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Backport provider package apache-airflow-backport-providers-cncf-kubernetes for Apache Airflow

Project description

Package apache-airflow-backport-providers-cncf-kubernetes

Release: 2021.3.3

Table of contents

Backport package

This is a backport providers package for cncf.kubernetes provider. All classes for this provider package are in airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes python package.

Only Python 3.6+ is supported for this backport package.

While Airflow 1.10.* continues to support Python 2.7+ - you need to upgrade python to 3.6+ if you want to use this backport package.

Release 2021.3.3

Bug fixes

  • Allow pod name override in KubernetesPodOperator if pod_template is used. (#14186)
  • Allow users of the KPO to actually template environment variables (#14083)

Release 2021.2.5

  • Pass image_pull_policy in KubernetesPodOperator correctly (#13289)

Bug fixes

Additional limitations

This provider is only usable with Apache Airflow >= 1.10.12 version due to refactorings implemented in Apache Airflow 1.10.11 and fixes implemented in 1.10.11. The package has appropriate requirements set so you should not be able to install it with Apache Airflow < 1.10.12.


You can install this package on top of an existing airflow 1.10.* installation via pip install apache-airflow-backport-providers-cncf-kubernetes

PIP requirements

PIP package Version required
cryptography >=2.0.0
kubernetes >=3.0.0, <12.0.0

Provider classes summary

In Airflow 2.0, all operators, transfers, hooks, sensors, secrets for the cncf.kubernetes provider are in the airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes package. You can read more about the naming conventions used in Naming conventions for provider packages


New operators

New Airflow 2.0 operators: airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes package

Moved operators

Airflow 2.0 operators: airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes package Airflow 1.10.* previous location (usually airflow.contrib)
operators.kubernetes_pod.KubernetesPodOperator contrib.operators.kubernetes_pod_operator.KubernetesPodOperator


New sensors

New Airflow 2.0 sensors: airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes package


New hooks

New Airflow 2.0 hooks: airflow.providers.cncf.kubernetes package


Release 2021.3.3

Commit Committed Subject
809b4f9b1 2021-02-23 Unique pod name (#14186)
649335c04 2021-02-07 Template k8s.V1EnvVar without adding custom attributes to dict. (#14123)
d4c4db8a1 2021-02-05 Allow users of the KPO to template environment variables (#14083)
10343ec29 2021-02-05 Corrections in docs and tools after releasing provider RCs (#14082)

Release 2021.2.5

Commit Committed Subject
88bdcfa0d 2021-02-04 Prepare to release a new wave of providers. (#14013)
ac2f72c98 2021-02-01 Implement provider versioning tools (#13767)
a9ac2b040 2021-01-23 Switch to f-strings using flynt. (#13732)
1b9e3d1c2 2021-01-22 Revert &#34;Fix error with quick-failing tasks in KubernetesPodOperator (#13621)&#34; (#13835)
94d3ed61d 2021-01-21 Fix error with quick-failing tasks in KubernetesPodOperator (#13621)
3fd5ef355 2021-01-21 Add missing logos for integrations (#13717)
295d66f91 2020-12-30 Fix Grammar in PIP warning (#13380)
7a560ab6d 2020-12-24 Pass image_pull_policy in KubernetesPodOperator correctly (#13289)
6cf76d7ac 2020-12-18 Fix typo in pip upgrade command :( (#13148)
32971a1a2 2020-12-09 Updates providers versions to 1.0.0 (#12955)
b40dffa08 2020-12-08 Rename remaing modules to match AIP-21 (#12917)
9b39f2478 2020-12-08 Add support for dynamic connection form fields per provider (#12558)
bd90136aa 2020-11-30 Move operator guides to provider documentation packages (#12681)
2037303ee 2020-11-29 Adds support for Connection/Hook discovery from providers (#12466)
de3b1e687 2020-11-28 Move connection guides to provider documentation packages (#12653)
c02a3f59e 2020-11-23 Spark-on-k8s sensor logs - properly pass defined namespace to pod log call (#11199)
c34ef853c 2020-11-20 Separate out documentation building per provider (#12444)
9e089ab89 2020-11-19 Fix Kube tests (#12479)
d32fe78c0 2020-11-18 Update readmes for cncf.kube provider fixes (#12457)
d84a52dc8 2020-11-18 Fix broken example_kubernetes DAG (#12455)
7c8b71d20 2020-11-18 Fix backwards compatibility further (#12451)
008035450 2020-11-18 Update provider READMEs for 1.0.0b2 batch release (#12449)
7ca0b6f12 2020-11-18 Enable Markdownlint rule MD003/heading-style/header-style (#12427) (#12438)

Release 2020.11.23

Commit Committed Subject
4873d9759 2020-11-18 Enable Markdownlint rule MD003/heading-style/header-style (#12427)
763b40d22 2020-11-18 Raise correct Warning in kubernetes/backcompat/ (#12432)
bc4bb3058 2020-11-18 Fix docstrings for Kubernetes Backcompat module (#12422)
cab86d80d 2020-11-17 Make K8sPodOperator backwards compatible (#12384)
ae7cb4a1e 2020-11-17 Update wrong commit hash in backport provider changes (#12390)
6889a333c 2020-11-15 Improvements for operators and hooks ref docs (#12366)
221f809c1 2020-11-14 Fix full_pod_spec for k8spodoperator (#12354)
7825e8f59 2020-11-13 Docs installation improvements (#12304)
85a18e13d 2020-11-09 Point at pypi project pages for cross-dependency of provider packages (#12212)
59eb5de78 2020-11-09 Update provider READMEs for up-coming 1.0.0beta1 releases (#12206)
3f59e75cd 2020-11-09 KubernetesPodOperator: use randomized name to get the failure status (#12171)
b2a28d159 2020-11-09 Moves provider packages scripts to dev (#12082)
7825be50d 2020-11-05 Randomize pod name (#12117)
91a64db50 2020-11-04 Format all files (without excepions) by black (#12091)
4e8f9cc8d 2020-11-03 Enable Black - Python Auto Formmatter (#9550)
8c42cf1b0 2020-11-03 Use PyUpgrade to use Python 3.6 features (#11447)
5a439e84e 2020-10-26 Prepare providers release 0.0.2a1 (#11855)

Release 2020.10.29

Commit Committed Subject
b680bbc0b 2020-10-24 Generated backport providers readmes/setup for 2020.10.29
53e606210 2020-10-21 Enforce strict rules for yamllint (#11709)
349b0811c 2020-10-20 Add D200 pydocstyle check (#11688)
eee4e30f2 2020-10-15 Add better debug logging to K8sexec and K8sPodOp (#11502)
16e712971 2020-10-13 Added support for provider packages for Airflow 2.0 (#11487)
8640fb6c1 2020-10-09 fix tests (#11368)
298052fce 2020-10-10 [airflow/providers/cncf/kubernetes] correct hook methods name (#11008)
49aad025b 2020-10-09 Users can specify sub-secrets and paths k8spodop (#11369)
b93b6c5be 2020-10-05 Allow labels in KubernetesPodOperator to be templated (#10796)
0a0e1af80 2020-10-03 Fix Broken Markdown links in Providers README TOC (#11249)

Release 2020.10.5

Commit Committed Subject
ca4238eb4 2020-10-02 Fixed month in backport packages to October (#11242)
5220e4c38 2020-10-02 Prepare Backport release 2020.09.07 (#11238)
a888198c2 2020-09-27 Allow overrides for pod_template_file (#11162)
0161b5ea2 2020-09-26 Increasing type coverage for multiple provider (#11159)
e3f96ce7a 2020-09-24 Fix incorrect Usage of Optional[bool] (#11138)
f3e87c503 2020-09-22 Add D202 pydocstyle check (#11032)
b61225a88 2020-09-21 Add D204 pydocstyle check (#11031)
cba51d49e 2020-09-17 Simplify the K8sExecutor and K8sPodOperator (#10393)
1294e15d4 2020-09-16 KubernetesPodOperator template fix (#10963)
5d6d5a2f7 2020-09-14 Allow to specify path to kubeconfig in KubernetesHook (#10453)
7edfac957 2020-09-09 Add connection caching to KubernetesHook (#10447)
9549274d1 2020-09-09 Upgrade black to 20.8b1 (#10818)
90c150568 2020-09-04 Make grace_period_seconds option on K8sPodOperator (#10727)
338b412c0 2020-09-02 Add on_kill support for the KubernetesPodOperator (#10666)
596bc1337 2020-08-31 Adds 'cncf.kubernetes' package back to backport provider packages. (#10659)
1e5aa4465 2020-08-26 Spark-on-K8S sensor - add driver logs (#10023)
fdd9b6f65 2020-08-25 Enable Black on Providers Packages (#10543)
2f2d8dbfa 2020-08-25 Remove all "noinspection" comments native to IntelliJ (#10525)
7c206a82a 2020-08-22 Replace assigment with Augmented assignment (#10468)
8cd2be9e1 2020-08-11 Fix KubernetesPodOperator reattachment (#10230)
cdec30125 2020-08-07 Add correct signature to all operators and sensors (#10205)
24c8e4c2d 2020-08-06 Changes to all the constructors to remove the args argument (#10163)
aeea71274 2020-08-02 Remove args parameter from provider operator constructors (#10097)
f1fd3e2c4 2020-07-31 Fix typo on reattach property of kubernetespodoperator (#10056)
03c435174 2020-07-31 Allow image in KubernetesPodOperator to be templated (#10068)
88c160306 2020-07-31 Improve docstring note about GKEStartPodOperator on KubernetesPodOperator (#10049)
7d24b088c 2020-07-25 Stop using start_date in default_args in example_dags (2) (#9985)
33f0cd265 2020-07-22 apply_default keeps the function signature for mypy (#9784)
c2db0dfeb 2020-07-22 More strict rules in mypy (#9705) (#9906)
719ae2bf6 2020-07-22 Dump Pod as YAML in logs for KubernetesPodOperator (#9895)
840799d55 2020-07-20 Improve KubernetesPodOperator guide (#9079)
44d4ae809 2020-07-06 Upgrade to latest pre-commit checks (#9686)
8bd15ef63 2020-07-01 Switches to Helm Chart for Kubernetes tests (#9468)
40bf8f28f 2020-06-18 Detect automatically the lack of reference to the guide in the operator descriptions (#9290)
1d36b0303 2020-05-23 Fix references in docs (#8984)
e742ef7c7 2020-05-23 Fix typo in test_project_structure (#8978)
375d1ca22 2020-05-19 Release candidate 2 for backport packages 2020.05.20 (#8898)
12c5e5d8a 2020-05-17 Prepare release candidate for backport packages (#8891)
8985df0bf 2020-05-16 Monitor pods by labels instead of names (#6377)
f3521fb0e 2020-05-16 Regenerate readme files for backport package release (#8886)
92585ca4c 2020-05-15 Added automated release notes generation for backport operators (#8807)
f82ad452b 2020-05-15 Fix KubernetesPodOperator pod name length validation (#8829)
1ccafc617 2020-04-02 Add spark_kubernetes system test (#7875)
cd546b664 2020-03-23 Add missing call to Super class in 'cncf' & 'docker' providers (#7825)
6c39a3bf9 2020-03-10 [AIRFLOW-6542] Add spark-on-k8s operator/hook/sensor (#7163)
42eef3821 2020-03-07 [AIRFLOW-6877] Add cross-provider dependencies as extras (#7506)
3320e432a 2020-02-24 [AIRFLOW-6817] Lazy-load airflow.DAG to keep user-facing API untouched (#7517)
0ec277412 2020-02-24 [AIRFLOW-5629] Implement Kubernetes priorityClassName in KubernetesPodOperator (#7395)
9cbd7de6d 2020-02-18 [AIRFLOW-6792] Remove _operator/_hook/_sensor in providers package and add tests (#7412)
967930c0c 2020-02-11 [AIRFLOW-5413] Allow K8S worker pod to be configured from JSON/YAML file (#6230)
96f834389 2020-02-03 [AIRFLOW-6678] Pull event logs from Kubernetes (#7292)
97a429f9d 2020-02-02 [AIRFLOW-6714] Remove magic comments about UTF-8 (#7338)
cf141506a 2020-02-02 [AIRFLOW-6708] Set unique logger names (#7330)
373c6aa4a 2020-01-30 [AIRFLOW-6682] Move GCP classes to providers package (#7295)
83c037873 2020-01-30 [AIRFLOW-6674] Move example_dags in accordance with AIP-21 (#7287)
059eda05f 2020-01-21 [AIRFLOW-6610] Move software classes to providers package (#7231)

Project details

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