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A handy little tool for filtering SNPs.

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A handy little tool for filtering SNPs


conda install -c bioconda samtools bwa
pip install snpfilter


prepare: Use BWA and SAMTools to map the sequencing data, generate BAM files and BCF files, etc.

usage: SNPfilter prepare [-h] [-t THREADS] [-q MIN_MQ] [-Q MIN_BQ] sample_id reference R1 R2

Prepare work environment

positional arguments:
  sample_id             sample id
  reference             reference genome in fasta format, should be indexed by bwa
  R1                    fastq file 1
  R2                    fastq file 2

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        num of threads
  -q MIN_MQ, --min-MQ MIN_MQ
                        skip alignments with mapQ smaller than INT
  -Q MIN_BQ, --min-BQ MIN_BQ
                        skip bases with baseQ/BAQ smaller than INT

qcfilter: filtering SNPs from BCF file with min depth and min variant frequency

usage: SNPfilter qcfilter [-h] [-d MIN_DEPTH] [-v MIN_VARIANT_FREQUENCY] [-b BACKGROUND_SITE] sample_id input_bcf

filtering snp from bcf file with min depth and min variant frequency

positional arguments:
  sample_id             sample id
  input_bcf             input bcf file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d MIN_DEPTH, --min_depth MIN_DEPTH
                        min depth
                        min variant frequency
                        A comma-separated list of bcf files, loci that appear in these bcf files will be filtered out

codefilter: filtering SNPs based on whether they cause changes in coding amino acids

usage: SNPfilter codefilter [-h] sample_id input_bcf reference gff_file

filtering SNPs based on whether they cause changes in coding amino acids

positional arguments:
  sample_id   sample id
  input_bcf   input bcf file
  reference   reference genome in fasta format
  gff_file    gff file for reference genome

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


  1. Indexing of the reference genome using BWA
bwa index reference.fasta
  1. Trim the sequencing data
zcat sample1_R1.fastq.gz | bioawk -cfastx '{print "@"$name"\n"substr($seq, 16)"\n+"$name"\n"substr($qual, 16)}' | gzip > sample1_R1.trimmed.fastq.gz
zcat sample1_R2.fastq.gz | bioawk -cfastx '{print "@"$name"\n"substr($seq, 16)"\n+"$name"\n"substr($qual, 16)}' | gzip > sample1_R2.trimmed.fastq.gz
zcat sample2_R1.fastq.gz | bioawk -cfastx '{print "@"$name"\n"substr($seq, 16)"\n+"$name"\n"substr($qual, 16)}' | gzip > sample2_R1.trimmed.fastq.gz
zcat sample2_R2.fastq.gz | bioawk -cfastx '{print "@"$name"\n"substr($seq, 16)"\n+"$name"\n"substr($qual, 16)}' | gzip > sample2_R2.trimmed.fastq.gz
zcat sample3_R1.fastq.gz | bioawk -cfastx '{print "@"$name"\n"substr($seq, 16)"\n+"$name"\n"substr($qual, 16)}' | gzip > sample3_R1.trimmed.fastq.gz
zcat sample3_R2.fastq.gz | bioawk -cfastx '{print "@"$name"\n"substr($seq, 16)"\n+"$name"\n"substr($qual, 16)}' | gzip > sample3_R2.trimmed.fastq.gz
  1. Use prepare to generate bam files and BCF files
SNPfilter prepare -t 10 sample1 reference.fasta sample1_R1.trimmed.fastq.gz sample1_R2.trimmed.fastq.gz
SNPfilter prepare -t 10 sample2 reference.fasta sample2_R1.trimmed.fastq.gz sample2_R2.trimmed.fastq.gz
SNPfilter prepare -t 10 sample3 reference.fasta sample3_R1.trimmed.fastq.gz sample3_R2.trimmed.fastq.gz
  1. Use qcfilter to filter SNPs with a relaxed threshold(d=2, v=0.3)
SNPfilter qcfilter -d 2 -v 0.3 sample1 sample1.bcf
SNPfilter qcfilter -d 2 -v 0.3 sample2 sample2.bcf
SNPfilter qcfilter -d 2 -v 0.3 sample3 sample3.bcf
  1. Use qcfilter to filter SNPs with a strict threshold(d=5, v=0.9, other sample BCF file as background)
SNPfilter qcfilter -d 5 -v 0.9 -b sample2.d2.v0.30.bcf,sample3.d2.v0.30.bcf sample1 sample1.d2.v0.30.bcf
SNPfilter qcfilter -d 5 -v 0.9 -b sample1.d2.v0.30.bcf,sample3.d2.v0.30.bcf sample2 sample2.d2.v0.30.bcf
SNPfilter qcfilter -d 5 -v 0.9 -b sample1.d2.v0.30.bcf,sample2.d2.v0.30.bcf sample3 sample3.d2.v0.30.bcf
  1. Use codefilter to filter SNPs that do not cause changes in coding amino acids
SNPfilter codefilter sample1 sample1.d5.v0.90.bcf reference.fasta reference.gff
SNPfilter codefilter sample2 sample2.d5.v0.90.bcf reference.fasta reference.gff
SNPfilter codefilter sample3 sample3.d5.v0.90.bcf reference.fasta reference.gff

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Source Distribution

SNPfilter-0.0.4.tar.gz (6.7 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

SNPfilter-0.0.4-py3-none-any.whl (7.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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