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A minimal, yet valid double-entry accounting system in Python.

Project description


pytest PyPI

A minimal, yet valid double-entry accounting system in Python.

With abacus you can:

  • define a chart of accounts,
  • post entries to ledger,
  • make trial balance,
  • close accounts at period end,
  • produce balance sheet and income statement.

Quotes about abacus

Reddit Discussion

I think it's a great idea to mock-up a mini GL ERP to really get a foundational understanding of how the accounting in ERP works!

I teach accounting information systems... I'd be tempted to use abacus as a way of simply showing the structure of a simple AIS.

Hey, what a cool job, thanks much. Do you plan to make a possibility for RAS accounting?

Command line tools

abacus provides two command line tools called bx and cx:

  • cx has just five commands to learn that allow you to do entire accounting cycle and produce reports.
  • bx enables to define a chart of accounts beforehand and inspect individual accounts.

When starting go with cx to just to play or solve textbook problems.


pip install abacus-py

This will install the abacus package and the bx and cx command line tools.

For latest version install from github:

pip install git+

abacus-py requires Python 3.10 or higher.

cx command line tool (version 0.7.0 and higher)

With cx command line tool the entire accounting cycle can be performed using just five commands:

  1. init - start new project in empty folder,
  2. post - add new account names to chart and post accounting entry to ledger,
  3. close - add closing entries to ledger at accounting period end,
  4. name - define longer account names, and
  5. report - show trial balance, balance sheet or income statement.

Textbook example

Here is an excercise from "Accounting Principles" by Weygandt, Kimmel and Kieso (ed 12, p. 31) solved with cx.

Joan Robinson opens her own law office on July 1, 2017. During the first month of operations, the following transactions occurred.

  1. Joan invested $11,000 in cash in the law practice.
  2. Paid $800 for July rent on offi ce space.
  3. Purchased equipment on account $3,000.
  4. Performed legal services to clients for cash $1,500.
  5. Borrowed $700 cash from a bank on a note payable.
  6. Performed legal services for client on account $2,000.
  7. Paid monthly expenses: salaries and wages $500, utilities $300, and advertising $100.
  8. Joan withdrew $1,000 cash for personal use.

Here is a complete code to solve the excercise:

cx init
cx post --debit asset:cash               --credit capital:equity --amount 11000
cx post --debit expense:rent             --credit cash           --amount 800
cx post --debit asset:equipment          --credit liability:ap   --amount 3000
cx post --debit cash                     --credit income:sales   --amount 1500
cx post --debit cash                     --credit liability:note --amount 700
cx post --debit asset:ar                 --credit sales          --amount 2000
cx post --debit expense:salaries         --credit cash           --amount 500
cx post --debit expense:utilities        --credit cash           --amount 300
cx post --debit expense:ads              --credit cash           --amount 100
cx post --debit contra:equity:withdrawal --credit cash           --amount 1000
cx name ar "Accounts receivable"
cx name ap "Accounts payable"
cx name ads "Advertising"
cx report --trial-balance
cx close
cx report --balance-sheet
cx report --income-statement
See the program output
Balance sheet
ASSETS.................. 15500  CAPITAL............... 11800
  Cash.................. 10500    Equity.............. 10000
  Equipment.............  3000    Retained earnings...  1800
  Accounts receivable...  2000  LIABILITIES...........  3700
........................          Accounts payable....  3000
........................          Note................   700
TOTAL:.................. 15500  TOTAL:................ 15500

Income statement
INCOME........... 3500
  Sales.......... 3500
EXPENSES......... 1700
  Rent...........  800
  Salaries.......  500
  Utilities......  300
  Advertising....  100

Issue #49 has additional information about this example.

Note about account names

The post command accepts account names under following rules:

  • Оne colon: (asset:cash) is account type and name seperated by colon (:). Valid account types are asset, capital, liability, income, expense, or plural forms where appropriate. When first encountered, the account name is added to the chart of accounts. Account names should be unique.
  • Two colons starting with contra. In example contra:equity:withdrawal the new account name is withdrawal. This new account will be added to chart as a contra acccount to equity account.
  • No colon: Short names like cash, sales, withdrawal without colon can be used in post command after the account name is added to chart.

bx command line tool (0.6.3 and higher)

The bx command line tool has a more verbose interface than cx. The bx tool you can define chart ot accounts, post entries and close ledger, produce reports and inspect accounts.

Let's go through an example.

Working directory

Сreate temporary directory:

mkdir try_abacus
cd try_abacus

Chart of accounts

Create chart of accounts using the following:

  • chart init for new chart
  • chart add for regular accounts
  • chart offset for contra accounts
  • chart alias for naming operations
  • chart show to print chart
bx chart init
bx chart add --asset cash
bx chart add --asset ar --title "Accounts receivable"
bx chart add --asset goods --title "Inventory (goods for resale)"
bx chart add --asset prepaid_rent --title "Storage facility prepaid rent"
bx chart add --capital equity
bx chart add --liability dividend_due
bx chart add --income sales
bx chart offset sales discounts
bx chart add --expense cogs --title "Cost of goods sold"
bx chart add --expense sga --title "Selling, general and adm. expenses"
bx chart alias --operation invoice --debit ar --credit sales
bx chart alias --operation cost --debit cogs --credit goods
bx chart show

At this point you will see chart.json created:

cat chart.json


Start ledger, post entries and close accounts at period end:

bx ledger init
bx ledger post entry --debit cash  --credit equity --amount 5000 --title "Initial investment"
bx ledger post entry --debit goods --credit cash   --amount 3500 --title "Acquire goods for cash"
bx ledger post entry --debit prepaid_rent --credit cash --amount 1200 --title "Prepay rent"
bx ledger post operation invoice 4300 cost 2500 --title "Issue invoice and register sales"
bx ledger post entry --debit discounts --credit ar --amount  450 --title "Provide discount"
bx ledger post entry --debit cash  --credit ar     --amount 3000 --title "Accept payment"
bx ledger post entry --debit sga   --credit cash   --amount  300 --title "Reimburse sales team"
bx ledger post entry --debit sga --credit prepaid_rent --amount 800 --title "Expense 8 months of rent" --adjust
bx ledger close
bx ledger post entry --debit re --credit dividend_due --amount 150 --title "Accrue dividend" --after-close

At this point you will see entries.csv created:

cat entries.csv


Produce and print to screen the trial balance, balance sheet and income statement reports.

bx report --trial-balance
bx report --balance-sheet
bx report --income-statement

The results for balance sheet and income statement should look similar to this:

Balance sheet
Assets                          5500  Capital              5500
- Cash                          2700  - Equity             5000
- Accounts receivable           1500  - Retained earnings   500
- Inventory (goods for resale)  1300  Liabilities             0
Total                           5500  Total                5500

Income statement
Income                                                     3500
- Sales                                                    3500
Expenses                                                   3000
- Cost of goods sold                                       2700
- Selling, general and adm. expenses                        300
Profit                                                      500

Inspect individual accounts

account command will show detailed information about a specific account.

bx account sales

assert is useful in testing - it makes sure account balance equals specific value after all postings.

bx assert cash 3000

Account balances

Print to screen a JSON file with account names and account balances.

bx balances --nonzero

This command is used in carring balances forward to next period.

# save output to end.json
bx balances --nonzero > end.json

# copy end.json and chart.json to a new folder and do:
bx ledger init end.json
Python code (`scripts/`)
from abacus import Chart, Entry, BalanceSheet, IncomeStatement

chart = (
        assets=["cash", "ar", "goods"],
        expenses=["cogs", "sga"],
        equity=["equity", "re"],
    .offset("sales", "discounts")
    .set_name("cogs", "Cost of goods sold")
    .set_name("sga", "Selling, general and adm.expenses")
    .set_name("goods", "Inventory (goods for sale)")
    .set_name("ar", "Accounts receivable")

ledger = (
    .post(Entry(debit="cash", credit="equity", amount=1000))
    .post(Entry(debit="goods", credit="cash", amount=800))
    .post(Entry(debit="ar", credit="sales", amount=465))
    .post(Entry(debit="discounts", credit="ar", amount=65))
    .post(Entry(debit="cogs", credit="goods", amount=200))
    .post(Entry(debit="sga", credit="cash", amount=100))
    .post(Entry(debit="cash", credit="ar", amount=360))

income_statement = ledger.income_statement(chart)
assert income_statement == IncomeStatement(
    income={"sales": 400}, expenses={"cogs": 200, "sga": 100}

balance_sheet = ledger.balance_sheet(chart)
assert balance_sheet == BalanceSheet(
    assets={"cash": 460, "ar": 40, "goods": 600},
    capital={"equity": 1000, "re": 100},

# Create end of period balances
end_balances = ledger.nonzero_balances()
next_book = chart.ledger(starting_balances=end_balances)



Anything missing in abacus? Got a good use case for abacus or used abacus for teaching?

Feel free to contact abacus author in issues, on reddit or via Telegram.

Your feedback is highly appreciated and should help steering abacus development.


Program design

abacus is designed around core accounting concepts such as chart of accounts, general ledger, accounting entry and financial reports. These concepts correspond to classes created inside abacus: Chart, Ledger, Entry, BalanceSheet and IncomeStatement.

Here is a workflow scetch under which these classes interact:

  • you add new accounts to Chart indicating the account type,
  • from Chart you create empty Ledger,
  • an Entry or a list of entries [Entry] is posted to Ledger,
  • there is a procedure to create a list of closing entries for Ledger at period end,
  • these closing entries are posted to ledger,
  • from Ledger you can get account balances,
  • the account balances are used to create trial balance, BalanceSheet and IncomeStatement.

You need to import just abacus.Chart and abacus.Entry classes to write code for the entire accounting cycle as other classes (Ledger, balances, BalanceSheet and IncomeStatement) will be derived form Chart and Entry.

In the sequence above the most tricky part is probably the closing entries, thus special care is given to documenting them in the abacus.closing module.

abacus type system also handles contra accounts, for example property, plant and equipment account is an instance of Asset class, while depreciation is a ContraAsset class instance. The temporary contra accounts (those accounts that offsett Income and Expense) will be closed at period end, while permanent contra accounts (offsetting Asset, Equity and Liability) will be carried forward to next period to preserve useful information.

For storage we persist just the chart and the entries posted. We do not save the state of the ledger. Given the chart (from chart.json file) and accounting entries (from the entries.json file) we can calculate ledger state at any time. This state may be cached to speed up retieval of balances in a bigger systems (see solution used in medici package).

If you into functional programming, the entire type signature for abacus is the following:

Chart -> [Entry] -> Ledger -> [ClosingEntry] -> Ledger -> (BalanceSheet, IncomeStatement)
  1. start with chart
  2. add a list of entries
  3. create ledger
  4. calualte closing entries
  5. post closing entries to ledger
  6. calculate balance sheet and income statement

In general, what abacus (or any other double entry accounting program) does is maintaining an extended accounting equation in balance. If you are comfortable with this idea, the rest of program flow and code should be more easy to follow.

Note that real ERP and accounting systems do a lot more than double entry accounting, for example keeping the original document references and maintaining identities of the clients and suppliers as well as keeping extra data about contracts and whatever management accounting may need to have a record of (for example, your inventory).

Most of this funcitonality is out of scope for a double entry ledger. We just need a chart of accounts, create a ledger based on chart, post entries that have information about debit account, credit account and amount, close ledger at period end and produce financial reports, plus allow creating a trail balance and doing adjustment and post-close entries if needed.


You will need just command runner and poetry package manager for developing abacus.

All commands for testing I gather in just grill command. This command will launch:

  • pytest for unit tests
  • mypy to check type annotations
  • isort to sort imports
  • black for code formatting
  • ruff for code check and linting
  • prettier to clean markdown files
  • extracting and running code from
  • a few bash scripts to test the bx and cx command line tools.

I found that testing CLI with bash files, one for chart, ledger, reports and inspect commands, accelerates the development workflow.



The cx command line tool enables to run entire accounting cycle from postings to reports with just five commands:

  • init - start new project in folder,
  • post - post accounting entry with debit account, credit account and transaction amount,
  • close - post closing entries at accounting period end,
  • name - specify verbose account names for reports, and
  • report - show trial balance, balance sheet or income statement.

There is a textbook example from Principles of Accounting textbook by Weygandt, Kimmel and Kieso - the starting of Joan Robinson law office (ed 12, p. 31). There are 11 transactions in the excercise and under 20 lines of code to solve it with abacus, check it out!

Posted the changelog to Reddit as

Project details

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Source Distribution

abacus_py-0.7.0.tar.gz (41.2 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

abacus_py-0.7.0-py3-none-any.whl (41.1 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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