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Project description


The SAP AI Core SDK is a Python-based SDK that lets you access SAP AI Core using Python methods and data structures. It provides tools that help you to manage your scenarios and workflows in SAP AI Core.

The SAP AI Core SDK can be used to interact with SAP AI Core. It provides access to all public lifecycle and administration APIs.

For example:

  • You can execute pipelines as a batch job to preprocess or train your models, or perform batch inference.

  • You can deploy а trained machine learning model as a web service to serve inference requests with high performance.

  • You can register your own Docker registry, synchronize your AI content from your own git repository, and register your own object store for training data and trained models.


Note that executing online inference is not part of SAP AI Core SDK.

Example Usage

The SDK can, for instance, be used in a Jupyter notebook for convenient interaction with SAP AI Core in a test or development context.

Here are a few examples how to use the SDK. For details on the methods, please refer to the html documentation provided in the /docs folder of the wheel file.

Import Definitions

from ai_core_sdk.ai_core_v2_client import AICoreV2Client

Create Client

client = AICoreV2Client(base_url=AI_API_BASE,

Create New Resource Group

resource_group_create = client.resource_groups.create(resource_group_id=resource_group_id)
resource_group_details = client.resource_groups.get(resource_group_id=resource_group_id)
print(f"{resource_group_details.status_message} \n{resource_group_details.resource_group_id}")

Create Object Store Secret

# access key and secret are assumed to reside in environment variables OSS_KEY and OSS_SECRET
object_store_secret_create = client.object_store_secrets.create(
            bucket="<your S3 bucket>",
            endpoint="<your S3 host>",
            path_prefix="<your path prefix in S3>", region="<your S3 region>",
            data={"AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID": os.environ.get("OSS_KEY"),
            "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY": os.environ.get("OSS_SECRET")})

secret_get = client.object_store_secrets.get(name="default")

List Scenarios

scenarios = client.scenario.query()
for scenario in scenarios.resources:
    print(f"{} {}")

AICore Content Packages

ai-core-sdk provides a command-line utility as well as a python library to use AICore content packages.


The content functionality should be installed as an optional dependency of ai-core-sdk:

pip install ai-core-sdk[aicore-content]

Content packages use Metaflow's Argo Workflows plugin to generate templates for AICore and hence Metaflow should be also configured. Run a configuration wizzard:

metaflow configure kubernetes

or create a simple configuration file ~/.metaflowconfig/config.json with a link to the configured in AICore object store:

    "METAFLOW_DATASTORE_SYSROOT_S3": "s3://<bucket>/<prefix>"

See Configuring Metaflow for more details.

Discover Content Packages and their Content


Echo descriptions of all packages from all registires:

aicore-content list

To add custom content package spec the environment variable AI_CORE_CONTENT_SPECS (.env file is also supported ) or the -c <path to content spec py/yaml> option can be used:

aicore-content -c list
export AI_CORE_CONTENT_SPECS=$PWD/ && aicore-content show
echo "AI_CORE_CONTENT_SPECS=$PWD/" >> .env && aicore-content show


All packages:

from ai_core_sdk.content import get_content_packages # function to fetch a list of all packages from all registries

for content_pkg in get_content_packages().values():
    content_pkg.print() # print more details for each package

The content specs can also be used directly:

from content_package.ai_core_content_spec import package_spec_obj

A content packages consists of multiple workflows. Workflows can be AI Core Executions or Deployments.


List of all workflows available:

aicore-content list <name of the package>

Details of a specific workflow:

aicore-content show <name of the package> <name of the workflow>


All packages:

from ai_core_sdk.content import get_content_packages # function to fetch a list of all packages from all registries

package = [*get_content_packages().values()][0] # Get a ContentPackage object
workflows = package.workflows # get all workflows from a package
for flow in workflows:
    flow.print(compact=True) # Print a compact description of the workflow
for flow in workflows:
    flow.print(compact=False) # Print a detailed description of the workflow.

When using python a package can also directly used from the ContentPackage file without registering:

# Load the object from the submodule
from content_package.ai_core_content_spec import package_spec_obj

# create the object from content package spec yaml
from ai_core_sdk.content import ContentPackage

package_spec_obj = ContentPackage.from_yaml('<path to package spec yaml>')

# load content package specs from .py file
from ai_core_sdk.content import get_content_packages_from_py_file
list_of_package_specs = get_content_packages_from_py_file('<path to package spec py>') # a .py file can contain multiple package specs
for package_spec_obj in list_of_package_specs:

User's workflow configuration

Every AICore workflow has a section with a user-specific information, i.e. scenario, docker repo, secret names, etc. To run a workflow from a content package with user's settings, user should create a workflow configuration. This is a yaml file with a following structure:

.contentPackage: my-package
.workflow: my-package-workflow
.dockerType: gpu

name: "my-executable-id"
labels: "my-scenario-id" "0.0.1"
annotations: "my-scenario-name" "My workflow description" "my-executable-name"
image: "my-docker-image"
imagePullSecret: "my-docker-registry-secret"
objectStoreSecret: "default-object-store-secret"

In this workflow config the target content package and workflow can be referenced using the keys .package and .workflow. If provided those references are used to create the image and template. If not provided the package and the workflow have to specified thorugh the --package and --workflow options (see following sections for details).

Create Docker images

To run an execution or start a deployment a template and at least one docker image are needed. Both components can be generated through the CLI/Python calls. Both ways run a docker build internally.


To create the docker images:

aicore-content create-image [--package=<package name>] [--workflow=<workflow name>] <workflow config>

The command-line options --package and --workflow overwrite valudes from the worfklow config.

The building process has to be followed by a docker push -t <generated-image> to push the container to the registry.


The workflow objects got a function .create_image(...):

workflow = content_package_spec_obj['batch_processing'] # fetch the workflow object using its name
docker_tag = 'my-very-own-docker.repo/sap-cv-batch-processing:0.0.1'
workflow_config = 'my-config.yaml'
with open(workflow_config) as stream
    workflow_config = yaml.load(stream)
cmd = workflow.create_image(workflow_config, return_cmd=True) # perform a dry run and return the cmd
workflow.create_image(workflow_config) # actually build the docker container
os.system(f'docker push {workflow_config["image"]}') # push the container

Create AI Core Templates

The template creation is different for execution and deployment templates.

Create Execution Templates

To create execution templates the metaflow argo plugin is used.


Execution templates need a workflow config to be provided to the create-template subcommand.

aicore-content create-image [--package=<package name>] [--workflow=<workflow name>] <workflow config> -o <path to output template.json>


The workflow config for execution templates has to be provided to the workflows's .create_template(...) function. The output file can be specified through the keyword parameter target_file:

workflow_config_path = 'my-template-config.yaml'
output_json = 'aicore-template.json'
workflow.create_template(workflow_config_path, target_file=output_json)

Additonal Options

Additional arguments can be defined in the workflow config under the key additionalOptions.

    workflow: # list of strings passed as workflow options
    metaflow: # list of strings passed as metaflow options

Strings in the workflow/metaflow pasted into these positions:

python -m flow [metaflow] argo create [workflow]

To check the resulting call an --dry-run(CLI)/return_cmd=True(Python) option is availble. Alternativly the subcommand aicore-content <package name> metaflow-cli <workflow name> or workflow.raw_metaflow_cli(...). Every input after the command is directly passed to the underlying python -m <flow> call.

Deployment Templates

There is currently no template generator for deployments. Therefore, currently template command/create_template(...) function only copies a template yaml to the target file. All tenant specific values have to be edited manually.

Content Package Creation

A content package needs two additional files: the ContentPackage file and a workflows yaml.


Content package are defined in a ContentPackage instance. This instance can either be loaded from a .pyfile or can be created from a yaml. A typical .py file looks like this:

import pathlib
import yaml
from ai_core_sdk.content import ContentPackage

HERE = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent

workflow_yaml = HERE / 'workflows.yaml'
with as stream:
    workflows = yaml.safe_load(stream)

spec = ContentPackage(
    name='my-package name', # name of the package and the aicore-content cli subcommand
    workflows_base_path=workflow_yaml.parent, # Base paths for all relative paths in the workflow dict
    description='This is an epic content package.', # Package description
    examples=HERE / 'examples', # Folder to package related examples [optional]
    version='0.0.1' # Version of the package

If the package is to be distributed as a python module via Nexus or PyPI and the content package spec python file should be included in the package as This allows the CLI to find the package without additional configuration efforts and creates a subcommand using the name from the attribute.


Examples for the content package can copy by the consumer to a directory using the command aicore-content examples <package name> <target folder>. This command creates the target folder and copies all files from the paths set in the ContentPackage. If no path is set or the path does not exists the examples subcommand is not created.


Currently the version in the ContentPackage is passed to the docker build call as --build-arg pkg_version==={version}. In the Dockerfile this build argument can be used to build the docker container using the local version of the package. This is useful for content packages distributed as module through Nexus or PyPI:

FROM pytorch/pytorch
ARG pkg_version=
ENV pkg_version=$pkg_version
RUN python -m pip install sap-computer-vision-package${pkg_version}

Workflows File

The second mandatory file a workflows yaml. This yaml is used to define workflows and is structed like a dictionary: Entries of the dict look like this:

    description: >
        Description text [optional]
    dockerfile: ...
    type: ExecutionMetaflow/DeploymentYAML
    [... more type specific fields]

It is important that all paths in the workflow yaml are specified as paths relative to the workflow yaml`s path. This also means that all files must be located in the same folder or in subfolders.


The dockerfile entry can either be a single:

dockerfile: train_workflow/Dockerfile

or a dictionary of paths:

    cpu: train_workflow/Dockerfile
    gpu: train_workflow/Dockerfile

This allows to define different Docker container for different node types or multiple containers for cases where different steps use different containers. The different dockerfile can be selected using the option/argument docker_type when running the build docker command/function.


Currently two types of workflows are supported:

  • ExecutionMetaflow: exections defined as metaflow flowspecs
  • DeploymentYaml: deployment defined as yamls

Additional fields for a ExecutionMetaflow entry are

  • py: path to the python file containing the metaflow.FlowSpec class
  • className: name of the metaflow.FlowSpec class
  • additionalOptions (optional): The section is identical to the additionalOptions from the workflow configs.
    description: >
        Description text [optional]
        cpu: train/Dockerfile
        cpu: train/DockerfileGPU
    type: ExecutionMetaflow
    py: train/
    className: TrainingFlow
        workflow: # list of strings passed as workflow options
        metaflow: # list of strings passed as metaflow options (only valid for ExecutionMetaflow)
ContentPackage from yaml

The specification of a content package and of the workflows can also be merged into a single yaml file:

name: test-spec-yaml
examples: examples
description: |
  this is a test.
  test: SHOW_FILE
    type: ExecutionMetaflow
    className: TestPipeline
    py: train/
      cpu: train/Dockerfile
      gpu: train/DockerfileGPU
    annotations: dataset model

Currently there is no discovery mechanism for yaml specs.

They either have to be consumed in python:

from ai_core_sdk.content import ContentPackage
content_package = ContentPackage.from_yaml(spec_yaml)

or made available to the CLI through the aicore-content -c <path to the spec yaml> ... option or through the AI_CORE_CONTENT_SPECS environment variable.

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distributions

No source distribution files available for this release.See tutorial on generating distribution archives.

Built Distribution

ai_core_sdk-1.13.8-py3-none-any.whl (118.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

Supported by

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