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Amocrm api wrapper v4

Project description

wrapper for amocrm rest api


Install using pip...

pip install amocrm-api-wrapper



from amocrm_api import AmoLegacyClient # for login password auth
from amocrm_api import AmoOAuthClient # for oauth
from datetime import datetime

client = AmocrmLegacyClient('<login>', '<password>', '<crm_url>')
client = AmocrmOAuthClient('<access_token>', '<refresh_token>', '<crm_url>', '<client_id>', '<client_secret>', '<redirect_uri>')
dt ="%a, %d %b %Y %H-%m-%d")
date_time = f"{dt} UTC"

# for Legacy client
headers = {
    "IF-MODIFIED-SINCE": f"{date_time}",
    "Content-Type": "application/json",


get account info

name type default value
with_amojo_id bool False
with_amojo_rights bool False
with_users_groups bool False
with_task_types bool False
with_version bool False
with_ventity_names bool False
with_datetime_settings bool False
account_info = client.get_account_info()

create leads

name type default value
objects list -
objects = [
        "name": "Сделка для примера 1",
        "created_by": 0,
        "price": 20000,
        "custom_fields_values": [
                "field_id": 294471,
                "values": [
                        "value": "Наш первый клиент"
        "name": "Сделка для примера 2",
        "price": 10000,
        "_embedded": {
            "tags": [
                    "id": 2719
result = client.create_leads(objects)

update leads

name type default value
objects list -
objects = [
        "id": 54886,
        "pipeline_id": 47521,
        "status_id": 143,
        "date_close": 1589297221,
        "loss_reason_id": 7323,
        "updated_by": 0
        "id": 54884,
        "price": 50000,
        "pipeline_id": 47521,
        "status_id": 525743,
        "_embedded": {
            "tags": None
result = client.update_leads(objects)

get lead

name type default value
lead_id int -
lead = client.get_lead(123)

get leads

name type default value
limit int 250
page int 1
with_params Optional[list] None
filters Optional[dict] None
order Optional[dict] None
leads = client.get_leads(limit=10, page=3, filters={'[updated_at][from]': '<timestamp>'})

get unsorted leads

name type default value
limit int 250
page int 1
filter_by_uids Union[str, list, None] None
filter_by_pipeline_id Union[str, list, None] None
filter_by_category Union[str, list, None] None
order_by Optional[dict] None
unsorted_leads = client.get_unsorted_leads(limit=10, page=3, filter_by_pipeline_id=[1, 2310, 8751035])

get unsorted lead by uid

name type default value
uid str -
unsorted_lead = client.get_unsorted_by_uid('ufsigkgdjlk13igmd')

create unsorted lead by sip

name type default value
source_uid str -
source_name str -
metadata dict -
conctact dict -
lead dict -
comapany dict -
pipeline_id Optional[int] None
created_at Optional[int] None
request_id Optional[int] None
unsorted_lead = {
        "request_id": "123",
        "source_name": "ОАО Коспромсервис",
        "source_uid": "a1fee7c0fc436088e64ba2e8822ba2b3",
        "pipeline_id": 2194576,
        "created_at": 1510261200,
        "leads": {
                "name": "Тех обслуживание",
                "price": 5000,
                "custom_fields_values": [
                        "field_id": 284785,
                        "values": [
                                "value": "Кастомное поле"
                "_embedded": {
                    "tags": [
                            "id": 263809
                "name": "Контакт для примера"
                "name": "ОАО Коспромсервис"
        "metadata": {
            "is_call_event_needed": True,
            "uniq": "a1fe231cc88e64ba2e8822ba2b3ewrw",
            "duration": 54,
            "service_code": "CkAvbEwPam6sad",
            "link": "",
            "phone": 79998888888,
            "called_at": 1510261200,
            "from": "onlinePBX"
result = client.create_unsorted_by_sip(**unsorted_lead)

create unsorted lead by form

name type default value
source_uid str -
source_name str -
metadata dict -
conctact dict -
lead dict -
comapany dict -
pipeline_id Optional[int] None
created_at Optional[int] None
request_id Optional[int] None
unsorted_lead = {
        "request_id": "123",
        "source_name": "ОАО Коспромсервис",
        "source_uid": "a1fee7c0fc436088e64ba2e8822ba2b3",
        "pipeline_id": 2194576,
        "created_at": 1590830520,
        "leads": {
            "name": "Тех обслуживание",
            "visitor_uid": "5692210d-58d0-468c-acb2-dce7f93eef87",
            "price": 5000,
            "custom_fields_values": [
                    "field_id": 284785,
                    "values": [
                            "value": "Дополнительное поле"
            "_embedded": {
                "tags": [
                        "name": "Тег для примера"
                "name": 234,
                "first_name": "123213",
                "last_name": 234,
                "custom_fields_values": [
                        "field_code": "PHONE",
                        "values": [
                                "value": "+7912321323"
        "companies": {
            "name": "ОАО Коспромсервис"
        "metadata": {
            "ip": "",
            "form_id": "a1fee7c0fc436088e64ba2e8822ba2b3ewrw",
            "form_sent_at": 1590830520,
            "form_name": "Форма заявки для полёта в космос",
            "form_page": "",
            "referer": ""
result = client.create_unsorted_by_form(**unsorted_lead)

accept unsorted lead

name type default value
uid str -
user_id int -
status_id int -
result = client.accept_unsorted('jkjsoijg2321kgkdu2', 2310, 4444)

decline unsorted lead

name type default value
uid str -
user_id int -
result = client.decline_unsorted('jkjsoijg2321kgkdu2', 2310,)

link unsorted lead ot another lead

name type default value
uid str -
user_id int -
link dict -
result = client.link_unsorted('jkjsoijg2321kgkdu2', 2310, link={
    "entity_id": 93144801,
    "entity_type": "leads"

get summary unsorted leads

name type default value
uid Union[str, list, None] None
created_at__from Optional[str] None
created_at__to Optional[str] None
pipeline_id Union[str, list, None] None
summary_unsorted = client.get_summary_unsorted()

get pipelines

pipelines = client.get_pipelines()

craete pipeline

name type default value
name str -
sort int -
is_main bool -
statuses list -
is_unsorted_on bool False
request_id Optional[str] None
pipeline = {
    "name": "Воронка доп продаж",
    "is_main": False,
    "is_unsorted_on": True,
    "sort": 20,
    "request_id": "123",
    "statuses": [
            "id": 142,
            "name": "Мое название для успешных сделок"
            "name": "Первичный контакт",
            "sort": 10,
            "color": "#fffeb2"
result = client.create_pipeline(**pipeline)

edit pipeline

name type default value
pipeline_id int -
name str -
sort int -
is_main bool -
is_unsorted_on bool False
pipeline = {
    "pipeline_id": 2310,
    "name": "Новое название для воронки",
    "is_main": False,
    "is_unsorted_on": False,
    "sort": 100
result = client.edit_pipeline(**pipeline)

delete pipeline

name type default value
pipeline_id int -
result = client.delete_pipeline(2310)

get statuses by pipeline

name type default value
pipeline_id int -
pipeline_statuses = client.get_pipeline_statuses(2310)

get pipeline status

name type default value
pipeline_id int -
status_id int -
pipeline_status = client.get_pipeline_status(2310, 123)

add statuses to pipeline

name type default value
pipeline_id int -
statuses list -
statuses = [
        "name": "Новый этап",
        "sort": 100,
        "color": "#fffeb2"
        "name": "Новый этап 2",
        "sort": 200,
        "color": "#fffeb2"
result = client.add_statuses_to_pipeline(2310, statuses)

edit pipeline status

name type default value
pipeline_id int -
status_id int -
name str -
sort int -
color str -
result = client.edit_pipeline_status(2310, 123, 'Новый Этап', sort=500, color="#fffeb2")

delete status from pipeline

name type default value
pipeline_id int -
status_id int -
result = client.delete_status_from_pipeline(2310, 123)

get contacts

name type default value
limit int 250
page int 1
with_params Optional[list] None
filters Optional[dict] None
order Optional[dict] None
contacts = client.get_contacts(limit=10, page=3, filters={'[updated_at][from]': '<timestamp>'})

get contact

name type default value
contact_id int -
contact = client.get_contact(123989)

create contacts

name type default value
contacts list -
conctacts = [
        "first_name": "Петр",
        "last_name": "Смирнов",
        "custom_fields_values": [
                "field_id": 271316,
                "values": [
                        "value": "Директор"
        "name": "Владимир Смирнов",
        "created_by": 47272
result = client.create_contacts(contacts)

update contacts

name type default value
contacts list -
conctacts = [
        "id": 3,
        "first_name": "Иван",
        "last_name": "Иванов",
        "custom_fields_values": [
                "field_id": 66192,
                "field_name": "Телефон",
                "values": [
                        "value": "79999999999",
                        "enum_code": "WORK"
result = client.update_contacts(contacts)

get companies

name type default value
limit int 250
page int 1
with_params Optional[list] None
filters Optional[dict] None
order Optional[dict] None
companies = client.get_companies(limit=10, page=3, filters={'[updated_at][from]': '<timestamp>'})

get company

name type default value
company_id int -
company = client.get_company(9988)

create companies

name type default value
companies list -
companies = [
        "name": "АО Рога и Копыта",
        "custom_fields_values": [
                "field_code": "PHONE",
                "values": [
                        "value": "+7912322222",
                        "enum_code": "WORK"
result = client.create_companies(companies)

update companies

name type default value
companies list -
companies = [
        "id": 11090825,
        "name": "Новое название компании",
        "custom_fields_values": [
                "field_code": "EMAIL",
                "values": [
                        "value": "",
                        "enum_code": "WORK"
result = client.update_companies(companies)

get catalogs

name type default value
page int 1
limit int 250
catalogs = client.get_catalogs(page=1, limit=5)

get catalog

name type default value
catalog_id int 1
catalog = client.get_catalog(12319)

create catalogs

name type default value
catalogs list -
catalogs = [
        "name": "Тестовый список",
        "can_add_elements": True,
        "can_link_multiple": False,
        "request_id": "123"
result = client.create_catalogs(catalogs)

update catalogs

name type default value
catalogs list -
catalogs = [
        "id": 5787,
        "name": "Новое имя списка",
        "can_add_elements": True,
        "can_link_multiple": False
result = client.update_catalogs(catalogs)

get elements from catalog

name type default value
catalogs_id int -
page int 1
limit int 250
filters Optional[dict] None
elements = client.get_catalog_elements(5787, page=3, limit=8)

get element from catalog

name type default value
catalogs_id int -
element_id int -
element = client.get_catalog_element(5787, 2301)

add elements to catalog

name type default value
catalogs_id int -
elements list -
elements = [
        "name": "Новый элемент списка",
        "custom_fields_values": [
                "field_id": 14263,
                "values": [
                        "value": 1000
result = client.add_elements_to_catalog(5787, elements)

update elements in catalog

name type default value
catalogs_id int -
elements list -
elements = [
        "id": 986757,
        "name": "Новое имя элемента"
        "id": 986753,
        "name": "Новое имя элемента 2"
result = client.update_elements_in_catalog(5787, elements)

get users

name type default value
page int 1
limit list 250
with_role bool False
with_group bool False
users = client.get_users(page=1, limit=250)

get user

name type default value
user_id int 1
with_role bool False
with_group bool False
user = client.get_user(2222, with_role=True, with_group=True)

get webhooks

name type default value
distansion Optional[str] None
webhooks = client.get_webhooks()

subscribe webhook

name type default value
distansion str -
settings list -
result = client.subscribe_webhook(destination="https://example.test", settings=["add_lead"])

get widgets

name type default value
page int 1
limit int 250
widgets = client.get_widgets(page=3, limit=22)

get widget

name type default value
widget_code str -
widget = client.get_widget('<widget_code>')

install widget

name type default value
widget_code str -
**kwargs str -
example ={
    "login": "example",
    "password": "eXaMp1E",
    "phones": {
        504141: "1039"
    "script_path": ""
result = client.install_widget('<widget_code>', **example)

uninstall widget

name type default value
widget_code str -
result = client.uninstall_widget('<widget_code>')

get tasks

name type default value
page int 1
limit int 250
filters Optional[dict] None
order Optional[dict] None
tasks = client.get_tasks(page=1, limit=10, filters={'[updated_at][from]': '<timestamp>'})

get task

name type default value
task_id int -
task = client.get_task(1288)

add tasks

name type default value
tasks list -
tasks = [
        "task_type_id": 1,
        "text": "Встретиться с клиентом Иван Иванов",
        "complete_till": 1588885140,
        "entity_id": 9785993,
        "entity_type": "leads",
        "request_id": "example"
result = client.add_tasks(tasks=tasks)

update tasks

name type default value
tasks list -
tasks = [
        "id": 4745251,
        "task_type_id": 2,
        "text": "Новое название для задачи",
        "complete_till": 1588885140
        "id": 4747929,
        "task_type_id": 1,
        "text": "Новое название для задачи 2",
        "complete_till": 1588885140
result = client.update_tasks(tasks=tasks)

execution task

name type default value
task_id int -
is_completed bool -
result str -
result = client.execution_task(1288, is_completed=True, result="Удалось связаться с клиентом")

get tasks by entity type (leads|contacts|companies|customers)

name type default value
entity_type str -
page int 1
limit int 250
filters Optional[dict] None
tags = client.get_tags_by_entity_type('leads', page=1, limit=10)

add tasks for entity type (leads|contacts|companies|customers)

name type default value
entity_type str -
tags list -
tags = [
        "name": "Tag 1"
        "name": "Tag 2",
        "request_id": "my_request_id"
        "name": "Tag 3"
tags = client.add_tags_for_entity_type('leads', tags=tags)

get custom fields

contacts_cf = client.get_contacts_custom_fields()
leads_cf = client.get_leads_custom_fields()
companies_cf = client.get_companies_custom_fields()
customers_cf = client.get_customers_custom_fields()
customer_segments_cf = client.get_customer_segments_custom_fields()
customer_segments_cf = client.get_customer_segments_custom_fields()
get_catalog_custom_fields = client.get_customer_segments_custom_fields('<catalog_id>')

get custom field

contacts_cf = client.get_contacts_custom_field('<id>')
leads_cf = client.get_leads_custom_field('<id>')
companies_cf = client.get_companies_custom_field('<id>')
customers_cf = client.get_customers_custom_field('<id>')
customer_segments_cf = client.get_customer_segments_custom_field('<id>')
get_catalog_custom_fields = client.get_catalog_custom_field('<catalog_id>', '<id>')

create custom field

contacts_cf = client.create_contacts_custom_field(['<cf>'])
leads_cf = client.create_leads_custom_field(['<cf>'])
companies_cf = client.create_companies_custom_field(['<cf>'])
customers_cf = client.create_customers_custom_field(['<cf>'])
customer_segments_cf = client.create_customer_segments_custom_field(['<cf>'])
get_catalog_custom_fields = client.create_catalog_custom_field('<catalog_id>', ['<cf>'])

update custom field

contacts_cf = client.update_contacts_custom_field(['<cf>'])
leads_cf = client.update_leads_custom_field(['<cf>'])
companies_cf = client.update_companies_custom_field(['<cf>'])
customers_cf = client.update_customers_custom_field(['<cf>'])
customer_segments_cf = client.update_customer_segments_custom_field(['<cf>'])
get_catalog_custom_fields = client.update_catalog_custom_field('<catalog_id>', ['<cf>'])

Project details

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Source Distribution

amocrm-api-wrapper-0.0.4.tar.gz (30.0 kB view hashes)

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Supported by

AWS AWS Cloud computing and Security Sponsor Datadog Datadog Monitoring Fastly Fastly CDN Google Google Download Analytics Microsoft Microsoft PSF Sponsor Pingdom Pingdom Monitoring Sentry Sentry Error logging StatusPage StatusPage Status page