asyncio + graphql = fast and simple api
Project description
asyncio - explicit concurrency to reduce race conditions
graphql - all you need and nothing more in one request +auto docs of your api
minimal http - unlike REST frameworks that are waste of time for /graphql endpoint
pluggable context - for auth, logging, etc
exception handling - at all levels, with default or custom handler
pip install aiographql cat <<'END' > import asyncio, aiographql, graphene class User(graphene.ObjectType): id = graphene.ID(required=True) name = graphene.String() class Query(graphene.ObjectType): me = graphene.Field(User) async def resolve_me(self, info): await asyncio.sleep(1) # DB return User(id=42, name='John') schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query, mutation=None) aiographql.serve(schema, listen=[ dict(protocol='tcp', port=25100), dict(protocol='unix', path='/tmp/worker0'), ]) END python3 curl http://localhost:25100/ --data-binary \ '{"query": "{ me { id name } }", "variables": null}' # OR: curl --unix-socket /tmp/worker0 http:/ --data-binary ... # Result: # 1 second async await for DB and then: {"data":{"me":{"id":"42","name":"John"}}}
See more examples and tests about JWT auth, concurrent slow DB queries, etc.
import aiographql; help(aiographql.serve) serve(schema, listen, get_context=None, exception_handler=None, enable_uvloop=True, run=True) Configure the stack and start serving requests
schema: graphene.Schema - GraphQL schema to serve
listen: list - one or more endpoints to listen for connections:
dict(protocol='tcp', port=25100, ...) - create_server() docs
dict(protocol='unix', path='/tmp/worker0', ...) - create_unix_server() docs
get_context: None or [async] callable(loop, context: dict): mixed - to produce GraphQL context like auth from input unified with exception_handler()
exception_handler: None or callable(loop, context: dict) - default or custom exception handler as defined in the docs +
headers: bytes or None - HTTP headers, if known
request: dict or bytes or None - accumulated HTTP request before content length is known, then accumulated content, then GraphQL request
enable_uvloop: bool - enable uvloop for top performance, unless you have a better loop
run: bool - if True, run the loop; False is good for tests
return servers: Servers - await servers.close() to close listening sockets - good for tests
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Hashes for aiographql-0.2.1-py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | beee65a0e6e41ee0bd6b07d7b199423660d4e8b28886da4076530598e7abb182 |
MD5 | 2506074007e7b5801b01a9bf4fb51e79 |
BLAKE2b-256 | 93d13c3909b1515717ceee036267d62562903cdd711423d07bf96d44eb8fc834 |