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Python SDK for API

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apiaudio - python SDK

apiaudio is the official Python 3 SDK. This SDK provides easy access to the API from applications written in python.

📝 Table of Contents

🧐 About

This repository is actively maintained by Aflorithmic Labs. For examples, recipes and api reference see the docs.

To publish a new version, please run bash


You can view here our updated Changelog.

🏁 Getting Started


You don't need this source code unless you want to modify it. If you want to use the package, just run:

pip install apiaudio -U

Install from source with:

python install


Python 3.6+

🚀 Hello World

Create a file



The library needs to be configured with your account's secret key which is available in your Console. Import the apiaudio package and set apiaudio.api_key with the api-key you got from the console:

import apiaudio
apiaudio.api_key = "your-key"

Create Text to audio in 4 steps

Let's create our first audio from text.

✍️ Create a new script:

script = apiaudio.Script.create(scriptText="Hello world", scriptName="hello")

🎤 Create a speech audio file from the script using Aria's voice:

response = apiaudio.Speech.create(scriptId=script["scriptId"], voice="Aria")

🎧 Now let's master the speech file with high quality and a nice soundtemplate.

response = apiaudio.Mastering.create(

Download the files in your current folder:

filepath =["scriptId"], destination=".")

Easy right? 🔮 This is the final picture:

import apiaudio
apiaudio.api_key = "your-key"

# script creation
script = apiaudio.Script.create(scriptText="Hello world", scriptName="hello")

# speech creation
response = apiaudio.Speech.create(scriptId=script["scriptId"], voice="Joanna")

# mastering process
response = apiaudio.Mastering.create(

# or download
filepath =["scriptId"], destination=".")

Now let's run the code:


Once completed, check the files in the root folder - you will see a new audio file. Play it!

📑 Documentation


import apiaudio


The library needs to be configured with your account's secret key which is available in your Aflorithmic Dashboard. Set apiaudio.api_key with the api-key you got from the dashboard:

apiaudio.api_key = "your-key"

Authentication with environment variable (recommended)

You can also authenticate using apiaudio_key environment variable and the apiaudio SDK will automatically use it. To setup, open the terminal and type:

export apiaudio_key=<your-key>

If you provide both environment variable and apiaudio.api_key authentication, the apiaudio.api_key will be used.

Resource Usage

There are two approaches to use the resources. First approach is to import the resource classes you want to use first, then use resource methods. For example, to use Script, we could do:

from apiaudio import Script

The second approach is to use it directly from apiaudio:

import apiaudio

Same logic applies for other resources (Speech, Voice, Sound...)

Script resource

The Script resource/class allows you to create, retrieve and list scripts. Learn more about scripts here.

Script methods are:

  • create() - Create a new script.

    • Parameters:
      • scriptText * [Required] (string) - Text for your script. A script can contain multiple sections and SSML tags. Learn more about scriptText details here
      • projectName (string) - The name of your project. Default value is "default"
      • moduleName (string) - The name of your module. Default value is "default"
      • scriptName (string) - The name of your script. Default value is "default" (max 60 characters)
      • scriptId (string) - Custom identifier for your script. If scriptId parameter is used, then projectName, moduleName and scriptName are required parameters.
      • versions (dictionary) - A dictionary containing different versions of your script text, whereby the key is the version name, and its value is the associated scriptText. Version name v0 is reserved as the default scriptText. Default value is "{}"
    • Example:
      script = apiaudio.Script.create(
          scriptText="<<sectionName::hello>> Hello {{username|buddy}} <<sectionName::bye>> Good bye from {{location|barcelona}}",
      script = apiaudio.Script.create(
          scriptText="Default text",
          versions={"es" : "Hola", "en" : "hello"}
  • retrieve() - Retrieve a script by id.

    • Parameters:
      • scriptId * [Required] (string) - The script ID you want to retrieve. By default retrieves the main version (v0).
      • version (string) - The script version you want to retrieve.
    • Example:
      script = apiaudio.Script.retrieve(scriptId="id-1234", version="abc")
  • preview - return a script with the dictionary highlighting applied. see Lexi for more examples of how to use the dictionary feature.

    • Parameters:

      • scriptId * [Required] (string) - The script ID you want to use.
      • lang * [Required] (string) Determines which dictionary language should be used. The format should be compliant with ISO Language Code standard (e.g. en-GB)
    • Example:

      text = """
        The author of this repo has lived in two places in the
        UK, <!location>Bude<!> and <!location>Bristol<!>.
    r = apiaudio.Script.create(scriptText=text)
    scriptId = r["scriptId"]
    preview = apiaudio.Script.preview(scriptId=scriptId, language="en-gb")
  • list() - List all scripts available in your organization. This method supports filtering.

    • Parameters:
      • projectName (string) - Return any scripts with this projectName.
      • moduleName (string) - Return any scripts with this moduleName.
      • scriptName (string) - Return any scripts with this scriptName.
      • scriptId (string) - Return any scripts with this scriptId.
    • Example:
      scripts = apiaudio.Script.list()
  • delete() - Deletes a script. By default this will delete all versions of the script.

    • Parameters:
      • scriptId * [Required] (string) - The id of the script to be deleted
      • version (string) - Delete a specific version.
    • Example:
      #deletes version 'en' from scriptId 'myworkout'
      scripts = apiaudio.Script.delete(scriptId="myworkout", version="en")
  • get_random_text() - Retrieve random text from a list of categories.

    • Parameters:
      • category (string) - The category from which the random text is retrieved. If no category is specified, the function defaults to "FunFact"
    • Example:
      text = apiaudio.Script.get_random_text(category="BibleVerse")
      • Categories currently available: "BibleVerse", "FunFact", "InspirationalQuote", "Joke", "MovieSynopsis", "Poem", "PhilosophicalQuestion", "Recipe", "TriviaQuestion".

Speech resource

Speech allows you to do Text-To-Speech (TTS) with our API using all the voices available. Use it to create a speech audio file from your script.

Speech methods are:

  • create() Send a Text-To-Speech request to our Text-To-Speech service.

    • Parameters:
      • scriptId * [Required] (string) - The script ID
      • version (string) - The version of the script to be produced. Default is "".
      • voice (string) - Voice name. See the list of available voices using Voice resource. Default voice is "Joanna".
      • speed (string) - Voice speed. Default speed is 100.
      • effect (string) - Put a funny effect in your voice. You can try the following ones: dark_father, chewie, 88b, 2r2d, volume_boost_low volume_boost_middle volume_boost_high (Volume boost allows you to adjust the volume of speech. NOTE! Volume boost effect only applies to speech creation and will be overwritten by the mastering process)
      • silencePadding (integer) - Add a silence padding to your speech tracks (in milliseconds). Default is 0 (no padding)
      • audience (dict) - Specify the values of parameters in your script. For instance, if in the script resource you have scriptText="Hello {{name}} {{lastname}}, welcome to {{location}}", the audience should be: {"name": "Elon", "lastname": "Musk", "location": "Istanbul"}. If not provided, the fallback track will be created.
      • sync (boolean) - Allow sync or async speech creation. Default is True. If sync=False, speech create call will return a success message when the speech creation is triggered. To retrieve the files, check Speech.retrieve() method.
      • sections (dict) - Specify parameters for specific sections in the script. The key is a section name, and the value is another dictionary with the section configuration ( valid parameters are: voice, speed, effect, silence_padding). If a section is not found here, the section will automatically inherit the voice, speed, effect and silence_padding values you defined above (or the default ones if you don't provide them). See an example below with 2 sections and different configuration parameters being used.
            "firstsection": {
                "voice": "Matthew",
                "speed": 110,
                "silence_padding": 100
            "anothersection": {
                "voice": "en-GB-RyanNeural",
                "speed": 100
    • Simple example:
      response = apiaudio.Speech.create(
    • Complete example:
      response = apiaudio.Speech.create(
          silencePadding= 1000,
          audience={"username": "Elon", "lastname": "Musk"},
              "firstsection": {
                  "voice": "Matthew",
                  "speed": 110,
                  "silence_padding": 100,
              "anothersection": {
                  "voice": "Liam",
  • retrieve() Retrieve the speech file urls.

    • Parameters:

      • scriptId * [Required] (string) - The script ID you want to retrieve.
      • version (string) - The version of the script to be retrieved. Default is "".
      • section (string) - The script section name you want to retrieve. If not provided, all the script sections will be returned.
      • parameters (dict) - Dict containing the personalisation parameters of your script. If not provided, the fallback track will be retrieved. This field depends on the parameters you used in your script's resource section. In order to retrieve a specific set of parameters, you need to create the speech with the same set of parameters.
    • Example:

      audio_files = apiaudio.Speech.retrieve(scriptId="id-1234")
  • download() Download the speech files in your preferred folder.

    • Parameters:

      • scriptId * [Required] (string) - The script ID you want to download
      • version (string) - The version of the script to be downloaded. Default is "".
      • section (string) - The script section name you want to retrieve. If not provided, all the script sections will be returned.
      • parameters (dict) - Dict containing the personalisation parameters of your script. If not provided, the fallback track will be retrieved. This field depends on the parameters you used in your script's resource section. In order to retrieve a specific set of parameters, you need to create the speech with the same set of parameters.
      • destination (string) - The folder destination path. Default is "." (current folder)
    • Example:

      audio_files ="id-1234", destination=".")

Voice resource

Voice allows you to retrieve a list of the available voices from our API.

Voice methods are:

  • list() List all the available voices in our API. The parameters are all optional, and can be used in combination to get the perfect voice for your usecase.

    • Parameters:
      • provider (string) - Try one of: google, polly, azure, msnr (aflorithmic), ibm, yandex, retro (aflorithmic), vocalid, resemble
      • language (string) - e.g. english, spanish, french, german, etc.
      • accent (string) - e.g. american, british, neutral, portuguese/brazilian, american soft, mexican, australian
      • gender (string) - Try with one of: male, female
      • ageBracket (string) - Try with one of: adult, child, senior
      • tags (string) - Try with one or more (separated by commas) of: steady, confident, balanced, informative, serious, instructional, slow, storytelling, calm, clear, deep, formal, sad, thin, fast, upbeat, fun, energetic, tense, very fast, flat, low pitched, high pitched, low-pitched, sing-y, cooperative, kind, stable, monotonous, neutral, responsible, business man, straight to the point, knowledgeable, focused, newscastery, newsreader, interviewer, reliable, friendly, welcoming, good for handing out information, slightly friendly
      • industryExamples (string) - Try with one or more (separated by commas) of: fitness, business, commercial, fashion, travel, audiobook, real estate, faith, health industry, comercial, realestate, kids entertainment, games, customer service, education, storytelling, entertainment, kids, education audiobook
      • timePerformance (string) - The time performance of the voice. There are three categories: slow, medium, fast.
      • sectionCharacterLimit (string) - The maximum amount of characters that the voice can process per Script section. All of the supported providers with the exception of VocalId have the limit of 4000.
    • Example:
      all_voices = apiaudio.Voice.list()
    • Example:
      french_voices = apiaudio.Voice.list(language="french",tags="steady, fun")
  • list_parameters() This method lets you see which attributes you can filter the voices by, along with the allowed values for each attribute. You can later use these parameters and values to filter the voices you wish to list.

    • Parameters:

      • No parameters required.
    • Example:

      parameters = apiaudio.Voice.list_parameters()

Sound resource

Sound allows you to design your own sound template from a script and a background track. In order to get a sound template/project, make sure you requested speech for your script resource first.

Sound methods are:

  • list() List all the available sound templates in our api. The parameters are all optional, and can be used in combination to get the perfect sound for your usecase.

    • Parameters:
      • industryExamples (string) - Try with one or more (separated by commas) of: news, travel, business, relaxation, fitness, relax, children stories
      • contents (string) - Try with one or more (separated by commas) of: intro, main, outro, effect1, effect2, main outro, droid_main, chewie_main, effect3, ambience, only effects
      • genre (string) - Try with one of: electronic, acoustic, atmospheric, abstract, rock
      • tempo (string) - Try with one of: mid, up, down, uptempo
      • tags (string) - Try with one or more (separated by commas) of: intense, minimal, reflective, melodic, happy, nostalgic, focus, energetic, uplifting, active, relaxed, ambience, mysterious, positive, informative, workout, work, meditation, travel, full silence
    • Example:
      sound_templates = apiaudio.Sound.list()
  • list_parameters() This method lets you see which attributes you can filter the sound templates by, along with the allowed values for each attribute. You can later use these parameters and values to filter the sound templates you wish to list.

    • Parameters:

      • No parameters required.
    • Example:

      parameters = apiaudio.Sound.list_parameters()

Mastering resource

Mastering allows you to create and retrieve a mastered audio file of your script. A mastered version contains the speech of the script, a background track, personalised parameters for your audience and a mastering process to enhance the audio quality of the whole track. In order to get a mastered audio file, make sure you requested speech for your script resource first.

Mastering methods are:

  • create() Creates a mastered version of your script.

    • Parameters:

      • scriptId * [Required] (string) - The script resource ID.
      • version (string) - The version of the script to be produced. Default is "".
      • soundTemplate (string) - The sound template name. For the list of available sound templates check apiaudio.Sound.list_sound_templates() call.
      • public (boolean) - Boolean flag that allows to store the mastered file in a public s3 folder. Default value is False. Warning - This will cause your mastered files to be public to anyone in the internet. Use this at your own risk.
      • vast (boolean) - Boolean flag that allows to create a VAST file of your mastered file. The vast flag only works if public is True. Default value is False.
      • endFormat (list) - List of audio formats to be produced. Valid formats are: ["wav", "mp3" (default), "flac", "ogg", "mp3_very_low", "mp3_low", "mp3_medium", "mp3_high", "mp3_very_high"]
      • forceLength (int) - force the audio length of the mastered track (in seconds).
      • audience (dict) - Dictionary containing the personalisation parameters. This parameter depends on the number of parameters you used in your script resource. In the script documentation example above, we used 2 parameters: username and location, and in the following example below we want to produce the script for username salih with location Barcelona. If audience is not provided, the fallback track will be created.
      • mediaFiles (list) - List of dicts containing the media files. This parameter depends on the media file tags used in the script resource and the media files you have in your account. For example, if the script contains <<media::myrecording>> plus <<media::mysong>>, and you want to attach myrecording to mediaId = "12345", and mysong to mediaId = "67890" then mediaFiles = [{"myrecording":"12345", "mysong":"67890"}].
      • mediaVolumeTrim (float) - Floating point varible that allows you to trim the volume of uploaded media files (in dB). This attribute has a valid range of -12 to 12 dB and applies to all media files included in a single mastering call. Clipping protection is not provided so only make incremental adjustments.
      • connectors (list) - List of dicts specifying configuration for particular 3rd party connection. For guidelines in context of supported 3rd party application, see connectors documentation.
      • masteringPreset (string) - The mastering preset to use, this enables features such as sidechain compression 'i.e. ducking' See apiaudio.Mastering.list_presets() for a list of presets and their descriptions.
    • Example:

      response = apiaudio.Mastering.create(
          audience={"username":"salih", "location":"barcelona"}
  • retrieve() Retrieves the mastered file urls.

    • Parameters:

      • scriptId * [Required] (string) - The script resource ID.
      • versions (string) - The version of the script to be retrieved. Default is "".
      • parameters (dict) - Dictionary containing the audience item you want to retrieve. If parameters are not provided, the fallback track will be retrieved.
      • public (boolean) - Boolean flag that allows to retrieve the mastered file from the public bucket. Use this if you want to retrieve a mastered file created using public=True. Default value is False.
      • vast (boolean) - Boolean flag that allows to retrieve the VAST file of your mastered file. The vast flag only works if public is True. Default value is False.
      • endFormat (list) - List of audio formats to be retrieved. Valid formats are:["wav", "mp3" (default), "flac", "ogg", "mp3_very_low", "mp3_low", "mp3_medium", "mp3_high", "mp3_very_high"]
    • Example:

      mastered_files = apiaudio.Mastering.retrieve(
        parameters={"username":"salih", "location":"barcelona"}
  • download() Download the mastered files in your preferred folder.

    • Parameters:

      • scriptId * [Required] (string) - The script resource ID.
      • version (string) - The version of the script to be downloaded. Default is "".
      • parameters (dict) - Dictionary containing the audience item you want to retrieve. If parameters are not provided, the fallback track will be downloaded.
      • destination (string) - The folder destination path. Default is "." (current folder)
      • public (boolean) - Boolean flag that allows to retrieve the mastered file from the public bucket. Use this if you want to retrieve a mastered file created using public=True. Default value is False.
      • vast (boolean) - Boolean flag that allows to retrieve the VAST file of your mastered file. The vast flag only works if public is True. Default value is False.
    • Example:

      mastered_files =
        parameters={"username":"salih", "location":"barcelona"}
    • list_presets() List the available mastering presets.

      • Parameters:
        • No parameters required.
    • Example:

      presets = apiaudio.Mastering.list_presets()

Media resource

Media allows you to retrieve all the files available in for your organization.

Media methods are:

  • upload() - Upload files to our databases.

    • Parameters:

      • file_path * [Required] (string) - Relative path to the audio file.
      • tags (string) - Comma separated tags you want to add to your uploaded file. This will make retrieval easier.
    • Example:

  • list() - List all files within an org.

    • Parameters:

      • mediaId (string) - If passed, will only return that file, or an empty object if it does not exist.
      • tags (string) - Comma separated tags you want to add to your uploaded file. If passed, will return all files that at least contain those tags.
      • downloadUrl (boolean): if True, a presigned url is added to each item on the array. This is slow for large amount of files (around 1s each).
      • public (boolean): If True, the media files listed will be the public media files provided by Default is False.
    • Examples:

      # lists all files
      files = apiaudio.Media.list()
      # lists files with tag="tag1"
      files = apiaudio.Media.list(tags="tag1")
      # lists file with specific id
      files = apiaudio.Media.list(mediaId="some_mediaId")
      # lists files with tag="tag1" and with a downloadurl
      files = apiaudio.Media.list(tags="tag1", downloadUrl=True)
  • list_tags() This returns a list with all unique user defined tags.

    • Parameters:
      • No parameters required.
  • Example:

    tags = apiaudio.Media.list_tags()
  • get_download_url() - This method returns a presigned url for downloading a specific audio file

    • params:
      • mediaId * [required] (string): media id for the file to be downloaded
  • Example

    url = apiaudio.Media.get_download_url(mediaId="some-mediaId")
  • download() - This method downloads a specific audio file

    • params:
      • mediaId * [required] (string): media id for the file to be downloaded
      • destination (string): path to the directory where the file will be downloaded. Default is "."
  • Example

SyncTTS resource

SyncTTS allows you to do Synchronous Text-To-Speech (TTS) with our API using all the voices available. Use it to create a speech audio file from a text and a voice name. The response contains wave bytes ready to be played or written to a file.

SyncTTS methods are:

  • create() Create a TTS speech file.

    • Parameters:

      • voice * [Required] (string) - The voice name. See the list of available voices using Voice resource.
      • text * [Required] (string) - The text you want to do TTS with. The limit is 800 characters for wave files.
      • metadata [Optional] ("full" or "none") - The level of metadata you want. Returns phoneme lists (only available for some msnr voices)
    • Example:

      sync_tts = apiaudio.SyncTTS.create(
        text="This is me creating synchronous text to speech",

Birdcache resource

Birdcache is a caching service provided by that provides the caching layer for the customer by storing data in servers for future use. This allows you to retrieve your speech files on the fly.

Birdcache methods are:

  • create() Create a TTS speech file.

    • Parameters:

      • type * [Required] (string) - Type of the event. Supported types are mastering and speech.
      • text * [Required] (string) - The text you want to do speech/mastering with. See the example for personalisation parameters.
      • voice * [Required] (string) - The voice for speech creation.
      • audience * [Optional] (dict) - The key pair object for personalisation parameters. See the example below.
      • soundTemplate [Optional] (string) - The sound template for mastering creation. Only needed when the type is mastering.
    • Example:

      birdcache = apiaudio.Birdcache.create(
        text="This is {{username|me}} creating synchronous text to speech",
        audience={"username": ["salih", "sam", "timo"]},

Lexi resource

Lexi is an engine for enhancing the pronunciation of troublesome words. For example, ensuring the city name reading is pronounced correctly. Dictionaries are split into languages and types. For example, the city reading would be of type location with language en-gb and in this case in the UkCities dictionary.

To use this feature words in the script should be marked up with the <!'type'> flag, whereby type is the type of dictionary to use. The dictionary flag that precedes the word should contain the type, and the one following should be empty <!>. In the example shown below, the second occurrence of the word reading will be pronounced as the city name.


scriptText = "Hello I am reading a book in the city of <!location>reading<!> today"

Lexi methods are:

  • list() List the available dictionaries

    • Parameters:

      • lang [Optional] (string) - Filter by language code, e.g. en-gb or es.
      • type [Optional] (string) - Filter by type e.g. location.
    • Example:

      # returns all english gb dictionaries of type name
      dictionaries = apiaudio.Lexi.list(lang="en-gb", type="name")
  • list_types() List the available types

    • Parameters:

      • none
    • Example:

      # returns the valid flag types, i.e location, name, brand
      types = apiaudio.Lexi.list_types()
  • list_words() Lists all the words contained in a dictionary.

    • Parameters:

    • dictId * [Required] (string) - The id of the dictionary.

    • Example:

      # lists all words in the dictionary
      words = apiaudio.Lexi.list_words(dictId="uk_cities")
  • search_for_word() Searches to see if a word is in any of the dictionaries.

    • Parameters:

      • word * [Required] (string) - Word to look for.
      • language * [Required] (string) - language code to use e.g. en-gb.
    • Example:

      # Checks if the word bristol exists
      result = apiaudio.Lexi.search_for_word(word="bristol", lang="en-gb")


The effect of applying Lexi can be seen with the script.preview() method. See Script documentation for more details.

  • Example:

      text = """
        The author of this repo has lived in two places in the
        UK, <!location>Bude<!> and <!location>Bristol<!>.
    r = apiaudio.Script.create(scriptText=text)
    scriptId = r["scriptId"]
    # preview the script in en-gb
    preview = apiaudio.Script.preview(scriptId=scriptId, language="en-gb")
  • Response:

    "The author of this repo has lived in two places in the UK, bude and [<!>bristol<!>]".

    In this example Bristol is in a location dictionary, but Bude is not. Lexi will ensure words marked between [<!>....<!>] will be pronounced correctly.

Connector resource

Resource used for monitoring 3rd paty integrations. End results of Mastering resource can be distributed into external applications through connectors field. See connectors documentation. List of currently supported applications:

Available methods:

  • retrieve() After registering a connector in the api.console, use this method to check whether a connection was succesful using provided credentials.

    • Parameters:

      • name * [Required] (string) - The name of the connector specified in console.
    • Example:

      status = apiaudio.Connector.retrieve(
  • connection() Check the status of the connection by providing connectionId returned in a Mastering response.

    • Parameters:

      • connection_id * [Required] (string) - The connectionId returned by Mastering resource.
    • Example:

      status = apiaudio.Connector.connection(

Orchestrator resource

The orchestrator is used to make working with a range of audio services as easy as sending a single API request. Each route here is carefully configured to produce high-quality and easy to access audio assets.

Orchestrator methods are:

  • create_audio() Creates a simple TTS speech request and adds a sound template to it through mastering.

    • Parameters:

      • scriptText * [Required] (str) - Text to synthesize (TTS).
      • soundTemplate (str) - Sound template to use.
      • voice * [Required] (str) - Name of voice to use.
  • create_three_sections() Creates a TTS speech request with 3 sections and adds a sound template to it through mastering.

    • Parameters:

      • introText * [Required] (str) - Text to synthesize in the intro section.
      • mainText * [Required] (str) - Text to synthesize in the main section.
      • outroText * [Required] (str) - Text to synthesize in the outro section.
      • soundTemplate (str) - Sound template to use.
      • voice * [Required] (str) - Name of voice to use.
  • media_with_sound() Combines a pre-existing media file (i.e. pre-recorded voice) with a sound template

    • Parameters:

      • mediaId * [Required] (str) - MediaId of the media file to use as input.
      • soundTemplate * [Required] (str) - Sound template to use.


By default, warnings issued by the API are logged in the console output. Additionally, some behaviors are logged on the informational level (e.g. "In progress..." indicators during longer processing times). The level of logging can be controlled by choosing from the standard levels in Python's logging library.

  • Decreasing logging level for more detailed logs:
    # apiaudio.set_logger_level("CRITICAL") - set the highest level to disable logs



There is a pre-commit hook that will run before you commit a file. This is to keep the code standards high. To enable it, you should run make. Then it will set up the pre-commit hook for git. Thats all! Now every time before you commit, it will run to tell you about the standards.

If you use VSCode for committing files, you may bump into pre-commit command not found error. That is ok, just run brew install pre-commit or your fave package manager from the list here.

If you bump into your pip version is old error, just ignore it and use the terminal.

If there is a problem and you are in a rush, you can add --no-verify at the end of the commit command, it will skip the pre-commit hooks, e.g git commit -m 'your commit message' --no-verify


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

Project details

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Source Distribution

apiaudio-0.16.0.tar.gz (39.3 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

apiaudio-0.16.0-py3-none-any.whl (23.6 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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