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The practitioner's time series forecasting library

Project description

🌄 Scalecast: The practitioner's time series forecasting library


Scalecast is a light-weight modeling procedure and wrapper meant for those who are looking for the fastest way possible to apply, tune, and validate many different model classes for forecasting applications. In the Data Science industry, it is often asked of practitioners to deliver predictions and ranges of predictions for several lines of businesses or data slices, 100s or even 1000s. In such situations, it is common to see a simple linear regression or some other quick procedure applied to all lines due to the complexity of the task. This works well enough for people who need to deliver something, but more can be achieved.

The scalecast package was designed to address this situation and offer advanced machine learning models that can be applied, optimized, and validated quickly. Unlike many libraries, the predictions produced by scalecast are always dynamic by default, not averages of one-step forecasts, so you don't run into the situation where the estimator looks great on the test-set but can't generalize to real data. What you see is what you get, with no attempt to oversell results. If you download a library that looks like it's able to predict the COVID pandemic in your test-set, you probably have a one-step forecast happening under-the-hood. You can't predict the unpredictable, and you won't see such things with scalecast.

The library provides the Forecaster (for one series) and MVForecaster (for multiple series) wrappers around the following estimators:


  • Only the base package is needed to get started:
    pip install scalecast
  • Optional add-ons:
    pip install fbprophet (prophet model--see here to resolve a common installation issue if using Anaconda)
    pip install greykite (silverkite model)
    pip install tqdm (progress bar with notebook)
    pip install ipython (widgets with notebook)
    pip install ipywidgets (widgets with notebook)
    jupyter nbextension enable --py widgetsnbextension (widgets with notebook)
    jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager (widgets with Lab)


📚 Read the Docs Official scalecast docs
📋 Examples Official scalecast notebooks
📓 TDS Article 1 Univariate Forecasting
📓 TDS Article 2 Multivariate Forecasting
🛠️ Change Log See what's changed


Let's say we wanted to forecast each of the 1-year, 5-year, 10-year, 20-year, and 30-year corporate bond rates through the next 12 months. There are two ways we could do this with scalecast:

  1. Forecast each series individually (univariate): they will only have their own histories and any exogenous regressors we add to make forecasts. One series is predicted forward dynamically at a time.
  2. Forecast all series together (multivariate): they will have their own histories, exogenous regressors, and each other's histories to make forecasts. All series will be predicted forward dynamically at the same time.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from scalecast.Forecaster import Forecaster
from scalecast.MVForecaster import MVForecaster
from scalecast import GridGenerator
from scalecast.multiseries import export_model_summaries
import pandas_datareader as pdr


df = pdr.get_data_fred(

f_dict = {c: Forecaster(y=df[c],current_dates=df.index) for c in df}

Option 1 - Univariate

Select Models

models = (
    'arima',       # linear time series model
    'elasticnet',  # linear model with regularization
    'knn',         # nearest neighbor model
    'xgboost',     # boosted tree model

Create Grids

These grids will be used to tune each model. To get example grids, you can use:


This saves a file to your working directory by default, which scalecast will know how to read. This example creates its own grids:

arima_grid = dict(
    order = [(1,1,1),(0,1,1),(0,1,0)],
    seasonal_order = [(1,1,1,12),(0,1,1,12),(0,1,0,12)],
    Xvars = [None,'all']

elasticnet_grid = dict(
    l1_ratio = [0.25,0.5,0.75,1],
    alpha = np.linspace(0,1,100),

knn_grid = dict(
    n_neighbors = np.arange(2,100,2)

xgboost_grid = dict(

grid_list = [arima_grid,elasticnet_grid,knn_grid,xgboost_grid]
grids = dict(

Select test length, validation length, and forecast horizon

def prepare_fcst(f):

Add seasonal regressors

These are regressors like month, quarter, dayofweek, dayofyear, minute, hour, etc. Raw integer values, dummy variables, or fourier transformed variables. They are determined by the series' own histories.

def add_seasonal_regressors(f):

Choose Autoregressive Terms

A better way to do this would be to examine each series individually for autocorrelation. This example uses three lags for each series and one seasonal seasonal lag (assuming 12-month seasonality).

def add_ar_terms(f):
    f.add_ar_terms(3)       # lags
    f.add_AR_terms((1,12))  # seasonal lags

Write the forecast procedure

def tune_test_forecast(k,f,models):
    for m in models:
        print(f'forecasting {m} for {k}')

Run a forecast loop

for k, f in f_dict.items():
    f.integrate(critical_pval=0.01) # takes differences in series until they are stationary using the adf test
forecasting arima for HQMCB1YR
forecasting elasticnet for HQMCB1YR
forecasting knn for HQMCB1YR
forecasting xgboost for HQMCB1YR
forecasting arima for HQMCB5YR
forecasting elasticnet for HQMCB5YR
forecasting knn for HQMCB5YR
forecasting xgboost for HQMCB5YR
forecasting arima for HQMCB10YR
forecasting elasticnet for HQMCB10YR
forecasting knn for HQMCB10YR
forecasting xgboost for HQMCB10YR
forecasting arima for HQMCB20YR
forecasting elasticnet for HQMCB20YR
forecasting knn for HQMCB20YR
forecasting xgboost for HQMCB20YR
forecasting arima for HQMCB30YR
forecasting elasticnet for HQMCB30YR
forecasting knn for HQMCB30YR
forecasting xgboost for HQMCB30YR

Visualize results

Since there are 5 series to visualize, it might be undeserible to write a plot function for each one. Instead, scalecast let's you leverage Jupyter widgets by using this function:

from scalecast.notebook import results_vis

Because we aren't able to show widgets through markdown, this readme shows a visualization for the 30-year rate only:

Integrated Results
plt.title(f'{k} test-set results',size=16)


Level Results
plt.title(f'{k} test-set results',size=16)


Using level test-set MAPE, the K-nearest Neighbor model performed the best, although, as we can see, predicting bond rates accurately is difficult if not impossible. To make the forecasts look better, we can set dynamic_testing=False in the manual_forecast() or auto_forecast() methods when calling forecasts. This will make test-set predictions an average on one-step forecasts. By default, everything is dynamic with scalecast to give a more realistic sense of how the models perform. To see our future predictions:

plt.title(f'{k} forecast',size=16)


View Results

We can print a dataframe that shows how each model did on each series.

results = export_model_summaries(f_dict,determine_best_by='LevelTestSetMAPE')
Index(['ModelNickname', 'Estimator', 'Xvars', 'HyperParams', 'Scaler',
       'Observations', 'Tuned', 'DynamicallyTested', 'Integration',
       'TestSetLength', 'TestSetRMSE', 'TestSetMAPE', 'TestSetMAE',
       'TestSetR2', 'LastTestSetPrediction', 'LastTestSetActual', 'CILevel',
       'CIPlusMinus', 'InSampleRMSE', 'InSampleMAPE', 'InSampleMAE',
       'InSampleR2', 'ValidationSetLength', 'ValidationMetric',
       'ValidationMetricValue', 'models', 'weights', 'LevelTestSetRMSE',
       'LevelTestSetMAPE', 'LevelTestSetMAE', 'LevelTestSetR2', 'best_model',
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
ModelNickname Series LevelTestSetMAPE LevelTestSetR2 HyperParams
0 elasticnet HQMCB1YR 3.178337 -1.156049 {'l1_ratio': 0.25, 'alpha': 0.0}
1 knn HQMCB1YR 3.526606 -1.609881 {'n_neighbors': 6}
2 arima HQMCB1YR 5.052915 -4.458788 {'order': (1, 1, 1), 'seasonal_order': (0, 1, ...
3 xgboost HQMCB1YR 5.881190 -6.700988 {'n_estimators': 150, 'scale_pos_weight': 5, '...
4 xgboost HQMCB5YR 0.372265 0.328466 {'n_estimators': 250, 'scale_pos_weight': 5, '...
5 knn HQMCB5YR 0.521959 0.119923 {'n_neighbors': 26}
6 elasticnet HQMCB5YR 0.664711 -0.263214 {'l1_ratio': 0.25, 'alpha': 0.0}
7 arima HQMCB5YR 1.693632 -7.335685 {'order': (1, 1, 1), 'seasonal_order': (0, 1, ...
8 elasticnet HQMCB10YR 0.145834 0.390825 {'l1_ratio': 0.25, 'alpha': 0.010101010101010102}
9 knn HQMCB10YR 0.175513 0.341443 {'n_neighbors': 26}
10 xgboost HQMCB10YR 0.465610 -2.875923 {'n_estimators': 150, 'scale_pos_weight': 5, '...
11 arima HQMCB10YR 0.569411 -4.968624 {'order': (1, 1, 1), 'seasonal_order': (0, 1, ...
12 elasticnet HQMCB20YR 0.096262 0.475912 {'l1_ratio': 0.25, 'alpha': 0.030303030303030304}
13 knn HQMCB20YR 0.103565 0.486593 {'n_neighbors': 26}
14 xgboost HQMCB20YR 0.105995 0.441079 {'n_estimators': 200, 'scale_pos_weight': 5, '...
15 arima HQMCB20YR 0.118033 0.378309 {'order': (1, 1, 1), 'seasonal_order': (0, 1, ...
16 knn HQMCB30YR 0.075318 0.560975 {'n_neighbors': 22}
17 elasticnet HQMCB30YR 0.089038 0.538360 {'l1_ratio': 0.25, 'alpha': 0.030303030303030304}
18 xgboost HQMCB30YR 0.098148 0.495318 {'n_estimators': 200, 'scale_pos_weight': 5, '...
19 arima HQMCB30YR 0.099816 0.498638 {'order': (1, 1, 1), 'seasonal_order': (0, 1, ...

Option 2: Multivariate

Select Models

Only sklearn models are available with multivariate forecasting, so we can replace ARIMA with mlr.

mv_models = (

Create Grids

We can use three of the same grids as we did in univariate forecasting and create a new MLR grid, with a modification to also search the optimal lag numbers. The lags argument can be an int, list, or dict type and all series will use the other series' lags (as well as theirown lags) in each model that is called. Again, for mv forecasting, we can save default grids:


This creates the file in your working directory by default, which scalecast knows how to read.

mlr_grid = dict(lags = np.arange(1,13,1))
elasticnet_grid['lags'] = np.arange(1,13,1)
knn_grid['lags'] = np.arange(1,13,1)
xgboost_grid['lags'] = np.arange(1,13,1)

mv_grid_list = [mlr_grid,elasticnet_grid,knn_grid,xgboost_grid]
mv_grids = dict(zip(mv_models,mv_grid_list))

Create multivariate forecasting object

  • Need to change test and validation length
  • Regressors are already carried forward from the underlying Forecaster objects
  • Integration level are also carried forward from the underlying Forecaster objects
mvf = MVForecaster(
    names = f_dict.keys()

    SeriesNames=['HQMCB1YR', 'HQMCB5YR', 'HQMCB10YR', 'HQMCB20YR', 'HQMCB30YR']
    Xvars=['monthsin', 'monthcos', 'year', 'quarter_2', 'quarter_3', 'quarter_4']

Choose how to optimize the models when tuning hyperparameters

Default behavior is use the mean performance of each model on all series. We don't have to run the line below to keep this behavior, but we also have the option to use this code to optimize performance on one of our series over the others. A future enhancement could include a weighted average.


Write Forecasting Procedure

  • Instead of grid search, we will use randomized grid search to speed up evaluation times
for m in mv_models:
    print(f'forecasting {m}')
    mvf.limit_grid_size(100,random_seed=20) # do this because now grids are larger and this speeds it up
forecasting mlr
forecasting elasticnet
forecasting knn
forecasting xgboost

Set best model


The elasticnet model was chosen based on its average test-set MAPE performance on all series.

Visualize results

Multivariate forecasting allows us to view all series and all models together. This could get jumbled, so let's just see the mlr and elasticnet results, knowing we can see the others if we want later.

Integrated Results
plt.title(f'test-set results',size=16)


Level Results
plt.title(f'test-set results',size=16)


Once again, in this object, we can also set dynamic_testing=False in the manual_forecast() or auto_forecast() methods when calling forecasts. Let's see model forecasts into the future using the elasticent model only:



View Results

We can print a dataframe that shows how each model did on each series.

mvresults = mvf.export_model_summaries()
Index(['Series', 'ModelNickname', 'Estimator', 'Xvars', 'HyperParams', 'Lags',
       'Scaler', 'Observations', 'Tuned', 'DynamicallyTested', 'Integration',
       'TestSetLength', 'TestSetRMSE', 'TestSetMAPE', 'TestSetMAE',
       'TestSetR2', 'LastTestSetPrediction', 'LastTestSetActual', 'CILevel',
       'CIPlusMinus', 'InSampleRMSE', 'InSampleMAPE', 'InSampleMAE',
       'InSampleR2', 'ValidationSetLength', 'ValidationMetric',
       'ValidationMetricValue', 'LevelTestSetRMSE', 'LevelTestSetMAPE',
       'LevelTestSetMAE', 'LevelTestSetR2', 'OptimizedOn', 'MetricOptimized',
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
ModelNickname Series LevelTestSetMAPE LevelTestSetR2 HyperParams Lags
0 elasticnet HQMCB1YR 1.060961 0.229526 {'l1_ratio': 0.75, 'alpha': 0.010101010101010102} 7
1 mlr HQMCB1YR 3.793842 -2.039209 {} 1
2 knn HQMCB1YR 3.181014 -1.118205 {'n_neighbors': 4} 7
3 xgboost HQMCB1YR 5.908540 -6.461108 {'n_estimators': 150, 'scale_pos_weight': 5, '... 6
4 elasticnet HQMCB5YR 0.339069 0.320765 {'l1_ratio': 0.75, 'alpha': 0.010101010101010102} 7
5 mlr HQMCB5YR 0.824692 -0.856614 {} 1
6 knn HQMCB5YR 0.628958 -0.155605 {'n_neighbors': 4} 7
7 xgboost HQMCB5YR 1.050521 -1.983068 {'n_estimators': 150, 'scale_pos_weight': 5, '... 6
8 elasticnet HQMCB10YR 0.141263 0.365254 {'l1_ratio': 0.75, 'alpha': 0.010101010101010102} 7
9 mlr HQMCB10YR 0.243091 -0.063537 {} 1
10 knn HQMCB10YR 0.153968 0.245470 {'n_neighbors': 4} 7
11 xgboost HQMCB10YR 0.189219 -0.094103 {'n_estimators': 150, 'scale_pos_weight': 5, '... 6
12 elasticnet HQMCB20YR 0.094137 0.478033 {'l1_ratio': 0.75, 'alpha': 0.010101010101010102} 7
13 mlr HQMCB20YR 0.107826 0.438056 {} 1
14 knn HQMCB20YR 0.148807 -0.266442 {'n_neighbors': 4} 7
15 xgboost HQMCB20YR 0.293284 -3.263812 {'n_estimators': 150, 'scale_pos_weight': 5, '... 6
16 elasticnet HQMCB30YR 0.089410 0.537154 {'l1_ratio': 0.75, 'alpha': 0.010101010101010102} 7
17 mlr HQMCB30YR 0.084045 0.558262 {} 1
18 knn HQMCB30YR 0.125610 -0.008976 {'n_neighbors': 4} 7
19 xgboost HQMCB30YR 0.291531 -3.658124 {'n_estimators': 150, 'scale_pos_weight': 5, '... 6

Backtest results

To test how well, on average, our models would have done across the last-10 12-month forecast horizons, we can use the backtest() method. It works for both the Forecaster and MVForecaster objects.

<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
iter1 iter2 iter3 iter4 iter5 iter6 iter7 iter8 iter9 iter10 mean
series metric
HQMCB1YR RMSE 0.720327 0.532616 0.390981 0.315422 0.24813 0.193034 0.163049 0.148391 0.096375 0.074122 0.288245
MAE 0.471409 0.387876 0.303034 0.247271 0.191694 0.14629 0.124793 0.115842 0.067374 0.068038 0.212362
R2 -1.342332 -2.346266 -4.369616 -6.688072 -12.032286 -31.658073 -65.926848 -46.185692 -13.168372 -2.253034 -18.597059
MAPE 0.648592 0.78424 0.780881 0.74401 0.653377 0.555587 0.509103 0.477997 0.282488 0.25584 0.569212
HQMCB5YR RMSE 0.746671 0.818653 0.759005 0.702746 0.620358 0.545664 0.531852 0.514813 0.417496 0.30561 0.596287
MAE 0.478184 0.696579 0.677685 0.632594 0.5386 0.460573 0.45534 0.431721 0.317836 0.239584 0.492870
R2 -1.062405 -4.121105 -7.020732 -8.81446 -7.025019 -6.339763 -7.193741 -6.007961 -3.202597 -1.252837 -5.204062
MAPE 0.227519 0.431988 0.465786 0.46581 0.410496 0.365871 0.382946 0.372516 0.271121 0.216111 0.361016
HQMCB10YR RMSE 0.421764 0.550446 0.58323 0.639947 0.568874 0.505658 0.535578 0.584063 0.542055 0.351917 0.528353
MAE 0.274879 0.475528 0.543153 0.604447 0.512411 0.43436 0.456601 0.499958 0.433926 0.296737 0.453200
R2 -0.408186 -4.40498 -10.013505 -12.746541 -6.32316 -4.022623 -4.497798 -4.786215 -3.310547 -0.676567 -5.119012
MAPE 0.092209 0.172115 0.206441 0.235859 0.200374 0.170647 0.182099 0.20155 0.173503 0.12323 0.175803
HQMCB20YR RMSE 0.348891 0.279699 0.370068 0.485955 0.411693 0.308747 0.37619 0.48552 0.497345 0.292792 0.385690
MAE 0.300601 0.205061 0.336667 0.460362 0.369534 0.260833 0.309405 0.420104 0.417615 0.257115 0.333730
R2 -0.381451 -0.603745 -3.657283 -6.926987 -3.519094 -1.317033 -2.396007 -4.52852 -4.165721 -0.611186 -2.810703
MAPE 0.091612 0.060179 0.103287 0.143462 0.114549 0.080542 0.095243 0.130241 0.129078 0.08163 0.102982
HQMCB30YR RMSE 0.368168 0.22247 0.315513 0.447922 0.381145 0.256932 0.3461 0.458553 0.481744 0.286142 0.356469
MAE 0.338762 0.183767 0.273636 0.418429 0.33594 0.208636 0.283548 0.395125 0.407071 0.243746 0.308866
R2 -0.779049 0.02509 -1.696013 -4.351538 -2.448818 -0.525743 -1.795992 -4.067879 -4.140145 -0.670706 -2.045079
MAPE 0.104295 0.055069 0.081741 0.127163 0.101324 0.062578 0.084647 0.118601 0.121935 0.074342 0.093170

Correlation Matrices

  • If you want to see how correlated the series are in your MVForecaster object, you can use these correlation matrices

All Series, no lags

heatmap_kwargs = dict(
    cmap = "Spectral",


Two series, with lags




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SCALECAST-0.9.9.tar.gz (1.0 MB view hashes)

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