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CLI for Alteia

Project description


CLI for Alteia Platform.


$ alteia [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • -p, --profile TEXT: Alteia CLI Profile [env var: ALTEIA_CLI_PROFILE; default: default]
  • --version: Display the CLI version and exit
  • --verbose: Display more info during the run
  • --install-completion: Install completion for the current shell.
  • --show-completion: Show completion for the current shell, to copy it or customize the installation.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • analytic-configurations: Interact with configurations of analytics.
  • analytics: Interact with analytics.
  • configure: Configure platform credentials.
  • credentials: Interact with Docker registry credentials.
  • products: Interact with products.

alteia analytic-configurations

Interact with configurations of analytics.


$ alteia analytic-configurations [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • assign: Assign an analytic configuration set to a...
  • create: Create a new configuration set for an...
  • delete: Delete one or many analytic configuration...
  • export: Export one configuration of a...
  • list: List the analytic configuration sets and...
  • unassign: Unassign an analytic configuration set...
  • update: Update a configuration set.

alteia analytic-configurations assign

Assign an analytic configuration set to a company.

All analytic configurations that are currently part of this analytic configuration set (and the potential future ones), are assigned to the company.


$ alteia analytic-configurations assign [OPTIONS] CONFIG_SET_ID


  • CONFIG_SET_ID: Identifier of the configuration set to assign [required]


  • -c, --company TEXT: Identifier of the company the configuration set will be assigned to [required]
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

alteia analytic-configurations create

Create a new configuration set for an analytic.

A configuration set is composed of configurations, each being applied to a different version range of the associated analytic.


$ alteia analytic-configurations create [OPTIONS]


  • -c, --config-path PATH: Path to the Configuration file (YAML or JSON file) [required]
  • -n, --name TEXT: Configuration set name (will be prompt if not provided)
  • -a, --analytic TEXT: Analytic name (will be prompt if not provided)
  • -v, --version-range TEXT: Version range of the analytic on which this first configuration can be applied
  • -d, --description TEXT: Configuration set description text
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

alteia analytic-configurations delete

Delete one or many analytic configuration set(s) and the associated configuration(s).


$ alteia analytic-configurations delete [OPTIONS] IDS


  • IDS: Identifier of the configuration set to delete, or comma-separated list of configuration set identifiers [required]


  • --help: Show this message and exit.

alteia analytic-configurations export

Export one configuration of a configuration set. Output can be a JSON or YAML format.


$ alteia analytic-configurations export [OPTIONS] CONFIG_SET_ID


  • CONFIG_SET_ID: Identifier of the configuration set to export value [required]


  • -v, --version-range TEXT: Specify the exact version range from the applicable analytic version ranges. Optional if only one configuration exists in the configuration set
  • -f, --format [json|yaml]: Optional output format [default: json]
  • -o, --output-path PATH: Optional output filepath to export the configuration. If the filepath already exists, it will be replaced. If not specified, configuration will be displayed in stdout
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

alteia analytic-configurations list

List the analytic configuration sets and their configurations.


$ alteia analytic-configurations list [OPTIONS]


  • -n, --limit INTEGER RANGE: Max number of configuration sets returned. [default: 100; x>=1]
  • --name TEXT: Configuration set name (or a part of) to match
  • --analytic TEXT: Exact analytic name to match
  • --desc: Print description rather than configurations
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

alteia analytic-configurations unassign

Unassign an analytic configuration set from a company.

All configurations currently part of this analytic configuration set, are unassigned from the company.


$ alteia analytic-configurations unassign [OPTIONS] CONFIG_SET_ID


  • CONFIG_SET_ID: Identifier of the configuration set to unassign [required]


  • -c, --company TEXT: Identifier of the company the configuration set is assigned to [required]
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

alteia analytic-configurations update

Update a configuration set. A configuration set is composed of configurations, each being applied to a different version range of the associated analytic.

To add a new configuration (file), use --add-config with the path to the new configuration file (YAML or JSON file) and --version-range with the version range of the analytic you want this new configuration to be applied.

To replace an existing configuration (file), use --replace-config with the path to the new configuration file (YAML or JSON file) and --version-range with the exact version range attached to the configuration to replace.

To remove a configuration from a configuration set, use --remove-config and --version-range with the exact version range attached to the configuration to remove.

To change the version range for an existing configuration, do an "add" and then a "remove" (an export may be necessary to do the "add" with the same configuration file).


$ alteia analytic-configurations update [OPTIONS] CONFIG_SET_ID


  • CONFIG_SET_ID: Identifier of the configuration set to update [required]


  • -n, --name TEXT: New configuration set name
  • -d, --description TEXT: New configuration set description
  • -a, --add-config PATH: Add new configuration. Specify the path to the new configuration file, and --version-range option with the version range of the analytic you want this new configuration to be applied. Do not use with --replace-config
  • -u, --replace-config PATH: Replace a configuration. Specify the path to the new configuration file, and --version-range option with the exact version range from the applicable analytic version ranges. Do not use with --add-config
  • -v, --version-range TEXT: Version range of the analytic on which a configuration can be applied. Must be used with one of --add-config, --replace-config or --remove-config
  • -r, --remove-config TEXT: Remove a configuration. Specify the exact version range from the applicable analytic version ranges
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

alteia analytics

Interact with analytics.


$ alteia analytics [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • create: Create a new analytic.
  • delete: Delete an analytic.
  • disable: Disable an analytic on companies
  • enable: Enable an analytic on companies
  • expose: Expose an analytic
  • list: List the analytics.
  • list-exposed: List exposed analytics
  • list-orderable: List orderable analytics on a company
  • share: Share an analytic (DEPRECATED: use expose...
  • unexpose: Unexpose an analytic
  • unshare: Unshare an analytic (DEPRECATED: use...

alteia analytics create

Create a new analytic.


$ alteia analytics create [OPTIONS]


  • --description PATH: Path of the Analytic description (YAML file). [required]
  • --company TEXT: Company identifier.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

alteia analytics delete

Delete an analytic.


$ alteia analytics delete [OPTIONS] ANALYTIC_NAME


  • ANALYTIC_NAME: [required]


  • --version TEXT: Version range of the analytic in SemVer format. If not provided, all the versions will be deleted.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

alteia analytics disable

Disable an analytic on companies


$ alteia analytics disable [OPTIONS] ANALYTIC_NAME


  • ANALYTIC_NAME: [required]


  • --company TEXT: Identifier of the company to disable the analytic, or list of such identifiers (comma separated values).

When providing the identifier of the root company of your domain, the analytic is disabled by default for all the companies of the domain (equivalent to using the --domain option).

  • --domain TEXT: Use this option to make the analytic disabled by default for all companies of the specified domains (comma separated values) (equivalent to using the --company option providing the root company identifier(s) of these domains).

Apart from this default behavior on domain, the analytic can be enabled or disabled separately on each company of the domain.

  • --help: Show this message and exit.

alteia analytics enable

Enable an analytic on companies


$ alteia analytics enable [OPTIONS] ANALYTIC_NAME


  • ANALYTIC_NAME: [required]


  • --company TEXT: Identifier of the company to enable the analytic, or list of such identifiers (comma separated values).

When providing the identifier of the root company of your domain, the analytic is enabled by default for all the companies of the domain (equivalent to using the --domain option).

  • --domain TEXT: Use this option to make the analytic enabled by default for all companies of the specified domains (comma separated values) (equivalent to using the --company option providing the root company identifier(s) of these domains).

Apart from this default behavior on domain, the analytic can be enabled or disabled separately on each company of the domain.

  • --help: Show this message and exit.

alteia analytics expose

Expose an analytic


$ alteia analytics expose [OPTIONS] ANALYTIC_NAME


  • ANALYTIC_NAME: [required]


  • --domain TEXT: To expose the analytic on the specified domains (comma separated values) if you have the right permissions on these domains.

By default, without providing this option, the analytic will be exposed on your domain if you have the right permissions on it.

  • --help: Show this message and exit.

alteia analytics list

List the analytics.


$ alteia analytics list [OPTIONS]


  • -n, --limit INTEGER RANGE: Max number of analytics returned. [default: 100; x>=1]
  • --all: If set, display all kinds of analytics (otherwise only custom analytics are displayed).
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

alteia analytics list-exposed

List exposed analytics


$ alteia analytics list-exposed [OPTIONS]


  • --all: If set, display all kinds of analytics (otherwise only custom analytics are displayed).
  • --domain TEXT: If set, filters exposed analytics on the specified domains (comma separated values) if you have the right permissions on these domains.

By default, without providing this option, it filters on your domain.

  • --help: Show this message and exit.

alteia analytics list-orderable

List orderable analytics on a company


$ alteia analytics list-orderable [OPTIONS] COMPANY_ID


  • COMPANY_ID: [required]


  • --all: If set, display all kinds of analytics (otherwise only custom analytics are displayed).
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

alteia analytics share

Share an analytic (DEPRECATED: use expose instead)


$ alteia analytics share [OPTIONS] ANALYTIC_NAME


  • ANALYTIC_NAME: [required]


  • --version TEXT: Range of versions in SemVer format. If not provided, all the versions will be shared.
  • --company TEXT: Identifier of the company to share the analytic with.

When providing the identifier of the root company of your domain, the analytic is shared with all the companies of the domain (equivalent to using the --domain option)

  • --domain / --no-domain: To share the analytic with the root company of your domain.

This has the effect to share the analytic with all the companies of your domain and is equivalent to using the --company option providing the id of the root company. [default: no-domain]

  • --help: Show this message and exit.

alteia analytics unexpose

Unexpose an analytic


$ alteia analytics unexpose [OPTIONS] ANALYTIC_NAME


  • ANALYTIC_NAME: [required]


  • --domain TEXT: To unexpose the analytic from the specified domains (comma separated values) if you have the right permissions on these domains.

By default, without providing this option, the analytic will be unexposed from your domain if you have the right permissions on it.

  • --help: Show this message and exit.

alteia analytics unshare

Unshare an analytic (DEPRECATED: use unexpose instead)


$ alteia analytics unshare [OPTIONS] ANALYTIC_NAME


  • ANALYTIC_NAME: [required]


  • --version TEXT: Range of versions in SemVer format. If not provided, all the versions will be unshared.
  • --company TEXT: Identifier of the company to unshare the analytic with.
  • --domain / --no-domain: To unshare the analytic with the root company of your domain.

This is equivalent to using the --company option providing the id of the root company. Note that if you specifically shared the analytic with a company of your domain, the analytic will still be shared with that company. [default: no-domain]

  • --help: Show this message and exit.

alteia configure

Configure platform credentials.

You can configure multiples credential profiles by specifying a different profile name for each one.


$ alteia configure [OPTIONS] [PROFILE]


  • [PROFILE]: Alteia CLI Profile to configure [env var: ALTEIA_CLI_PROFILE;default: default]


  • --insecure: Allow insecure connection for profile, disable SSL certificate verification
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

alteia credentials

Interact with Docker registry credentials.


$ alteia credentials [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • create: Create a new credential entry.
  • delete: Delete a credential entry by its name.
  • list: List the existing credentials.

alteia credentials create

Create a new credential entry.


$ alteia credentials create [OPTIONS]


  • --filepath PATH: Path of the Credential JSON file. [required]
  • --company TEXT: Company identifier.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

alteia credentials delete

Delete a credential entry by its name.


$ alteia credentials delete [OPTIONS] NAME


  • NAME: [required]


  • --help: Show this message and exit.

alteia credentials list

List the existing credentials.


$ alteia credentials list [OPTIONS]


  • --company TEXT: Company identifier.
  • --type [docker|object-storage|stac-catalog]: Type of credentials [default: docker]
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

alteia products

Interact with products.


$ alteia products [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  • --help: Show this message and exit.


  • cancel: Cancel a running product.
  • list: List the products
  • logs: Retrieve the logs of a product.

alteia products cancel

Cancel a running product.


$ alteia products cancel [OPTIONS] PRODUCT_ID


  • PRODUCT_ID: [required]


  • --help: Show this message and exit.

alteia products list

List the products


$ alteia products list [OPTIONS]


  • -n, --limit INTEGER RANGE: Max number of products returned [default: 10; x>=1]
  • --analytic TEXT: Analytic name
  • --company TEXT: Company identifier
  • --status [pending|processing|available|rejected|failed]: Product status
  • --all: If set, display also the products from platform analytics (otherwise only products from custom analytics are displayed).
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

alteia products logs

Retrieve the logs of a product.


$ alteia products logs [OPTIONS] PRODUCT_ID


  • PRODUCT_ID: [required]


  • -f, --follow: Follow logs.
  • --help: Show this message and exit.

Generated with python -m typer_cli alteia_cli/ utils docs --name alteia

Project details

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Built Distribution

alteia_cli-1.7.1-py3-none-any.whl (31.5 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

Supported by

AWS AWS Cloud computing and Security Sponsor Datadog Datadog Monitoring Fastly Fastly CDN Google Google Download Analytics Microsoft Microsoft PSF Sponsor Pingdom Pingdom Monitoring Sentry Sentry Error logging StatusPage StatusPage Status page