A Python library used for the Kahoot! Api
Project description
tell me if anything seems inaccurate in an issue or email please, thanks!
A package that allows users to create Kahoot! clients and use the Kahoot! API to their will. Check out https://github.com/maxgamertyper/Pyhoot for more information or help.
This is a library made by MaxGamerTyper1 to interface with the Kahoot API.
Pyhoot is a library to interact with the Kahoot API. Pyhoot supports joining and interacting with quizzes and all of their functions excluding team mode.
New Release in 1996?
pip install Pyhoot
current V1.5 Plans:
- V1.5.0 will add hosting a game
- V1.5.1 will add locking a game
- V1.5.2 will add skipping questions and other things
Future Updates
V1.6 (Little Progress):
- add course support
V1.6+ (ideas noted):
- add proxy support (not sure when this would happen)
- add an answer getter (would not work with random answers and questions)
- add other connection type support
- add other game mode type support
- add an ability to create a game
- maybe add events for K!AntiBot extension
everything in here is from client.py
Player() -> the base bot class, is used to join the kahoot games
BaseClient() -> this is not really useful unless you are trying to customize something
BaseClient Class functions:
Pong() -> used to return the websockets Heartbeat ACK connection, enabled by default
Time() -> used in some websocket messages, returns time.time() * 1000
Kill() -> kills the websocket thread
Close() -> closes the websocket thread
EventListenerDecorator -> sets a function to be an event listener
# event listener example
def hand1(data):
print(f"handshake1 {data}")
- FindGame(pin:str) -> checks to see if the game is running returns True if it is else False
has some other function that are used in the running of stuff
Player Class:
AuthBruteForce:bool this is used to determine if it should brute force the 2 factor authentication, broken at the moment, base value is False
RandomText:str this is used to determine what the text should be if random_answer() is called on a text question, base text is "Hello, I am a bot and can not answer this question"
CloseAfterFisconnect:bool this is used to determine if the websocket should close after the player is disconnected, Base value is False
Player Class Functions():
- Start(gamepin:str) -> requires the gamepin, starts the websocket connection
Joining functions
Join(name:str,quizuuid:str,profile:str,teammembers:list) -> requires a username to join with, joins the gamepin specified in start(), optional args: profile, can be generated in GenerateProfile() and Quizuuid, this does nothing yet, teammembers, this will just be a list with the name in it if its empty otherwise it will be the teammembers and the name will be the team name
JoinCrash(name:str) -> requires a name to join with, joins the hosts game specified in start() but crashes the game
TeamJoinCrash(name:str) -> requires a name to join with, joins the hosts game specified in start() but crashes the game if its a team game mode
Profile Functions
- GenerateProfile(avatar:str,cosmetic:str) ->
requires an avatar and comsmetic item (will update the list on release) Warning: some event avatar and cosmetics might be in there but they wont work returns the string that switches the avatar, should be sent into UpdateProfile()
# Official Kahoot names
# Kahoot doesnt have official names for these so i just made them up
- UpdateProfile(profile:str) ->
requires the profile, a string, generated from profile_generator() updates the players profile
- ProfileCrash() -> crashes the game by changing the profile of the player
Answer Functions
- SubmitAnswer(answer,delay:int=0) -> submits an asnwer
requires the answer and has an optional delay answer of 0 is red, 1 is blue, 2 is yellow, 3 is green, auto corrects to the numbers if you type in the color
- AnswerCrash() ->
crashes the game through answering a question
- RandomAnswer(delay:int=0) ->
can have a custom delay to look less like a bot if wanted just sends a random answer (put in the QuestionStarted listener function)
Brainstorm Functions
- FinishBrainstorming() ->
Tells Kahoot that you are finished with brainstorming questions (multiple answers can be submitted)
- BrainstormVote(vote:bool,OptionID:int) ->
Sends the vote for the OptionID provided, OptionIDs are recieved in the BrainstormVoting listener function or at bot.BrainstormCandidates a Vote of False does nothing but go to the next option in the webpage you need to vote for all options for the game to register your answer as completed, including False
- RandomBrainstormVote(delay:int=.5) ->
Votes Randomly for brainstorm candidates has a delay argument that is optional to include, default is .5
Auth / 2-step-join functions
BruteAuth() -> brute forces the 2-step-join, waits for the auth to reset before brute forcing
AnswerAuth(sequence) -> submits the sequence provided as the answer to the 2-step-join sequence has to be numbers of values 0-3 or else it will always be wrong (EX: [0,1,2,3], [3,0,2,1]) sequence can be anything that turns into a list from list()
Other Functions
Disconnect() -> has the player leave the game
Any Function Avaliable in the BaseClient Class
Listener Functions:
Heartbeat -> will return the heartbeat count once a heartbeat is sent, automatically returns the hearbeat call
Handshake1 -> returns True once the handshake responds
Handshake2 -> returns True once the second handshake responds
ProfileUpdated -> returns True if the profile updated else it returns False
Disconnected -> returns in the format {"Reason":Reason}
#Set reasons are:
{"Reason":"Host Kicked Player"}
{"Reason":"Host Left the Game"}
{"Reason":"Player Left"}
#Unknown disconnect:
{"Reason":data,"Report":"This is an unknown disconnect, please report this and what happened"}
please make an issue and send me the data and what happened in the game
- QuestionStarted -> returns the data for the start of a question:
"QuestionType": # the question type
"QuestionNumber": # the question number,
"QuizQuestionCount": # amount of questions,
"QuestionTime": #how long in miliseconds you have to answer the question,
"NumberOfChoices": # the number of answer options,
"SliderData": None if questiontype is not "slider" else
"Unit": #the slider measurment unit,
"Minimum": # the minimum slider range,
"Maximum": # the maximum slider range,
"Step": # the step of the slider minimum -> step -> maximum
"BrainstormData": None if questiontype is not "brainstorming" else {
"NumberOfAnswers": #number of brainstorming answers allowed,
"MaximumAnswerLength": #maximum length of brainstorm
"DropPinData": None if questiontype is not "drop_pin" or "pin_it" else {
"VideoData": #Video Data,
"ImageURL": # the ImageURL of the DropPin,
"ImageData": # basic data of the Image,
"Media": # tbh i have no idea, the amount of media im guessing
"ScaleData": None if questiontype is not "scale" else {
"Start":info.get("start"), # if the type is nps this is set to 0
"End":info.get("end"), # if the type is nps this is set to 10
"LabelType":info.get("labelType"), # if the typ is nps this is set to likert
"ScaleType":info.get("scaleType") # if the type is nps this is set to nps
- QuestionEnded -> returns the data for the end of the question:
{"Correct": True or False,
"CorrectAnswer": #will be one of [0,1,2,3] or a list of them,
"LeaderboardRank": #your leaderboard rank, int),
"LeaderboardScore": #your score,
"PointsWithBonuses": #how many points you got from the question,
"QuestionPoints": #how many points without bonuses you got from the question
"AnswerStreak": # Your answer streak level,
"EndedQuestion": #Which question number just ended,
"NemesisData": None if first-place or only-player else {
"NemesisName": #nemsis' name,
"NemesisScore": #nemesis' score,
- QuizStarted -> returns Quiz question count and a little bit of data on the questions
QuestionData={"type":QuestionType,"PointType": PointType}
# PointType can be None, Standard, or Double, its the multiplier of the points
# QuestionType can be quiz, jumble, true or false, etc.
# each question will get a QuestionData marking with the key Question{number}
# the first question will contain another key called media
- QuizEnded -> returns the Quiz ended data:
{"Rank": #players ending rank,
"MedalType": #Player's Medal info None if under Rank 3,
"QuizName": #the name of the quiz,
"QuizId": #the uuid of the quiz, the one in the url on the quiz's home page,
"IsNonPointQuiz": #True if the points dont count else false,
"OrganizationId": #the orginization id of the host,
"PrimaryUsage": #the primary usage of the kahoot,
"QuizCoverAltText": # the alt text of the quiz image cover,
"QuizCoverType": # the type of image (jpg,png,etc),
"QuizCoverOrigin": #where the quiz cover came from,
"QuizCoverSize": # a tuple of the (width,height) of the image
"PlayerStatistics": {
"IncorrectAnswers": # how many answers were wrong,
"CorrectAnswers": # how many answers were correct,
"TotalScore": # total player score
UnknownMessage -> just sends the actual websocket message, I would not use this but i added it if you want to
Joined -> returns True on success but can return an error
#set error:
{"Error":"Duplicate name"}
{"Error":"Game Locked"}
AuthReset -> returns True when the auth is reset
AuthCorrect -> returns True when the auth is correct
AuthIncorrect -> returns False when the auth is incorrect
AuthLogin -> returns True when the auth is correct and the bot has logged in the game (basically the final join step, will return True once the bot is fully registered and is on the host screen)
BrainstormVoting -> returns the voting candidates in a list, this is automatically stored in the bot at bot.BrainstormCandidates
{"text":str}, # this can be repeated multiple times in one "answers" key if there is a grouped item
} # there will be multiple of these types of data as you need at least 2 to start a vote
# the name of the dictionary keys is correct and the value is just the type of object it will be
- TeamCreated -> returns the team name, the first step of team join returns the player name if the gamemode is normal
{'TeamName': 'my team'}
- TeamJoined -> returns the players team members, only activated in team mode
- TeamTalk -> returns the data on the current team talk
Found Bugs
I could fix all of these for kahoot! (maybe not false lobbies since idk how that works yet)
severe bugs
- being able to crash lobbies
decent bugs
- having infinite name length
- bypasses name generator (namerator)
minor bugs
- being able to create false lobbies (the lobby code is valid but nobody can join (stays open for like an hour im guessing))
- being able to change profiles mid-game
Change Log:
First Release! The bot can connect to classic game mode and can answer quiz-type questions, join using a web socket, and understand some events within the game!
Added support for all question types in Client.random_answer() and Client.submit_answer()
Fixed the Client.change_profile() function so it actually works Added a way to crash the Kahoot lobby with Client.crash_lobby() Added a way to bypass the 2-step-join Kahoot feature
Updated Github files so that it would auto-release to PyPi after realizing V1.2 didn't work
Remove annoying print statements left in V1.2.1, Oops!
Improved the code so that it was more readable and easier to understand, improved the listener outputs of [ auth_reset, auth_correct, auth_incorrect, disconnected] as they were the easiest:
auth_reset -> returns True when the auth is reset auth_correct -> returns True when the auth is correct auth_incorrect -> returns False when the auth is incorrect disconnected -> returns in {"Reason": Reason} format with the reasons being: "Host Kicked Player", "Player Left", "Host Left the Game", if the disconnection reason is unknown please send it to me, it will be in the format: {"Reason": data, "Report": "This is an unknown disconnect, please report this and what happened"} with data being the WebSocket log
Thanks! V1.3.1 should be out fairly soon, sorry for the wait kind of lost courage!
I updated the readme.md file to include everything in the info directory removed the info directory
Actually added documentation finally
Updated the rest of the listener functions to have relevant information (check the documentation for the updates)
V1.3.2 will add the ability to vote for brainstorming questions, hopefully, wont take too long
Added the ability to vote for brainstorming
added functions:
RandomBrainstormVote(delay:int=.5) BrainstormVote(vote:bool,OptionID:int) FinishBrainstorming()
added the "brainstorm_voting" listener function for when brainstorm voting start
added the "QuestionType" to the question_started listener function (i can't believe i forgot this)
Updated the profile_generator to include the new profiles and cosmetics, made a thing to automate this process
updated documentation and readme to current release
V1.3.3 should fix the authentication brute force.
V1.4.1 will just be renaming functions as I like the format more and dont want 1.3.3 to be an outlier compared to 1.3.*. Ex: profile_generator -> GenerateProfile, random_answer -> RandomAnswer
Fixed the auth / 2-step-join brute force, can be disabled
added functions: auth_brute() (this is auto used on the join function if auth_brute_force is set to True) auth_answer(sequence) (the sequence can be anything as long as it can be turned into a list)
added new joined result {"Result":False,"Reason":"Game Locked"} (this happens when trying to join the game but its locked)
added the "auth_login" listener function for once the auth is completed and the bot has joined, returns True
updated documentation and readme to current release
V1.4.1 will just be renaming functions as I like the format more Ex: profile_generator -> GenerateProfile, random_answer -> RandomAnswer (CamelCase, this will also happen with Listener Functions)
Renamed functions and listeners into CamelCase so that they all match Ex: profile_generator -> GenerateProfile, random_answer -> RandomAnswer
updated documentation and readme to current release
V1.4.1 will add team joining functionality
Added a few things:
Listener Functions: TeamTalk -> called once team talk starts TeamCreated -> called once the team is created, returns the team name or player name TeamJoined -> called once the team is fully joined and just needs to do the auth, returns the team members
Functions: TeamJoinCrash -> crashes the game when joining in team mode JoinVerify -> automatically called when joining the game, can call ig idk why you would tho FinishTeamJoin -> automatically called when joining the game, can call ig idk why you would tho
Removed Functions: DataFactory PacketFactory
updated documentation and readme to current release
V1.4.2 will add team joining on separate devices
Added support for slider, nps slider, and pin it questions
Updated cosmetics and characters
renamed Player class args to camel case Implemented CloseAfterDisconnect
Exceptions: UnknownQuestionType, throws when a new questiontype is found, if this happnes please report an issue
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Details for the file pyhoot-1.4.2.tar.gz
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- Download URL: pyhoot-1.4.2.tar.gz
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- Size: 23.1 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/5.1.1 CPython/3.9.20
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 5ac34b117689b8c2454207694d7b979dc60bdad0e51d214ce57c1f2068f33c28 |
MD5 | cc473613c42686f5e855afa419682c79 |
BLAKE2b-256 | 022fb2c54d70337426c0efd5d1b414102a2e3e70382b32798e1b04ed8a4ee788 |
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Details for the file Pyhoot-1.4.2-py3-none-any.whl
File metadata
- Download URL: Pyhoot-1.4.2-py3-none-any.whl
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- Size: 17.3 kB
- Tags: Python 3
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/5.1.1 CPython/3.9.20
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 4d6d9769d973778fe7dd7648e05481df7124abe0db9bb8668c3c0ce05bd292ea |
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