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A Python library for the SpaceTraders game

Project description

Snakes in Space!

A Python library for the SpaceTraders game

You can find additional information, guides, support, and API documentation about SpaceTraders on their website here:

The SpaceTraders team will not be able to assist you with any issues regarding SnakesInSpace. Please open a ticket here if you experience any reproducible issues with the Library.

Installation and Requirements

The minimum Python version supported is currently Python 3.9.

You can install SnakesInSpace from PyPi

% pip install SnakesInSpace

Note, the SnakesInSpace package will have an importable name of snisp.

If you want to build from source, SnakesInSpace will require httpx and python-dateutil to play and pytest and respx if you want to run the tests yourself.

My Current Agent

My current Agent is playing under the Symbol "SNAKESINSPACE."

Quick Example

  • Get or Create your Agent
  • Get your COMMAND ship, which comes with extraction mounts
  • Find the closest Asteroid
  • Navigate your ship to the Asteroid
  • Extract until your ship's cargo is full while also jettisoning any ICE_WATER
from snisp.agent import Agent

>>> agent = Agent(symbol='your_symbol_here', faction='COSMIC', email='')
>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> asteroid = ship.closest(ship.waypoints.asteroids())
>>> ship.autopilot(asteroid)  # Autopilot blocks until at destination
>>> while ship.cargo.units < ship.cargo.capacity:
...     extraction = ship.extract()  # ship.extract will handle Cooldowns automatically
...     if extraction.symbol == 'ICE_WATER':
...         ship.jettison(extraction.symbol, exctraction.units)
>>> ship.cargo.units == ship.cargo.capacity

The Agent represents your Player in SpaceTraders.

from snisp.agent import Agent

>>> agent = Agent(symbol='your_symbol_here', faction='COSMIC', email='')
>>> agent.symbol
>>> agent.token

Your symbol is your callsign in SpaceTraders. The email field is entirely optional.

If you already know your token, you can also access your Agent directly by

>>> agent = Agent(symbol='your_symbol_here', token='your_spacetraders_token')
>>> agent.symbol
>>> agent.token

SpaceTraders is still in the Alpha phase so expect a full system restart every 2-3 weeks. If a restart occurs, you will have to manually reset your local config and attempt to log in again.

from snisp import agent

>>> agent = agent.Agent(symbol='your_symbol_here', faction='COSMIC', email='')
snisp.exceptions.ClientError: Message: Failed to parse token. Token version does not match the server. Server resets happen on a weekly to bi-weekly frequency during alpha. After a reset, you should re-register your agent. Expected: v2.2.0, Actual: v2.1.5 | Code: 401 | Data: {'expected': 'v2.2.0', 'actual': 'v2.1.5'}
>>> snisp.agent.reset()
>>> agent = agent.Agent(symbol='your_symbol_here', faction='COSMIC', email='')
PlayerData({'accountId': 'AGENT_TOKEN_ID', 'symbol': 'YOUR_SYMBOL_HERE', 'headquarters': 'X1-CC27-A1', 'credits': 100000, 'startingFaction': 'COSMIC', 'shipCount': 2})

It is up to the user to handle resetting their own account and managing their tokens across devices.

The default Faction is "COSMIC," which is guaranteed to work. The complete list of Factions is AEGIS, ANCIENTS, ASTRO, COBALT, CORSAIRS, COSMIC, CULT, DOMINION, ECHO, ETHEREAL, GALACTIC, LORDS, OBSIDIAN, OMEGA, QUANTUM, SHADOW, SOLITARY, UNITED, and VOID. Not all Factions may be supported at this time by SpaceTraders. If in doubt, use "COSMIC."

Accessing Your Agent

You can access your Agent from any SnakesInSpace object.

From your ship,

>>> ship = agent.fleet('SHIP_SYMBOL')
>>> ship.agent
Agent(symbol='your_symbol_here', faction='COSMIC', email='')

from a waypoint,

>>> ship = agent.fleet('SHIP_SYMBOL')
>>> waypoint = next(iter(ship.waypoints))
>>> waypoint.agent
Agent(symbol='your_symbol_here', faction='COSMIC', email='')

and so on.

Each Agent will have its own lock accessible at agent.lock. The lock is used internally but can also be used by the user. The lock type is a reentrant lock (threading.RLock).


Every new Agent starts with an open Contract. Contracts can be a great way to jump-start a new game.

Your Contracts will be accessible via your Agent. For instance, to get the current Contract, simply call

>>> contract = agent.contracts.current
>>> contract
Contract({'id': 'CONTRACT_ID', 'factionSymbol': 'COSMIC', 'type': 'PROCUREMENT', 'terms': {'deadline': '2024-08-24T14:15:22Z', 'payment': {'onAccepted': 151237, 'onFulfilled': 388895}, 'deliver': [{'tradeSymbol': 'IRON_ORE', 'destinationSymbol': 'X1-BD70-A1', 'unitsRequired': 60, 'unitsFulfilled': 0}]}, 'accepted': False, 'fulfilled': False, 'expiration': '2024-08-24T14:15:22Z', 'deadlineToAccept': '2024-08-24T14:15:22Z'})

According to your current Contract, you need to deliver 60 units of "IRON_ORE" to a Waypoint at "X1-BD70-A1." Before you can deliver items to a Contract, you will first need to accept it. According to,

>>> contract.accepted

the Contract has not been accepted. To accept the Contract, accept it via the Contract.accept method like

>>> contract.accept()
>>> contract.accepted

The Contract.accept method is idempotent, so you can call it as many times as you want.

If you have "IRON_ORE" in your ship's cargo and you're already at the contract.terms.deliver[0].destination_symbol, you can deliver the resources by using the contract.deliver method, as shown below

>>> ship = agent.fleet('SHIP_SYMBOL')  # The ship at destinationSymbol
>>> ship.cargo.inventory  # This ship has 10 units of IRON_ORE in it's cargo
[Inventory({'symbol': 'IRON_ORE', 'name': 'Iron Ore', 'description': 'DESCRIPTION', 'units': 10})]
>>> contract.deliver(ship, 'IRON_ORE')  # or contract.deliver(ship, 'IRON_ORE', max_units=10)
>>> contract
Contract({'id': 'CONTRACT_ID', 'factionSymbol': 'COSMIC', 'type': 'PROCUREMENT', 'terms': {'deadline': '2024-08-24T14:15:22Z', 'payment': {'onAccepted': 151237, 'onFulfilled': 388895}, 'deliver': [{'tradeSymbol': 'IRON_ORE', 'destinationSymbol': 'X1-BD70-A1', 'unitsRequired': 60, 'unitsFulfilled': 10}]}, 'accepted': True, 'fulfilled': False, 'expiration': '2024-08-24T14:15:22Z', 'deadlineToAccept': '2024-08-24T14:15:22Z'})
>>> ship.cargo
Cargo({'capacity': 40, 'units': 0, 'inventory': []})

A contract will automatically update to show you delivered the 10 units of "IRON_ORE" from your ship to the contract. Your ship's cargo will be updated automatically as well.

The max_units kwarg is entirely optional. If not specified, the deliver method will automatically deliver either the maximum units of trade_symbol in the ship's cargo or the maximum remaining required units of trade_symbol for the contract.

Warnings will be logged if you attempt to deliver items to a contract that has either had all the remaining units fulfilled or if there are no units of trade_symbol in the ship's cargo.

Once you've delivered all of the necessary units to the contract's Waypoint, you can fulfill it by calling the contract.fulfill method, like

>>> contract.fuflill()
>>> contract.fulfilled

fulfill works like accept in that it is idempotent.

A contract instance is not thread safe and may become stale if ships in other threads deliver items. To get a fresh instance of the contract, you can always call

>>> contract = contract.refresh()

which will return a new contract object.

New Contracts

Once you've fulfilled a contract, you can move on to the next one.

Begin by navigating any ship to a Waypoint with a Faction and then calling ship.negotiate_contract(). The new contract will not be accepted by default, so you will have to call contract.accept() before you can begin delivering items to it.

The quickest way to get a new contract is reproduced below for convenience:

>>> ship = agent.fleet('SHIP_SYMBOL')
>>> wp_with_faction = (i for i in ship.waypoints if i.faction.symbol)
>>> wp = ship.closest(wp_with_faction)
>>> ship.autopilot(wp)
>>> contract = ship.negotiate_contract()
>>> contract.accept()

ship.autopilot and ship.closest will be covered in the Fleet section.


ContractNotAcceptedError will be raised if you attempt to deliver items to a contract that has not been accepted.

ContractFulfilledError will be raised if you attempt to deliver items to a contract that has already been fulfilled.

ContractDeadlineError will be raised if you attempt to deliver items to a contract that has already expired.

For additional Errors, see the "Contract Error Codes" found in snisp.exceptions.

Helper Properties

A contract has a few helper properties.

>>> contract.expired  # Boolean for if the contract has already expired
>>> contract.extractable  # Boolean for if items not yet fulfilled in the contract have tradeSymbols that can be extracted from an Asteroid
>>> contract.siphonable  # Boolean for if items not yet fulfilled in the contract have tradeSymbols that can be siphoned from a Gas Giant

By default, a new Agent will receive a command ship and a probe. As you continue to play and purchase additional ships, probes, and drones, your fleet will be easily managable from your agent.fleet.

# Iterate over the whole fleet for all available ships
>>> whole_fleet = list(agent.fleet)

# Get a ship by symbol
>>> ship = agent.fleet('SHIP_SYMBOL')

# Get the first ship, which will be the default COMMAND ship
>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))

# Get all available Drones
>>> drones = list(agent.fleet.drones())

# Get all available Mining Drones
>>> mining_drones = list(agent.fleet.mining_drones())

# Get all available Siphon Drones
>>> siphon_drones = list(agent.fleet.siphon_drones())

# Get all available Probes
>>> probes = list(agent.fleet.probes())

# Get all available Shuttles
>>> shuttles = list(agent.fleet.shuttles())

# Get all available Ships, excluding probes and drones
>>> ships = list(agent.fleet.ships())

It's important to remember that fleet itself, drones, mining_drones, siphon_drones, probes, ships, and shuttles are iterables. This can cause issues if you assign a variable to an initialized iterable and attempt to iterate over it more than once.

>>> probes = agent.fleet.probes()
>>> _ = list(probes)  # Default, the single starting probe
>>> list(probes)
[]  # "probes" iterable has been exhausted

This is intentional as there may have been additional probes purchased between the two calls.

A nice side effect of this is that any additional ships purchased between when iterating over agent.fleet starts and finishes will be returned. For example,

>>> for ship in agent.fleet:
...     do_something(ship)  # operation that takes a long time
...     # Additional ship was purchased in a another thread
...     # The new ship will be called to `do_something`

As always, you can avoid this side effect by building the list of ships ahead of time with ships = list(agent.fleet).


A ship returned by agent.fleet will be a snisp.fleet.Ship instance.

>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))  # Starting ship. This will be the default COMMAND ship
>>> ship.registration.role
>>> ship.symbol

Like all SnakesInSpace objects, it will be created from the JSON data returned by the SpaceTraders API. For instance, below is the example data for GET{shipSymbol} as returned by the SpaceTraders API:

  "data": {
    "symbol": "YOUR_SYMBOL_HERE-1",
    "registration": {
      "name": "string",
      "factionSymbol": "string",
      "role": "COMMAND"
    "nav": {
      "systemSymbol": "string",
      "waypointSymbol": "string",
      "route": {
        "destination": {
          "symbol": "string",
          "type": "PLANET",
          "systemSymbol": "string",
          "x": 0,
          "y": 0
        "origin": {
          "symbol": "string",
          "type": "PLANET",
          "systemSymbol": "string",
          "x": 0,
          "y": 0
        "departureTime": "2024-08-24T14:15:22Z",
        "arrival": "2024-08-24T14:15:22Z"
      "status": "IN_TRANSIT",
      "flightMode": "CRUISE"
    "crew": {
      "current": 0,
      "required": 0,
      "capacity": 0,
      "rotation": "STRICT",
      "morale": 0,
      "wages": 0
    "frame": {
      "symbol": "FRAME_PROBE",
      "name": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "condition": 0,
      "moduleSlots": 0,
      "mountingPoints": 0,
      "fuelCapacity": 0,
      "requirements": {
        "power": 0,
        "crew": 0,
        "slots": 0
    "reactor": {
      "symbol": "REACTOR_SOLAR_I",
      "name": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "condition": 0,
      "powerOutput": 1,
      "requirements": {
        "power": 0,
        "crew": 0,
        "slots": 0
    "engine": {
      "symbol": "ENGINE_IMPULSE_DRIVE_I",
      "name": "string",
      "description": "string",
      "condition": 0,
      "speed": 1,
      "requirements": {
        "power": 0,
        "crew": 0,
        "slots": 0
    "cooldown": {
      "shipSymbol": "string",
      "totalSeconds": 0,
      "remainingSeconds": 0,
      "expiration": "2024-08-24T14:15:22Z"
    "modules": [
        "symbol": "MODULE_MINERAL_PROCESSOR_I",
        "capacity": 0,
        "range": 0,
        "name": "string",
        "description": "string",
        "requirements": {
          "power": 0,
          "crew": 0,
          "slots": 0
    "mounts": [
        "symbol": "MOUNT_GAS_SIPHON_I",
        "name": "string",
        "description": "string",
        "strength": 0,
        "deposits": [
        "requirements": {
          "power": 0,
          "crew": 0,
          "slots": 0
    "cargo": {
      "capacity": 0,
      "units": 0,
      "inventory": [
          "symbol": "PRECIOUS_STONES",
          "name": "string",
          "description": "string",
          "units": 1
    "fuel": {
      "current": 300,
      "capacity": 400,
      "consumed": {
        "amount": 100,
        "timestamp": "2024-08-24T14:15:22Z"

This data, like all objects returned by agent, fleet, waypoints, markets, and systems, will be directly accessible to their respective object via dot-lookups. For convenience, the "data" in the JSON data is skipped to make accessing more convenient.

Need to check the current fuel level?

>>> ship.fuel.current

Need to check the current status of a ship's flight mode?

>>> ship.nav.flight_mode

For convenience, you can access attributes via their original camelCase, e.g., flightMode, or via snake_case, e.g., flight_mode. For instance, the previous lookup could also be done instead as

>>> ship.nav.flightMode

The .to_dict() helper function can translate the data into a Python dictionary for convenience, too. This is especially handy for pretty-printing.

>>> ship.fuel.to_dict()
{'current': 300, 'capacity': 400, 'consumed': {'amount': 100, 'timestamp': '2024-08-24T14:15:22Z'}}

Each dict key will represent a dot-lookup attribute.

>>> ship.fuel.consumed.amount

which is equivalent to

>>> ship.to_dict()['fuel']['consumed']['amount']

Like all objects created by SnakesInSpace, they are not inherentely thread safe. If a seperate thread updates the ship associated with the ship's ship.symbol, the reference may become stale. To return a new, up-to-date instance of a ship, call

>>> ship = ship.refresh()
>>> ship.refresh().cargo  # Can be done in-place, too


Moving a ship between Waypoints is the most important aspect of the game and much care has been taken to make it as simple as possible.


The default ship.navigate method accepts a Waypoint as an arg and a boolean raise_error kwarg. The Waypoint can be any Waypoint type that is found in the same System as the ship. The optional kwarg, raise_error, tells the function if it should raise an error if any exceptions occur or suppress and return the error. By default, raise_error is True.

The raise_error kwarg can be ignored by most users.

A typical navigate scenario would be to vist the closest Waypoint.

>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> waypoint = ship.closest(ship.waypoints)
>>> waypoint.symbol
>>> waypoint.type
>>> ship.navigate(waypoint)

If the navigate request is succesful, control will be returned back to the caller immediately and you can begin processing requests for other ships in the same thread.


A convenience method, ship.autopilot, was created to take the guesswork out of navigating, refueling, and controlling flight modes that is inherit to ship.navigate. Any situation in which a ship can use ship.navigate, it could more easily use ship.autopilot

>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> waypoint = ship.closest(ship.waypoints)
>>> waypoint.symbol
>>> waypoint.type
>>> ship.autopilot(waypoint)  # Blocks until at destination
>>> ship.nav.waypoint_symbol  # Current location
>>> ship.nav.route.destination.symbol  # Last navigation's destination symbol
>>> ship.nav.route.destination.type  # Last navigation's destination type

Now, with ship.autopilot, the library will attempt to navigate to the Waypoint, but, if it fails due to distance or lack of fuel, autopilot will automatically control refuelling and updating flight modes accordingly to get you to the Waypoint as quickly as possible.

There are a few caveats with this approach, namely, by design, autopilot will block so control will not be returned to the thread until the ship reaches the Waypoint; and, there is always an off-chance the call to navigate from within autopilot will use exactly the correct amount of fuel to get you to the destination.

For the former, all calls to ship.autopilot should be done via a thread if blocking is an issue.

For the latter, if a ship does become "dead" in the water in that it cannot refuel itself at the destination, the ship will be added to the agent's agent.dead_ships dictionary and skipped on all subsequent agent.fleet iterations. It is possible to navigate another ship to the dead ship's location to manually transfer fuel, but that is up to the user.

ship.autopilot does accept a done_callback kwarg. The callback, so long as it is callable(), will be executed before returning control back to the thread. This is convenient if you, say, want to navigate to a Waypoint and make an extraction before waiting for the next thread loop.

>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> asteroid = ship.closest(ship.waypoints.asteroids())
>>> ship.autopilot(asteroid, done_callback=ship.extract)

By default, ship.autopilot will attempt to refuel at every navigation stage, as well as before returning control back to the thread.

Navigating with Probes

In the current iteration, Probes in SpaceTraders do not require fuel.

>>> probe = next(iter(agent.fleet.probes()))
>>> probe.fuel
Fuel({'current': 0, 'capacity': 0, 'consumed': {'amount': 0, 'timestamp': '2024-03-03T16:18:13.155Z'}})

Due to this, you can just yeet them without regard by calling .navigate and fire-and-forgetting it.

>>> for probe in agent.fleet.probes():
...     if probe.nav.status != 'IN_TRANSIT:
...         if probe.nav.flight_mode != 'CRUISE':
...             probe.update_flight_mode('CRUISE')
...         probe.navigate(AnyWaypointInTheSystem)

You do not need to use .autopilot in this situation.

Changing Flight Modes

You can manually change flight modes by calling ship.update_flight_mode with 'DRIFT', 'STEALTH', 'CRUISE', or 'BURN'. Note that ship.autopilot will change your flight mode to CRUISE by default.


As mentioned previously, if you stick with ship.autopilot, you will not need to manually refuel. If you wish to refuel on your own, you can always call ship.refuel when located at a Waypoint that exports or exchanges FUEL.

For convenience, the ship object has a closest_fuel method that can find the closest available Waypoint that sells fuel.

>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> fuel_station = ship.closest_fuel()
>>> ship.navigate(fuel_station)
>>> ship.refuel()

You can also refuel from fuel found in the ship.cargo by calling

>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> ship.refuel(from_cargo=True)

This can be helpful for refueling dead ships.

Refuel also has an ignore_errors kwarg that accepts a boolean. If True, any exception raised while refueling will be suppressed and the exception will be returned instead. This is convenient for attempting to refuel at every Waypoint because why not.


Each System has at least one JumpGate that allows the ship to navigate between Systems. To use a JumpGate, the gate will need to be fully constructed and the ship will need to be located at the Waypoint.

>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> jump_gate = next(iter(ship.waypoints.jump_gates()))
>>> jump_gate.is_under_construction
>>> ship.autpilot(jump_gate)
>>> next_system =[0]  # .connections will contain a list with all of the connected systems
>>> ship.jump(next_system)


A ship with the Warp Drive Mount installed can also warp to other Systems.

>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> next_system = next(i for i in if i.symbol != ship.nav.system_symbol)
>>> ship.warp(next_system)

Market Actions


"Traders" is in the name of the game so purchasing items at Markets is an integral function.

Purchasing items is as simple as navigating to the Market and purchasing as much as you can afford.

>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> ship.cargo.inventory
>>> market = ship.closest('GOLD'))
>>> ship.autopilot(market)
>>> transaction = ship.purchase('GOLD', 40)
>>> ship.cargo.inventory
[Inventory({'symbol': 'GOLD', 'name': 'Gold', 'description': 'DESCRIPTION', 'units': 40})]


There are some caveats to purchase, such as, having the necessary credits, the Market selling the good in the required number of units, etc., that are handled for you with ship.autopurchase.

ship.autopurchase accepts the good symbol to purchase as the first arg and then optional kwargs of max_units and buffer, with defaults of 0 and 200_000, respectively.

If max_units > 0, at most max_units will be purchased. Otherwise, ship.autopurchase will purchase as many units of the goods as you can either hold or afford.

The buffer will be your credits buffer. The default 200_000 limit means you will be able to purchase up to max_units so long as your current - buffer >= purchase price. To remove the buffer, just pass a 0.

Another benefit of ship.autopurchase is it handles the maximum units per transaction that the Market will allow.

>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> ship.cargo.inventory
>>> market = ship.closest('GOLD'))
>>> ship.autopilot(market)
>>> transactions = ship.autopurchase('GOLD')
>>> for transaction in transactions:
...     print(transaction.units)
>>> ship.cargo.inventory
[Inventory({'symbol': 'GOLD', 'name': 'Gold', 'description': 'DESCRIPTION', 'units': 40})]

limited by a buffer

>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> ship.cargo.inventory
>>> market = ship.closest('GOLD'))
>>> ship.autopilot(market)
>>> transactions = ship.autopurchase('GOLD', buffer=200_000)  # Default buffer
>>> for transaction in transactions:
...     print(transaction.units)
>>> ship.cargo.inventory
[Inventory({'symbol': 'GOLD', 'name': 'Gold', 'description': 'DESCRIPTION', 'units': 20})]

As you can see, ship.autopurchase absolves you of tracking units per transaction, credits and cargo.capacity.

Each attempt to make a purchase in autopurchase will be done under the agent.lock to gaurantee there are no race conditions with regards to your credit buffer when multiple threads are attempting purchases.

Sell, Sell All, Sell off Cargo

Once you've extracted or purchased items you wish to sell, you can do so with three different methods: ship.sell, ship.sell_all, and ship.sell_off_cargo.

The basic ship.sell works as

>>> ship.cargo.inventory
[Inventory({'symbol': 'GOLD_ORE', 'name': 'Gold Ore', 'description': 'DESCRIPTION', 'units': 35})]
>>> market = ship.closest('GOLD_ORE'))
>>> ship.autopilot(market)
>>> transaction = ship.sell('GOLD_ORE', 20)
>>> transaction.units
>>> transaction.trade_symbol
>>> ship.cargo.inventory
[Inventory({'symbol': 'GOLD_ORE', 'name': 'Gold Ore', 'description': 'DESCRIPTION', 'units': 15})]

Attempting to sell items not found in your ship.cargo or more than the number of units in the ship.cargo will lead to exceptions.

Your ship will need to be located at a Market that imports the good.

To sell all items of a good in your ship.cargo, you can use the ship.sell_all method

>>> ship.cargo.inventory
[Inventory({'symbol': 'GOLD_ORE', 'name': 'Gold Ore', 'description': 'DESCRIPTION', 'units': 35})]
>>> market = ship.closest('GOLD_ORE'))
>>> ship.autopilot(market)
>>> transactions = ship.sell_all('GOLD_ORE')
>>> for transaction in transactions:
...     print(transaction.units)
>>> ship.cargo
Cargo({'capacity': 40, 'units': 0, 'inventory': []})

The ship.sell_all method will perform the necessary number of ship.sell's until all units of the good in your ship.cargo have been sold. You can see from the returned transactions the Market the ship was located at accepted at most 20 units per transaction. The number of units per transaction will differ from Market to Market and from trade good to trade good within a single Market.

ship.sell_all handles trade volume automatically and is the preferred means of selling goods.

As always, your ship will still need to be located at a Market that imports the good.

Sometimes you just want to clear out your ship.cargo without jettisoning everything and losing the potential credits. To do this, call ship.sell_off_cargo

>>> ship.cargo.inventory
[Inventory({'symbol': 'GOLD_ORE', 'name': 'Gold Ore', 'description': 'DESCRIPTION', 'units': 35}), Inventory({'symbol': 'IRON_ORE', 'name': 'Iron Ore', 'description': 'DESCRIPTION', 'units': 5})
>>> transactions = ship.sell_off_cargo()
>>> for transaction in transactions:
...     print(transaction.symbol, transaction.units)
('GOLD_ORE', 20)
('GOLD_ORE', 15)
('IRON_ORE', 5)
>>> ship.cargo
Cargo({'capacity': 40, 'units': 0, 'inventory': []})

If you only want to sell off all of your GOLD_ORE, you could call ship.sell_off_cargo("GOLD_ORE") to leave your IRON_ORE safe in your ship.cargo.

The ship.sell_off_cargo method is convenient because it will automatically navigate to the closest Market which imports each good. Note, this entails the method will block until all navigation has completed.

Ship Actions

A ship has a number of actions it can perform, depending on the installed Mounts and Modules.


If the ship is located at a Waypoint that supports survey and the ship.can_survey, a survey can be performed via

>>> survey = ship.waypoints.survey()

A single call to survey will return multiple "surveys." For example, the "surveys" in the previous survey can be found at

>>> survey.surveys
[{'signature': 'string', 'symbol': 'string', 'deposits': [{'symbol': 'string'}], 'expiration': '2024-08-24T14:15:22Z', 'size': 'SMALL'}]

When using a survey with a extract_with_survey, you will only pass one of the survey.surveys to the method.

A ship will enter a cooldown period after performing a survey. The cooldown will prevent the ship from performing various tasks until the cooldown period has completed. SnakesInSpace handles this automaticaly for you, so you can attempt another survey and SnakesInSpace will block until the cooldown period has passed before making the request.

All actions that require a cooldown period to pass will be handled automatically.


If the ship is located at a Waypoint that supports extraction and the ship.can_mine, exctraction can be done via

>>> ship.cargo
Cargo({'capacity': 40, 'units': 0, 'inventory': []})
>>> extraction = ship.extract()
>>> extraction.symbol
>>> extraction.units
>>> ship.cargo.inventory
[Inventory({'symbol': 'GOLD_ORE', 'name': 'Gold Ore', 'description': 'DESCRIPTION', 'units': 4})]

Extraction with Survey

To get the best extraction results, you can make an extraction with a survey by calling exctract_with_survey while passing a survey from a survey.surveys to the method. The survey in question can be created by any ship.

>>> ship.cargo
Cargo({'capacity': 40, 'units': 0, 'inventory': []})
>>> survey = ship.waypoints.survey()
>>> survey.surveys[0]
Survey({'signature': 'X1-CC27-CB5A-F0AB4D', 'symbol': 'X1-CC27-CB5A', 'deposits': [{'symbol': 'ALUMINUM_ORE'}, {'symbol': 'QUARTZ_SAND'}, {'symbol': 'COPPER_ORE'}, {'symbol': 'IRON_ORE'}, {'symbol': 'COPPER_ORE'}], 'expiration': '2024-03-10T23:47:07.218Z', 'size': 'SMALL'}) 
>>> extraction = ship.extract_with_survey(survey[0])  # Will block until cooldown from survey has finished
>>> extraction.symbol
>>> extraction.units
>>> ship.cargo.inventory
[Inventory({'symbol': 'COPPER_ORE', 'name': 'Copper Ore', 'description': 'DESCRIPTION', 'units': 8})]

The Survey class has a helper method, .best, that accepts a survey object which was returned by ship.survey(). .best will return the "best" survey in survey.surveys. If you're looking for specific deposits, you can pass the the deposit symbols to .best so only surveys which contain all of the deposit symbols will be returned or None if none of the deposit symbols are found in a survey.surveys.

>>> survey = ship.waypoints.survey()
Survey({'signature': 'X1-CC27-CB5A-F0AB4D', 'symbol': 'X1-CC27-CB5A', 'deposits': [{'symbol': 'ALUMINUM_ORE'}, {'symbol': 'QUARTZ_SAND'}, {'symbol': 'COPPER_ORE'}, {'symbol': 'IRON_ORE'}, {'symbol': 'COPPER_ORE'}], 'expiration': '2024-03-10T23:47:07.218Z', 'size': 'LARGE'}) 
>>>'QUARTZ_SAND', 'GOLD_ORE')  # No GOLD_ORE found in any of the survey.surveys
Survey({'signature': 'X1-CC27-CB5A-F0AB4D', 'symbol': 'X1-CC27-CB5A', 'deposits': [{'symbol': 'ALUMINUM_ORE'}, {'symbol': 'QUARTZ_SAND'}, {'symbol': 'COPPER_ORE'}, {'symbol': 'IRON_ORE'}, {'symbol': 'COPPER_ORE'}], 'expiration': '2024-03-10T23:47:07.218Z', 'size': 'LARGE'}) 

Attempting to extract_with_survey with a survey that has already expired will raise a snisp.exceptions.ShipSurveyExpirationError error.

Attempting to extract_with_survey with an invalid survey will raise a snisp.exceptions.ShipSurveyVerificationError error.

To see all Survey related errors, see snisp.exceptions.


If the ship is located at a Waypoint that supports siphon and the ship.can_siphon, siphoning can be done via

>>> ship.cargo
Cargo({'capacity': 40, 'units': 0, 'inventory': []})
>>> siphon = ship.siphon()
>>> siphon.symbol
>>> siphon.units
>>> ship.cargo.inventory
[Inventory({'symbol': 'LIQUID_HYDROGEN', 'name': 'Liquid Hydrogen', 'description': 'DESCRIPTION', 'units': 4})]


You can jettison unwanted items in your ship.cargo by calling ship.jettison

>>> ship.cargo.inventory
[Inventory({'symbol': 'GOLD_ORE', 'name': 'Gold Ore', 'description': 'DESCRIPTION', 'units': 4})]
>>> ship.jettison('GOLD_ORE', units=2)
>>> ship.cargo.inventory
[Inventory({'symbol': 'GOLD_ORE', 'name': 'Gold Ore', 'description': 'DESCRIPTION', 'units': 2})]


If there are at least 30 units of an Ore in your ship.cargo.inventory and the ship.can_refine, you can refine the 30 units of Ore into 1 refined unit through ship.refine.

>>> ship.cargo.inventory
[Inventory({'symbol': 'GOLD_ORE', 'name': 'Gold Ore', 'description': 'DESCRIPTION', 'units': 35})]
>>> ship.refine('GOLD')
>>> ship.cargo.inventory
[Inventory({'symbol': 'GOLD_ORE', 'name': 'Gold Ore', 'description': 'DESCRIPTION', 'units': 5}), Inventory({'symbol': 'GOLD', 'name': 'Gold', 'description': 'DESCRIPTION', 'units': 1})]


You can scan for nearby ships in the current System with ship.scan

>>> nearby_ships = list(ship.scan())

SpaceTraders does not make it explicit who the owner of a scanned ship is, so SnakesInSpace currently assumes scanned ships are owned by the Agent. Attempting to perform actions on a ship you do not own will lead to undefined consequences.


You can create a Chart of an uncharted Waypoint that a ship is located at by calling .chart

>>> ship.waypoints.chart()

If the Waypoint was already charted, a Warning will be logged but no Exception will be raised.

There is a convenience function, is_uncharted, in snisp.waypoints for checking if a Waypoint is uncharted.

from snisp.waypoints import is_uncharted

>>> waypoint = ship.waypoints.get()  # Get the current Waypoint at the ship's location
>>> if is_uncharted(waypoint):
...     ship.waypoints.chart()


You can transfer cargo beteween two ships via ship.transfer

>>> ship_from = agent.fleet('FROM_SHIP')
>>> ship_to = agent.fleet('TO_SHIP')
>>> ship_from.cargo.inventory
[Inventory({'symbol': 'GOLD_ORE', 'name': 'Gold Ore', 'description': 'DESCRIPTION', 'units': 35}), Inventory({'symbol': 'IRON_ORE', 'name': 'Iron Ore', 'description': 'DESCRIPTION', 'units': 5})
>>> ship_to.cargo
Cargo({'capacity': 40, 'units': 0, 'inventory': []})
>>> ship_from.transfer(ship_to, symbol='GOLD_ORE', units=35)
>>> ship_from.cargo.inventory
[Inventory({'symbol': 'IRON_ORE', 'name': 'Iron Ore', 'description': 'DESCRIPTION', 'units': 5})
>>> ship_to.cargo.inventory
[Inventory({'symbol': 'GOLD_ORE', 'name': 'Gold Ore', 'description': 'DESCRIPTION', 'units': 35})]

Exceptions will be raised if you attempt to transfer goods not found in the "from" ship or if there are unit mismatches in either ship.

Orbit, Dock

Almost every action will require the ship to either be IN_ORBIT or DOCKED before it can be executed. You can check the status of the ship with ship.nav.status. To ensure you have the most up-to-date version, you can always do ship.refresh().nav.status.

The library will take care of all calls to ship.orbit() and ship.dock(), so this is not something a user has to worry about.

Closest, Farthest

As you've seen sprinkled throughout the guide, the ship object does have helper methods of ship.closest and ship.farthest. Each method will accept any number of iterables and return either the closest or farthest Waypoint to the ship's current location.

>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> closest_asteroid = ship.closest(
...     ship.waypoints.asteroid_bases(),
...     ship.waypoints.asteroids(),
...     ship.waypoints.enginereed_asteroids(),
...     ship.waypoints.asteroids_fields()
... )
>>> ship.autopilot(closest_asteroid)

You can also do ship.farthest if you want?

Waypoints, Markets, Shipyards

The respective Waypoints, Markets, and Shipyards in the ship's current System are directly accesible via

>>> ship.waypoints
>>> ship.shipyards

See their respective sections for for additional information.


There are too many agent.fleet and ship related exceptions to cover here. Please check snisp.exceptions for an exhaustive list of exceptions.

Helper Properties

Below are some helper properties for things like arrival times, current location, and capabilities.

>>> ship.arrival  # Seconds to arriving at destination or 0
>>> ship.location  # The ships current Location object
>>> ship.at_market  # Boolean for if the ship is currently DOCKED or IN_ORBIT at a Market
>>> ship.at_shipyard  # Boolean for if the ship is currently DOCKED or IN_ORBIT at a Shipyard
>>> ship.can_mine  # Boolean for if the ship has a Mining Mount
>>> ship.can_siphon  # Boolean for if the ship has a Siphoning Mount
>>> ship.can_refine_gas  # Boolean for if the ship can refine gas onboard
>>> ship.can_refine_ore  # Boolean for if the ship can refine ore onboard
>>> ship.can_survey  # Boolean for if the ship has a Surveying Mount

In SpaceTraders, Waypoints are the fundamental location points within a System. All Markets, Shipyards, Asteroids, etc., are necessarily and suffiecient to being a Waypoint.

You can see all Waypoints in a ship's System by iterating over ship.waypoint directly.

>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> waypoints = list(ship.waypoints)

Each Waypoint typehas a convenience method for quick and convenient iteration.

For instance, to find all Asteroids,

>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> asteroids = list(ship.waypoints.asteroids())
>>> all(asteroid.type == 'ASTEROID' for asteroid in asteroids)
>>> asteroids == [waypoint for waypoint in ship.waypoints if waypoint.type == 'ASTEROID']

all JumpGates,

>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> jump_gates = list(ship.waypoints.jump_gates())
>>> all(jump_gate.type == 'JUMP_GATE' for jump_gate in jump_gates)
>>> jump_gates == [waypoint for waypoint in ship.waypoints if waypoint.type == 'JUMP_GATE']

and so on.

Some Waypoints have unique traits that provide additional information about itself. You can filter for these traits by using the traits kwarg in the respective ship.waypoints methods.

>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> asteroids = list(ship.waypoints.asteroids())
>>> sorted({i.symbol for w in asteroids for i in w.traits})
>>> radioactive_asteroids = list(ship.waypoints.asteroids(traits='RADIOACTIVE'))
>>> radioactive_asteroids == [w for w in ship.waypoints.asteroids() for i in w.traits if i.symbol == 'RADIOACTIVE']

You can use traits and types while calling ship.waypoints (__call__) directly as well. Internally, this is how SnakesInSpace finds Markets.

>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> market_waypoints = list(ship.waypoints(traits='MARKETPLACE'))
>>> markets = list(
>>> len(market_waypoints) == len(markets)
>>> {i.symbol for i in market_waypoints} == {i.symbol for i in markets}
>>> sorted({market.type for market in markets})

For convenience, the Waypoint types methods are: artificial_gravity_wells, asteroid_bases, asteroid_fields, asteroids, debris_fields, engineered_asteroids, gas_giants, gravity_wells, jump_gates, moons, nebulas, orbital_stations, planets, and shipyards.

Also, for convenience, there is a construction_sites method for iterating over all Waypoints that are currently under construction. A Waypoint under construction will not have a specific type but will report if it's under construction by waypiont.is_under_construction.


A Market is a Waypoint type that imports, exports, or exchanges goods. Not all Waypoints are Markets but all Markets are Waypoints.

You can see all of the Markets in the System in which a ship is located by iterating over the ship's Markets

>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> markets = list(

A Market object can be created from a Waypoint or waypoint.symbol, if the Waypoint is also a Market. This can be convenient when jumping around between object types.

>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> market_as_a_waypoint = ship.waypoints(waypoint_symbol='MARKET_WAYPOINT_SYMBOL')
>>> market =

which can be converted back to a Waypoint like so

>>> waypoint = ship.waypoints(waypoint=market)

This is helpful if you're iterating over Asteroids and an Asteroid is also a Market, for instance.

You can find which Markets import, exchange, or export specific goods via their respective iterable methods.

>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> iron_importers = list('IRON'))
>>> iron_exports = list('IRON'))
>>> iron_exchanges = list('IRON'))

Imports, Exports, Exchange

imports, exports, and exchange is a bit a misnomer with regards to what you can do at a Market. A ship can always purchase a good at a Market that has the good listed as an imports or exchange. import means the good is consumed at the market; export means the good is produced at the market; and, exchange means the Market does not create or use the good but simply buys/sells it from/to users.

A convenience function, returns an iterable of all Markets that sell the listed good. As mentioned above, if the market sells the good, it also purchases the good.

>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> iron_markets = list('IRON'))

A Market that imports the good will almost always pay more than a Market that exports it, while a Market that exports a good will almost always be cheaper to purchase at than at a Market that imports it.

Market Data

The most important feature of a Market is to report the current purchase price and sell price of goods. To access the data, you must have a ship or probe located at the waypoint. In a typical game, the first thing you do is purchase enough cheap probes to park at every Market.

With a ship or probe located at a Market, you can begin tracking the live prices and transactions two ways.

Either by calling directly,

>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> markets_data = [ for ship in agent.fleet if ship.at_market]

or by calling the .data property of a Market obect

>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> markets_data = [ for market in]

Note how the first version, using, checked if a ship was located at the Market before getting the Market's data. This is unnecessary as calling either or will return the default Market data if no ship or probe is located at the Market Waypoint.

The default Market data will contain what the Market exports, imports, or exchanges but will not contain recent transactions, trade volumes, or prices.

Once you've parked enough probes at enough Markets, you can begin trading on arbitrage and making credits to buy more probes, etc. There are some helper functions located in the file but I'll leave that exercise to the reader.

Fuel Stations

It is worth pointing out there is a Markets.fuel_stations method that is meant to be a convenient lookup for Markets that export or exchange FUEL. For instance, you can find the closest Market that allows refueling by calling

>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> closest_fuel = ship.closet(
>>> ship.navigate(closest_fuel)
>>> ship.refuel()

The fuel_stations method will take a considerable amount of time to run initially but all subsequent calls in the same session will cached. The internal SnakesInSpace cache is covered more in depth later on.


Like Markets, all Shipyards are Waypoints but not all Waypoints are Shipyards. All Shipyards are Markets but not all Markets are Shipyards.

You can find all Shipyards in a ships System by iterating over the ship.shipyards

>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> shipyards = list(ship.shipyards)

Like a Market, a Shipyard with a ship or probe located at it can reveal additional information by calling .data.

>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> shipyard = next(iter(ship.shipyards))  # Assumes a Ship or Drone is located at the Waypoint
>>>  # the good stuff

To purchase additional Ships, Probes, Drones, and Shuttles, call the .purchase method on the Shipyard object with an acceptable ship_type. You can see all available ship_types in snisp.utils.SHIP_TYPES.

>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> shipyard = ship.closest(ship.shipyards)
>>> ship.autopilot(shipyard)
>>> snisp.utils.ilen(agent.fleet)
>>> probe = ship.purchase('SHIP_PROBE')
>>> snisp.utils.ilen(agent.fleet)

If you attempt to purchase a ship at a Shipyard that does not have any Probes or Ships located at it, a snisp.exceptions.NoShipAtLocationError will be raised. If you attempt to purchase a ship_type that is not sold at the Shipyard, an Exception will be raised.

The Shipyards class does support autopurchase, like in Markets. This is a convenience method to purchase additional Ships by type. autopurchase requires a ship_type kwarg and can also take optional kwargs of max_units and buffer, with defaults of 1 and 300,000, respectively. The buffer works like the buffer in ship.autopurchase in that you will be able to purchase up to max_units so long as your current - buffer >= purchase price. To remove the buffer, just pass a 0.

>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> snisp.utils.ilen(agent.fleet)
>>> transactions = ship.shipyards.autopurchase(ship_type='SHIP_PROBE', max_units=5)
>>> for ship in transactions:
...     print(ship.frame.symbol)
>>> snisp.utils.ilen(agent.fleet)

You can see in the above example the user could only afford two Probes before hitting the buffer limit.

ship.shipyards.autopurchase does come with a caveat, namely, it relies on a ship or probe being at the Shipyard Waypoint in order to be able to access the Shipyard's Market data to get available ships and ship price. This means if you don't have any probes or ships at a Shipyard that sells SHIP_PROBES and you call ship.shipyards.autopurchase(ship_type="SHIP_PROBE"), nothing will happen.

As a convenience, you can see the available ships in a Shipyard by calling the .available_ships method. The method accepts an optional ship_type if you wanted to check if the Shipyard sold Probes, for instance.

>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> shipyard = next(iter(ship.shipyards))  # Assumes a Ship or Drone is located at the Waypoint
>>> all_available_ships = list(shipyard.available_ships())
>>> available_probes = list(shipyard.available_ships('SHIP_PROBE))

SpaceTraders does not limit the supply of ships available for purchase in a Shipyard. As long as one ship of a ship_type is available, you can purchase as many as your credits will allow.

The ship objects returned by .available_ships do have a convenience method of purchase, which works like Shipyard.purchase except the ship_type is the ships type by default. Meaning, if the type of the ship returned by .available_ships is a probe and you call .purchase() on it, a probe will be purchased. This can be handy for manually iterating over the ships being sold at the Shipyard and purchasing them on demand.

>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> shipyard = next(iter(ship.shipyards))  # Assumes a Ship or Drone is located at the Waypoint
>>> for ship in shipyard.available_ships():
...     if ship.purchase_price < 10_000:
...         ship.purchase()
Construction Sites

Select Waypoints will need construction materials delivered to them before they'll function correctly. Currently, all JumpGates in new Systems will need to be completed before you'll be able to use them to jump between Systems.

The ConstructionSite will list the required materials in its .materials.

>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> construction_sites = list(ship.waypoints.construction_sites())
>>> all(not construction_site.is_complete for construction_site in construction_sites)
>>> construction_sites[0]
ConstructionSite({'symbol': 'X1-CC27-I56', 'materials': [{'tradeSymbol': 'FAB_MATS', 'required': 4000, 'fulfilled': 0}, {'tradeSymbol': 'ADVANCED_CIRCUITRY', 'required': 1200, 'fulfilled': 0}, {'tradeSymbol': 'QUANTUM_STABILIZERS', 'required': 1, 'fulfilled': 1}], 'isComplete': False, 'systemSymbol': 'X1-CC27'})
>>> jump_gate = ship.waypoints.get(waypoint_symbol=construction_sites[0].symbol)
>>> jump_gate
JumpGate({'systemSymbol': 'X1-CC27', 'symbol': 'X1-CC27-I56', 'type': 'JUMP_GATE', 'x': -335, 'y': 298, 'orbitals': [], 'traits': [{'symbol': 'MARKETPLACE', 'name': 'Marketplace', 'description': 'A thriving center of commerce where traders from across the galaxy gather to buy, sell, and exchange goods.'}], 'modifiers': [], 'chart': {'submittedBy': 'COSMIC', 'submittedOn': '2024-03-10T02:51:05.063Z'}, 'faction': {'symbol': 'COSMIC'}, 'isUnderConstruction': True})
>>> jump_gate.is_under_construction
>>> jump_gate.symbol == construction_sites[0].symbol

This particular JumpGate won't become functional until 4,000 Units of FAB_MATS and 1,200 Units of ADVANCED_CIRCUITRY has been delivered to it.

You can supply materials to a ConstructionSite in much the same way as you can deliver materials to a Contract. Diffferences being, a ConstructionSite uses .supply instead of .deliver and a ConstructionSite requires kwargs of ship, trade_symbol, and units.

>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> construction_site = next(iter(ship.waypoints.construction_sites()))
>>> construction_site
ConstructionSite({'symbol': 'X1-CC27-I56', 'materials': [{'tradeSymbol': 'FAB_MATS', 'required': 4000, 'fulfilled': 0}, {'tradeSymbol': 'ADVANCED_CIRCUITRY', 'required': 1200, 'fulfilled': 0}, {'tradeSymbol': 'QUANTUM_STABILIZERS', 'required': 1, 'fulfilled': 1}], 'isComplete': False, 'systemSymbol': 'X1-CC27'})
>>> ship.autopilot(construction_site)
>>> ship.cargo.inventory
[Inventory({'symbol': 'FAB_MATS', 'name': 'Fab Mats', 'description': 'DESCRIPTION', 'units': 40})]
>>>, trade_symbol='FAB_MATS', units=40)
>>> construction_site
ConstructionSite({'symbol': 'X1-CC27-I56', 'materials': [{'tradeSymbol': 'FAB_MATS', 'required': 4000, 'fulfilled': 40}, {'tradeSymbol': 'ADVANCED_CIRCUITRY', 'required': 1200, 'fulfilled': 0}, {'tradeSymbol': 'QUANTUM_STABILIZERS', 'required': 1, 'fulfilled': 1}], 'isComplete': False, 'systemSymbol': 'X1-CC27'})
>>> ship.cargo
Cargo({'capacity': 40, 'units': 0, 'inventory': []})

Once all of the materials have been supplied to the ConstructionSite, it will no longer be returned by ship.waypoints.construction_sites() as it is no longer .is_under_construction.


Systems in SpaceTraders are connected by JumpGates and by Ships that can warp between them.

You can see all of the Systems in the current SpaceTraders system by iterating over the agent's .systems

>>> agent = Agent(symbol='your_symbol_here', faction='COSMIC', email='')
>>> systems = list(

...but I wouldn't do it. There are a lot of Systems in SpaceTraders. A lot.

Each ship will contain the system the ship is located in it's respective .system property. You can scan for nearby Systems with method.

>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> scans = list(ship.system.scan())
>>> scans[0]
StarSystem({'symbol': 'X1-HD87', 'sectorSymbol': 'X1', 'type': 'ORANGE_STAR', 'x': -22731, 'y': -8129, 'distance': 300}), StarSystem({'symbol': 'X1-MR62', 'sectorSymbol': 'X1', 'type': 'BLUE_STAR', 'x': -23151, 'y': -8498, 'distance': 761})
Threads and Blocking

SnakesInSpace will take care of all calls to .dock, .orbit, as well as handeling Cooldowns and making sure no actions are peformed while the ship is in transit. The convenience of this does come at a cost: Blocking.

If you start one action in a thread and attempt to perform another action on that ship in another thread, the Library will automatically block until the previous action has completed.

>>> from threading import Thread
>>> ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> waypoint = ship.farthest(ship.waypoints)
>>> t = Thread(target=ship.autopilot, args=(waypoint,))
>>> t.start()
>>> ship.dock()

The call to ship.dock() will block until the ship has reached the waypoint, which, depending on how far away the waypoint is from the starting location, may be seconds, minutes, or hours.

To avoid unnecessary blocking, make sure to perform any ship action in its own thread. To expand on the original example at the top of this page, you could combine the navigation, extraction, and selling into one function that can be passed off to a thread.

>>> def extract_all(ship, asteroid):
...     while True:
...         ship.autopilot(asteroid)
...         while ship.cargo.units < ship.cargo.capacity:
...             extraction = ship.extract()  # ship.extract will handle Cooldowns automatically
...             if extraction.units == 0:
...                 # Asteroid has been stripped
...                 return
...             if extraction.symbol == 'ICE_WATER':
...                 ship.jettison(extraction.symbol, exctraction.units)
...         ship.sell_off_cargo()
>>> command_ship = next(iter(agent.fleet))
>>> for asteroid in command_ship.waypoints.asteroids():
...     threads = []
...     for ship in agent.fleet.ships():
...         if ship.can_mine:
...             t = Thread(target=extract_all, args=(ship, asteroid))
...             t.start()
...             threads.append(t)
...     for thread in threads:
...         thread.join()

This is a simple and inefficent example but it shows how well each ship can mantain itself. Each thread will have its own ship which will

  • Navigate to the asteroid
  • Extract until the ship's ship.cargo is full
  • Sell whatever has been extracted at the closest markets
  • Navigate back to the asteroid
  • Repeat until the asteroid has been depeleted, upon which it will exit the loop and return to be joined and continue on to the next asteroid

Congratulations, you just stripped all of the asteroids in a system in less than 20 LOC.


SpaceTraders, a FREE game, allows two requests per second per IP with additional "bursts." The SnakesInSpace Library will automatically restrict you to two request per second per active instance. Meaning, if you run multiple clients in multiple terminals, you may run in to issues with SpaceTraders rate-limiting your IP. The SnakesInSpace rate-limiter will automatically handle these overages on your behalf, but, given this is a FREE resource, please take care to only run one to two clients at a time.


SnakesInSpace uses a rudimentary cache with a SQLite database to try and prevent any unnecessary calls to the SpaceTraders API. The current database will be located at SnakesInSpace/snisps/data/cache.db.

The cache will be reset on every login.

The cache can be ignored for now by the end user.


You can run pytest in the current working directory for which SnakesInSpace is located. You will also need respx installed to run the tests.

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