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Asynchronous MetaTrader5 library and Bot Building Framework

Project description


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pip install aiomql

Key Features

  • Asynchronous Python Library For MetaTrader 5
  • Build bots for trading in different financial markets using a bot factory
  • Use threadpool executors to run multiple strategies on multiple instruments concurrently
  • Record and keep track of trades and strategies in csv files.
  • Utility classes for using the MetaTrader 5 Library
  • Sample Pre-Built strategies

Simple Usage as an asynchronous MetaTrader5 Libray

import asyncio

# import the class
from aiomql import MetaTrader, Account, TimeFrame, OrderType

async def main():
    # Assuming your login details are already defined in the aiomql.json somewhere in your project directory. 
    acc = Account()
    # if this is unsuccessful the program exits
    await acc.sign_in()
    # print all available symbols

As a Bot Building FrameWork using a Sample Strategy

from aiomql import Bot
from aiomql import ForexSymbol
from aiomql import FingerTrap

# Create a bot instance
bot = Bot()

# Choose a Symbol to trade
symbol = ForexSymbol(name='EURUSD')

# Create a strategy
ft_eur_usd = FingerTrap(symbol=symbol)

# Add strategy to Bot

# run the bot

Api Documentation



Account Objects

class Account(AccountInfo)

A class for managing a trading account. A singleton class. A subclass of AccountInfo. All AccountInfo attributes are available in this class.


  • connected bool - Status of connection to MetaTrader 5 Terminal
  • symbols set[SymbolInfo] - A set of available symbols for the financial market.


Other Account properties are defined in the AccountInfo class.


async def refresh()

Refreshes the account instance with the latest account details from the MetaTrader 5 terminal


def account_info() -> dict

Get account login, server and password details. If the login attribute of the account instance returns a falsy value, the config instance is used to get the account details.


  • dict - A dict of login, server and password details


This method will only look for config details in the config instance if the login attribute of the account Instance returns a falsy value


async def sign_in() -> bool

Connect to a trading account.


  • bool - True if login was successful else False


def has_symbol(symbol: str | Type[SymbolInfo])

Checks to see if a symbol is available for a trading account


symbol (str | SymbolInfo):


  • bool - True if symbol is present otherwise False


async def symbols_get() -> set[SymbolInfo]

Get all financial instruments from the MetaTrader 5 terminal available for the current account.


  • set[Symbol] - A set of available symbols.


Bot Objects

class Bot()

The bot builder class. This class is used to build a bot by adding strategies and running them in the executor.


  • account Account - Account Object.
  • executor - The default thread executor.
  • symbols set[Symbols] - A set of symbols for the trading session


async def initialize()

Prepares the bot by signing in to the trading account and initializing the symbols for the trading session.


SystemExit if sign in was not successful


def execute()

Execute the bot.


async def start()

Starts the bot by calling the initialize method and running the strategies in the executor.


def add_strategy(strategy: Strategy)

Add a strategy to the executor. An added strategy will only run if it's symbol was successfully initialized.


  • strategy Strategy - A Strategy instance to run on bot


Make sure the symbol has been added to the market


def add_strategies(strategies: Iterable[Strategy])

Add multiple strategies at the same time


  • strategies - A list of strategies


def add_strategy_all(*, strategy: Type[Strategy], params: dict | None = None)

Use this to run a single strategy on all available instruments in the market using the default parameters i.e one set of parameters for all trading symbols


  • strategy Strategy - Strategy class
  • params dict - A dictionary of parameters for the strategy


async def init_symbols()

Initialize the symbols for the current trading session. This method is called internally by the bot.


async def init_symbol(symbol: Symbol) -> Symbol

Initialize a symbol before the beginning of a trading sessions. Removes it from the list of symbols if it was not successfully initialized or not available for the current market.


  • symbol Symbol - Symbol object to be initialized


  • symbol Symbol - if successfully initialized


Candle and Candles classes for handling bars from the MetaTrader 5 terminal.

Candle Objects

class Candle()

A class representing bars from the MetaTrader 5 terminal as a customized class analogous to Japanese Candlesticks. You can subclass this class for added customization.


  • time int - Period start time.
  • open int - Open price
  • high float - The highest price of the period
  • low float - The lowest price of the period
  • close float - Close price
  • tick_volume float - Tick volume
  • real_volume float - Trade volume
  • spread float - Spread
  • Index int - Custom attribute representing the position of the candle in a sequence.


def __init__(**kwargs)

Create a Candle object from keyword arguments.


  • **kwargs - Candle attributes and values as keyword arguments.


def set_attributes(**kwargs)

Set keyword arguments as instance attributes


  • **kwargs - Instance attributes and values as keyword arguments


def mid() -> float

The median of open and close


  • float - The median of open and close


def is_bullish() -> bool

A simple check to see if the candle is bullish.


  • bool - True or False


def is_bearish() -> bool

A simple check to see if the candle is bearish.


  • bool - True or False

Candles Objects

class Candles(Generic[_Candle])

An iterable container class of Candle objects in chronological order.


  • Index Series['int'] - A pandas Series of the indexes of all candles in the object.

  • time Series['int'] - A pandas Series of the time of all candles in the object.

  • open Series[float] - A pandas Series of the opening price of all candles in the object.

  • high Series[float] - A pandas Series of the high price of all candles in the object.

  • low Series[float] - A pandas Series of the low price of all candles in the object.

  • close Series[float] - A pandas Series of the closing price of all candles in the object.

  • tick_volume Series[float] - A pandas Series of the tick volume of all candles in the object.

  • real_volume Series[float] - A pandas Series of the real volume of all candles in the object.

  • spread Series[float] - A pandas Series of the spread of all candles in the object.

  • timeframe TimeFrame - The timeframe of the candles in the object.

  • Candle Type[Candle] - The Candle class for representing the candles in the object.


  • data DataFrame - A pandas DataFrame of all candles in the object.


The candle class can be customized by subclassing the Candle class and passing the subclass as the candle keyword argument. Or defining it on the class body as a class attribute.


def __init__(*,
             data: DataFrame | _Candles | Iterable,
             candle_class: Type[_Candle] = None)

A container class of Candle objects in chronological order.


  • data DataFrame|Candles|Iterable - A pandas dataframe, a Candles object or any suitable iterable


  • flip bool - Reverse the chronological order of the candles to the oldest first. Defaults to False.
  • candle_class - A subclass of Candle to use as the candle class. Defaults to Candle.


def ta()

Access to the pandas_ta library for performing technical analysis on the underlying data attribute.


  • pandas_ta - The pandas_ta library


def ta_lib()

Access to the ta library for performing technical analysis. Not dependent on the underlying data attribute.


  • ta - The ta library


def data() -> DataFrame

The original data passed to the class as a pandas DataFrame


def rename(inplace=True, **kwargs) -> _Candles | None

Rename columns of the candles class.


  • inplace bool - Rename the columns inplace or return a new instance of the class with the renamed columns
  • **kwargs - The new names of the columns


  • Candles - A new instance of the class with the renamed columns if inplace is False.
  • None - If inplace is True


Base Objects

class Base()

A base class for all data model classes in the aiomql package. This class provides a set of common methods and attributes for all data model classes. For the data model classes attributes are annotated on the class body and are set as object attributes when the class is instantiated.


  • **kwargs - Object attributes and values as keyword arguments. Only added if they are annotated on the class body.

    Class Attributes:

  • mt5 MetaTrader - An instance of the MetaTrader class

  • config Config - An instance of the Config class

  • Meta Type[Meta] - The Meta class for configuration of the data model class


def set_attributes(**kwargs)

Set keyword arguments as object attributes


  • **kwargs - Object attributes and values as keyword arguments


  • AttributeError - When assigning an attribute that does not belong to the class or any parent class


Only sets attributes that have been annotated on the class body.


def annotations() -> dict

Class annotations from all ancestor classes and the current class.


  • dict - A dictionary of class annotations


def get_dict(exclude: set = None, include: set = None) -> dict

Returns class attributes as a dict, with the ability to filter


  • exclude - A set of attributes to be excluded
  • include - Specific attributes to be returned


  • dict - A dictionary of specified class attributes


You can only set either of include or exclude. If you set both, include will take precedence


def class_vars()

Annotated class attributes


  • dict - A dictionary of available class attributes in all ancestor classes and the current class.


def dict() -> dict

All instance and class attributes as a dictionary, except those excluded in the Meta class.


  • dict - A dictionary of instance and class attributes

Meta Objects

class Meta()

A class for defining class attributes to be excluded or included in the dict property


  • exclude set - A set of attributes to be excluded
  • include set - Specific attributes to be returned. Include supercedes exclude.


def filter(cls) -> set

Combine the exclude and include attributes to return a set of attributes to be excluded.


  • set - A set of attributes to be excluded


Config Objects

class Config()

A class for handling configuration settings for the aiomql package.


  • **kwargs - Configuration settings as keyword arguments. Variables set this way supersede those set in the config file.


  • record_trades bool - Whether to keep record of trades or not.
  • filename str - Name of the config file
  • records_dir str - Path to the directory where trade records are saved
  • win_percentage float - Percentage of achieved target profit in a trade to be considered a win
  • login int - Trading account number
  • password str - Trading account password
  • server str - Broker server
  • path str - Path to terminal file
  • timeout int - Timeout for terminal connection


By default, the config class looks for a file named aiomql.json. You can change this by passing the filename keyword argument to the constructor. By passing reload=True to the load_config method, you can reload and search again for the config file.


def account_info() -> dict['login', 'password', 'server']

Returns Account login details as found in the config object if available


  • dict - A dictionary of login details


TradeAction Objects

class TradeAction(Repr, IntEnum)



  • DEAL int - Delete the pending order placed previously Place a trade order for an immediate execution with the specified parameters (market order).
  • PENDING int - Delete the pending order placed previously
  • SLTP int - Modify Stop Loss and Take Profit values of an opened position
  • MODIFY int - Modify the parameters of the order placed previously
  • REMOVE int - Delete the pending order placed previously
  • CLOSE_BY int - Close a position by an opposite one

OrderFilling Objects

class OrderFilling(Repr, IntEnum)



  • FOK int - This execution policy means that an order can be executed only in the specified volume. If the necessary amount of a financial instrument is currently unavailable in the market, the order will not be executed. The desired volume can be made up of several available offers.

  • IOC int - An agreement to execute a deal at the maximum volume available in the market within the volume specified in the order. If the request cannot be filled completely, an order with the available volume will be executed, and the remaining volume will be canceled.

  • RETURN int - This policy is used only for market (ORDER_TYPE_BUY and ORDER_TYPE_SELL), limit and stop limit orders (ORDER_TYPE_BUY_LIMIT, ORDER_TYPE_SELL_LIMIT,ORDER_TYPE_BUY_STOP_LIMIT and ORDER_TYPE_SELL_STOP_LIMIT) and only for the symbols with Market or Exchange execution modes. If filled partially, a market or limit order with the remaining volume is not canceled, and is processed further. During activation of the ORDER_TYPE_BUY_STOP_LIMIT and ORDER_TYPE_SELL_STOP_LIMIT orders, an appropriate limit order ORDER_TYPE_BUY_LIMIT/ORDER_TYPE_SELL_LIMIT with the ORDER_FILLING_RETURN type is created.

OrderTime Objects

class OrderTime(Repr, IntEnum)



  • GTC int - Good till cancel order
  • DAY int - Good till current trade day order
  • SPECIFIED int - The order is active until the specified date
  • SPECIFIED_DAY int - The order is active until 23:59:59 of the specified day. If this time appears to be out of a trading session, the expiration is processed at the nearest trading time.

OrderType Objects

class OrderType(Repr, IntEnum)



  • BUY int - Market buy order

  • SELL int - Market sell order

  • BUY_LIMIT int - Buy Limit pending order

  • SELL_LIMIT int - Sell Limit pending order

  • BUY_STOP int - Buy Stop pending order

  • SELL_STOP int - Sell Stop pending order

  • BUY_STOP_LIMIT int - Upon reaching the order price, Buy Limit pending order is placed at StopLimit price

  • SELL_STOP_LIMIT int - Upon reaching the order price, Sell Limit pending order is placed at StopLimit price

  • CLOSE_BY int - Order for closing a position by an opposite one


  • opposite int - Gets the opposite of an order type


def opposite()

Gets the opposite of an order type for closing an open position


  • int - integer value of opposite order type

BookType Objects

class BookType(Repr, IntEnum)



  • SELL int - Sell order (Offer)
  • BUY int - Buy order (Bid)
  • SELL_MARKET int - Sell order by Market
  • BUY_MARKET int - Buy order by Market

TimeFrame Objects

class TimeFrame(Repr, IntEnum)



  • M1 int - One Minute

  • M2 int - Two Minutes

  • M3 int - Three Minutes

  • M4 int - Four Minutes

  • M5 int - Five Minutes

  • M6 int - Six Minutes

  • M10 int - Ten Minutes

  • M15 int - Fifteen Minutes

  • M20 int - Twenty Minutes

  • M30 int - Thirty Minutes

  • H1 int - One Hour

  • H2 int - Two Hours

  • H3 int - Three Hours

  • H4 int - Four Hours

  • H6 int - Six Hours

  • H8 int - Eight Hours

  • D1 int - One Day

  • W1 int - One Week

  • MN1 int - One Month


  • time - return the value of the timeframe object in seconds. Used as a property


  • get - get a timeframe object from a time value in seconds


def time()

The number of seconds in a TIMEFRAME


  • int - The number of seconds in a TIMEFRAME


t = TimeFrame.H1 print(t.time) 3600

CopyTicks Objects

class CopyTicks(Repr, IntEnum)

COPY_TICKS Enum. This defines the types of ticks that can be requested using the copy_ticks_from() and copy_ticks_range() functions.


  • ALL int - All ticks
  • INFO int - Ticks containing Bid and/or Ask price changes
  • TRADE int - Ticks containing Last and/or Volume price changes

PositionType Objects

class PositionType(Repr, IntEnum)

POSITION_TYPE Enum. Direction of an open position (buy or sell)


  • BUY int - Buy
  • SELL int - Sell

PositionReason Objects

class PositionReason(Repr, IntEnum)

POSITION_REASON Enum. The reason for opening a position is contained in the POSITION_REASON Enum


  • CLIENT int - The position was opened as a result of activation of an order placed from a desktop terminal
  • MOBILE int - The position was opened as a result of activation of an order placed from a mobile application
  • WEB int - The position was opened as a result of activation of an order placed from the web platform
  • EXPERT int - The position was opened as a result of activation of an order placed from an MQL5 program, i.e. an Expert Advisor or a script

DealType Objects

class DealType(Repr, IntEnum)

DEAL_TYPE enum. Each deal is characterized by a type, allowed values are enumerated in this enum


  • BUY int - Buy

  • SELL int - Sell

  • BALANCE int - Balance

  • CREDIT int - Credit

  • CHARGE int - Additional Charge

  • CORRECTION int - Correction

  • BONUS int - Bonus

  • COMMISSION int - Additional Commission

  • COMMISSION_DAILY int - Daily Commission

  • COMMISSION_MONTHLY int - Monthly Commission

  • COMMISSION_AGENT_DAILY int - Daily Agent Commission

  • COMMISSION_AGENT_MONTHLY int - Monthly Agent Commission

  • INTEREST int - Interest Rate

  • DEAL_DIVIDEND int - Dividend Operations

  • DEAL_DIVIDEND_FRANKED int - Franked (non-taxable) dividend operations

  • DEAL_TAX int - Tax Charges

  • BUY_CANCELED int - Canceled buy deal. There can be a situation when a previously executed buy deal is canceled. In this case, the type of the previously executed deal (DEAL_TYPE_BUY) is changed to DEAL_TYPE_BUY_CANCELED, and its profit/loss is zeroized. Previously obtained profit/loss is charged/withdrawn using a separated balance operation

  • SELL_CANCELED int - Canceled sell deal. There can be a situation when a previously executed sell deal is canceled. In this case, the type of the previously executed deal (DEAL_TYPE_SELL) is changed to DEAL_TYPE_SELL_CANCELED, and its profit/loss is zeroized. Previously obtained profit/loss is charged/withdrawn using a separated balance operation.

DealEntry Objects

class DealEntry(Repr, IntEnum)

DEAL_ENTRY Enum. Deals differ not only in their types set in DEAL_TYPE enum, but also in the way they change positions. This can be a simple position opening, or accumulation of a previously opened position (market entering), position closing by an opposite deal of a corresponding volume (market exiting), or position reversing, if the opposite-direction deal covers the volume of the previously opened position.


  • IN int - Entry In
  • OUT int - Entry Out
  • INOUT int - Reverse
  • OUT_BY int - Close a position by an opposite one

DealReason Objects

class DealReason(Repr, IntEnum)

DEAL_REASON Enum. The reason for deal execution is contained in the DEAL_REASON property. A deal can be executed as a result of triggering of an order placed from a mobile application or an MQL5 program, as well as as a result of the StopOut event, variation margin calculation, etc.


  • CLIENT int - The deal was executed as a result of activation of an order placed from a desktop terminal
  • MOBILE int - The deal was executed as a result of activation of an order placed from a desktop terminal
  • WEB int - The deal was executed as a result of activation of an order placed from the web platform
  • EXPERT int - The deal was executed as a result of activation of an order placed from an MQL5 program, i.e. an Expert Advisor or a script
  • SL int - The deal was executed as a result of Stop Loss activation
  • TP int - The deal was executed as a result of Take Profit activation
  • SO int - The deal was executed as a result of the Stop Out event
  • ROLLOVER int - The deal was executed due to a rollover
  • VMARGIN int - The deal was executed after charging the variation margin
  • SPLIT int - The deal was executed after the split (price reduction) of an instrument, which had an open position during split announcement

OrderReason Objects

class OrderReason(Repr, IntEnum)



  • CLIENT int - The order was placed from a desktop terminal
  • MOBILE int - The order was placed from a mobile application
  • WEB int - The order was placed from a web platform
  • EXPERT int - The order was placed from an MQL5-program, i.e. by an Expert Advisor or a script
  • SL int - The order was placed as a result of Stop Loss activation
  • TP int - The order was placed as a result of Take Profit activation
  • SO int - The order was placed as a result of the Stop Out event

SymbolChartMode Objects

class SymbolChartMode(Repr, IntEnum)

SYMBOL_CHART_MODE Enum. A symbol price chart can be based on Bid or Last prices. The price selected for symbol charts also affects the generation and display of bars in the terminal. Possible values of the SYMBOL_CHART_MODE property are described in this enum


  • BID int - Bars are based on Bid prices
  • LAST int - Bars are based on last prices

SymbolCalcMode Objects

class SymbolCalcMode(Repr, IntEnum)

SYMBOL_CALC_MODE Enum. The SYMBOL_CALC_MODE enumeration is used for obtaining information about how the margin requirements for a symbol are calculated.


  • FOREX int - Forex mode - calculation of profit and margin for Forex

  • FOREX_NO_LEVERAGE int - Forex No Leverage mode � calculation of profit and margin for Forex symbols without taking into account the leverage

  • FUTURES int - Futures mode - calculation of margin and profit for futures

  • CFD int - CFD mode - calculation of margin and profit for CFD

  • CFDINDEX int - CFD index mode - calculation of margin and profit for CFD by indexes

  • CFDLEVERAGE int - CFD Leverage mode - calculation of margin and profit for CFD at leverage trading

  • EXCH_STOCKS int - Calculation of margin and profit for trading securities on a stock exchange

  • EXCH_FUTURES int - Calculation of margin and profit for trading futures contracts on a stock exchange

  • EXCH_OPTIONS int - value is 34

  • EXCH_OPTIONS_MARGIN int - value is 36

  • EXCH_BONDS int - Exchange Bonds mode � calculation of margin and profit for trading bonds on a stock exchange

  • STOCKS_MOEX int - Exchange MOEX Stocks mode �calculation of margin and profit for trading securities on MOEX

  • EXCH_BONDS_MOEX int - Exchange MOEX Bonds mode � calculation of margin and profit for trading bonds on MOEX

  • SERV_COLLATERAL int - Collateral mode - a symbol is used as a non-tradable asset on a trading account. The market value of an open position is calculated based on the volume, current market price, contract size and liquidity ratio. The value is included into Assets, which are added to Equity. Open positions of such symbols increase the Free Margin amount and are used as additional margin (collateral) for open positions

SymbolTradeMode Objects

class SymbolTradeMode(Repr, IntEnum)

SYMBOL_TRADE_MODE Enum. There are several symbol trading modes. Information about trading modes of a certain symbol is reflected in the values this enumeration


  • DISABLED int - Trade is disabled for the symbol
  • LONGONLY int - Allowed only long positions
  • SHORTONLY int - Allowed only short positions
  • CLOSEONLY int - Allowed only position close operations
  • FULL int - No trade restrictions

SymbolTradeExecution Objects

class SymbolTradeExecution(Repr, IntEnum)

SYMBOL_TRADE_EXECUTION Enum. The modes, or execution policies, define the rules for cases when the price has changed or the requested volume cannot be completely fulfilled at the moment.


  • REQUEST int - Executing a market order at the price previously received from the broker. Prices for a certain market order are requested from the broker before the order is sent. Upon receiving the prices, order execution at the given price can be either confirmed or rejected.

  • INSTANT int - Executing a market order at the specified price immediately. When sending a trade request to be executed, the platform automatically adds the current prices to the order.

    • If the broker accepts the price, the order is executed.
    • If the broker does not accept the requested price, a "Requote" is sent � the broker returns prices, at which this order can be executed.
  • MARKET int - A broker makes a decision about the order execution price without any additional discussion with the trader. Sending the order in such a mode means advance consent to its execution at this price.

  • EXCHANGE int - Trade operations are executed at the prices of the current market offers.

SymbolSwapMode Objects

class SymbolSwapMode(Repr, IntEnum)

SYMBOL_SWAP_MODE Enum. Methods of swap calculation at position transfer are specified in enumeration ENUM_SYMBOL_SWAP_MODE. The method of swap calculation determines the units of measure of the SYMBOL_SWAP_LONG and SYMBOL_SWAP_SHORT parameters. For example, if swaps are charged in the client deposit currency, then the values of those parameters are specified as an amount of money in the client deposit currency.


  • DISABLED int - Swaps disabled (no swaps)

  • POINTS int - Swaps are charged in points

  • CURRENCY_SYMBOL int - Swaps are charged in money in base currency of the symbol

  • CURRENCY_MARGIN int - Swaps are charged in money in margin currency of the symbol

  • CURRENCY_DEPOSIT int - Swaps are charged in money, in client deposit currency

  • INTEREST_CURRENT int - Swaps are charged as the specified annual interest from the instrument price at calculation of swap (standard bank year is 360 days)

  • INTEREST_OPEN int - Swaps are charged as the specified annual interest from the open price of position (standard bank year is 360 days)

  • REOPEN_CURRENT int - Swaps are charged by reopening positions. At the end of a trading day the position is closed. Next day it is reopened by the close price +/- specified number of points (parameters SYMBOL_SWAP_LONG and SYMBOL_SWAP_SHORT)

  • REOPEN_BID int - Swaps are charged by reopening positions. At the end of a trading day the position is closed. Next day it is reopened by the current Bid price +/- specified number of points (parameters SYMBOL_SWAP_LONG and SYMBOL_SWAP_SHORT)

DayOfWeek Objects

class DayOfWeek(Repr, IntEnum)



  • SUNDAY int - Sunday
  • MONDAY int - Monday
  • TUESDAY int - Tuesday
  • WEDNESDAY int - Wednesday
  • THURSDAY int - Thursday
  • FRIDAY int - Friday
  • SATURDAY int - Saturday

SymbolOrderGTCMode Objects

class SymbolOrderGTCMode(Repr, IntEnum)

SYMBOL_ORDER_GTC_MODE Enum. If the SYMBOL_EXPIRATION_MODE property is set to SYMBOL_EXPIRATION_GTC (good till canceled), the expiration of pending orders, as well as of Stop Loss/Take Profit orders should be additionally set using the ENUM_SYMBOL_ORDER_GTC_MODE enumeration.


  • GTC int - Pending orders and Stop Loss/Take Profit levels are valid for an unlimited period until theirConstants, Enumerations and explicit cancellation

  • DAILY int - Orders are valid during one trading day. At the end of the day, all Stop Loss and Take Profit levels, as well as pending orders are deleted.

  • DAILY_NO_STOPS int - When a trade day changes, only pending orders are deleted, while Stop Loss and Take Profit levels are preserved

SymbolOptionRight Objects

class SymbolOptionRight(Repr, IntEnum)

SYMBOL_OPTION_RIGHT Enum. An option is a contract, which gives the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an underlying asset (goods, stocks, futures, etc.) at a specified price on or before a specific date. The following enumerations describe option properties, including the option type and the right arising from it.


  • CALL int - A call option gives you the right to buy an asset at a specified price.
  • PUT int - A put option gives you the right to sell an asset at a specified price.

SymbolOptionMode Objects

class SymbolOptionMode(Repr, IntEnum)



  • EUROPEAN int - European option may only be exercised on a specified date (expiration, execution date, delivery date)
  • AMERICAN int - American option may be exercised on any trading day or before expiry. The period within which a buyer can exercise the option is specified for it.

AccountTradeMode Objects

class AccountTradeMode(Repr, IntEnum)

ACCOUNT_TRADE_MODE Enum. There are several types of accounts that can be opened on a trade server. The type of account on which an MQL5 program is running can be found out using the ENUM_ACCOUNT_TRADE_MODE enumeration.


  • DEMO - Demo account
  • CONTEST - Contest account
  • REAL - Real Account

TickFlag Objects

class TickFlag(Repr, IntFlag)

TICK_FLAG Enum. TICK_FLAG defines possible flags for ticks. These flags are used to describe ticks obtained by the copy_ticks_from() and copy_ticks_range() functions.


  • BID int - Bid price changed
  • ASK int - Ask price changed
  • LAST int - Last price changed
  • VOLUME int - Volume changed
  • BUY int - last Buy price changed
  • SELL int - last Sell price changed

TradeRetcode Objects

class TradeRetcode(Repr, IntEnum)

TRADE_RETCODE Enum. Return codes for order send/check operations


  • REQUOTE int - Requote

  • REJECT int - Request rejected

  • CANCEL int - Request canceled by trader

  • PLACED int - Order placed

  • DONE int - Request completed

  • DONE_PARTIAL int - Only part of the request was completed

  • ERROR int - Request processing error

  • TIMEOUT int - Request canceled by timeout

  • INVALID int - Invalid request

  • INVALID_VOLUME int - Invalid volume in the request

  • INVALID_PRICE int - Invalid price in the request

  • INVALID_STOPS int - Invalid stops in the request

  • TRADE_DISABLED int - Trade is disabled

  • MARKET_CLOSED int - Market is closed

  • NO_MONEY int - There is not enough money to complete the request

  • PRICE_CHANGED int - Prices changed

  • PRICE_OFF int - There are no quotes to process the request

  • INVALID_EXPIRATION int - Invalid order expiration date in the request

  • ORDER_CHANGED int - Order state changed

  • TOO_MANY_REQUESTS int - Too frequent requests

  • NO_CHANGES int - No changes in request

  • SERVER_DISABLES_AT int - Autotrading disabled by server

  • CLIENT_DISABLES_AT int - Autotrading disabled by client terminal

  • LOCKED int - Request locked for processing

  • FROZEN int - Order or position frozen

  • INVALID_FILL int - Invalid order filling type

  • CONNECTION int - No connection with the trade server

  • ONLY_REAL int - Operation is allowed only for live accounts

  • LIMIT_ORDERS int - The number of pending orders has reached the limit

  • LIMIT_VOLUME int - The volume of orders and positions for the symbol has reached the limit

  • INVALID_ORDER int - Incorrect or prohibited order type

  • POSITION_CLOSED int - Position with the specified POSITION_IDENTIFIER has already been closed

  • INVALID_CLOSE_VOLUME int - A close volume exceeds the current position volume

  • CLOSE_ORDER_EXIST int - A close order already exists for a specified position. This may happen when working in the hedging system: � when attempting to close a position with an opposite one, while close orders for the position already exist � when attempting to fully or partially close a position if the total volume of the already present close orders and the newly placed one exceeds the current position volume

  • LIMIT_POSITIONS int - The number of open positions simultaneously present on an account can be limited by the server settings.After a limit is reached, the server returns the TRADE_RETCODE_LIMIT_POSITIONS error when attempting to place an order. The limitation operates differently depending on the position accounting type: � Netting � number of open positions is considered. When a limit is reached, the platform does not let placing new orders whose execution may increase the number of open positions. In fact, the platform allows placing orders only for the symbols that already have open positions. The current pending orders are not considered since their execution may lead to changes in the current positions but it cannot increase their number.

    � Hedging � pending orders are considered together with open positions, since a pending order activation always leads to opening a new position. When a limit is reached, the platform does not allow placing both new market orders for opening positions and pending orders.

  • REJECT_CANCEL int - The pending order activation request is rejected, the order is canceled.

  • LONG_ONLY int - The request is rejected, because the "Only long positions are allowed" rule is set for the symbol (POSITION_TYPE_BUY)

  • SHORT_ONLY int - The request is rejected, because the "Only short positions are allowed" rule is set for the symbol (POSITION_TYPE_SELL)

  • CLOSE_ONLY int - The request is rejected, because the "Only position closing is allowed" rule is set for the symbol

  • FIFO_CLOSE int - The request is rejected, because "Position closing is allowed only by FIFO rule" flag is set for the trading account (ACCOUNT_FIFO_CLOSE=true)

AccountStopOutMode Objects

class AccountStopOutMode(Repr, IntEnum)



  • PERCENT int - Account stop out mode in percents
  • MONEY int - Account stop out mode in money

AccountMarginMode Objects

class AccountMarginMode(Repr, IntEnum)



  • RETAIL_NETTING int - Used for the OTC markets to interpret positions in the "netting" mode (only one position can exist for one symbol). The margin is calculated based on the symbol type (SYMBOL_TRADE_CALC_MODE).

  • EXCHANGE int - Used for the exchange markets. Margin is calculated based on the discounts specified in symbol settings. Discounts are set by the broker, but not less than the values set by the exchange.

  • HEDGING int - Used for the exchange markets where individual positions are possible (hedging, multiple positions can exist for one symbol). The margin is calculated based on the symbol type (SYMBOL_TRADE_CALC_MODE) taking into account the hedged margin (SYMBOL_MARGIN_HEDGED).


Error Objects

class Error()

Error class for handling errors from MetaTrader 5.


Exceptions for the aiomql package.

LoginError Objects

class LoginError(Exception)

Raised when an error occurs when logging in.

VolumeError Objects

class VolumeError(Exception)

Raised when a volume is not valid or out of range for a symbol.

SymbolError Objects

class SymbolError(Exception)

Raised when a symbol is not provided where required or not available in the Market Watch.

OrderError Objects

class OrderError(Exception)

Raised when an error occurs when working with the order class.


MetaTrader Objects

class MetaTrader(metaclass=BaseMeta)


async def __aenter__() -> 'MetaTrader'

Async context manager entry point. Initializes the connection to the MetaTrader terminal.


  • MetaTrader - An instance of the MetaTrader class.


async def __aexit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)

Async context manager exit point. Closes the connection to the MetaTrader terminal.


async def login(login: int,
                password: str,
                server: str,
                timeout: int = 60000) -> bool

Connects to the MetaTrader terminal using the specified login, password and server.


  • login int - The trading account number.
  • password str - The trading account password.
  • server str - The trading server name.
  • timeout int - The timeout for the connection in seconds.


  • bool - True if successful, False otherwise.


async def initialize(path: str = "",
                     login: int = 0,
                     password: str = "",
                     server: str = "",
                     timeout: int | None = None,
                     portable=False) -> bool

Initializes the connection to the MetaTrader terminal. All parameters are optional.


  • path str - The path to the MetaTrader terminal executable.
  • login int - The trading account number.
  • password str - The trading account password.
  • server str - The trading server name.
  • timeout int - The timeout for the connection in seconds.
  • portable bool - If True, the terminal will be launched in portable mode.


  • bool - True if successful, False otherwise.


async def shutdown() -> None

Closes the connection to the MetaTrader terminal.


  • None - None


async def version() -> tuple[int, int, str] | None


async def account_info() -> AccountInfo | None


async def orders_get(group: str = "",
                     ticket: int = 0,
                     symbol: str = "") -> tuple[TradeOrder] | None

Get active orders with the ability to filter by symbol or ticket. There are three call options. Call without parameters. Return active orders on all symbols


  • symbol str - Symbol name. Optional named parameter. If a symbol is specified, the ticket parameter is ignored.

  • group str - The filter for arranging a group of necessary symbols. Optional named parameter. If the group is specified, the function returns only active orders meeting a specified criteria for a symbol name.

  • ticket int - Order ticket (ORDER_TICKET). Optional named parameter.


  • list[TradeOrder] - A list of active trade orders as TradeOrder objects


AccountInfo Objects

class AccountInfo(Base)

Account Information Class.


  • login - int
  • password - str
  • server - str
  • trade_mode - AccountTradeMode
  • balance - float
  • leverage - float
  • profit - float
  • point - float
  • amount - float = 0
  • equity - float
  • credit - float
  • margin - float
  • margin_level - float
  • margin_free - float
  • margin_mode - AccountMarginMode
  • margin_so_mode - AccountStopoutMode
  • margin_so_call - float
  • margin_so_so - float
  • margin_initial - float
  • margin_maintenance - float
  • fifo_close - bool
  • limit_orders - float
  • currency - str = "USD"
  • trade_allowed - bool = True
  • trade_expert - bool = True
  • currency_digits - int
  • assets - float
  • liabilities - float
  • commission_blocked - float
  • name - str
  • company - str

TerminalInfo Objects

class TerminalInfo(Base)

Terminal information class. Holds information about the terminal.


  • community_account - bool
  • community_connection - bool
  • connected - bool
  • dlls_allowed - bool
  • trade_allowed - bool
  • tradeapi_disabled - bool
  • email_enabled - bool
  • ftp_enabled - bool
  • notifications_enabled - bool
  • mqid - bool
  • build - int
  • maxbars - int
  • codepage - int
  • ping_last - int
  • community_balance - float
  • retransmission - float
  • company - str
  • name - str
  • language - str
  • path - str
  • data_path - str
  • commondata_path - str

SymbolInfo Objects

class SymbolInfo(Base)

Symbol Information Class. Symbols are financial instruments available for trading in the MetaTrader 5 terminal.


  • name - str
  • custom - bool
  • chart_mode - SymbolChartMode
  • select - bool
  • visible - bool
  • session_deals - int
  • session_buy_orders - int
  • session_sell_orders - int
  • volume - float
  • volumehigh - float
  • volumelow - float
  • time - int
  • digits - int
  • spread - float
  • spread_float - bool
  • ticks_bookdepth - int
  • trade_calc_mode - SymbolCalcMode
  • trade_mode - SymbolTradeMode
  • start_time - int
  • expiration_time - int
  • trade_stops_level - int
  • trade_freeze_level - int
  • trade_exemode - SymbolTradeExecution
  • swap_mode - SymbolSwapMode
  • swap_rollover3days - DayOfWeek
  • margin_hedged_use_leg - bool
  • expiration_mode - int
  • filling_mode - int
  • order_mode - int
  • order_gtc_mode - SymbolOrderGTCMode
  • option_mode - SymbolOptionMode
  • option_right - SymbolOptionRight
  • bid - float
  • bidhigh - float
  • bidlow - float
  • ask - float
  • askhigh - float
  • asklow - float
  • last - float
  • lasthigh - float
  • lastlow - float
  • volume_real - float
  • volumehigh_real - float
  • volumelow_real - float
  • option_strike - float
  • point - float
  • trade_tick_value - float
  • trade_tick_value_profit - float
  • trade_tick_value_loss - float
  • trade_tick_size - float
  • trade_contract_size - float
  • trade_accrued_interest - float
  • trade_face_value - float
  • trade_liquidity_rate - float
  • volume_min - float
  • volume_max - float
  • volume_step - float
  • volume_limit - float
  • swap_long - float
  • swap_short - float
  • margin_initial - float
  • margin_maintenance - float
  • session_volume - float
  • session_turnover - float
  • session_interest - float
  • session_buy_orders_volume - float
  • session_sell_orders_volume - float
  • session_open - float
  • session_close - float
  • session_aw - float
  • session_price_settlement - float
  • session_price_limit_min - float
  • session_price_limit_max - float
  • margin_hedged - float
  • price_change - float
  • price_volatility - float
  • price_theoretical - float
  • price_greeks_delta - float
  • price_greeks_theta - float
  • price_greeks_gamma - float
  • price_greeks_vega - float
  • price_greeks_rho - float
  • price_greeks_omega - float
  • price_sensitivity - float
  • basis - str
  • category - str
  • currency_base - str
  • currency_profit - str
  • currency_margin - Any
  • bank - str
  • description - str
  • exchange - str
  • formula - Any
  • isin - Any
  • name - str
  • page - str
  • path - str

BookInfo Objects

class BookInfo(Base)

Book Information Class.


  • type - BookType
  • price - float
  • volume - float
  • volume_dbl - float

TradeOrder Objects

class TradeOrder(Base)

Trade Order Class.


  • ticket - int
  • time_setup - int
  • time_setup_msc - int
  • time_expiration - int
  • time_done - int
  • time_done_msc - int
  • type - OrderType
  • type_time - OrderTime
  • type_filling - OrderFilling
  • state - int
  • magic - int
  • position_id - int
  • position_by_id - int
  • reason - OrderReason
  • volume_current - float
  • volume_initial - float
  • price_open - float
  • sl - float
  • tp - float
  • price_current - float
  • price_stoplimit - float
  • symbol - str
  • comment - str
  • external_id - str

TradeRequest Objects

class TradeRequest(Base)

Trade Request Class.


  • action - TradeAction
  • type - OrderType
  • order - int
  • symbol - str
  • volume - float
  • sl - float
  • tp - float
  • price - float
  • deviation - float
  • stop_limit - float
  • type_time - OrderTime
  • type_filling - OrderFilling
  • expiration - int
  • position - int
  • position_by - int
  • comment - str
  • magic - int
  • deviation - int
  • comment - str

OrderCheckResult Objects

class OrderCheckResult(Base)

Order Check Result


  • retcode - int
  • balance - float
  • equity - float
  • profit - float
  • margin - float
  • margin_free - float
  • margin_level - float
  • comment - str
  • request - TradeRequest

OrderSendResult Objects

class OrderSendResult(Base)

Order Send Result


  • retcode - int
  • deal - int
  • order - int
  • volume - float
  • price - float
  • bid - float
  • ask - float
  • comment - str
  • request - TradeRequest
  • request_id - int
  • retcode_external - int
  • profit - float

TradePosition Objects

class TradePosition(Base)

Trade Position


  • ticket - int
  • time - int
  • time_msc - int
  • time_update - int
  • time_update_msc - int
  • type - OrderType
  • magic - float
  • identifier - int
  • reason - PositionReason
  • volume - float
  • price_open - float
  • sl - float
  • tp - float
  • price_current - float
  • swap - float
  • profit - float
  • symbol - str
  • comment - str
  • external_id - str

TradeDeal Objects

class TradeDeal(Base)

Trade Deal


  • ticket - int
  • order - int
  • time - int
  • time_msc - int
  • type - DealType
  • entry - DealEntry
  • magic - int
  • position_id - int
  • reason - DealReason
  • volume - float
  • price - float
  • commission - float
  • swap - float
  • profit - float
  • fee - float
  • sl - float
  • tp - float
  • symbol - str
  • comment - str
  • external_id - str



Executor Objects

class Executor()

Executor class for running multiple strategies on multiple symbols concurrently.


  • executor ThreadPoolExecutor - The executor object.
  • workers list - List of strategies.


def add_workers(strategies: Sequence[type(Strategy)])

Add multiple strategies at once


  • strategies Sequence[Strategy] - A sequence of strategies.


def remove_workers(*symbols: Sequence[Symbol])

Removes any worker running on a symbol not successfully initialized.


  • *symbols - Successfully initialized symbols.


def add_worker(strategy: type(Strategy))

Add a strategy instance to the list of workers


  • strategy Strategy - A strategy object


def run(strategy: type(Strategy))

Wraps the coroutine trade method of each strategy with ''.


  • strategy Strategy - A strategy object


async def execute(workers: int = 0)

Run the strategies with a threadpool executor.


  • workers - Number of workers to use in executor pool. Defaults to zero which uses all workers.


No matter the number specified, the executor will always use a minimum of 5 workers.


History Objects

class History()

The history class handles completed trade deals and trade orders in the trading history of an account.


  • deals list[TradeDeal] - Iterable of trade deals
  • orders list[TradeOrder] - Iterable of trade orders
  • total_deals - Total number of deals
  • total_orders int - Total number orders
  • group str - Filter for selecting history by symbols.
  • ticket int - Filter for selecting history by ticket number
  • position int - Filter for selecting history deals by position
  • initialized bool - check if initial request has been sent to the terminal to get history.
  • mt5 MetaTrader - MetaTrader instance
  • config Config - Config instance


def __init__(*,
             date_from: datetime | float = 0,
             date_to: datetime | float = 0,
             group: str = "",
             ticket: int = 0,
             position: int = 0)


  • date_from datetime, float - Date the orders are requested from. Set by the 'datetime' object or as a number of seconds elapsed since 1970.01.01. Defaults to the current time in "utc"

  • date_to datetime, float - Date up to which the orders are requested. Set by the 'datetime' object or as a number of seconds elapsed since 1970.01.01. Defaults to the current time in "utc"

  • group str - Filter for selecting history by symbols.

  • ticket int - Filter for selecting history by ticket number

  • position int - Filter for selecting history deals by position


async def init(deals=True, orders=True) -> bool

Get history deals and orders


  • deals bool - If true get history deals during initial request to terminal
  • orders bool - If true get history orders during initial request to terminal


  • bool - True if all requests were successful else False


async def get_deals() -> list[TradeDeal]

Get deals from trading history using the parameters set in the constructor.


  • list[TradeDeal] - A list of trade deals


async def deals_total() -> int

Get total number of deals within the specified period in the constructor.


  • int - Total number of Deals


async def get_orders() -> list[TradeOrder]

Get orders from trading history using the parameters set in the constructor.


  • list[TradeOrder] - A list of trade orders


async def orders_total() -> int

Get total number of orders within the specified period in the constructor.


  • int - Total number of orders


Entry Objects

class Entry()

Entry class for FingerTrap strategy.Will be used to store entry conditions and other entry related data.


  • bearish bool - True if the market is bearish
  • bullish bool - True if the market is bullish
  • ranging bool - True if the market is ranging
  • snooze float - Time to wait before checking for entry conditions
  • trend str - The current trend of the market
  • last_candle Candle - The last candle of the market
  • new bool - True if the last candle is new
  • order_type OrderType - The type of order to place
  • pips int - The number of pips to place the order from the current price



ForexSymbol Objects

class ForexSymbol(Symbol)

Subclass of Symbol for Forex Symbols. Handles the conversion of currency and the computation of stop loss, take profit and volume.


def pip()

Returns the pip value of the symbol. This is ten times the point value for forex symbols.


  • float - The pip value of the symbol.


async def compute_volume(*, amount: float, pips: float) -> float

Compute volume given an amount to risk and target pips. Round the computed volume to the nearest step.


  • amount float - Amount to risk. Given in terms of the account currency.
  • pips float - Target pips.


  • float - volume


  • VolumeError - If the computed volume is less than the minimum volume or greater than the maximum volume.



DealTrader Objects

class DealTrader(Trader)

A base class for placing trades based on the number of pips to target


async def create_order(*, order_type: OrderType, pips: float)

Using the number of target pips it determines the lot size, stop loss and take profit for the order, and updates the order object with the values.


  • order_type OrderType - Type of order
  • pips float - Target pips




Order Class

Order Objects

class Order(TradeRequest)

Trade order related functions and properties. Subclass of TradeRequest.


def __init__(**kwargs)

Initialize the order object with keyword arguments, symbol must be provided. Provide default values for action, type_time and type_filling if not provided.


  • **kwargs - Keyword arguments must match the attributes of TradeRequest as well as the attributes of Order class as specified in the annotations in the class definition.

    Default Values:

  • action TradeAction.DEAL - Trade action

  • type_time OrderTime.DAY - Order time

  • type_filling OrderFilling.FOK - Order filling


  • SymbolError - If symbol is not provided


async def orders_total()

Get the number of active orders.


  • (int) - total number of active orders


async def orders() -> tuple[TradeOrder]

Get the list of active orders for the current symbol.


  • tuple[TradeOrder] - A Tuple of active trade orders as TradeOrder objects


async def check() -> OrderCheckResult

Check funds sufficiency for performing a required trading operation and the possibility to execute it at


  • OrderCheckResult - An OrderCheckResult object


  • OrderError - If not successful


async def send() -> OrderSendResult

Send a request to perform a trading operation from the terminal to the trade server.


  • OrderSendResult - An OrderSendResult object


  • OrderError - If not successful


async def calc_margin() -> float

Return the required margin in the account currency to perform a specified trading operation.


  • float - Returns float value if successful


  • OrderError - If not successful


async def calc_profit() -> float

Return profit in the account currency for a specified trading operation.


  • float - Returns float value if successful


  • OrderError - If not successful


Handle Open positions.

Positions Objects

class Positions()

Get Open Positions.


  • symbol str - Financial instrument name.
  • group str - The filter for arranging a group of necessary symbols. Optional named parameter. If the group is specified, the function returns only positions meeting a specified criteria for a symbol name.
  • ticket int - Position ticket.
  • mt5 MetaTrader - MetaTrader instance.


def __init__(*, symbol: str = "", group: str = "", ticket: int = 0)

Get Open Positions.


  • symbol str - Financial instrument name.
  • group str - The filter for arranging a group of necessary symbols. Optional named parameter. If the group is specified, the function returns only positions meeting a specified criteria for a symbol name.
  • ticket int - Position ticket


async def positions_total() -> int

Get the number of open positions.


  • int - Return total number of open positions


async def positions_get()

Get open positions with the ability to filter by symbol or ticket.


  • list[TradePosition] - A list of open trade positions


async def close_all() -> int

Close all open positions for the trading account.


  • int - Return number of positions closed.


Risk Assessment and Management

RAM Objects

class RAM()


def __init__(**kwargs)

Risk Assessment and Management. All provided keyword arguments are set as attributes.


  • kwargs Dict - Keyword arguments.


  • risk_to_reward float - Risk to reward ratio 1

  • risk float - Percentage of account balance to risk per trade 0.01 # 1%

  • amount float - Amount to risk per trade in terms of base currency 10

  • pips float - Target pips 10

  • volume float - Volume to trade 0.05


async def get_amount() -> float

Calculate the amount to risk per trade.


  • float - Amount to risk per trade


This module contains the Records class, which is used to read and update trade records from csv files.

Records Objects

class Records()

This utility class read trade records from csv files, and update them based on their closing positions.


  • config - Config object
  • records_dir(Path) - Path to directory containing record of placed trades, If not given takes the default from the config


def __init__(records_dir: Path = '')

Initialize the Records class.


  • records_dir Path - Path to directory containing record of placed trades.


async def get_records()

Get trade records from records_dir folder


  • files - Trade record files


async def read_update(file: Path)

Read and update trade records


  • file - Trade record file


async def update_rows(rows: list[dict]) -> list[dict]

Update the rows of entered trades in the csv file with the actual profit.


  • rows - A list of dictionaries from the dictionary writer object of the csv file.


  • list[dict] - A list of dictionaries with the actual profit and win status.


async def update_records()

Update trade records in the records_dir folder.


async def update_record(file: Path | str)

Update a single trade record file.


Result Objects

class Result()

A base class for handling trade results and strategy parameters for record keeping and reference purpose. The data property must be implemented in the subclass


  • config Config - The configuration object
  • name - Any desired name for the result file object


def __init__(result: OrderSendResult, parameters: dict = None, name: str = '')

Prepare result data


result: parameters: name:


async def to_csv()

Record trade results and associated parameters as a csv file


async def save_csv()

Save trade results and associated parameters as a csv file in a separate thread


The base class for creating strategies.

Strategy Objects

class Strategy(ABC)

The base class for creating strategies.


  • symbol Symbol - The Financial Instrument as a Symbol Object

  • parameters Dict - A dictionary of parameters for the strategy.

    Class Attributes:

  • name str - A name for the strategy.

  • account Account - Account instance.

  • mt5 MetaTrader - MetaTrader instance.

  • config Config - Config instance.


Define the name of a strategy as a class attribute. If not provided, the class name will be used as the name.


def __init__(*, symbol: Symbol, params: dict = None)

Initiate the parameters dict and add name and symbol fields. Use class name as strategy name if name is not provided


  • symbol Symbol - The Financial instrument
  • params Dict - Trading strategy parameters


async def sleep(secs: float)

Sleep for the needed amount of seconds in between requests to the terminal. computes the accurate amount of time needed to sleep ensuring that the next request is made at the start of a new bar and making cooperative multitasking possible.


  • secs float - The time in seconds. Usually the timeframe you are trading on.


async def trade()

Place trades using this method. This is the main method of the strategy. It will be called by the strategy runner.


Symbol class for handling a financial instrument.

Symbol Objects

class Symbol(SymbolInfo)

Main class for handling a financial instrument. A subclass of SymbolInfo and Base it has attributes and methods for working with a financial instrument.


  • tick Tick - Price tick object for instrument
  • account - An instance of the current trading account


Full properties are on the SymbolInfo Object. Make sure Symbol is always initialized with a name argument


async def info_tick(*, name: str = "") -> Tick

Get the current price tick of a financial instrument.


  • name - if name is supplied get price tick of that financial instrument


  • Tick - Return a Tick Object


  • ValueError - If request was unsuccessful and None was returned


async def symbol_select(*, enable: bool = True) -> bool

Select a symbol in the MarketWatch window or remove a symbol from the window. Update the select property


  • enable bool - Switch. Optional unnamed parameter. If 'false', a symbol should be removed from the MarketWatch window.


  • bool - True if successful, otherwise � False.


async def info() -> SymbolInfo

Get data on the specified financial instrument and update the symbol object properties


  • (SymbolInfo) - SymbolInfo if successful


  • ValueError - If request was unsuccessful and None was returned


async def init() -> bool

Initialized the symbol by pulling properties from the terminal


  • bool - Returns True if symbol info was successful initialized


async def book_add() -> bool

Subscribes the MetaTrader 5 terminal to the Market Depth change events for a specified symbol. If the symbol is not in the list of instruments for the market, This method will return False


  • bool - True if successful, otherwise � False.


async def book_get() -> tuple[BookInfo]

Returns a tuple of BookInfo featuring Market Depth entries for the specified symbol.


  • tuple[BookInfo] - Returns the Market Depth contents as a tuples of BookInfo Objects


  • ValueError - If request was unsuccessful and None was returned


async def book_release() -> bool

Cancels subscription of the MetaTrader 5 terminal to the Market Depth change events for a specified symbol.


  • bool - True if successful, otherwise � False.


async def compute_volume(*, amount: float, pips: float) -> float

Computes the volume of a trade based on the amount and the number of pips to target


  • amount float - Amount to risk in the trade
  • pips float - Number of pips to target


  • float - Returns the volume of the trade


async def currency_conversion(*, amount: float, base: str,
                              quote: str) -> float

Convert from one currency to the other.


  • amount - amount to convert given in terms of the quote currency
  • base - The base currency of the pair
  • quote - The quote currency of the pair


  • float - Amount in terms of the base currency or None if it failed to convert


  • ValueError - If conversion is impossible


async def copy_rates_from(*, timeframe: TimeFrame, date_from: datetime | int,
                          count: int) -> Candles

Get bars from the MetaTrader 5 terminal starting from the specified date.


  • timeframe TimeFrame - Timeframe the bars are requested for. Set by a value from the TimeFrame enumeration. Required unnamed parameter.

  • date_from datetime | int - Date of opening of the first bar from the requested sample. Set by the 'datetime' object or as a number of seconds elapsed since 1970.01.01. Required unnamed parameter.

  • count int - Number of bars to receive. Required unnamed parameter.


  • Candles - Returns a Candles object as a collection of rates ordered chronologically


  • ValueError - If request was unsuccessful and None was returned


async def copy_rates_from_pos(*,
                              timeframe: TimeFrame,
                              count: int = 500,
                              start_position: int = 0) -> Candles

Get bars from the MetaTrader 5 terminal starting from the specified index.


  • timeframe TimeFrame - TimeFrame value from TimeFrame Enum. Required keyword only parameter

  • count int - Number of bars to return. Keyword argument defaults to 500

  • start_position int - Initial index of the bar the data are requested from. The numbering of bars goes from present to past. Thus, the zero bar means the current one. Keyword argument defaults to 0.


  • Candles - Returns a Candles object as a collection of rates ordered chronologically.


  • ValueError - If request was unsuccessful and None was returned


async def copy_rates_range(*, timeframe: TimeFrame, date_from: datetime | int,
                           date_to: datetime | int) -> Candles

Get bars in the specified date range from the MetaTrader 5 terminal.


  • timeframe TimeFrame - Timeframe for the bars using the TimeFrame enumeration. Required unnamed parameter.

  • date_from datetime | int - Date the bars are requested from. Set by the 'datetime' object or as a number of seconds elapsed since 1970.01.01. Bars with the open time >= date_from are returned. Required unnamed parameter.

  • date_to datetime | int - Date, up to which the bars are requested. Set by the 'datetime' object or as a number of seconds elapsed since 1970.01.01. Bars with the open time <= date_to are returned. Required unnamed parameter.


  • Candles - Returns a Candles object as a collection of rates ordered chronologically.


  • ValueError - If request was unsuccessful and None was returned


async def copy_ticks_from(*,
                          date_from: datetime | int,
                          count: int = 100,
                          flags: CopyTicks = CopyTicks.ALL) -> Ticks

Get ticks from the MetaTrader 5 terminal starting from the specified date.

Args: date_from (datetime | int): Date the ticks are requested from. Set by the 'datetime' object or as a number of seconds elapsed since 1970.01.01.

count (int): Number of requested ticks. Defaults to 100

flags (CopyTicks): A flag to define the type of the requested ticks from CopyTicks enum. INFO is the default


  • Candles - Returns a Candles object as a collection of ticks ordered chronologically.


  • ValueError - If request was unsuccessful and None was returned


async def copy_ticks_range(*,
                           date_from: datetime | int,
                           date_to: datetime | int,
                           flags: CopyTicks = CopyTicks.ALL) -> Ticks

Get ticks for the specified date range from the MetaTrader 5 terminal.


  • date_from - Date the bars are requested from. Set by the 'datetime' object or as a number of seconds elapsed since 1970.01.01. Bars with the open time >= date_from are returned. Required unnamed parameter.

  • date_to - Date, up to which the bars are requested. Set by the 'datetime' object or as a number of seconds elapsed since 1970.01.01. Bars with the open time <= date_to are returned. Required unnamed parameter.

    flags (CopyTicks):


  • Candles - Returns a Candles object as a collection of ticks ordered chronologically.


  • ValueError - If request was unsuccessful and None was returned.


Terminal related functions and properties

Terminal Objects

class Terminal(TerminalInfo)

Terminal Class. Get information about the MetaTrader 5 terminal. The class is a subclass of the TerminalInfo class. It inherits all the attributes and methods of the TerminalInfo class and adds some useful methods.


Other attributes are defined in the TerminalInfo Class


async def initialize() -> bool

Establish a connection with the MetaTrader 5 terminal. There are three call options. Call without parameters. The terminal for connection is found automatically. Call specifying the path to the MetaTrader 5 terminal we want to connect to. word path as a keyword argument Call specifying the trading account path and parameters i.e login, password, server, as keyword arguments, path can be omitted.


  • bool - True if successful else False


async def version()

Get the MetaTrader 5 terminal version. This method returns the terminal version, build and release date as a tuple of three values


  • Version - version of tuple as Version object


  • ValueError - If the terminal version cannot be obtained


async def info()

Get the connected MetaTrader 5 client terminal status and settings. gets terminal info in the form of a named tuple structure (namedtuple). Return None in case of an error. The info on the error can be obtained using last_error().


  • Terminal - Terminal status and settings as a terminal object.


async def symbols_total() -> int

Get the number of all financial instruments in the MetaTrader 5 terminal.


  • int - Total number of available symbols


Module for working with price ticks.

Tick Objects

class Tick()

Price Tick of a Financial Instrument.


  • time int - Time of the last prices update for the symbol
  • bid float - Current Bid price
  • ask float - Current Ask price
  • last float - Price of the last deal (Last)
  • volume float - Volume for the current Last price
  • time_msc int - Time of the last prices update for the symbol in milliseconds
  • flags TickFlag - Tick flags
  • volume_real float - Volume for the current Last price
  • Index int - Custom attribute representing the position of the tick in a sequence.


def set_attributes(**kwargs)

Set attributes from keyword arguments

Ticks Objects

class Ticks()

Container data class for price ticks. Arrange in chronological order. Supports iteration, slicing and assignment


  • data DataFrame | tuple[tuple] - Dataframe of price ticks or a tuple of tuples


  • flip bool - If flip is True reverse data chronological order.


  • data - Dataframe Object holding the ticks


def __init__(*, data: DataFrame | Iterable, flip=False)

Initialize the Ticks class. Creates a DataFrame of price ticks from the data argument.


  • data DataFrame | Iterable - Dataframe of price ticks or any iterable object that can be converted to a pandas DataFrame
  • flip bool - If flip is True reverse data chronological order.


def ta()

Access to the pandas_ta library for performing technical analysis on the underlying data attribute.


  • pandas_ta - The pandas_ta library


def ta_lib()

Access to the ta library for performing technical analysis. Not dependent on the underlying data attribute.


  • ta - The ta library


def data() -> DataFrame

DataFrame of price ticks arranged in chronological order.


def rename(inplace=True, **kwargs) -> _Ticks | None

Rename columns of the candle class.


  • inplace bool - Rename the columns inplace or return a new instance of the class with the renamed columns
  • **kwargs - The new names of the columns


  • Ticks - A new instance of the class with the renamed columns if inplace is False.
  • None - If inplace is True


Trader class module. Handles the creation of an order and the placing of trades

Trader Objects

class Trader()

Base class for creating a Trader object. Handles the creation of an order and the placing of trades


  • symbol Symbol - Financial instrument class Symbol class or any subclass of it.

  • ram RAM - RAM instance

  • order Order - Trade order

    Class Attributes:

  • name str - A name for the strategy.

  • account Account - Account instance.

  • mt5 MetaTrader - MetaTrader instance.

  • config Config - Config instance.


def __init__(*, symbol: Symbol, ram: RAM = None)

Initializes the order object and RAM instance


  • symbol Symbol - Financial instrument
  • ram RAM - Risk Assessment and Management instance


async def create_order(*, order_type: OrderType, **kwargs)

Complete the order object with the required values. The default trader object uses the values specified in the default RAM instance to determine the take profit, stop loss, volume, and number of pips to target.


  • order_type OrderType - Type of order
  • kwargs - keyword arguments as required for the specific trader


async def set_order_limits(pips: float)

Sets the stop loss and take profit for the order. This method uses pips as defined for forex instruments.


  • pips - Target pips


async def place_trade(order_type: OrderType, params: dict = None, **kwargs)

Places a trade based on the order_type.


  • order_type OrderType - Type of order
  • params - parameters to be saved with the trade
  • kwargs - keyword arguments as required for the specific trader


Utility functions for aiomql.


def dict_to_string(data: dict, multi=False) -> str

Convert a dict to a string. Use for logging.


  • data dict - The dict to convert.
  • multi bool, optional - If True, each key-value pair will be on a new line. Defaults to False.


  • str - The string representation of the dict.

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