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Zope Object Database: object database and persistence

Project description

The Zope Object Database provides an object-oriented database for Python that provides a high-degree of transparency. Applications can take advantage of object database features with few, if any, changes to application logic. ZODB includes features such as a plugable storage interface, rich transaction support, and undo.

ZODB 3.8


The ZODB package provides a set of tools for using the Zope Object Database (ZODB). The components you get with the ZODB release are as follows:

  • Core ZODB, including the persistence machinery

  • Standard storages such as FileStorage

  • The persistent BTrees modules

  • ZEO, for scalability needs

  • documentation (needs more work)

Our primary development platforms are Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows XP. The test suite should pass without error on all of these platforms, although it can take a long time on Windows – longer if you use ZoneAlarm. Many particularly slow tests are skipped unless you pass –all as an argument to


ZODB 3.8 requires Python 2.4.2 or later.

ZEO servers and clients are wholly compatible among 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7; a ZEO client from any of those versions can talk with a ZEO server from any. ZODB 3.8 ZEO clients require ZODB 3.8 servers and later. ZODB 3.8 ZEO Servers will work with ZODB 3.2 clients and later.


You must have Python installed. If you’ve installed Python from RPM, be sure that you’ve installed the development RPMs too, since ZODB builds Python extensions. If you have the source release of ZODB, you will need a C compiler.

You also need the ZConfig, zdaemon, zope.interface, zope.proxy and zope.testing packages. If you are using easy_install or zc.buildout to install ZODB, then these will be installed for you automatically.


ZODB is released as a distutils package. The easiest ways to build and install it are to use easy_install, or zc.buildout.

To install by hand, first install the dependencies, ZConfig, zdaemon, zope.interface, zope.proxy and zope.testing. These can be found either in the Python Package Index, or at

To build it, run the setup script:

% python build

The 64-bit support for the BTrees package may be enabled by using this build command instead:

% python build_ext -DZODB_64BIT_INTS build

To test the build, run the test script:

% python

For more verbose test output, append one or two ‘-v’ arguments to this command.

If all the tests succeeded, you can install ZODB using the setup script:

% python install

This should now make all of ZODB accessible to your Python programs.

Testing for Developers

The ZODB checkouts are buildouts. When working from a ZODB checkout, first run the script to initialize the buildout:

% python

and then use the buildout script to build ZODB and gather the dependencies:

% bin/buildout

This creates a test script:

% bin/test -v

This command will run all the tests, printing a single dot for each test. When it finishes, it will print a test summary. The exact number of tests can vary depending on platform and available third-party libraries.:

Ran 1182 tests in 241.269s


The test script has many more options. Use the -h or --help options to see a file list of options. The default test suite omits several tests that depend on third-party software or that take a long time to run. To run all the available tests use the --all option. Running all the tests takes much longer.:

Ran 1561 tests in 1461.557s


Maintenance scripts

Several scripts are provided with the ZODB and can help for analyzing, debugging, checking for consistency, summarizing content, reporting space used by objects, doing backups, artificial load testing, etc. Look at the ZODB/script directory for more informations.


The historical version numbering schemes for ZODB and ZEO are complicated. Starting with ZODB 3.4, the ZODB and ZEO version numbers are the same.

In the ZODB 3.1 through 3.3 lines, the ZEO version number was “one smaller” than the ZODB version number; e.g., ZODB 3.2.7 included ZEO 2.2.7. ZODB and ZEO were distinct releases prior to ZODB 3.1, and had independent version numbers.

Historically, ZODB was distributed as a part of the Zope application server. Jim Fulton’s paper at the Python conference in 2000 described a version of ZODB he called ZODB 3, based on an earlier persistent object system called BoboPOS. The earliest versions of ZODB 3 were released with Zope 2.0.

Andrew Kuchling extracted ZODB from Zope 2.4.1 and packaged it for use by standalone Python programs. He called this version “StandaloneZODB”. Andrew’s guide to using ZODB is included in the Doc directory. This version of ZODB was hosted at It supported Python 1.5.2, and might still be of interest to users of this very old Python version.

Zope Corporation released a version of ZODB called “StandaloneZODB 1.0” in Feb. 2002. This release was based on Andrew’s packaging, but built from the same CVS repository as Zope. It is roughly equivalent to the ZODB in Zope 2.5.

Why not call the current release StandaloneZODB? The name StandaloneZODB is a bit of a mouthful. The standalone part of the name suggests that the Zope version is the real version and that this is an afterthought, which isn’t the case. So we’re calling this release “ZODB”. We also worked on a ZODB4 package for a while and made a couple of alpha releases. We’ve now abandoned that effort, because we didn’t have the resources to pursue ot while also maintaining ZODB(3).


ZODB is distributed under the Zope Public License, an OSI-approved open source license. Please see the LICENSE.txt file for terms and conditions.

The ZODB/ZEO Programming Guide included in the documentation is a modified version of Andrew Kuchling’s original guide, provided under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.

More information

We maintain a Wiki page about all things ZODB, including status on future directions for ZODB. Please see

and feel free to contribute your comments. There is a Mailman mailing list in place to discuss all issues related to ZODB. You can send questions to

or subscribe at

and view its archives at

Note that Zope Corp mailing lists have a subscriber-only posting policy.

Andrew’s ZODB Programmers Guide is made available in several forms, including DVI and HTML. To view it online, point your browser at the file Doc/guide/zodb/index.html

Bugs and Patches

Bug reports and patches should be added to the Launchpad:

Change History

3.9.0a4 (2008-11-06)

Bug Fixes

  • DemoStorage could sometimes hand out the same new object id more than once.

3.9.0a3 (2008-11-04)

New Features

  • FileStorage now provides optional garbage collection. A ‘gc’ keyword option can be passed to the pack method. A false value prevents garbage collection.

  • The FileStorage constructor now provides a boolean pack_gc option, which defaults to True, to control whether garbage collection is performed when packing by default. This can be overridden with the gc option to the pack method.

    The ZConfig configuration for FileStorage now includes a pack-gc option, corresponding to the pack_gc constructor argument.

  • The FileStorage constructor now has a packer keyword argument that allows an alternative packer to be supplied.

    The ZConfig configuration for FileStorage now includes a packer option, corresponding to the packer constructor argument.

Bug Fixes

  • DemoStorage could sometimes hand out the same new object id more than once.

3.9.0a2 (2008-10-31)

Bug Fixes

  • MappingStorage hung when committing a transaction after committing an empty transaction.

3.9.0a1 (2008-10-29)

New Features

  • MappingStorage now supports multi-version concurrency control and iteration and provides a better storage implementation example.

  • DemoStorage has a number of new features:

    • The ability to use a separate storage, such as a file storage to store changes

    • Blob support

    • Multi-version concurrency control and iteration

    • Explicit support dfor demo-storage stacking via push and pop methods.

  • Wen calling ZODB.DB to create a database, you can now pass a file name, rather than a storage to use a file storage.

  • Added support for copying and recovery of blob storages:

    • Added a helper function, ZODB.blob.is_blob_record for testing whether a data record is for a blob. This can be used when iterating over a storage to detect blob records so that blob data can be copied.

      In the future, we may want to build this into a blob-aware iteration interface, so that records get blob file attributes automatically.

    • Added the IBlobStorageRestoreable interfaces for blob storages that support recovery via a restoreBlob method.

    • Updated ZODB.blob.BlobStorage to implement IBlobStorageRestoreable and to have a copyTransactionsFrom method that also copies blob data.

  • New ClientStorage configuration option drop_cache_rather_verify. If this option is true then the ZEO client cache is dropped instead of the long (unoptimized) verification. For large caches, setting this option can avoid effective downtimes in the order of hours when the connection to the ZEO server was interrupted for a longer time.

  • Cleaned-up the storage iteration API and provided an iterator implementation for ZEO.

  • Versions are no-longer supported.

  • ZEO cache files can be larger than 4G. Note that older ZEO cache files are not supported.

  • Document conflict resolution (see ZODB/ConflictResolution.txt).

  • Support multidatabase references in conflict resolution.

  • Make it possible to examine oid and (in some situations) database name of persistent object references during conflict resolution.

  • Moved ‘transaction’ module out of ZODB. ZODB depends upon this module, but it must be installed separately.

  • ZODB installation now requires setuptools.

  • Added offset information to output of fstail script. Added test harness for this script.

  • Added support for read-only, historical connections based on datetimes or serials (TIDs). See src/ZODB/historical_connections.txt.

  • Removed the ThreadedAsync module.

  • Now depend on zc.lockfile

Bugs Fixed

  • Fix for bug #251037: Make packing of blob storages non-blocking.

  • Fix for bug #220856: Completed implementation of ZEO authentication.

  • Fix for bug #184057: Make initialisation of small ZEO client file cache sizes not fail.

  • Fix for bug #184054: MappingStorage used to raise a KeyError during load instead of a POSKeyError.

  • Fixed bug in Connection.TmpStore: load() would not defer to the backend storage for loading blobs.

  • Fix for bug #181712: Make ClientStorage update lastTransaction directly after connecting to a server, even when no cache verification is necessary.

  • Fixed bug in blob filesystem helper: the isSecure check was inversed.

  • Fixed bug in transaction buffer: a tuple was unpacked incorrectly in clear.

  • Bugfix the situation in which comparing persistent objects (for instance, as members in BTree set or keys of BTree) might cause data inconsistency during conflict resolution.

  • Fixed bug 153316: persistent and BTrees were using int for memory sizes which caused errors on x86_64 Intel Xeon machines (using 64-bit Linux).

  • Fixed small bug that the Connection.isReadOnly method didn’t work after a savepoint.

  • Bug #98275: Made ZEO cache more tolerant when invalidating current versions of objects.

  • Fixed a serious bug that could cause client I/O to stop (hang). This was accomonied by a critical log message along the lines of: “RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration”.

  • Fixed bug #127182: Blobs were subclassable which was not desired.

  • Fixed bug #126007: tpc_abort had untested code path that was broken.

  • Fixed bug #129921: getSize() function in BlobStorage could not deal with garbage files

  • Fixed bug in which MVCC would not work for blobs.

  • Fixed bug in ClientCache that occurred with objects larger than the total cache size.

3.8.1b9 (2008-??-??)

Bugs Fixed:

  • When an error occured attempting to lock a file and logging of said error was enabled.

3.8.1b8 (2008-09-22

Bugs Fixed:

  • FileStorages previously saved indexes after a certain number of writes. This was done during the last phase of two-phase commit, which made this critical phase more subject to errors than it should have been. Also, for large databases, saves were done so infrequently as to be useless. The feature was removed to reduce the chance for errors during the last phase of two-phase commit.

  • File storages previously kept an internal object id to transaction id mapping as an optimization. This mapping caused excessive memory usage and failures during the last phase of two-phase commit. This optimization has been removed.

  • Refactored handling of invalidations on ZEO clients to fix a possible ordering problem for invalidation messages.

  • An ZEO cache internal data structure can get out of sync with the data in a way that prevents data from being loaded into the cache. We don’t yet know why, but added an exception handler to prevent this error from being fatal.

  • Fixed use of setuptools vs distutils, so .c and .h files are included in the bdist_egg.

  • On many systems, it was impossible to create more than 32K blobs. Added a new blob-directory layout to work around this limitation.

3.8.1b7 (2008-08-23)

Bugs Fixed:

  • Fixed a bug, introduced in an earlier beta, that allowed clients to connect to out of date servers.

  • Fixed bug that could lead to memory errors due to the use of a Python dictionary for a mapping that can grow large.

  • Fixed bug #251037: Made packing of blob storages non-blocking.

3.8.1b6 (2008-07-24)

Bugs Fixed:

  • Fixed a bug that could cause InvalidObjectReference errors for objects that were explicitly added to a database if the object was modified after a savepoint that added the object.

3.8.1b5 (2008-07-14)

Bugs Fixed:

  • Fixed several bugs that caused ZEO cache corruption when connecting to servers. These bugs affected both persistent and non-persistent caches.

  • Improved the the ZEO client shutdown support to try to avoid spurious errors on exit, especially for scripts, such as zeopack.

3.8.1b4 (2008-05-23)

Bugs Fixed:

  • Packing failed for databases containing cross-database references.

3.8.1b3 (2008-05-14)

Bugs Fixed:

  • Cross-database references to databases with empty names weren’t constructed properly.

3.8.1b2 (2008-05-13)

Bugs Fixed:

  • The cache used an excessive amount of memory, causing applications with large caches to exhaust available memory.

3.8.1b1 (2008-05-08)

Bugs Fixed:

  • Fixed a number of bugs in the handling of persistent ZEO caches:

    • Cache records are written in several steps. If a process exits after writing begins and before it is finishes, the cache will be corrupt on restart. The way records are writted was changed to make cache record updates atomic.

    • There was no lock file to prevent opening a cache multiple times at once, which would lead to corruption. Persistent caches now use lock files, in the same way that file storages do.

    • A bug in the cache-opening logic led to cache failure in the unlikely event that a cache has no free blocks.

  • When using ZEO Client Storages, Errors occured when trying to store objects too big to fit in the ZEO cache file.

  • Fixed bug in blob filesystem helper: the isSecure check was inversed.

  • Fixed bug in transaction buffer: a tuple was unpacked incorrectly in clear.

  • Fixed bug in Connection.TmpStore: load() would not defer to the backend storage for loading blobs.

  • Fixed bug #190884: Wrong reference to POSKeyError caused NameError.

  • Completed implementation of ZEO authentication. This fixes issue 220856.

Project details

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Source Distribution

ZODB3-3.9.0a4.tar.gz (757.9 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distributions

ZODB3-3.9.0a4-py2.5-win32.egg (1.6 MB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

ZODB3-3.9.0a4-py2.4-win32.egg (1.6 MB view hashes)

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