transform: uppercase; vertical-align: middle; margin-left: 0.5rem">QUANTITY</span>\n</mark>\n, releasing toxic rain all over \n<mark class="entity" style="background: #ff9561; padding: 0.45em 0.6em; margin: 0 0.25em; line-height: 1; border-radius: 0.35em;">\n    Europe\n    <span style="font-size: 0.8em; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1; border-radius: 0.35em; text-transform: uppercase; vertical-align: middle; margin-left: 0.5rem">LOC</span>\n</mark>\n. Those living close to \n<mark class="entity" style="background: #feca74; padding: 0.45em 0.6em; margin: 0 0.25em; line-height: 1; border-radius: 0.35em;">\n    Chernobyl\n    <span style="font-size: 0.8em; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1; border-radius: 0.35em; text-transform: uppercase; vertical-align: middle; margin-left: 0.5rem">GPE</span>\n</mark>\n - \n<mark class="entity" style="background: #e4e7d2; padding: 0.45em 0.6em; margin: 0 0.25em; line-height: 1; border-radius: 0.35em;">\n    about 116,000\n    <span style="font-size: 0.8em; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1; border-radius: 0.35em; text-transform: uppercase; vertical-align: middle; margin-left: 0.5rem">CARDINAL</span>\n</mark>\n people - were immediately evacuated. A \n<mark class="entity" style="background: #e4e7d2; padding: 0.45em 0.6em; margin: 0 0.25em; line-height: 1; border-radius: 0.35em;">\n    30 km\n    <span style="font-size: 0.8em; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1; border-radius: 0.35em; text-transform: uppercase; vertical-align: middle; margin-left: 0.5rem">QUANTITY</span>\n</mark>\n exclusion zone was imposed around the damaged reactor. This was later expanded to cover more affected areas.</div>'}, '[POST] /concepts/extract': {'concepts': [{'id': 'Q129677', 'weight': 0.19254024269693001, 'labels': [{'text': 'Chernobyl', 'mentions': [{'start': 18, 'end': 27}, {'start': 329, 'end': 338}]}]}, {'id': 'Q11448', 'weight': 0.13384788867053848, 'labels': [{'text': 'radioactive', 'mentions': [{'start': 215, 'end': 226}]}, {'text': 'radiation', 'mentions': [{'start': 176, 'end': 185}]}]}, {'id': 'Q46', 'weight': 0.11258210752213413, 'labels': [{'text': 'Europe', 'mentions': [{'start': 299, 'end': 305}]}]}, {'id': 'Q274160', 'weight': 0.07002172766602058, 'labels': [{'text': 'toxic', 'mentions': [{'start': 279, 'end': 284}]}]}, {'id': 'Q7925', 'weight': 0.06886892370214791, 'labels': [{'text': 'rain', 'mentions': [{'start': 285, 'end': 289}]}]}, {'id': 'Q101965', 'weight': 0.06562043143894636, 'labels': [{'text': 'experiment', 'mentions': [{'start': 76, 'end': 86}]}]}, {'id': 'Q3196', 'weight': 0.06482017292518794, 'labels': [{'text': 'fire', 'mentions': [{'start': 158, 'end': 162}]}]}, {'id': 'Q356936', 'weight': 0.06390318225879862, 'labels': [{'text': 'exclusion zone', 'mentions': [{'start': 400, 'end': 414}]}]}, {'id': 'Q486', 'weight': 0.06317545950269358, 'labels': [{'text': 'nuclear disaster', 'mentions': [{'start': 55, 'end': 71}]}, {'text': 'disaster', 'mentions': []}]}, {'id': 'Q11369', 'weight': 0.057931103203040506, 'labels': [{'text': 'particles', 'mentions': [{'start': 227, 'end': 236}]}]}, {'id': 'Q8074', 'weight': 0.05530684102502764, 'labels': [{'text': 'Clouds', 'mentions': [{'start': 199, 'end': 205}]}]}, {'id': 'Q11573', 'weight': 0.05138191938853427, 'labels': [{'text': 'km', 'mentions': [{'start': 397, 'end': 399}]}]}]}}
# => {'entities': [{'start': 3, 'end': 16, 'ent_type': 'DATE', 'text': '26 April 1986'}, {'start': 18, 'end': 27, 'ent_type': 'GPE', 'text': 'Chernobyl'}, {'start': 190, 'end': 197, 'ent_type': 'DATE', 'text': '10 days'}, {'start': 249, 'end': 267, 'ent_type': 'QUANTITY', 'text': 'thousands of miles'}, {'start': 299, 'end': 305, 'ent_type': 'LOC', 'text': 'Europe'}, {'start': 329, 'end': 338, 'ent_type': 'GPE', 'text': 'Chernobyl'}, {'start': 341, 'end': 354, 'ent_type': 'CARDINAL', 'text': 'about 116,000'}, {'start': 394, 'end': 399, 'ent_type': 'QUANTITY', 'text': '30 km'}], 'visualization': '<div class="entities" style="line-height: 2.5; direction: ltr">On \n<mark class="entity" style="background: #bfe1d9; padding: 0.45em 0.6em; margin: 0 0.25em; line-height: 1; border-radius: 0.35em;">\n    26 April 1986\n    <span style="font-size: 0.8em; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1; border-radius: 0.35em; text-transform: uppercase; vertical-align: middle; margin-left: 0.5rem">DATE</span>\n</mark>\n, \n<mark class="entity" style="background: #feca74; padding: 0.45em 0.6em; margin: 0 0.25em; line-height: 1; border-radius: 0.35em;">\n    Chernobyl\n    <span style="font-size: 0.8em; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1; border-radius: 0.35em; text-transform: uppercase; vertical-align: middle; margin-left: 0.5rem">GPE</span>\n</mark>\n suffered the world’s worst nuclear disaster. An experiment designed to test the safety of the power plant went wrong and caused a fire which spewed radiation for \n<mark class="entity" style="background: #bfe1d9; padding: 0.45em 0.6em; margin: 0 0.25em; line-height: 1; border-radius: 0.35em;">\n    10 days\n    <span style="font-size: 0.8em; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1; border-radius: 0.35em; text-transform: uppercase; vertical-align: middle; margin-left: 0.5rem">DATE</span>\n</mark>\n. Clouds carrying radioactive particles drifted for \n<mark class="entity" style="background: #e4e7d2; padding: 0.45em 0.6em; margin: 0 0.25em; line-height: 1; border-radius: 0.35em;">\n    thousands of miles\n    <span style="font-size: 0.8em; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1; border-radius: 0.35em; text-transform: uppercase; vertical-align: middle; margin-left: 0.5rem">QUANTITY</span>\n</mark>\n, releasing toxic rain all over \n<mark class="entity" style="background: #ff9561; padding: 0.45em 0.6em; margin: 0 0.25em; line-height: 1; border-radius: 0.35em;">\n    Europe\n    <span style="font-size: 0.8em; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1; border-radius: 0.35em; text-transform: uppercase; vertical-align: middle; margin-left: 0.5rem">LOC</span>\n</mark>\n. Those living close to \n<mark class="entity" style="background: #feca74; padding: 0.45em 0.6em; margin: 0 0.25em; line-height: 1; border-radius: 0.35em;">\n    Chernobyl\n    <span style="font-size: 0.8em; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1; border-radius: 0.35em; text-transform: uppercase; vertical-align: middle; margin-left: 0.5rem">GPE</span>\n</mark>\n - \n<mark class="entity" style="background: #e4e7d2; padding: 0.45em 0.6em; margin: 0 0.25em; line-height: 1; border-radius: 0.35em;">\n    about 116,000\n    <span style="font-size: 0.8em; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1; border-radius: 0.35em; text-transform: uppercase; vertical-align: middle; margin-left: 0.5rem">CARDINAL</span>\n</mark>\n people - were immediately evacuated. A \n<mark class="entity" style="background: #e4e7d2; padding: 0.45em 0.6em; margin: 0 0.25em; line-height: 1; border-radius: 0.35em;">\n    30 km\n    <span style="font-size: 0.8em; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1; border-radius: 0.35em; text-transform: uppercase; vertical-align: middle; margin-left: 0.5rem">QUANTITY</span>\n</mark>\n exclusion zone was imposed around the damaged reactor. This was later expanded to cover more affected areas.</div>'}

# EndpointModel.ied() returns the id of endpoint which is used in the response 

Bulk Request

Most of the time, you will need to apply this process on a dataset. Again, you will gain speed by using bulk request. It allows to perform many operations in the same time. Here is an example on how to do it:

from PyCrowlingo import Bulk, Pipeline
from PyCrowlingo.ApiModels import *
text = "Est-il recommandé d'utiliser MongoDb pour indexer mes documents ?"
pipelines = [Pipeline().add(Languages.Detect, text=text)] * 300
res = Bulk(client, pipelines).call()
assert len(res.responses) == 300 # True

You can also do it in an iterative way:

from PyCrowlingo import Bulk, Pipeline
from PyCrowlingo.ApiModels import *
text = "Est-il recommandé d'utiliser MongoDb pour indexer mes documents ?"
bulk = Bulk(client)
for i in range(300):
    bulk.add(Pipeline().add(Languages.Detect, text=text))
res =
assert len(res.responses) == 300 # True

Using a bulk will automatically make API requests using batch (you can controle its size using batch_size argument). So that, you don't have to worry about the management of the query size.


Crowlingo services can be very useful to create a polyglot chatbot using an existing one. The easiest way is to do it through Rasa. PyCrowlingo provides packages to easily integrate on Rasa.


To install rasa dependencies, simply enter the following command:

pip install PyCrowlingo[rasa]

Follow the Rasa quick start guide to build your chatbot.


Open the file config.yml and modify the pipeline to integrate Crowlingo NLU components.

Here is an example of a chatbot created with Rasa quick start guide::

language: en
  - name: PyCrowlingo.Rasa.EntitiesExtractor
    token: "[TOKEN]"
  - name: PyCrowlingo.Rasa.IntentClassifier
    token: "[TOKEN]"
    model_id: "intent_rasa"

Train the model:

rasa train

And now, enjoy your multilingual chatbot:

rasa shell
>>> Your input -> Bonjour !
<<< Hey! How are you ?
>>> Your input -> Va bene :)
<<< Great! Carry on!
>>> Your input -> Bist du ein Roboter oder ein Mensch?
<<< I am a bot powered by Rasa   

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

PyCrowlingo-0.4.tar.gz (38.0 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

PyCrowlingo-0.4-py3-none-any.whl (59.3 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

Supported by

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