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Utilities for interacting with the AI Squared Technology Stack

Project description


Documentation PyPI version Tests PEP8

This package contains utilities to interact with the AI Squared technology stack, particularly with developing and deploying models to the AI Squared Platform or other applications developed through the AI Squared JavaScript SDK.


This package is available through Pypi and can be installed by running the following command:

pip install aisquared

Alternatively, the latest version of the software can be installed directly from GitHub using the following command

pip install git+


This package is currently in a state of constant development, so it is likely that breaking changes can be made at any time. We will work diligently to document changes and make stable releases in the future.

The aisquared package currently contains five subpackages, the aisquared.config package, the aisquared.base subpackage, the aisquared.logging subpackage, the aisquared.serving subpackage, and the aisquared.platform package. The config package holds objects for building the configuration files that need to be included with converted model files for use within the AI Squared Extension. The contents of the config subpackage contain both pre- and postprocessing steps as well as harvesting, analytic, rendering, and feedback objects to use with the model. The following will explain the functionality of the config package:


The aisquared.config subpackage contains the following objects:

  • ModelConfiguration
    • The ModelConfiguration object is the final object to be used to create the configuration file. It takes as input a list of harvesting steps, list of preprocessing steps, a list of analytics, a list of postprocessing steps, a list of rendering steps, an optional MLFlow URI, an optional MLFlow user, and an optional MLFlow token
  • GraphConfiguration
    • The `GraphConfiguration object is another method for creating configuration files. Instead of taking a predefined set of steps, it allows the developer to add steps to create a directed acyclic graph


The aisquared.config.harvesting subpackage contains the following objects:

  • ImageHarvester
    • The ImageHarvester class indicates the harvesting of images within the DOM to perform prediction on
  • TextHarvester
    • The TextHarvester class indicates the harvesting of text within the DOM to perform prediction on
  • InputHarvester
    • The InputHarvester class configures harvesting of different kinds of user-defined inputs
  • QueryParameterHarvester
    • The QueryParameterHarvester class configures harvesting based on query parameters


The aisquared.config.preprocessing subpackage contains the following objects:

  • ImagePreprocessor
    • The ImagePreprocessor class takes in preprocessing steps (defined below) which define preprocessing steps for images.
  • TabularPreprocessor
    • The TabularPreprocessor class takes in preprocessing steps (defined below) which define preprocessing steps for tabular data.
  • TextPreprocessor
    • The TextPreprocessor class takes in preprocessing steps (defined below) which define preprocessing steps for text data.


The aisquared.config.analytic subpackage contains the following objects:

  • LocalAnalytic
    • The LocalAnalytic class indicates the use of an analytic or lookup table from a local file
  • LocalModel
    • The LocalModel class indicates the use of a model from a local file
  • DeployedAnalytic
    • The DeployedAnalytic class indicates the use of an analytic or lookup table from a remote resource
  • DeployedModel
    • The DeployedModel class indicates the use of a model deployed to a remote resource
  • ReverseMLWorkflow
    • The ReverseMLWorkflow class indicates the use of a Reverse ML Workflow, pulling predictions from a remote source


The aisquared.config.postprocessing subpackage contains the following objects:

  • Regression
    • The Regression object is a postprocessing class for models which perform regression. Since it is common to train regression models by scaling regression outputs to values between 0 and 1, this class is designed to convert output values between 0 and 1 to their original values, corresponding to min and max when the class is instantiated.
  • BinaryClassification
    • The BinaryClassification object is a postprocessing class for models which perform binary classification. The class is instantiated with a label map and a cutoff value used to identify when the positive class (class 1) is identified.
  • MulticlassClassification
    • The MulticlassClassification object is a postprocessing class for models which perform multiclass classification. The class is instantiated with a label map only.
  • ObjectDetection
    • The ObjectDetection object is a postprocessing class for models which perform object detection. The class is instantiated with a label map and a cutoff value for identification.


The aisquared.config.rendering subpackage contains the following objects:

  • ImageRendering
    • The ImageRendering object is a rendering class for rendering single predictions on images.
  • ObjectRendering
    • The ObjectRendering object is a rendering class for rendering object detection predictions on images.
  • WordRendering
    • The WordRendering object is a rendering class for rendering highlights, underlines, or badges on individual words.
  • DocumentRendering
    • The DocumentRendering object is a rendering class for rendering document predictions.
  • BarChartRendering
    • The BarChartRendering object is a rendering class for rendering bar charts.
  • ContainerRendering
    • The ContainerRendering object is a rendering class for rendering containers.
  • DashboardReplacementRendering
    • The DashboardReplacementRendering object is a rendering class for rendering complete dashboard replacements
  • DoughnutChartRendering
    • The DoughnutChartRendering object is a class for rendering doughnut charts
  • FilterRendering
    • The FilterRendering object is a class for pass data in a model chain
  • HTMLTagRendering
    • The HTMLTagRendering object is a class for rendering HTML tags
  • PieChartRendering
    • The PieChartRendering object is a class for rendering pie charts
  • SOSRendering
    • The SOSRendering object is a class for rendering SOS dashboards
  • TableRendering
    • The TableRendering object is a class for rendering tables

The subpackage contains the following objects:

  • SimpleFeedback
    • The SimpleFeedback object is a feedback object for simple thumbs up/thumbs down for predictions
  • BinaryFeedback
    • The BinaryFeedback object is a feedback object for binary classification use cases
  • MulticlassFeedback
    • The MulticlassFeedback object is a feedback object for multiclass classification use cases
  • RegressionFeedback
    • The RegressionFeedback object is a feedback object for regression use cases
  • ModelFeedback
    • The ModelFeedback object is a feedback object for configuring feedback for the model directly, rather than its predictions
  • QualitativeFeedback
    • The QualitativeFeedback object is a feedback object for configuring questions asked about each individual prediction the model makes

Preprocessing Steps

The aisquared.config.preprocessing subpackage contains PreProcStep objects, which are then fed into the ImagePreprocessor, TabularPreprocessor, and TextPreprocessor classes. The PreProcStep classes are:

  • tabular.ZScore
    • This class configures standard normalization procedures for tabular data
  • tabular.MinMax
    • This class configures Min-Max scaling procedures for tabular data
  • tabular.OneHot
    • This class configures One Hot encoding for columns of tabular data
  • tabular.DropColumn
    • This class configures dropping columns
  • image.AddValue
    • This class configures adding values to pixels in image data
  • image.SubtractValue
    • This class configures subtracting values to pixels in image data
  • image.MultiplyValue
    • This class configures multiplying pixel values by a value in image data
  • image.DivideValue
    • This class configures dividing pixel values by a value in image data
  • image.ConvertToColor
    • This class configures converting images to the specified color scheme
  • image.Resize
    • This class configures image resize procedures
  • text.Tokenize
    • This class configures how text will be tokenized
  • text.RemoveCharacters
    • This class configures which characters should be removed from text
  • text.ConvertToCase
    • This class configures which case - upper or lower - text should be converted to
  • text.ConvertToVocabulary
    • This class configures how text tokens should be converted to vocabulary integers
  • text.PadSequences
    • This class configures how padding should occur given a sequence of text tokens converted to a sequence of integers

These step objects can then be placed within the TabularPreprocessor, ImagePreprocessor, or TextPreprocessor objects. For the TabularPreprocessor, the ZScore, MinMax, and OneHot Steps are supported. For the ImagePreprocessor, the AddValue, SubtractValue, MultiplyValue, DivideValue, ConvertToColor, and Resize Steps are supported. For the TextPreprocessor, the Tokenize, RemoveCharacters, ConvertToCase, ConvertToVocabulary, and PadSequences Steps are supported

Final Configuration and Model Creation

Once harvesting, preprocessing, analytic, postprocessing, and rendering objects have been created, these objects can then be passed to the aisquared.config.ModelConfiguration class. This class utilizes the objects passed to it to build the entire model configuration automatically.

Once the ModelConfiguration object has been created with the required parameters, the .compile() method can be used to create a file with the .air extension that can be loaded into an application which utilizes the AI Squared JavaScript SDK.


The aisquared.base subpackage contains base utilities not designed to be directly called by the end user.


The aisquared.platform subpackage contains classes and utilities for interacting with the AI Squared Platform. It primarily contains the AISquaredPlatformClient with the following capabilities:

  • The ability to securely log in to an instance of the AI Squared Platform
  • The ability to check whether the connection is healthy
  • The ability to list .air files deployed to the platform
  • The ability to retrieve the configuration for a .air file deployed in the platform
  • The ability to delete a .air file deployed in the platform
  • The ability to list users who have a .air file shared with them
  • The ability to share a .air file with users
  • The ability to unshare a .air file with users
  • The ability to list all users of the platform
  • The ability to list all groups in the platform
  • The ability to list all users in a group in the platform

aisquared.serving (requires installing aisquared[full])

The aisquared.serving subpackage contains utilities for serving models locally or remotely using MLflow or locally using Flask.

aisquared.logging (requires installing aisquared[full])

The aisquared.logging subpackage is powered by MLflow, a powerful open-source platform for the machine learning lifecycle. The logging subpackage inherits nearly all functionality from mlflow, so we highly recommend users refer to the MLflow documentation site for additional information.

In this subpackage, we have additionally added implementations of individual functions to save TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-Learn, and PyTorch models in a format that can be deployed quickly using MLflow.


AI Squared welcomes feedback and contributions to this repository! We use GitHub for issue tracking, so feel free to place your input there. For any issues you would like to keep confidential, such as any confidential security issues, or if you would like to contribute directly to this project, please reach out to and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Below are a list of additional features, bug fixes, and other changes made for each version.

Version 0.1.3

  • Added flags parameter to TextHarvester using regular expression harvesting
  • Deleted model_feedback parameter in ModelConfiguration object and included functionality in feedback_steps parameter
  • Changed format parameter to header for both deployed analytics
  • Added feedback and stages to DocumentPredictor and ImagePredictor objects
  • Non-API changes for ALLOWED_STAGES
  • Fixed bugs preventing Windows users from importing the package
  • Updated ModelConfiguration to include url parameter
  • Changed default tokenization string

Version 0.2.0

  • Moved preprocessing steps under subpackages for specific kinds of preprocessing steps
  • Cleaned up documentation to render within programmatic access environments
  • Added aisquared.logging subpackage
  • Created InputHarvester
    • Allows for harvesting of input text, images, and tabular data
  • Created the aisquared.serving subpackage, specifically the deploy_model and get_remote_prediction functions
  • Created the GraphConfiguration class
  • Added auto-run parameter to ModelConfiguration and GraphConfiguration classes
  • Created the aisquared CLI with the following commands:
    • aisquared deploy, which deploys a model locally
    • aisquared predict, which predicts using a local JSON file
    • aisquared airfiles, which contains the subcommands list, delete, download, and upload
  • Changed all classes within aisquared.config.analytic to accept 'tabular' as an input_type
  • Removed aisquared.logging and aisquared.remote from top-level imports
  • Added round parameter to Regression postprocesser
  • Removed DocumentPredictor and ImagePredictor classes
  • Removed ChainRendering class
  • Created FilterRendering class
  • Altered QUALIFIERS
  • Added advanced rendering parameters to rendering objects
  • Removed logging and remote subpackages from top-level aisquared import

Version 0.2.1

  • Added the S3Connector class to the analytics subpackage, which allows download of an analytic directly from S3
  • Updated the documentation and added the docs subdirectory for hosting the documentation on GitHub Pages

Version 0.2.2

  • Fixed bug in to_dict method within ObjectRendering class
  • Fixed bug in name of MultiplyValue step
  • Fixed bug in datatype checking for text harvester
  • Added body_only parameter to TextHarvester
  • Added 'underline' to possible badges
  • Added threshold_key and threshold_values to relevant rendering classes
  • Added Trim text preprocessing class
  • Added CustomObject in the base package to allow for creation of custom classes
  • Added keyword harvesting capabilities
  • Added utils subpackage with capabilities to mimic a trained sklearn model
  • Small documentation changes
  • Changed the required imports for the package to streamline installation process, and created two installation options aisquared and aisquared[full]

Version 0.2.3

  • Added functionality to add custom preprocessing and postprocessing functions to the model deployment pipeline
  • Added all parameter to LocalAnalytic class
  • Changed under-the-hood functionality of mimic_model function in line with updates to BeyondML
  • Altered the ReverseMLWorkflow analytic
  • Added the BarChartRendering, ContainerRendering, DashboardReplacementRendering, DoughnutChartRendering, HTMLTagRendering, LineChartRendering, PieChartRendering, SOSRendering, and TableRendering rendering classes
  • Added the QueryParameterHarvester harvester class
  • Added the limit parameter to the TextHarvester class

Version 0.3.0

  • Added type hinting to documentation strings
  • Revamped documentation to use Sphinx

Version 0.3.1

  • Changed Python type hints to allow for backwards compatibility with older versions of Python

Version 0.3.2

  • Added functionality to the AISquaredPlatformClient
  • Added top_level_kwargs parameter to the CustomObject class
  • Added DashboardRendering class
  • Removed 'px' from default values in ImageRendering and ObjectRendering classes
  • Added functionality for creating, updating, and deleting users to AISquaredPlatformClient
  • Added functionality for creating, updating, and delting groups to AISquaredPlatformClient
  • Fixed bug related to requiring auto_run parameter to be string (fix involves casting as string)
  • Altered schemas for different "Chart" Rendering classes to conform to JavaScript standards
  • Streamlined the ModelConfiguration class to allow a more functional interface to build .air files
  • Updated ContainerRendering class with parameters for position and static_position
  • Updated across-the-board functionality of the AISquaredPlatformClient

Version 0.3.3

  • Updated functionality of the AISquaredPlatformClient to interact directly with the platform ALB
  • Changed function names in support of change from MANN to BeyondML
  • Added documentation surrounding global configuration objects
  • Removed redundant additional dependencies

Version 0.3.4

  • Added support for custom CSS strings to appropriate rendering classes
  • Refactored AISquaredPlatformClient to import functions from support files
  • Fixed documentation errors for the documentation site
  • Checked whether responses returned OK status code rather than 200
  • Moved CustomObject to aisquared.config from aisquared.base
  • Changed endpoint used to list platform users
  • Fixed response behaviors where no data was returned from AISquaredPlatformClient

Version 0.3.5

  • Changed file_name parameter in ReverseMLWorkflow to file_names
  • Added documentation_link parameter to ModelConfiguration class

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Source Distribution

aisquared-0.3.5.tar.gz (58.2 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

aisquared-0.3.5-py3-none-any.whl (84.3 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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