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An open source chat bot for voice (and multimodal) assistants

Project description



achatbot factory, create chat bots with llm, asr, tts, vad, etc..

Project Structure



  • cmd chat bots:
    • local-terminal-chat(be/fe)
    • remote-queue-chat(be/fe)
    • grpc-terminal-chat(be/fe)
    • grpc-speaker
    • http fastapi_daily_bot_serve (with chat bots pipeline)
  • support transport connector: pipe(UNIX socket), grpc, queue (redis), (!TODO: websocket, TCP/IP socket)
  • chat bot processors:
    • aggreators(llm use, assistant message),
    • ai_frameworks(langchain rag), (!TODO: llamaindex rag)
    • realtime voice inference(RTVI),
    • transport:
      • webRTC/webSocket: daily, (!TODO: livekit, cloudflare-calls, etc..)
    • ai processor: llm, tts, asr etc..
  • core module:
    • local llm: llama-cpp, (!TODO: baby-llm llama2, gundam), mlx_lm, transformers etc..)
    • api llm: personal-ai(like openai api, other ai provider)
  • AI modules:
    • functions:
      • search: search,search1,serper
      • weather: openweathermap
    • speech:
      • asr: sense_voice_asr, whisper_asr, whisper_timestamped_asr, whisper_faster_asr, whisper_transformers_asr, whisper_mlx_asr, lightning_whisper_mlx_asr(!TODO), whisper_groq_asr
      • audio_stream: daily_room_audio_stream(in/out), pyaudio_stream(in/out)
      • detector: porcupine_wakeword,pyannote_vad,webrtc_vad,silero_vad,webrtc_silero_vad
      • player: stream_player
      • recorder: rms_recorder, wakeword_rms_recorder, vad_recorder, wakeword_vad_recorder
      • tts: tts_chat,tts_coqui,tts_cosy_voice,tts_edge,tts_g
      • vad_analyzer: daily_webrtc_vad_analyzer,silero_vad_analyzer
    • vision(!TODO)
  • gen modules config(*.yaml, local/test/prod) from env with file: .env u also use HfArgumentParser this module's args to local cmd parse args
  • deploy to cloud ☁️ serverless:
    • vercel (frontend ui pages)
    • Cloudflare(frontend ui pages), personal ai workers
    • fastapi-daily-chat-bot on cerebrium (provider aws)
    • aws lambda + api Gateway
    • etc...

Service Deployment Architecture

UI (easy to deploy with github like pages)

Server Deploy (CD)


[!NOTE] python --version >= 3.10

[!TIP] use uv + pip to run, install the required dependencies fastly, e.g.: uv pip install achatbot uv pip install "achatbot[fastapi_bot_server]"


python3 -m venv .venv_achatbot
source .venv_achatbot/bin/activate
pip install achatbot
# optional-dependencies e.g.
pip install "achatbot[fastapi_bot_server]"


git clone
cd chat-bot
python3 -m venv .venv_achatbot
source .venv_achatbot/bin/activate
bash scripts/ dev
# optional-dependencies e.g.
pip install "dist/achatbot-{$version}-py3-none-any.whl[fastapi_bot_server]"

Run chat bots

Run local chat bots


  1. run pip install "achatbot[local_terminal_chat_bot]" to install dependencies to run local terminal chat bot;

  2. create achatbot data dir in $HOME dir mkdir -p ~/.achatbot/{log,config,models,records,videos};

  3. cp .env.example .env, and check .env, add key/value env params;

  4. select a model ckpt to download:

    • vad model ckpt (default vad ckpt model use silero vad)
    # vad pyannote segmentation ckpt
    huggingface-cli download pyannote/segmentation-3.0  --local-dir ~/.achatbot/models/pyannote/segmentation-3.0 --local-dir-use-symlinks False
    • asr model ckpt (default whipser ckpt model use base size)
    # asr openai whisper ckpt
    wget -O ~/.achatbot/models/
    # asr hf openai whisper ckpt for transformers pipeline to load
    huggingface-cli download openai/whisper-base  --local-dir ~/.achatbot/models/openai/whisper-base --local-dir-use-symlinks False
    # asr hf faster whisper (CTranslate2)
    huggingface-cli download Systran/faster-whisper-base  --local-dir ~/.achatbot/models/Systran/faster-whisper-base --local-dir-use-symlinks False
    # asr SenseVoice ckpt
    huggingface-cli download FunAudioLLM/SenseVoiceSmall  --local-dir ~/.achatbot/models/FunAudioLLM/SenseVoiceSmall --local-dir-use-symlinks False
    • llm model ckpt (default llamacpp ckpt(ggml) model use qwen-2 instruct 1.5B size)
    # llm llamacpp Qwen2-Instruct
    huggingface-cli download Qwen/Qwen2-1.5B-Instruct-GGUF qwen2-1_5b-instruct-q8_0.gguf  --local-dir ~/.achatbot/models --local-dir-use-symlinks False
    # llm llamacpp Qwen1.5-chat
    huggingface-cli download Qwen/Qwen1.5-7B-Chat-GGUF qwen1_5-7b-chat-q8_0.gguf  --local-dir ~/.achatbot/models --local-dir-use-symlinks False
    # llm llamacpp phi-3-mini-4k-instruct
    huggingface-cli download microsoft/Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct-gguf Phi-3-mini-4k-instruct-q4.gguf --local-dir ~/.achatbot/models --local-dir-use-symlinks False
    • tts model ckpt (default whipser ckpt model use base size)
    # tts chatTTS
    huggingface-cli download 2Noise/ChatTTS  --local-dir ~/.achatbot/models/2Noise/ChatTTS --local-dir-use-symlinks False
    # tts coquiTTS
    huggingface-cli download coqui/XTTS-v2  --local-dir ~/.achatbot/models/coqui/XTTS-v2 --local-dir-use-symlinks False
    # tts cosy voice
    git lfs install
    git clone ~/.achatbot/models/CosyVoice-300M
    git clone ~/.achatbot/models/CosyVoice-300M-SFT
    git clone ~/.achatbot/models/CosyVoice-300M-Instruct
    #git clone ~/.achatbot/models/CosyVoice-ttsfrd
  5. run local terminal chat bot with env; e.g.

    • use dufault env params to run local chat bot
        python -m achatbot.cmd.local-terminal-chat.generate_audio2audio > ~/.achatbot/log/std_out.log

Run remote http fastapi daily chat bots

  1. run pip install "achatbot[fastapi_daily_bot_server]" to install dependencies to run http fastapi daily chat bot;

  2. run below cmd to start http server, see api docs:

    ACHATBOT_PKG=1 python -m achatbot.cmd.http.server.fastapi_daily_bot_serve
  3. run chat bot processor, e.g.

    • run a daily langchain rag bot api, with ui/educator-client

    [!NOTE] need process youtube audio save to local file with pytube, run pip install "achatbot[pytube,deep_translator]" to install dependencies and transcribe/translate to text, then chunks to vector store, and run langchain rag bot api; run data process:

    ACHATBOT_PKG=1 python -m achatbot.cmd.bots.rag.data_process.youtube_audio_transcribe_to_tidb

    or download processed data from hf dataset weege007/youtube_videos, then chunks to vector store .

    curl -XPOST "" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d $'{"config":{"llm":{"model":"llama-3.1-70b-versatile","messages":[{"role":"system","content":""}],"language":"zh"},"tts":{"tag":"cartesia_tts_processor","args":{"voice_id":"eda5bbff-1ff1-4886-8ef1-4e69a77640a0","language":"zh"}},"asr":{"tag":"deepgram_asr_processor","args":{"language":"zh","model":"nova-2"}}}}' | jq .
    • run a simple daily chat bot api, with ui/web-client-ui (default language: zh)
    curl -XPOST "" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{}' | jq .

Run remote rpc chat bot worker

  1. run pip install "achatbot[remote_rpc_chat_bot_be_worker]" to install dependencies to run rpc chat bot BE worker; e.g. :
    • use dufault env params to run rpc chat bot BE worker
    TTS_TAG=tts_edge \
    python -m achatbot.cmd.grpc.terminal-chat.generate_audio2audio > ~/.achatbot/log/be_std_out.log
  1. run pip install "achatbot[remote_rpc_chat_bot_fe]" to install dependencies to run rpc chat bot FE;
    TTS_TAG=tts_edge \
    python -m achatbot.cmd.grpc.terminal-chat.generate_audio2audio > ~/.achatbot/log/fe_std_out.log

Run remote queue chat bot worker

  1. run pip install "achatbot[remote_queue_chat_bot_be_worker]" to install dependencies to run queue chat bot worker; e.g.:
    • use default env params to run
        python -m achatbot.cmd.remote-queue-chat.generate_audio2audio > ~/.achatbot/log/be_std_out.log
    • sense_voice(asr) -> qwen (llm) -> cosy_voice (tts) u can login redislabs create 30M free databases; set REDIS_HOST,REDIS_PORT and REDIS_PASSWORD to run, e.g.:
       TQDM_DISABLE=True \
       REDIS_PASSWORD=$redis_pwd \ \
       REDIS_PORT=14241 \
       ASR_TAG=sense_voice_asr \
       ASR_LANG=zn \
       ASR_MODEL_NAME_OR_PATH=~/.achatbot/models/FunAudioLLM/SenseVoiceSmall \
       LLM_MODEL_NAME=qwen \
       LLM_MODEL_PATH=~/.achatbot/models/qwen1_5-7b-chat-q8_0.gguf \
       TTS_TAG=tts_cosy_voice \
       python -m achatbot.cmd.remote-queue-chat.generate_audio2audio > ~/.achatbot/log/be_std_out.log
  2. run pip install "achatbot[remote_queue_chat_bot_fe]" to install the required packages to run quueue chat bot frontend; e.g.:
    • use default env params to run (default vad_recorder)
        REDIS_PASSWORD=$redis_pwd \ \
        REDIS_PORT=14241 \
        python -m achatbot.cmd.remote-queue-chat.generate_audio2audio > ~/.achatbot/log/fe_std_out.log
    • with wake word
        REDIS_PASSWORD=$redis_pwd \ \
        REDIS_PORT=14241 \
        RECORDER_TAG=wakeword_rms_recorder \
        python -m achatbot.cmd.remote-queue-chat.generate_audio2audio > ~/.achatbot/log/fe_std_out.log
    • default pyaudio player stream with tts tag out sample info(rate,channels..), e.g.: (be use tts_cosy_voice out stream info)
         REDIS_PASSWORD=$redis_pwd \ \
         REDIS_PORT=14241 \
         RUN_OP=fe \
         TTS_TAG=tts_cosy_voice \
         python -m achatbot.cmd.remote-queue-chat.generate_audio2audio > ~/.achatbot/log/fe_std_out.log

remote_queue_chat_bot_be_worker in colab examples : Open In Colab

  • sense_voice(asr) -> qwen (llm) -> cosy_voice (tts):

Run remote grpc tts speaker bot

  1. run pip install "achatbot[remote_grpc_tts_server]" to install dependencies to run grpc tts speaker bot server;
ACHATBOT_PKG=1 python -m achatbot.cmd.grpc.speaker.server.serve
  1. run pip install "achatbot[remote_grpc_tts_client]" to install dependencies to run grpc tts speaker bot client;
ACHATBOT_PKG=1 TTS_TAG=tts_edge IS_RELOAD=1 python -m achatbot.cmd.grpc.speaker.client
ACHATBOT_PKG=1 TTS_TAG=tts_g IS_RELOAD=1 python -m achatbot.cmd.grpc.speaker.client
ACHATBOT_PKG=1 TTS_TAG=tts_coqui IS_RELOAD=1 python -m achatbot.cmd.grpc.speaker.client
ACHATBOT_PKG=1 TTS_TAG=tts_chat IS_RELOAD=1 python -m achatbot.cmd.grpc.speaker.client
ACHATBOT_PKG=1 TTS_TAG=tts_cosy_voice IS_RELOAD=1 python -m achatbot.cmd.grpc.speaker.client

Multimodal Interaction

audio (voice)

  • stream-stt (realtime-recorder) audio-text

  • audio-llm (multimode-chat) pipe queue

  • stream-tts (realtime-(clone)-speaker) text-audio audio-text text-audio

vision (CV)

  • stream-ocr (realtime-object-dectection)


  • Embodied Intelligence: Robots that touch the world, perceive and move

Project details

Download files

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Source Distribution

achatbot- (351.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

achatbot- (493.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

Supported by

AWS AWS Cloud computing and Security Sponsor Datadog Datadog Monitoring Fastly Fastly CDN Google Google Download Analytics Microsoft Microsoft PSF Sponsor Pingdom Pingdom Monitoring Sentry Sentry Error logging StatusPage StatusPage Status page