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Python library for interfacing with Acrome Smart Motor Drivers (SMD) products.

Project description


This library provides easy-to-use Python modules and methods for interfacing with Acrome Smart Motor Driver products.




  • Red Class

    Methods of the Red class are used for the underlying logic of the Master class. As such, it is not recommended for users to call Red class methods explicitly. Users may create instances of the class in order to attach to the master. Thus, only __init__ constructor is given here.

    • __init__(self, ID: int):

      This is the initalizer for Red class which represents an object of SMD (Smart Motor Drivers) driver.

      ID argument is the device ID of the created driver.

  • Master Class

    • __init__(self, portname, baudrate=115200)

      Return: None

      This is the initializer for Master class which controls the serial bus.

      portname argument is the serial/COM port of the host computer which is connected to the Acrome Smart Motor Drivers via Mastercard.

      baudrate argument specifies the baudrate of the serial port. User may change this value to something between 3.053 KBits/s and 12.5 MBits/s. However, it is up to the user to select a value which is supported by the user's host computer.

    • update_driver_baudrate(self, id: int, br: int):

      Return: None

      This method updates the baudrate of the driver, saves it to EEPROM and resets the driver board. Once the board is up again, the new baudrate is applied.

      id argument is the device ID of the connected driver.

      br argument is the user entered baudrate value. This value must be between 3.053 KBits/s and 12.5 MBits/s.

    • update_master_baudrate(self, br: int):

      Return: None

      This method updates the baudrate of the host computer's serial port and should be called after changing the baudrate of the driver board to sustain connection.

      br argument is the user entered baudrate value. This value must be between 3.053 KBits/s and 12.5 MBits/s.

    • attach(self, driver: Red):

      Return: None

      This method attaches an instance of Red class to the master. If a device ID is not attached to the master beforehand, methods of the master class will not work on the given device ID.

      driver argument is an instance of the Red class. Argument must be an instance with a valid device ID.

    • detach(self, id: int):

      Return: None

      This method removes the driver with the given device ID from the master. Any future action to the removed device ID will fail unless it is re-attached.

    • set_variables(self, id: int, idx_val_pairs=[], ack=False)

      Return: List of the acknowledged variables or None

      This method updates the variables of the driver board with respect to given index/value pairs.

      id argument is the device ID of the connected driver.

      idx_val_pairs argument is a list, consisting of lists of parameter indexes and their value correspondents.

    • get_variables(self, id: int, index_list: list)

      Return: List of the read variables or None

      This method reads the variables of the driver board with respect to given index list.

      id argument is the device ID of the connected driver.

      index_list argument is a list with every element is a parameter index intended to read.

    • set_variables_sync(self, index: Index, id_val_pairs=[])

      Return: List of the read variables or None

      This method updates a specific variable of the multiple driver boards at once.

      index argument is the parameter to be updated.

      id_val_pairs argument is a list, consisting of lists of device IDs and the desired parameter value correspondents.

    • scan(self)

      Return: List of the connected driver device IDs.

      This method scans the serial port, detects and returns the connected drivers.

    • reboot(self, id: int)

      Return: None

      This method reboots the driver with given ID. Any runtime parameter or configuration which is not saved to EEPROM is lost after a reboot. EEPROM retains itself.

      id argument is the device ID of the connected driver.

    • factory_reset(self, id: int)

      Return: None

      This method clears the EEPROM config of the driver and restores it to factory defaults.

      id argument is the device ID of the connected driver.

    • eeprom_write(self, id: int, ack=False)

      Return: None

      This method clears the EEPROM config of the driver and restores it to factory defaults.

      id argument is the device ID of the connected driver.

    • ping(self, id: int)

      Return: True or False

      This method sends a ping package to the driver and returns True if it receives an acknowledge otherwise False.

      id argument is the device ID of the connected driver.

    • reset_encoder(self, id: int)

      Return: None

      This method resets the encoder counter to zero.

      id argument is the device ID of the connected driver.

    • scan_sensors(self, id: int)

      Return: List of connected sensors

      This method scans and returns the sensor IDs which are currently connected to a driver.

      id argument is the device ID of the connected driver.

    • enter_bootloader(self, id: int)

      Return: None

      This method puts the driver into bootloader. After a call to this function, firmware of the driver can be updated with a valid binary or hex file. To exit the bootloader, unplug - plug the driver from power or press the reset button.

      id argument is the device ID of the connected driver.

    • get_driver_info(self, id: int)

      Return: Dictionary containing version info

      This method reads the hardware and software versions of the driver and returns as a dictionary.

      id argument is the device ID of the connected driver.

    • update_driver_id(self, id: int, id_new: int)

      Return: None

      This method updates the device ID of the driver temporarily. eeprom_write(self, id:int) method must be called to register the new device ID.

      id argument is the device ID of the connected driver.

      id_new argument is the new intended device ID of the connected driver.

    • enable_torque(self, id: int, en: bool)

      Return: None

      This method enables or disables power to the motor which is connected to the driver.

      id argument is the device ID of the connected driver.

      en argument is a boolean. True enables the torque while False disables.

    • pid_tuner(self, id: int)

      Return: None

      This method starts a PID tuning process. Shaft CPR and RPM values must be configured beforehand. If CPR and RPM values are not configured, motors will not spin.

      id argument is the device ID of the connected driver.

    • set_operation_mode(self, id: int, mode: OperationMode)

      Return: None

      This method sets the operation mode of the driver. Operation mode may be one of the following: OperationMode.PWM, OperationMode.Position, OperationMode.Velocity, OperationMode.Torque.

      id argument is the device ID of the connected driver.

    • get_operation_mode(self, id: int)

      Return: Operation mode of the driver

      This method gets the current operation mode from the driver.

      id argument is the device ID of the connected driver.

    • set_shaft_cpr(self, id: int, cpr: float)

      Return: None

      This method sets the count per revolution (CPR) of the motor output shaft.

      id argument is the device ID of the connected driver.

      cpr argument is the CPR value of the output shaft

    • set_shaft_rpm(self, id: int, rpm: float)

      Return: None

      This method sets the revolution per minute (RPM) value of the output shaft at 12V rating.

      id argument is the device ID of the connected driver.

      rpm argument is the RPM value of the output shaft at 12V

    • set_user_indicator(self, id: int)

      Return: None

      This method sets the user indicator color on the RGB LED for 5 seconds. The user indicator color is cyan.

      id argument is the device ID of the connected driver.

    • set_position_limits(self, id: int, plmin: int, plmax: int)

      Return: None

      This method sets the position limits of the motor in terms of encoder ticks. Default for min is -2,147,483,648 and for max is 2,147,483,647. The torque is disabled if the value is exceeded so a tolerence factor should be taken into consideration when setting these values.

      id argument is the device ID of the connected driver.

      plmin argument is the minimum position limit.

      plmax argument is the maximum position limit.

    • get_position_limits(self, id: int)

      Return: Min and max position limits

      This method gets the position limits of the motor in terms of encoder ticks.

      id argument is the device ID of the connected driver.

      plmin argument is the minimum position limit.

      plmax argument is the maximum position limit.

    • set_torque_limit(self, id: int, tl: int)

      Return: None

      This method sets the torque limit of the driver in terms of milliamps (mA).

      id argument is the device ID of the connected driver.

      tl argument is the new torque limit (mA).

    • get_torque_limit(self, id: int)

      Return: Torque limit (mA)

      This method gets the torque limit from the driver in terms of milliamps (mA).

      id argument is the device ID of the connected driver.

    • set_velocity_limit(self, id: int, vl: int)

      Return: None

      This method sets the velocity limit for the motor output shaft in terms of RPM. The velocity limit applies only in velocity mode. Default velocity limit is 65535.

      id argument is the device ID of the connected driver.

      vl argument is the new velocity limit (RPM).

    • get_velocity_limit(self, id: int)

      Return: Velocity limit

      This method gets the velocity limit from the driver in terms of RPM.

      id argument is the device ID of the connected driver.

    • set_position(self, id: int, sp: int)

      Return: None

      This method sets the desired setpoint for the position control in terms of encoder ticks.

      id argument is the device ID of the driver.

      sp argument is the position control setpoint.

    • get_position(self, id: int)

      Return: Current position of the motor shaft

      This method gets the current position of the motor from the driver in terms of encoder ticks.

      id argument is the device ID of the driver.

    • set_velocity(self, id: int, sp: int)

      Return: None

      This method sets the desired setpoint for the velocity control in terms of RPM.

      id argument is the device ID of the driver.

    • get_velocity(self, id: int)

      Return: Current velocity of the motor shaft

      This method gets the current velocity of the motor output shaft from the driver in terms of RPM.

      id argument is the device ID of the driver.

    • set_torque(self, id: int, sp: int)

      Return: None

      This method sets the desired setpoint for the torque control in terms of milliamps (mA).

      id argument is the device ID of the driver.

    • get_torque(self, id: int)

      Return: Current drawn from the motor (mA)

      This method gets the current drawn from the motor from the driver in terms of milliamps (mA).

      id argument is the device ID of the driver.

    • set_duty_cycle(self, id: int, pct: float):

      Return: None

      This method sets the duty cycle to the motor for PWM control mode in terms of percentage. Negative values will change the motor direction.

      id argument is the device ID of the driver.

      id argument is the duty cycle percentage.

    • get_analog_port(self, id: int):

      Return: ADC conversion value of the port

      This method gets the ADC values from the analog port of the device with 10 bit resolution. The value is in range [0, 4095].

      id argument is the device ID of the driver.

    • set_control_parameters_position(self, id: int, p=None, i=None, d=None, db=None, ff=None, ol=None)

      Return: None

      This method sets the control block parameters for position control mode. Only assigned parameters are written, None's are ignored. The default max output limit is 950.

      id argument is the device ID of the driver.

      p argument is the the proportional gain. Defaults to None.

      i argument is the integral gain. Defaults to None.

      d argument is the derivative gain. Defaults to None.

      db argument is the deadband (of the setpoint type) value. Defaults to None.

      ff argument is the feedforward value. Defaults to None.

      ol argument is the maximum output limit. Defaults to None.

    • get_control_parameters_position(self, id: int)

      Return: Returns the list [P, I, D, Feedforward, Deadband, OutputLimit]

      This method gets the position control block parameters.

      id argument is the device ID of the driver.

    • set_control_parameters_velocity(self, id: int, p=None, i=None, d=None, db=None, ff=None, ol=None)

      Return: None

      This method sets the control block parameters for velocity control mode. Only assigned parameters are written, None's are ignored. The default max output limit is 950.

      id argument is the device ID of the driver.

      p argument is the the proportional gain. Defaults to None.

      i argument is the integral gain. Defaults to None.

      d argument is the derivative gain. Defaults to None.

      db argument is the deadband (of the setpoint type) value. Defaults to None.

      ff argument is the feedforward value. Defaults to None.

      ol argument is the maximum output limit. Defaults to None.

    • get_control_parameters_velocity(self, id: int)

      Return: Returns the list [P, I, D, Feedforward, Deadband, OutputLimit]

      This method gets the velocity control block parameters.

      id argument is the device ID of the driver.

    • set_control_parameters_torque(self, id: int, p=None, i=None, d=None, db=None, ff=None, ol=None)

      Return: None

      This method sets the control block parameters for torque control mode. Only assigned parameters are written, None's are ignored. The default max output limit is 950.

      id argument is the device ID of the driver.

      p argument is the the proportional gain. Defaults to None.

      i argument is the integral gain. Defaults to None.

      d argument is the derivative gain. Defaults to None.

      db argument is the deadband (of the setpoint type) value. Defaults to None.

      ff argument is the feedforward value. Defaults to None.

      ol argument is the maximum output limit. Defaults to None.

    • get_control_parameters_torque(self, id: int)

      Return: Returns the list [P, I, D, Feedforward, Deadband, OutputLimit]

      This method gets the torque control block parameters.

      id argument is the device ID of the driver.

    • get_button(self, id: int)

      Return: Returns the button state

      This method gets the button module data with given index.

      id argument is the device ID of the driver.

      index argument is the protocol index of the button module.

    • get_light(self, id: int, index: Index):

      Return: Returns the ambient light measurement (in lux)

      This method gets the ambient light module data with given index.

      id argument is the device ID of the driver.

      index argument is the protocol index of the ambient light module.

    • set_buzzer(self, id: int, index: Index, en: bool):

      Return: None

      This method enables/disables the buzzer module with given index.

      id argument is the device ID of the driver.

      index argument is the protocol index of the buzzer module.

      en argument enables or disables the buzzer. (Enable = 1, Disable = 0)

    • get_joystick(self, id: int, index: Index):

      Return: Returns the joystick module analogs and button data

      This method gets the joystick module data with given index.

      id argument is the device ID of the driver.

      index argument is the protocol index of the joystick module.

    • get_distance(self, id: int, index: Index):

      Return: Returns the distance from the ultrasonic distance module (in cm)

      This method gets the ultrasonic distance module data with given index.

      id argument is the device ID of the driver.

      index argument is the protocol index of the ultrasonic distance module.

    • get_qtr(self, id: int, index: Index):

      Return: Returns qtr module data: [Left(bool), Middle(bool), Right(bool)]

      This method gets the qtr module data with given index.

      id argument is the device ID of the driver.

      index argument is the protocol index of the qtr module.

    • set_servo(self, id: int, index: Index, val: int):

      Return: None

      This method moves servo module to a desired position.

      id argument is the device ID of the driver.

      index argument is the protocol index of the servo module.

      valargument is the value to write to the servo (0, 255).

    • get_potantiometer(self, id: int, index: Index):

      Return: Returns the ADC conversion from the potantiometer module

      This method gets the potantiometer module data with given index.

      id argument is the device ID of the driver.

      index argument is the protocol index of the potantiometer module.

    • set_rgb(self, id: int, index: Index, color: Colors):

      Return: None

      This method sets the colour emitted from the RGB module.

      id argument is the device ID of the driver.

      index argument is the protocol index of the RGB module.

      color argument is the color for RGB from Colors class.

    • get_imu(self, id: int, index: Index):

      Return: Returns roll, pitch angles

      This method gets the IMU module data (roll, pitch).

      id argument is the device ID of the driver.

      index argument is the protocol index of the IMU module.

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Source Distribution

acrome-smd-1.0.1.tar.gz (26.3 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

acrome_smd-1.0.1-py3-none-any.whl (25.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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