http client/server for asyncio
Project description
http client/server for asyncio
Python >= 3.3
aiohttp is offered under the BSD license.
Getting started
To retrieve something from the web:
mport aiohttp def get_body(url): response = yield from request('GET', url) return (yield from
You can use the get command like this anywhere in your asyncio powered program:
response = yield from aiohttp.request('GET', '') body = yield from print (body)
The signature of request is the following:
request(method, url, *, params=None, data=None, headers=None, cookies=None, files=None, auth=None, allow_redirects=True, max_redirects=10, encoding='utf-8', version=(1, 1), timeout=None, conn_timeout=None, compress=None, chunked=None, expect100=False, session=None, verify_ssl=True, loop=None )
It constructs and sends a request. It returns response object. Parameters are explained as follow:
method: HTTP method
url: Request url
params: (optional) Dictionary or bytes to be sent in the query string of the new request
data: (optional) Dictionary, bytes, or file-like object to send in the body of the request
headers: (optional) Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the request
cookies: (optional) Dict object to send with the request
files: (optional) Dictionary of ‘name’: file-like-objects for multipart encoding upload
auth: (optional) Auth tuple to enable Basic HTTP Auth
timeout: (optional) Float describing the timeout of the request
conn_timeout: (optional) Float describing the timeout of the tcp connection
allow_redirects: (optional) Boolean. Set to True if POST/PUT/DELETE redirect following is allowed.
compress: Boolean. Set to True if request has to be compressed with deflate encoding.
chunked: Boolean or Integer. Set to chunk size for chunked transfer encoding.
expect100: Boolean. Expect 100-continue response from server.
session: aiohttp.Session instance to support connection pooling and session cookies.
loop: Optional event loop.
Gunicorn worker
Paster configuration example:
[server:main] use = egg:gunicorn#main host = port = 8080 worker_class = aiohttp.worker.AsyncGunicornWorker
0.4.3 (11-15-2013)
Allow to wait completion of request with HttpResponse.wait_for_close()
0.4.2 (11-14-2013)
Handle exception in client request stream.
Prevent host resolving for each client request.
0.4.1 (11-12-2013)
Added client support for expect: 100-continue header.
0.4 (11-06-2013)
Added custom wsgi application close procedure
Fixed concurrent host failure in HttpClient
0.3 (11-04-2013)
Added PortMapperWorker
Added HttpClient
Added tcp connection timeout to http client
Better client connection errors handling
Gracefully handle process exit
Fix packaging
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