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An educational module about linear AC electrical circuits

Project description

acelectricity module

The aim of this project is to understand the rudiments of linear AC electrical circuits and their functioning.

Basic electrical quantities

  • Voltage (volt)
  • Current (ampere)
  • Impedance Z (ohm)
  • Admittance Y (siemens)
  • Active power P (watt)
  • Reactive power Q (var)
  • Apparent power S (VA)

Electrical laws

  • Kirchhoff’s current law
  • Kirchhoff’s voltage law
  • Ohm's law
  • Impedances, admittances in series and parallel
  • Voltage divider and current divider
  • Millman's theorem
  • Joule's first law (S=I²Z)
  • Power law (S=V.I*)

Others features

  • Bode plot (with cursors and sliders)
  • User-defined transfer function H(jω)
  • Digital filter frequency response

AC Circuit diagram

Circuit should only contain :

  • independent sine voltage source
  • independent sine current source
  • resistors, inductors, capacitors

Example circuit

            +------+    _  _  _
      --->--| R1   |---/ \/ \/ \-----+-------+
        IL  +------+                 |       |
                                     |       |
    ^                             IR v       v IC
    |                                |       |      ^
    |                              +---+     |  C1  |
    |                              |   |   -----    |
Vin |                              |R2 |   -----    | Vout
    |                              |   |     |      |
    |                              +---+     |      |
    |                                |       | 
                                     |       |

Datas :
Vin = 5 Vrms
Inductor : L1 = 100 mH ; R1 = 180 Ω
R2 = 2.2 kΩ ; C1 = 330 nF

What are the IL, IR, IC currents ?
What are the VL, Vout voltages ?
What is the frequency response Vout/Vin ?

>>> from acelectricity import *
>>> Vin = Voltage(5)  # Vrms
>>> Zr1 = Impedance(r=180)
>>> Zl1 = Impedance(l=0.1)
>>> Zr2 = Impedance(r=2200)
>>> Zc1 = Impedance(c=330e-9)

>>> Zeq1 = 1/(1/Zr2 + 1/Zc1)  # impedances in parallel
>>> # or Zeq1 = Zr2//Zc1
>>> Zeq1
Complex impedance (Ω) : 100.88-460.173j @ 1.0 kHz
>>> Zeq = Zr1 + Zl1 + Zeq1  # impedances in series
>>> Zeq(2000)  # @ 2000 Hz
>>> IL = Vin/Zeq  # Ohm's law
Frequency (Hz) : 2000
Angular frequency (rad/s) : 12566.4

Complex current : 0.000954663-0.00471665j
Amplitude (Arms) : 0.00481229
Amplitude (A) : 0.00680561
Amplitude (dBA ref 1 Arms) : -46.3529621108357
Phase (degrees) : -78.5577
Phase (radians) : -1.37109
i(t) = 0.00680561×sin(12566.4×t -1.371091)

>>> Vout = IL*Zeq1  # Ohm's law
>>> VL = Vin-Vout  # Kirchhoff’s voltage law
>>> IC = Vout/Zc1  # Ohm's law
>>> IR = IL-IC  # Kirchhoff’s current law
>>> H = Vout/Vin  # transfer function

>>> # draw Bode plot and save datas
>>> H.bode(title='Vout/Vin transfer function', filename='h.csv')
>>> IL.bode(magnitude_unit='default', yscale='linear', title='IL current')
>>> Zeq.bode(yscale='log', title='Zeq frequency response')
>>> Zeq.bode_imag(title='Zeq reactance frequency response')
>>> show()


Zoom and data cursors :





Impedances and admittances

>>> Yr2 = 1/Zr2
>>> Yc1 = 1/Zc1
>>> Yc1
Complex admittance (S) : 0+0.00207345j @ 1.0 kHz
>>> 1/Yc1
Complex impedance (Ω) : 0-482.288j @ 1.0 kHz
>>> 1/(Yr2+Yc1)
Complex impedance (Ω) : 100.88-460.173j @ 1.0 kHz
>>> Zr2*(Zc1/(Zr2+Zc1))
Complex impedance (Ω) : 100.88-460.173j @ 1.0 kHz

Law class

>>> law = Law()
>>> # voltage divider
>>> Vout = law.VoltageDivider(vtotal=Vin, z=Zr2//Zc1, z2=Zr1+Zl1)
>>> Vout
Complex voltage (Vrms) : -2.28808-6.8219j @ 1.0 kHz
>>> Vin*(Zeq1/Zeq)
Complex voltage (Vrms) : -2.28808-6.8219j @ 1.0 kHz
>>> # Millman's theorem
>>> gnd = Voltage(0)
>>> Vout = law.Millman(v_z=[(Vin, Zr1+Zl1), (gnd, Zr2), (gnd, Zc1)])
>>> Vout
Complex voltage (Vrms) : -2.28808-6.8219j @ 1.0 kHz
>>> (Vin/(Zr1+Zl1))/(1/(Zr1+Zl1) +1/Zr2 +1/Zc1)
Complex voltage (Vrms) : -2.28808-6.8219j @ 1.0 kHz
>>> Vout/Vin
Ratio : -0.457615-1.36438j @ 1.0 kHz
>>> # current divider
>>> IC = law.CurrentDivider(itotal=IL, z=Zc1, z2=Zr2)
>>> IC
Complex current (Arms) : 0.0141449-0.00474421j @ 1.0 kHz
>>> IL*Zr2/(Zr2 +Zc1)
Complex current (Arms) : 0.0141449-0.00474421j @ 1.0 kHz

Electrical power, Joule's first law

>>> S = IL*Vin  # input source complex power
Frequency (Hz) : 1000
Angular frequency (rad/s) : 6283.19

Complex power : 0.0655242+0.0392254j

Active power P (W) : +0.0655242
Reactive power Q (var) : +0.0392254
Apparent power S (VA) : 0.0763678

Phase (degrees) : +30.9064
Phase (radians) : +0.539419
Power factor PF : 0.8580073402000852

Active power (dBW ref 1 W) : -11.835985322667693

>>> Sr1 = law.Joule(z=Zr1, i=IL)
>>> Sr1
Complex power (W): 0.0419907+0j @ 1.0 kHz
>>> Zr1*IL*IL
Complex power (W): 0.0419907+0j @ 1.0 kHz
>>> Sr2 = law.Joule(z=Zr2, v=Vout)
>>> Sr2
Complex power (W): 0.0235334 @ 1.0 kHz
>>> Sl1 = Zl1*IL*IL
Complex power (W): 0+0.146575j @ 1.0 kHz
>>> Sc1 = Zc1*IC*IC
Complex power (W): 0-0.10735j @ 1.0 kHz
>>> Sr1 +Sr2 +Sc1 +Sl1
Complex power (W): 0.0655242+0.0392254j @ 1.0 kHz

Parameters analysis

>>> Vin.RMS = 10
>>> Vin.phase = 45
>>> Zr1.r = 100
>>> Zl1.l = 0.22
>>> Zr2.r = 1000
>>> Zc1.c = 100e-9
>>> H.bode(title='Vout/Vin transfer function', filename='h2.csv')
>>> IL.bode(magnitude_unit='default', yscale='linear', title='IL current')
>>> show()



>>> for Zr2.r in [10, 100, 1e3, 1e4]:
        H.bode(title="Vout/Vin with R2={} Ω".format(Zr2.r))
>>> show()

Add widgets : slider and button

>>> fig, ax1, ax2, mag, ph = H.bode(title='Vout/Vin transfer function')
>>> fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, bottom=0.35, right=0.85, top=0.9)

>>> ax_r1 = plt.axes([0.15, 0.20, 0.4, 0.03])
>>> ax_l1 = plt.axes([0.15, 0.15, 0.4, 0.03])
>>> ax_r2 = plt.axes([0.15, 0.10, 0.4, 0.03])
>>> ax_c1 = plt.axes([0.15, 0.05, 0.4, 0.03])

>>> slider_r1 = Slider(ax_r1, 'r1 (Ω)', 10, 300,
    valinit=Zr1.r, valstep=1)
>>> slider_l1 = Slider(ax_l1, 'l1 (H)', 0.01, 1,
    valinit=Zl1.l, valstep=0.01)
>>> slider_r2 = Slider(ax_r2, 'r2 (Ω)', 1e3, 1e4,
    valinit=Zr2.r, valstep=10)
>>> slider_c1 = Slider(ax_c1, 'c1 (nF)', 100, 1000,
    valinit=Zc1.c*1e9, valstep=1)

>>> def update(val):
        Zr1.r = slider_r1.val
        Zl1.l = slider_l1.val
        Zr2.r = slider_r2.val
        Zc1.c = slider_c1.val*1e-9
        xvalues = mag.get_xdata()
        magnitudes = [H.db(x) for x in xvalues]
        phases = [H.phase_deg(x) for x in xvalues]

>>> slider_r1.on_changed(update)
>>> slider_l1.on_changed(update)
>>> slider_r2.on_changed(update)
>>> slider_c1.on_changed(update)

>>> ax_button = plt.axes([0.7, 0.10, 0.15, 0.06])
>>> button = Button(ax_button, 'Autoscale')

>>> def autoscale(event):

>>> button.on_clicked(autoscale)
>>> show()


User-defined transfer function

Example 1 : second order band-pass filter

>>> from acelectricity import *
>>> # static gain, damping value, normal angular frequency
>>> a, z, wn = 10, 0.1, 1000*2*math.pi
>>> H = Ratio(fw=lambda w: a*(2*z*1j*w/wn)/(1+2*z*1j*w/wn-(w/wn)**2))
>>> H.bode(filename='H.csv')
>>> a, z, wn = 100, 0.5, 10000
>>> H.bode(filename='H2.csv')
>>> show()

or :

>>> a, z, wn = 10, 0.1, 1000*2*math.pi
>>> H = Ratio.transfer_function(numerator=[0, a*(2*z*1j/wn)],
    denominator=[1, 2*z*1j/wn, -1/wn**2])
>>> H.bode(filename='H3.csv')
>>> a, z, wn = 100, 0.5, 10000
>>> # new instance
>>> H = Ratio.transfer_function(numerator=[0, a*(2*z*1j/wn)],
    denominator=[1, 2*z*1j/wn, -1/wn**2])
>>> H.bode(filename='H4.csv')
>>> show()

Example 2 : cascaded series, parallel filters

>>> from acelectricity import *
>>> # first order low-pass filter
>>> wn = 10000
>>> Hlp = Ratio(fw=lambda w: 1/(1+1j*w/wn))
>>> # first order high-pass filter
>>> Hhp = Ratio(fw=lambda w: 1/(1+1j*wn/w))
>>> Hs = Hlp*Hhp  # cascaded series filters
>>> Hs.bode()
>>> Hp = Hlp+Hhp  # parallel filters
>>> Hp.bode()
>>> show()

Example 3 : linear control system

          +      +------+
     -->---(X)---| G(w) |----+--->--
          - |    +------+    |
            |                |
            |    +------+    |
            +----| H(w) |-<--+

>>> from acelectricity import *
>>> # feedforward transfer function
>>> # first order low-pass filter
>>> wn = 10000
>>> G = Ratio.transfer_function([1], [1, 1j/wn])
>>> # feedback transfer function
>>> H = Ratio.transfer_function([10])  # constant
>>> # open-loop transfer function
>>> Hopenloop = G*H
>>> Hopenloop.bode()
>>> # closed-loop transfer function
>>> Hcloseloop = G/(1+Hopenloop)
>>> Hcloseloop.bode()
>>> show()

Digital filter frequency response

y(n) = 0.1x(n) +1.6y(n-1) -0.7y(n-2)
>>> from acelectricity import *
>>> fs = 100000  # sampling rate (Hz)
>>> H = Ratio.digital_filter(fs=fs, b=[0.1], a=[1, -1.6, 0.7])
>>> H.bode(xmin=fs*0.001, xmax=fs/2, xscale='linear',
    title='IIR digital filter')
>>> show()


y(n) = (x(n)+x(n-1)+x(n-2)+x(n-3))/4
>>> from acelectricity import *
>>> fs = 10000  # sampling rate (Hz)
>>> H = Ratio.digital_filter(fs=fs, b=[0.25]*4)
>>> H.bode(xmin=fs*0.001, xmax=fs/2, xscale='linear',
    title='FIR digital filter')
>>> show()


Custom default frequency

>>> from acelectricity import *
>>> Yc = Admittance(c=220e-6)
>>> Yc
Complex admittance (S) : 0+1.3823j @ 1.0 kHz
>>> ElectricalQuantity.DEFAULT_FREQUENCY = 50
>>> Yc
Complex admittance (S) : 0+0.069115j @ 50 Hz
>>> 1/Yc
Complex impedance (Ω) : 0-14.4686j @ 50 Hz


Ideal filters

>>> from acelectricity import *
>>> def lp(w):
        wn = 10000
        return 1 if w < wn else 0.001
>>> def hp(w):
        wn = 1000
        return 10 if w > wn else 0.001
>>> def bp(w):
        wn1, wn2 = 1000, 10000
        return 1 if wn2 > w > wn1 else 0.001
>>> def notch(w):
        wn1, wn2 = 4000, 5000
        return 0.001 if wn2 > w > wn1 else 1
>>> def allpass(w):
        wn = 10000
        return 1j if w > wn else -1j
>>> Hlp = Ratio(fw=lp)
>>> Hhp = Ratio(fw=hp)
>>> Hbp = Ratio(fw=bp)
>>> Hnotch = Ratio(fw=notch)
>>> Hallpass = Ratio(fw=allpass)
>>> Hallpass.bode(title='Ideal all-pass filter')
>>> (Hhp+Hlp).bode(title='Ideal filter Bode plot')
>>> show()



Note : remember that ideal filters are not realizable (not causal).

Asymptotic Bode diagram

>>> def lp1(w):
        # first order low-pass filter 1/(1+1j*w/wn)
        # asymptotic approximation
        wn = 1000
        return 1 if w < wn else 1/(1j*w/wn)
>>> def lp2(w):
        wn = 30000
        return 1 if w < wn else 1/(1j*w/wn)
>>> Hlp1 = Ratio(fw=lp1);Hlp2 = Ratio(fw=lp2)
>>> (Hlp1*Hlp2).bode(title='Asymptotic Bode plot')
>>> show()


Advantages and limitations

This module manages basic arithmetic operations + - * / as well as // which designates two impedances in parallel.

The dimensional homogeneity is checked :

>>> V3 = V1 - V2 + I3  # V+A -> Error
TypeError : Voltage expected
>>> I1 = Current(2)
>>> I = I1 + 0.5  # A+number -> Error
TypeError : Current expected
>>> I2 = Current(0.5, phase=30)
>>> I = I1 + I2
>>> I
Complex current (Arms) : 2.43301+0.25j @ 1.0 kHz
>>> I = 5*I2 - V1/Z1 + I3

The result of any operation must give a quantity whose unit is one of : V, A, Ω, S, W (or ratio).
Otherwise, you will get an error :

>>> Z1/V1  # Ω/V -> 1/A -> Error
>>> U2*(Z3/(Z2+Z3))  # V*(Ω/Ω) -> V*() -> V
>>> U2*Z3/(Z2+Z3)  # V*Ω -> Error
>>> S = V1*(V1/Z1)  # V*(V/Ω) -> V*A -> W
>>> S = V1*V1/Z1    # V*V -> Error

See also

Project details

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