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A tool to conduct recurrence analysis in a massively parallel manner using the OpenCL framework.

Project description


  • Perform recurrence analysis on long time series in a time efficient manner using the OpenCL framework.

  • Conduct recurrence quantification analysis (RQA) and cross recurrence quantification analysis (CRQA).

  • Compute recurrence plots (RP) and cross recurrence plots (CRP).

  • Compute unthresholded recurrence plots (URP) and unthresholded cross recurrence plots (UCRP).

  • Employ the fixed radius or radius corridor neighbourhood condition for determining state similarity.

  • Apply the computing capabilities of GPUs, CPUs and other computing platforms that support OpenCL.

  • Use multiple computing devices of the same or different type in parallel.

  • Leverage machine learning techniques that automatically choose the fastest from a set of implementations.

  • Select either the half, single or double floating point precision for conducting the analytical computations.

Table of Contents

  1. General Information

  2. Recommended Citation

  3. Installation

  4. OpenCL Setup

  5. Usage

  6. Testing

  7. Origin

  8. Acknowledgements

  9. Publications

  10. Release Notes

General Information

PyRQA is a tool to conduct recurrence analysis in a massively parallel manner using the OpenCL framework. It is designed to efficiently process time series consisting of hundreds of thousands of data points.

PyRQA supports the computation of the following quantitative measures:

  • Recurrence rate (RR)

  • Determinism (DET)

  • Average diagonal line length (L)

  • Longest diagonal line length (L_max)

  • Divergence (DIV)

  • Entropy diagonal lines (L_entr)

  • Laminarity (LAM)

  • Trapping time (TT)

  • Longest vertical line length (V_max)

  • Entropy vertical lines (V_entr)

  • Average white vertical line length (W)

  • Longest white vertical line length (W_max)

  • Longest white vertical line length divergence (W_div)

  • Entropy white vertical lines (W_entr)

PyRQA additionally allows to compute the corresponding recurrence plot, which can be exported as an image file.


PyRQA and all of its dependencies can be installed via the following command.

pip install PyRQA

OpenCL Setup

It may be required to install additional software, e.g., runtimes or drivers, to execute PyRQA on OpenCL devices such as GPUs and CPUs. References to vendor-specific information is presented below.







Basic Computations

RQA computations are conducted as follows.

from pyrqa.time_series import TimeSeries
from pyrqa.settings import Settings
from pyrqa.analysis_type import Classic
from pyrqa.neighbourhood import FixedRadius
from pyrqa.metric import EuclideanMetric
from pyrqa.computation import RQAComputation
data_points = [0.1, 0.5, 1.3, 0.7, 0.8, 1.4, 1.6, 1.2, 0.4, 1.1, 0.8, 0.2, 1.3]
time_series = TimeSeries(data_points,
settings = Settings(time_series,
computation = RQAComputation.create(settings,
result =
result.min_diagonal_line_length = 2
result.min_vertical_line_length = 2
result.min_white_vertical_line_lelngth = 2

The following output is expected.

RQA Result:

Minimum diagonal line length (L_min): 2
Minimum vertical line length (V_min): 2
Minimum white vertical line length (W_min): 2

Recurrence rate (RR): 0.371901
Determinism (DET): 0.411765
Average diagonal line length (L): 2.333333
Longest diagonal line length (L_max): 3
Divergence (DIV): 0.333333
Entropy diagonal lines (L_entr): 0.636514
Laminarity (LAM): 0.400000
Trapping time (TT): 2.571429
Longest vertical line length (V_max): 4
Entropy vertical lines (V_entr): 0.955700
Average white vertical line length (W): 2.538462
Longest white vertical line length (W_max): 6
Longest white vertical line length inverse (W_div): 0.166667
Entropy white vertical lines (W_entr): 0.839796

Ratio determinism / recurrence rate (DET/RR): 1.107190
Ratio laminarity / determinism (LAM/DET): 0.971429

The corresponding recurrence plot is computed likewise. Note that the theiler_corrector is ignored regarding the creation of the plot.

from pyrqa.computation import RPComputation
from pyrqa.image_generator import ImageGenerator
computation = RPComputation.create(settings)
result =

Cross Recurrence Analysis

PyRQA further offers the opportunity to conduct cross recurrence analysis (CRQA and CRP), in addition to the classic recurrence analysis (RQA and RP). For this purpose, two time series of potentially different length are provided as input. Note that the corresponding computations require to set the same values regarding the embedding dimension. Two different time delay values may be used regarding the first and the second time series. To enable cross recurrence analysis, the analysis_type argument has to be changed from Classic to Cross, when creating the Settings object. A CRQA example is given below.

from pyrqa.analysis_type import Cross
data_points_x = [0.9, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 1.7, 0.4, 0.8, 1.5]
time_series_x = TimeSeries(data_points_x,
data_points_y = [0.3, 1.3, 0.6, 0.2, 1.1, 1.9, 1.3, 0.4, 0.7, 0.9, 1.6]
time_series_y = TimeSeries(data_points_y,
time_series = (time_series_x,
settings = Settings(time_series,
computation = RQAComputation.create(settings,
result =
result.min_diagonal_line_length = 2
result.min_vertical_line_length = 2
result.min_white_vertical_line_lelngth = 2

The following output is expected.

CRQA Result:

Minimum diagonal line length (L_min): 2
Minimum vertical line length (V_min): 2
Minimum white vertical line length (W_min): 2

Recurrence rate (RR): 0.319444
Determinism (DET): 0.521739
Average diagonal line length (L): 2.400000
Longest diagonal line length (L_max): 3
Divergence (DIV): 0.333333
Entropy diagonal lines (L_entr): 0.673012
Laminarity (LAM): 0.434783
Trapping time (TT): 2.500000
Longest vertical line length (V_max): 3
Entropy vertical lines (V_entr): 0.693147
Average white vertical line length (W): 3.500000
Longest white vertical line length (W_max): 8
Longest white vertical line length inverse (W_div): 0.125000
Entropy white vertical lines (W_entr): 1.424130

Ratio determinism / recurrence rate (DET/RR): 1.633270
Ratio laminarity / determinism (LAM/DET): 0.833333

The corresponding cross recurrence plot is computed likewise.

from pyrqa.computation import RPComputation
from pyrqa.image_generator import ImageGenerator
computation = RPComputation.create(settings)
result =

Neighbourhood Condition Selection

PyRQA currently supports the fixed radius as well as the radius corridor neighbourhood condition. While the first refers to a single radius, the latter requires the assignment of an inner and outer radius. The specific condition is passed as neighbourhood argument to the constructor of a Settings object. The creation of a fixed radius and a radius corridor neighbourhood is presented below.

from pyrqa.neighbourhood import FixedRadius, RadiusCorridor
fixed_radius = FixedRadius(radius=0.43)
radius_corridor = RadiusCorridor(inner_radius=0.32,

Unthresholded Recurrence Plots

PyRQA allows to create unthresholded (cross) recurrence plots by selecting the Unthresholded neighbourhood condition. This results in a non-binary matrix, containing the mutual distances between the system states, based on the similarity measure selected. Functionality is provided to normalize these distances to values between 0 and 1. The normalized matrix can further be represented as a grayscale image. Darker shades of grey indicate smaller distances whereas lighter shades of grey indicate larger distances. An example on how to create an unthresholded recurrence plot is given below.

from pyrqa.neighbourhood import Unthresholded
settings = Settings(time_series,
computation = RPComputation.create(settings)
result =

Custom OpenCL Environment

The previous examples use the default OpenCL environment. A custom environment can also be created via command line input. For this purpose, the command_line argument has to be set to True, when creating an OpenCL object.

from pyrqa.opencl import OpenCL
opencl = OpenCL(command_line=True)

The OpenCL platform as well as the computing devices can also be selected using their identifiers.

opencl = OpenCL(platform_id=0,
computation = RQAComputation.create(settings,

OpenCL Compiler Optimisations Enablement

OpenCL compiler optimisations aim at improving the performance of the operations conducted by the computing devices. Regarding PyRQA, they are disabled by default to ensure the comparability of the analytical results. They can be enabled to leverage additional runtime reductions by assigning the value True to the corresponding keyword argument optimisations_enabled.

computation = RQAComputation.create(settings,
                                    variants_kwargs={'optimisations_enabled': True})

Adaptive Implementation Selection

Adaptive implementation selection allows to automatically select well performing implementations regarding RQA and recurrence plot computations, provided by PyRQA. The approach dynamically adapts the selection to the current computational scenario as well as the properties of the OpenCL devices employed. The selection is performed using one of multiple strategies, each referred to as selector. They rely on a set of customized implementation variants, which may be parameterized using a set of keyword arguments called variants_kwargs. Note that the same selection strategies can be used for RQA and CRQA, RP and CRP as well as URP and UCRP computations.

from pyrqa.variants.rqa.fixed_radius.column_materialisation_bit_no_recycling import ColumnMaterialisationBitNoRecycling
from pyrqa.variants.rqa.fixed_radius.column_materialisation_bit_recycling import ColumnMaterialisationBitRecycling
from pyrqa.variants.rqa.fixed_radius.column_materialisation_byte_no_recycling import ColumnMaterialisationByteNoRecycling
from pyrqa.variants.rqa.fixed_radius.column_materialisation_byte_recycling import ColumnMaterialisationByteRecycling
from pyrqa.variants.rqa.fixed_radius.column_no_materialisation import ColumnNoMaterialisation
from pyrqa.selector import EpsilonGreedySelector
computation = RQAComputation.create(settings,
                                    variants_kwargs={'optimisations_enabled': True})

Floating Point Precision

It is possible to specify the precision of the time series data, which in turn determines the precision of the computations conducted by the OpenCL devices. Currently, the following precisions are supported by PyRQA:

  • Half precision (16 bit)

  • Single precision (32 bit)

  • Double precision (64 bit)

By default, the single precision is applied. Note that not all precisions may be supported by the OpenCL devices employed. Furthermore, the selected precision influences the performance of the computations on a particular device. The precision is set by specifying the corresponding data type, short dtype, of the time series data. The following example depicts the usage of double precision floating point values.

import numpy as np
time_series = TimeSeries(data_points,


The basic tests for all supported analytical methods can be executed cumulatively.

python -m pyrqa.test

The complete set of tests can be executed by adding the option --extended.

python -m pyrqa.test --extended


The PyRQA package was initiated by computer scientists from the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin ( and the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences (


We would like to thank Norbert Marwan from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research ( for his continuous support of the project. Please visit his website for further information on recurrence analysis. Initial research and development of PyRQA has been funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (


The underlying computational approach of PyRQA is described in detail within the following thesis, which is openly accessible under

Rawald, T. (2018): Scalable and Efficient Analysis of Large High-Dimensional Data Sets in the Context of Recurrence Analysis, PhD Thesis, Berlin : Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 299 p.

Selected aspects of the computational approach are presented within the following publications.

Rawald, T., Sips, M., Marwan, N., Dransch, D. (2014): Fast Computation of Recurrences in Long Time Series. - In: Marwan, N., Riley, M., Guiliani, A., Webber, C. (Eds.), Translational Recurrences. From Mathematical Theory to Real-World Applications, (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics ; 103), p. 17-29.

Rawald, T., Sips, M., Marwan, N., Leser, U. (2015): Massively Parallel Analysis of Similarity Matrices on Heterogeneous Hardware. - In: Fischer, P. M., Alonso, G., Arenas, M., Geerts, F. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Workshops of the EDBT/ICDT 2015 Joint Conference (EDBT/ICDT), (CEUR Workshop Proceedings ; 1330), p. 56-62.

Release Notes


  • Addition of the unthresholded recurrence plot (URP) and unthresholded cross recurrence plot (UCRP) computations.

  • Updated documentation.


  • Refactoring of the public API.

  • Updated documentation.


  • Usage of two different time delay values regarding the cross recurrence plot (CRP) and cross recurrence quantification analysis (CRQA).

  • Updated documentation.


  • Addition of the cross recurrence plot (CRP) and cross recurrence quantification analysis (CRQA) computations.

  • Addition of the radius corridor neighbourhood condition for determining state similarity.

  • Addition of an additional variant regarding recurrence plot computations.

  • Renaming of directories and classes referring to recurrence plot computations.

  • Removal of obsolete source code.

  • Updated documentation.



  • Updated documentation.


  • Major refactoring.

  • Removal of operator and variant implementations that do not refer to OpenCL brute force computing.

  • Time series data may be represented using half, single and double precision floating point values, which is reflected in the computations on the OpenCL devices.

  • Several changes to the public API.


  • Changes to the public API have been made, e.g., to the definition of the settings. This leads to an increase in the major version number (see

  • Time series objects either consist of one or multiple series. The former requires to specify a value for the embedding delay as well as the time delay parameter.

  • Regarding the RQA computations, minimum line lengths are now specified on the result object. This allows to compute quantitative results using different lengths without having to inspect the matrix using the same parametrisation multiple times.

  • Modules for selecting well-performing implementations based on greedy selection strategies have been added. By default, the selection pool consists of a single pre-defined implementation.

  • Operators and implementation variants based on multidimensional search trees and grid data structures have been added.

  • The diagonal line based quantitative measures are modified regarding the semantics of the Theiler corrector.

  • The creation of the OpenCL environment now supports device fission.


  • Initial release.

Project details

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PyRQA-5.1.0.tar.gz (67.9 kB view hashes)

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