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Tool for performing deconvolution (using LucyRichardson and ModifiedClean algorithms), PSF fitting and filtering, and data manipulation for 2d images and 3d datacubes.

Project description


Eventually this will consist of multiple packages, for now it just consists of aopp_deconv_tool.


  • Python virtual environment setup guide [DONE]

  • Add instructions for non-sudo access installation [DONE]

  • Add instrucitons for CONDA install + virtual environment [DONE]

  • Add instruction for updating to latest versions [DONE]

  • Add how to find package source files [DONE]

  • Get some small example files and add them to the package to be used with example deconvolution script.

    • Look up python package index's policy on hosting example data files
    • Zenodo - Site for uploading and sharing data.
    • Also try using the shared storage
  • Deconvolution example code + files

  • PSF fitting example + files

  • SSA filtering example

Python Installation and Virtual Environment Setup

As Python is used by many operating systems as part of its tool-chain it's a good idea to avoid fiddling with the "system" installation (so you don't unintentionally overwrite packages or python versions and make it incompatible with your OS). Therefore the recommended way to use Python is via a virtual environment. A virtual environment is isolated from your OS's Python installation. It has its own packages, its own pip (stands for "pip install packages", recursive acronyms...), and its own versions of the other bits it needs.

This package was developed using Python 3.12.2. Therefore, you need a Python 3.12.2 (or later) installation, and ideally a virtual environment to run it in.

Installing Python

It is recommended that you do not add the installed python to your path. If you do, the operating system may/will find the installed version before the operating system's expected version. And as our new installation almost certainly doesn't have the packages the operating system requires, and may be an incompatible version, annoying things can happen. Instead, install Python in an obvious place that you can access easily.

Suggested installation locations:

  • Windows : C:\Python\Python3.12

  • Unix/Linux/Mac: ${HOME}/python/python3.12

Installation instructions for windows, mac, unix and linux are slightly different, so please refer to the appropriate section below.

Once installed, if using the suggested installation location, the actual Python interpreter executable will be at one of the following locations or an equivalent relative location if not using the suggested install location:

  • Windows: C:\Python\Python3.12\bin\python3.exe

  • Unix/Linux/Mac: ${HOME}/python/python3.12/bin/python3

  • NOTE: if using Anaconda, you will have a conda command that manages the installation location of Python for you.

NOTE: I will assume a linux installation in this guide, so the executable will be at ${HOME}/python/python3.12/bin/python3 in all code snippets. Alter this appropriately if using windows or a non-suggested installation location.

Windows/Mac Installation Instructions

Unix/Linux Installation Instructions

Creating and Activating a Virtual Environment

A virtual environment isolates the packages you are using for a project from your normal environment and other virtual environments. Generally they are created in a directory which we will call <VENV_DIR>, and then activated and deactivated as required. NOTE: anaconda python has slightly different commands for managing virtual environments, and uses names of virtual environments instead of directories, however the concept and the idea of activating and deactivating them remains the same dispite the slightly different technical details.

NOTE: For the rest of this guide, python refers to a manual Python installation and anaconda python to Python provided by Anaconda. NOTE: I will assume python version 3.12.2 for the rest of this guide but this will also work for different versions as long as the version number is changed appropriately.

Check Python Installation

With Python installed, make sure you have the correct version via ${HOME}/python/python3.12/bin/python3 --version. The command should print Python 3.12.2, or whichever version you expect.

Check Anaconda Python Installation

If using anaconda python check that everything is installed correctly by using the command conda --version. This should print a string like conda X.Y.Z, where X,Y,Z are the version number of anaconda.

Creating a Python Virtual Environment

To create a virtual environment use the command ${HOME}/python/python3.12/bin/python3 -m venv <VENV_DIR>, where <VENV_DIR> is the directory you want the virtual environment to be in. E.g. ${HOME}/python/python3.12/bin/python3 -m venv .venv_3.12.2 will create the virtual environment in the directory .venv_3.12.2 in the current folder (NOTE: the . infront of the directory name will make it hidden by default).

Creating an Anaconda Python Virtual Environment

Anaconda Python manages many of the background details for you. Use the command conda create -n <VENV_NAME> python=3.12.2, where <VENV_NAME> is the name of the virtual environment to create. E.g. conda create -n venv_3.12.2 python=3.12.2

Activating and Deactivating a Python Virtual Environment

The process of activating the virtual environment varies depending on the terminal shell you are using. On the command line, use one of the following commands:

  • cmd.exe (Windows): <VENV_DIR>\Scripts\activate.bat

  • PowerShell (Windows, maybe Linux): <VENV_DIR>/bin/Activate.ps1

  • bash|zsh (Linux, Mac): source <VENV_DIR>/bin/activate

  • fish (Linux, Mac): source <VENV_DIR>/bin/

  • csh|tcsh (Linux, Mac): source <VENV_DIR>/bin/activate.csh

Once activated, your command line prompt should change to have something like (.venv_3.12.2) infront of it.

To check everything is working, enter the following commands (NOTE: the full path is not required as we are now using the virtual environment):

  • python --version

    • Should output the version you expect, e.g. Python 3.12.2
  • python -c 'import sys; print(sys.prefix != sys.base_prefix)'

    • Should output True if you are in a virtual environment or False if you are not.

To deactivate the environment, use the command deactivate. Your prompt should return to normal.

Activating and Deactivating an Anaconda Python Virtual Environment

Anaconda python has a simpler way of activating a virtual environment. Use the command conda activate <VENV_NAME>, your prompt should change to have something like (<VENV_NAME>) infront of it. Use python --version to check that the activated environment contains the expected python version.

To deactivate the environment, use the command conda deactivate. Your prompt should return to normal.

Installing the Package via Pip

NOTE: If using anaconda python you may be able to use conda install instead of pip but I have not tested this. Conda should behave well when using packages installed via pip.

Once you have installed Python 3.12.2 or higher, created a virtual environment, and activated the virtual environment. Use the following command to install the package:

  • python -m pip install --upgrade pip

    • This updates pip to its latest version
  • python -m pip install aopp_deconv_tool

    • This actually installs the package.

NOTE: We are using python -m pip instead of just pip incase the pip command does not point to the virtual environment's pip executable. You can run pip --version to see which version of python it is for and where the pip executable is located if you want. As explanation, python -m pip means "use python to run its pip module", whereas pip means "look on my path for the first executable called 'pip' and run it". Usually they are the same, but not always.

To update the package to it's newest version use:

  • python -m pip install --upgrade aopp_deconv_tool


This tool provides deconvolution, psf fitting, and ssa filtering routines.

NOTE: It can be useful to look through the source files, see the appendix for how to find the package's source files location


See the examples folder of the github.

Commandline Scripts

Spectral Rebinning

Invoke via python -m aopp_deconv_tool.spectral_rebin. Use the -h option to see the help message.

This routine accepts a FITS file specifier, it will spectrally rebin the fits extension and output a new fits file.


Invoke via python -m aopp_deconv_tool.interpolate. Use the -h option to see the help message.

Accepts a FTIS file specifier, will find bad pixels and interpolate over them. The strategies used are dependent on the options given to the program.

bad pixel strategies: ssa Uses singular spectrum analysis to determine bad pixels. Useful for situations where artifacts are not seperable from the science data via a simple brightness threshold. Also interpolates over INF and NAN pixels. simple Only interpolates over INF and NAN pixels

interpolation strategies: scipy Uses scipy routines to interpolate over the bad pixels. Uses a convolution technique to assist with edge effect problems. ssa [EXPERIMENTAL] Interpolates over SSA components only where extreme values are present. Testing has shown this to give results more similar to the underlying test data than scipy, but is substantially slower and requires parameter fiddling to give any substantial improvement.

PSF Normalisation

Invoke via python -m aopp_deconv_tool.psf_normalise. Use the -h option to see the help message.

Peforms the following operations:

  • Ensures image shape is odd, so there is a definite central pixel
  • Removes any outliers (based on the sigma option)
  • Recenters the image around the center of mass (uses the threshold and n_largest_regions options)
  • Optionally trims the image to a desired shape around the center of mass to reduce data volume and speed up subsequent steps
  • Normalises the image to sum to 1

PSF Model Fitting

Invoke via python -m aopp_deconv_tool.psf_normalise. Use the -h option to see the help message. NOTE: The --model option sets the model to fit. To see which parameters a model accepts use the --model_help option [NOTE: CHECK THIS WORKS]

Specifying the --method option sets the routine used for fitting. Two are available scipy.minimize (default) and ultranest.

scipy.minimize A simple gradient descent solver. Fast and useful when the optimal solution is close to the passed starting parameters.

ultranest Nested sampling. Much slower (but can be sped up), but works when the optimal solution has local maxima/minima that would trap scipy.minimize. Currently the muse_ao model only finds a good solution with this method.


Invoke via python -m aopp_deconv_tool.deconvolve. Use the -h option to see the help message. NOTE: the --parameter_help option will show the help message for the deconvolution parameters [NOTE: CHECK THIS WORKS]

Assumes the observation data has no NAN or INF pixels, assumes the PSF data is centered and sums to 1. Use the --plot option to see an progress plot that updates every 10 iterations of the MODIFIED_CLEAN algorithm, useful for working out what different parameters do.


The main deconvolution routines are imported via

from aopp_deconv_tool.algorithm.deconv.clean_modified import CleanModified
from aopp_deconv_tool.algorithm.deconv.lucy_richardson import LucyRichardson

They have docstrings available, e.g. help(CleanModified) at the Python REPL will tell you details about how they work.

There is a script aopp_deconv_tool.deconvolve that performs deconvolution using CleanModified on two files passed to it (the first argument is the observation, the second is the PSF). The output is saved to ./deconv.fits. Invoke it with python -m aopp_deconv_tool.deconvolve <OBS> <PSF>. By default, it will assume it should use the PRIMARY fits extension, and deconvolve everything. If you want it to use a different one, pass the files as './path/to/file.fits{EXTENSION_NAME_OR_NUMBER}[10:12](1,2)'. Where EXTENSION_NAME_OR_NUMBER is the name or number of the extension to use, [10:12] is an example of a slice (in Python slice format) of the extension cube to use, and (1,2) specifies which axes are the 'image' axes i.e. RA and DEC (i.e. CELESTIAL) axes. NOTE: the (1,2) can be omitted, and it will try and guess the correct ones.

PSF Fitting

The main PSF fitting routines are in aopp_deconv_tools.psf_model_dependency_injector, and aopp_deconv_tools.psf_data_ops. The examples on the github deal with this area. Specifically <REPO_DIR>/examples/ for adaptive optics instrument fitting.

SSA Filtering

Singular Spectrum Analysis is performed by the SSA class in the aopp_deconv_tools.py_ssa module. An interactive viewer that can show SSA components can be run via python -m aopp_deconv_tool.graphical_frontends.ssa_filtering. By default it will show some test data, if you pass an image file (i.e. not a FITS file, but a .jpg etc.) it will use that image instead of the default one.

The ssa2d_sub_prob_map function in the aopp_deconv_tool.algorithm.bad_pixels.ssa_sub_prob module attempts to make an informed choice of hot/cold pixels for masking purposes. See the docstring for more details.

The ssa_interpolate_at_mask function in the aopp_deconv_tool.algorithm.interpolate.ssa_interp module attempts to interpolate data by interpolating between SSA components, only when the value of the component at the point to be interpolated is not an extreme value. See the docstring for more details.


APPENDIX: Snippets

Sudo Access Test

Enter the following commands at the command line:

  • ls
  • sudo ls

If, after entering your password, you see the same output for both commands, you have sudo access. Otherwise, you do not.

Location of package source files ###

To find the location of the package's files, run the following command:

  • python -c 'import site; print(site.getsitepackages())'

This will output the site packages directory for the python executable. The package's files will be in the aopp_deconv_tool subdirectory.


Linux Installation Bash Script

Below is an example bash script for building python from source and configuring a virtual environment. Use it via copying the code into a file (recommended name If Python's dependencies are not already installed, you will need sudo access so the script can install them.

  • Make the script executable : chmod u+x

  • Get help on the scripts options with: ./ -h

  • Run the script with : ./

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Turn on "strict" mode
set -o errexit -o nounset -o pipefail

# Remember values of environment variables as we enter the script

##############                    PROCESS ARGUMENTS                         ################

# Set default parameters

# Get the usage string with the default values of everything
	echo " [-v INT.INT.INT] [-i PATH] [-p STR] [-d PATH] [-l PATH] [-h]"
	echo "    -v : Python version to install. Default = ${PYTHON_VERSION[0]}.${PYTHON_VERSION[1]}.${PYTHON_VERSION[2]}"
	echo "    -i : Path to install python to. Default = '${PYTHON_INSTALL_DIRECTORY}'"
	echo "    -p : Prefix for virtual environment (will have python version added as a suffix). Default = ${VENV_PREFIX}"
	echo "    -d : Directory to create virtual envronment. Default = '${VENV_DIR}'"
	echo "    -h : display this help message"


# Parse input arguments
while getopts "v:i:p:d:h" OPT; do
	case $OPT in
			echo "${USAGE}"
			exit 0

# Perform argument processing

# Print parameters to user so they know what's going on
echo "Parameters:"
echo "    -p : VENV_PREFIX=${VENV_PREFIX}"
echo "    -d : VENV_DIR=${VENV_DIR}"

##############                     DEFINE FUNCTIONS                         ################

function install_pkg_if_not_present(){

	# Turn on "strict" mode
	set -o errexit -o nounset -o pipefail

	for PKG in ${@}; do
		# We want the command to fail when a package is not installed, therefore unset errexit
		set +o errexit 
			DPKG_RCRD=$(dpkg-query -l ${PKG} 2> /dev/null | grep "^.i.[[:space:]]${PKG}\(:\|[[:space:]]\)")
		set -o errexit
		if [ ${INSTALLED} -eq 0 ]; then
			echo "${PKG} is installed"	
			echo "${PKG} is NOT installed"


	if [ ${#REQUIRES_INSTALL[@]} -ne 0 ]; then

		for PKG in ${REQUIRES_INSTALL[@]}; do
			# We want the command to fail when a package is not installed, therefore unset errexit
			set +o errexit 
				apt-cache showpkg ${PKG} | grep '^Package: ${PKG}$'
			set -o errexit

			if [ $PKG_FOUND -ne 0 ]; then

		if [ ${#UNFOUND_PKGS[@]} -ne 0 ]; then 
			echo "ERROR: Cannot install. Could not find the following packages in apt: ${UNFOUND_PKGS[@]}"
			return 1

		echo "Installing packages: ${REQUIRES_INSTALL[@]}"
		sudo apt-get install -y ${REQUIRES_INSTALL[@]}
		echo "All required packages are installed"

##############                       START SCRIPT                           ################

# Define the dependencies that python requires for installation
	curl                \
	gcc                 \
	libbz2-dev          \
	libev-dev           \
	libffi-dev          \
	libgdbm-dev         \
	liblzma-dev         \
	libncurses-dev      \
	libreadline-dev     \
	libsqlite3-dev      \
	libssl-dev          \
	make                \
	tk-dev              \
	wget                \
	zlib1g-dev          \

# Get a temporary directory and make sure it's cleaned up when the script exits
TEMP_WORKSPACE=$(mktemp -d -t py_build_src.XXXXXXXX)
	echo "Cleaning up on exit..."
	echo "Removing ${TEMP_WORKSPACE}"
	rm -rf ${TEMP_WORKSPACE:?}
trap cleanup EXIT

# If there is an error, make sure we print the usage string with default parameter values
	echo "${USAGE}"
trap error_message ERR

# Define variables



# Perform actions

echo "Checking python dependencies and installing if required..."
install_pkg_if_not_present ${PYTHON_DEPENDENCIES}

echo "Downloading python source code to '${PY_SRC_FILE}'..."

echo "Extracting source file..."
mkdir ${PY_SRC_DIR}

cd ${PY_SRC_DIR}
echo "Configuring python installation..."
./configure                                  \
	--enable-optimizations                   \
	--with-lto                               \

echo "Running makefile..."


echo "Performing installation"
make install


echo "Creating virtual environment..."
${PYTHON_VERSION_INSTALL_DIR}/bin/python3 -m venv ${VENV_PATH}

echo "Virtual environment created at ${VENV_PATH}"

# Output information to user
echo ""
echo "Activate the virtual environment with the following command:"
echo "    source ${VENV_PATH}/bin/activate"

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

aopp_deconv_tool-0.1.14.tar.gz (135.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

aopp_deconv_tool-0.1.14-py3-none-any.whl (139.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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