JWT Authentication Functions and Decorators. Built for Intent's Apogee Microservices
Project description
The apojwt
Package was created with the intention of providing JWT support to Intent's Apogee Microservices. These services require a hierarchy of permissions that vary across all endpoints. As such, this package aims to provide decorators that can be attached with route declarations to ensure a valid JWT with proper permissions is being sent in the request headers. The package is intended to be used alongside a Python API framework such as Flask or FastAPI.
ApoJWT Class
The ApoJWT class has the following constructor:
secret: str,
exp_period: int=900,
iss: str="",
server_audience: list=[],
algorithm: str="HS256",
async_framework: bool=False,
Keyword Arguments (those with asterisks are functions):
JWT Validation
Secret string used to encode and decode the access JWT
Length of time in seconds access tokens is valid for.
Default 900 (15 minutes)
Issuer string used for additional security.
Default ""
Audience names of expected HTTP hosts.
Audience names are typically base address URLs.
Ex: https://example.com
The algorithm to use when encoding/decoding.
Default HS256
Optional full admin permission
JWTs carrying this will always be authorized
Framework Configuration
If True - ApoJWT awaits the decorated function
(FastAPI needs this True)
Default: False
Returns the Access JWT (framework specific)
Typically found as the "Authorization" header
Default: None
Expected Function Structure:
(*args, **kwargs) -> str
HTTP error handling function (framework specific)
Expected Function Structure:
(code: int, msg: str) -> None
Higher Order Functionality in ApoJWT
Token Finder
The token_finder function must be passed to the higher order constructor (if a template is not given) for decorated token validation to succeed. The function must return the JWT string, which can usually be found in the HTTP request headers with the key 'Authorization'. It is standard for JWTs to be prefixed with the word 'Bearer'. It will be up to this function to remove this substring.
Expected Function Structure: (*args, **kwargs) -> str
NOTE: args
and kwargs
are the same arguments given to the HTTP request handler and could be optional
# Flask's request object
>>> 'Bearer <token>'
request.headers["Authorization"].replace("Bearer ", "")
>>> '<token>'
"""Token Finder: used to locate and return the JWT"""
# FastAPI
token_finder = lambda **kwargs: kwargs["Authorization"].replace("Bearer ", "")
ajwt = ("secret", iss="issuer", async_framework=True, token_finder=token_finder)
## NOTE: async_framework is True for FastAPI
# Flask
token_finder = lambda: request.headers["Authorization"].replace("Bearer ", "")
ajwt = ("secret", iss="issuer", token_finder=token_finder)
## NOTE: async_framework defaults to False for Flask
Exception Handler
The exception handler is optional, but allows for decorated validation to properly be handled with an HTTP error response provided by the HTTP framework in use.
Expected Function Structure: (code: int, msg: str, *args, **kwargs) -> None
"""Exception Handler"""
# FastAPI
def exception_handler(code: int, msg: str, *args, **kwargs):
raise HTTPException(status_code=code, detail=msg)
ajwt = ("secret", iss="issuer", async_framework=True, token_finder=..., exception_handler=exception_handler)
# Flask
def exception_handler(code: int, msg: str):
abort(code, msg)
ajwt = ("secret", iss="issuer", token_finder=..., exception_handler=exception_handler)
Decorators are the main use case of the ApoJWT package after initialization. They allow any endpoint to be secured with a single simple line of code.
ajwt = ApoJWT(secret, iss, token_finder=lambda: ..., ...)
"""Validates JWT
Can return 'token_data' and 'token_subject' as kwargs to HTTP handler
@ajwt.permission_required(permission_name: str)
"""Validates JWT and ensures permission_name is among the token permissions
permission_name: a permission string
Can return 'token_data' and 'token_subject' as kwargs to HTTP handler
Both decorators return token_data
and token_subject
as keyword arguments to the HTTP handler that is being decorated. With these arguments, the additional data stored in the JWT and the JWT's subject are both accessible.
# fast api
def some_endpoint(
authorization=Header(None), # required
token_data: Optional[dict] = Body(None), # optional
token_subject: Optional[str] = Body(None) # optional
# flask
@app.route("/some/endpoint", methods=["GET"])
def some_endpoint(
token_data: dict, # optional
token_subject: str # optional
ajwt = ApoJWT(...)
sub: str="",
permissions: list[str]=[],
data: dict=dict(),
refresh_data: dict=dict()
"""Encodes access and refresh* JWT(s)
*if configured
Subject of the JWT
(typically a reference to the user of JWT)
List of permissions to assign to token
Any additional data that is needed
IF refresh is configured:
Additional data stored with the refresh token
JWT will contain the following claims:
- exp: Expiration Time
- nbf: Not Before Time
- iss: Issuer
- aud: Audience
- iat: Issued At
Refresh Tokens
ApoJWT 1.5.0 introduced Refresh Token functionality. This feature is highly recommended to provide an extra layer of security to applications. To read up on Refresh Tokens and their benefits, check out this Auth0 article for more information. The Refresh functionality in ApoJWT is activated with the following function:
ajwt.config_refresh(refresh_secret: str, refresh_exp_period: int=86400, refresh_finder=None):
"""Configures ApoJWT for use with refresh tokens
Secret used to encode and decode the refresh JWT
Number of seconds refresh JWT is valid
Default 86400 (1 day)
Function to retrieve the refresh JWT
Default None
The function refresh_finder
is a similar function to token_finder
in that it must return the refresh token. The main difference is that refresh_finder
, in most cases, should find the refresh token in an http-only secure cookie instead of the HTTP Authorization header.
Expected refresh_finder
Function Structure: (*args, **kwargs) -> str
Once this function is called and initialized, ApoJWT is equipped to handle Refresh Tokens.
Refresh Functionality
The create_token
function will now return a tuple containing the access token and the refresh token
access, refresh = ajwt.create_token(...)
Typically, this refresh token can then be stored in an HTTP-only cookie.
From there, the @ajwt.refresh
decorator can be placed on any endpoint where a refresh should occur. This will return the refresh_data stored in the token. This can be another reference to the user which could be used to reauthorize.
# Here, the refresh data stores a user_id
# Fast Api
def refresh(refresh_data: dict):
user_id = refresh_data["user_id"]
user_permissions = get_user_permissions(user_id)
ref_data = dict(user_id=user_id)
access_token, refresh_token = ajwt.create_token(
Usage Examples
Constructing ApoJWT
# FastAPI
ajwt = (
template="fastapi" # configures ApoJWT for fastapi
# Flask
ajwt = (
template="fastapi" # configures ApoJWT for flask
Validating JWT with Decorators
# fast api
def some_endpoint(authorization=Header(None)):
# flask
@app.route("/some/endpoint", methods=["GET"])
def some_endpoint()
Refresh Configuration
# flask
refresh_finder=lambda: request.cookies.get('refresh_token')
# fast api
def refresh_finder(
refresh_token: Union[str, None] = Cookie(default=None)
return refresh_token
Creating a New JWT
"""Permissions will be assigned to the new token"""
sub = "user_id_1"
permissions = ["permission", ...]
data = dict(...=...)
# If refresh IS NOT configured
# NOTE: all arguments are optional
token = ajwt.create_token(
# If refresh IS configured
refresh_data = dict(...=...)
access, refresh = ajwt.create_token(
Getting Token Data and Subject from JWT
# flask
def route(token_data: dict, token_subject: str):
return token_data
# fastapi
def route(
# token_data and token_subject are unexpected to fastapi
# Optional forces fastapi to ignore unexpected parameters
token_data: Optional[dict]=Body(None),
token_subject: Optional[str]=Body(None)
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