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Package used to run tests using Appsurify

Project description

Appsurify CI Script


Available Arguments

Required Arguments

argument options
apikey Apikey from appsurify
url Url of the appsurify instance i.e. "" do not end with a /
project Name of the project
testsuite Name of the testsuite

Recommended Arguments

argument options
runtemplate Options - all tests (defaults to fail on all failures, unless overwritten), no tests (will fail on any failures, unless overwritten), prioritized tests with unassigned (will only fail on new or reopened defects, unless overwritten), prioritized tests without unassigned (will only fail on new or reopened defects, unless overwritten). See below for details
testtemplate Options - mvn, cucumber mvn, sahi testrunner, sahi ant, testim, mocha, pytest, rspec, robotframework, cyprus, mstest, vstest, katalon, opentest. See below for usage details
testtemplatearg1-4 Additional argumentsfor the specified test template

Parameter Details - testtemplate

Click to expand for test template parameter details/options


Parameter value - "mvn"

The following values are set when this testtemplate is selected

  • testseparator=","
  • addtestsuitename="true"
  • testsuitesnameseparator="%23"
  • startrunspecific="mvn -Dtest="
  • endrunspecific="test"
  • startrunall="mvn test"
  • report="./target/surefire-reports/"
  • reporttype="directory"
Cucumber Mvn


Parameter value - "cucumber mvn"

The following values are set when this testtemplate is selected

  • testseparator=" "
  • startrunspecific="mvn test -Dcucumber.options=""
  • endrunspecific="" "
  • postfixtest="$'"
  • prefixtest="--name '^"
  • startrunall="mvn test"
  • report="./target/surefire-reports/"
  • reporttype="directory"
  • deletereports="true"


Parameter value - "testim"

The following values are set when this testtemplate is selected

  • testseparator=" --name '"
  • reporttype="file"
  • report="test-results.xml"
  • startrunspecific="testim --report-file test-results.xml --name '"
  • postfixtest="'"
  • startrunall="testim --report-file test-results.xml"


Parameter value - "rspec"

Required Config

The following must be installed The following values are set when this testtemplate is selected

  • testseparator=" "
  • startrunspecific="rspec --format RspecJunitFormatter --out rspec.xml "
  • prefixtest = "-e '"
  • postfixtest="'"
  • startrunall="rspec --format RspecJunitFormatter --out rspec.xml"
  • reporttype="file"
  • report="rspec.xml"
Sahi Ant

Sahi Ant

Parameter value - "sahi ant"

Required Config

Ensure junit report is set in the ant file -

  • testtemplatearg1 - The report location set as per above
  • testtemplatearg2 - The ant file to run all tests
  • testtemplatearg3 - The ant file to the specific set of tests

The following values are set when this testtemplate is selected

  • testseparator=","
  • addtestsuitename="true"
  • testsuitesnameseparator="%23"
  • generatefile="sahi"
  • startrunall="ant -f "+testtemplatearg2
  • startrunspecific="ant -f "testtemplatearg3
  • report = testtemplatearg1
Sahi Testrunner

Sahi Testrunner

Parameter value - "sahi testrunner"

Required Config

Set the Sahi runner to create a junit report - The following values must be supplied

  • testtemplatearg1 - The report location set as per above
  • testtemplatearg2 - The command to run all tests

The following values are set when this testtemplate is selected

  • testseparator=","
  • addtestsuitename="true"
  • testsuitesnameseparator="%23"
  • generatefile="sahi"
  • startrunspecific="testrunner temp.dd.csv"
  • startrunall="testrunner " + testtemplatearg2
  • report=testtemplatearg1
Robot Framework

Robot Framework

Parameter value - "robotframework"

Required Config

  • testtemplatearg1 - The execution command used to start robotframework tests i.e. java -jar robotframework.jar
  • testtemplatearg2 - The location of your tests
  • testtemplatearg3 - Report location

The following values are set when this testtemplate is selected

  • testseparator=" --test '"
  • postfixtest="'"
  • reporttype="file"
  • report=testtemplatearg3
  • startrunall=testtemplatearg1+" -x "+testtemplatearg3+" "
  • endrunall=testtemplatearg2
  • startrunspecific=testtemplatearg1+" -x "+testtemplatearg3+" "
  • endrunall=testtemplatearg2


Parameter value - "mocha"

Required Config

Note the following plugin must be installed to generate the junit report file -

The following values are set when this testtemplate is selected

  • testseparator="|"
  • reporttype="file"
  • report="test-results.xml"
  • startrunspecific="mocha test --reporter mocha-junit-reporter -g "
  • postfixtest="$"
  • prefixtest="^"
  • startrunall="mocha test --reporter mocha-junit-reporter "


Parameter value - "pytest"

The following values are set when this testtemplate is selected

  • testseparator=" or "
  • reporttype="file"
  • report="test-results.xml"
  • startrunspecific="python -m pytest --junitxml=test-results.xml -k '"
  • endrunspecific="'"
  • startrunall="python -m pytest --junitxml=test-results.xml"


Parameter value - "cyprus"

Required Config

The following cyprus addon must be installed in order to specify the tests -

The following values are set when this testtemplate is selected

  • testseparator="|"
  • reporttype="file"
  • report="results.xml"
  • startrunspecific="cypress run --reporter junit --reporter-options mochaFile=result.xml grep="
  • postfixtest="'"
  • prefixtest="'"
  • startrunall="cypress run --reporter junit --reporter-options mochaFile=result.xml"


Parameter value - "mstest"

The following values are set when this testtemplate is selected

  • testseparator=","
  • reporttype="file"
  • startrunspecific="mstest /resultsfile:'" + testtemplatearg1 + "' /testcontainer:'" + testtemplatearg2 + "'" + "/tests:"
  • postfixtest="'"
  • prefixtest="'"
  • startrunall="mstest /resultsfile:'" + testtemplatearg1 + "' /testcontainer:'" + testtemplatearg2 + "'"
  • report=testtemplatearg1
  • importtype="trx"


Parameter value - "vstest"

The following values are set when this testtemplate is selected

  • testseparator=","
  • reporttype="file"
  • startrunspecific="vstest.console.exe /resultsfile:'" + testtemplatearg1 + "' /testcontainer:'" + testtemplatearg2 + "'" + "/tests:"
  • postfixtest="'"
  • prefixtest="'"
  • startrunall="vstest.console.exe /resultsfile:'" + testtemplatearg1 + "' /testcontainer:'" + testtemplatearg2 + "'"
  • report=testtemplatearg1
  • importtype="trx"


Parameter value - "katalon"

Required Config

  • testtemplatearg1 - Report location
  • testtemplatearg2 - Absolute path to project file
  • testtemplatearg3 - Relative path from project to a created test suite with all tests added to it
  • testtemplatearg4 - API Key

The following values are set when this testtemplate is selected

  • testseparator=","
  • reporttype="file"
  • report = testtemplatearg1
  • head_tail = os.path.split(testtemplatearg1)
  • report_folder = head_tail[0]
  • report_file = head_tail[1]
  • head_tail = os.path.split(testtemplatearg3)
  • startrunspecific="katalonc -noSplash -runMode=console -projectPath='" + testtemplatearg2 + "' -testSuitePath='" + "'" + os.path.join(head_tail[0], "temp.ts") + "' -apiKey='" + testtemplatearg4 +"' -reportFolder='" + report_folder + " -reportFileName='" + report_file + "'"
  • startrunall="katalonc -noSplash -runMode=console -projectPath='" + testtemplatearg2 + "' -testSuitePath='" + "'" + testtemplatearg3 + "' -apiKey='" + testtemplatearg4 +"' -reportFolder='" + report_folder + " -reportFileName='" + report_file + "'"
  • generatefile="katalon"


Parameter value - "opentest"

Required Config

  • testtemplatearg1 - Report location
  • testtemplatearg2 - Template of template with no tests - this template will be copied as temp.yaml and tests to be executed will be appended to this template
  • testtemplatearg3 - Template to run with all tests

The following values are set when this testtemplate is selected

  • testseparator=",,"
  • reporttype="file"
  • report = testtemplatearg1
  • full_path = os.path.realpath(source)
  • destination = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(full_path),"temp.yaml")
  • startrunspecific="opentest session create --out '"+testtemplatearg1+ "' --template '" + destination + "' "
  • startrunall="opentest session create --out '"+testtemplatearg1+ "' --template '" + testtemplatearg3 + "' "
  • generatefile="opentest"
Click to expand for additional test template configuration options

Test Template Customization

In order to customize the way tests are run you can use the following parameters

argument options
startrunpostfix appended to the startrun command
endrunprefix prepended to the endrun command
endrunpostfix appended to the endrun command

Editing these will change the way tests are executed to the following: startrun + startrunpostfix + testlist + endrunprefix + endrun + endrunpostfix

Parameter Details - teststorun

Option Details
all tests Will run all tests. Will fail on any failure. Recommended for nightly or weekly test executions
no tests Will run no tests. Will fail on any failure. Recommended when starting with Appsurify to just upload data
prioritized tests with unassigned Will run just high, medium and unassigned tests. Will only fail the build on new/reopened defects. Recommended for your most frequent run type i.e. per commit, nightly
prioritized tests without unassigned Will run just high and medium tests. Will only fail the build on new/reopened defects. Recommended for long term use
Click to expand for further details

We recommend using the runtemplate parameter instead of using teststorun. But for additional control on which tests to run you may change the teststorun field. When doing so we recommend initially running all your tests and just pushing the results to Appsurify. To do this choose either "all" and use this script to run the tests, or choose none and use this script to just upload the results.

Once you have either selected the coverage of the tests or uploaded a number of test reults for Appsurify to learn from select Appsurify recommended and choose from the options where - high = most likely to fail, covers the exact change, medium = less likely to fail, covers the functional area or dependencies, low = very unlikely to fail, does not cover the change, unassigned = tests where Appsurify is unsure whether the coverage of these tests, ready defects = tests which have a defect associated with them which is ready for testing, open defects = tests which have a defect associated with them which is open.

Example Usage

python --url "" --apikey "apikeyvalue" --project "Test" --testsuite "Test" --runtemplate "prioritized tests with unassigned" --testtemplate "mvn"

Additional Arguments - For Customization

Click to expand for details on additional arguments, these will be necessary if you want to use Appsurify in a way not available in the templates above

Test Selection Arguments

argument default options/details
teststorun "all" Defaults to "all" if runtemplate is not set. Options include - high, medium, low, unassigned, ready, open, none. Details below
maxtests 10000000 the maximum number of tests to run in each test execution set
runfrequency "multiple" #options 'single' or 'multiple' determines if the prioritized tests should be for a single commit or mulltiple i.e. since the last test run

Build Failure Arguments

argument default options/details
fail newdefects, reopeneddefects options newdefects, reopeneddefects, flakybrokentests, newflaky, reopenedflaky, failedtests, brokentests
rerun "false" whether failed tests should be rerun
maxrerun 3 the number of times failed tests should be rerun
failfast "false" whether after each set of test runs to determine if the build has failed (tests will still be rerun if this has been selected)
runtemplate None Options - all tests (defaults to fail on all failures, unless overwritten), no tests (will fail on any failures, unless overwritten), prioritized tests with unassigned (will only fail on new or reopened defects, unless overwritten), prioritized tests without unassigned (will only fail on new or reopened defects, unless overwritten)

Test Command Arguments

argument default options/details
testtemplate None Options - mvn, sahi testrunner, sahi ant, testim, mocha, pytest, rspec, robotframework. See below for usage details
testtemplatearg1 None Additional argument for the specified test template
testtemplatearg2 None Additional argument for the specified test template
testtemplatearg3 None Additional argument for the specified test template
startrunall None Required if testtemplate is not set and runtemplate is all tests or teststorun is set to all. Command to start the test run to execute all tests. Details below
endrunall None Command to end the test run to execute all tests. Details below
startrunspecific None Required if testtemplate is not set and teststorun is not all or none or testtemplate is not all tests or no tests. Command to start the test run to execute specific tests. Details below
endrunspecific None Command to end the test run to execute specific tests

Test Format Arguments

argument default options/details
testseparator "" #string or character used to separate tests when creating the command to run a specific set of tests
postfixtest "" #string to postpend to each test when creating the command to run a specific set of tests
prefixtest "" string to prepend to each test when creating the command to run a specific set of tests
addclassname "false" whether to include the classname when creating the command to run a specific set of tests
classnameseparator " " string or character to separate classname and testname when creating the command to run a specific set of tests
addtestsuitename "false" whether to include the testsuitename when creating the command to run a specific set of tests
testsuitenameseparator " " string or character to separate testsuitename and classname/testname when creating the command to run a specific set of tests

Report Arguments

argument default options/details
report Required if testtemplate is not passed through as an argument. Location of the reports generated by the test run.
importtype "junit" #options 'junit', 'nunit' or 'trx'
reporttype "directory" default directory must end with a /, will look for all importtype files in that directory

Commit Arguments

argument default options/details
branch 'git branch | grep \* | cut -d ' ' -f2' The branch from which you would like to select the commits to get priorized tests for. Will default to the value of 'git branch | grep \* | cut -d ' ' -f2' if not specified
commit git log -1 --pretty="%H commitId that this test run is for, if not supplied the script will use git log -1 --pretty="%H

Test Execution Details

Click to expand for test execution details

Execution Command

Note the execution arguments will automatically be set when using the testtemplate.

When executing all tests the following command is created: startrunall+startrunpostfix+endrunprefix+endrunall+endrunpostfix. To execute all tests via maven the command 'mvn test' needs to be run. To do this startrunall could be set to 'mvn test' or startrunall could be set to 'mvn ' and endrunall set to 'test'. Please note spaces are required otherwise the command will not be properly formatted.

When executing specific tests the following command is created startrunspecific+startrunpostfix+specifictestlist+endrunprefix+endrunspecific+endrunpostfix To execute specific tests via maven the command 'mvn -Dtests= test'. To do this startrunspecific needs to be set to 'mvn -Dtests=' and endrunspecific set to ' test'. For details on how specifictestlist is created see below.

Specific Tests

To create the list of specific tests the ci script queries Appsurify for a list of tests. For each test they may have an associated testsuite name and classname as often found in the xml junit report. See below for an example. The list of tests returned by the api may include the testsuitename and/or classname dependant on whether addtestsuitename, addclassname, testssuitenameseparator and classnameseparator are set. If for example addtestsuitename="true", testsuitenameseparator="%23, addclassname="true", classnameseparator=%40 (note values need to be encoded via percent encoding the tests would be formatted as follows: testsuitename#classname@testname.

To create the list the arguments will be conbined in the following way: prefixtest+test+postfixtest If there are multiple tests the arguments would be combined as follows: prefixtest+test+postfixtest+testseparator+prefixtest+test+postfixtest

Combining the above to run a specific set of tests using mvn the following arguments would need to be set: addtestsuitname="true", testsuiteseparator="%23", testseparator=",", startrunspecific='mvn -Dtests=' and endrunspecific =' test' which would cause the following command to be created "mvn -Dtest=testsuite#testname,testsuite#testname test

If however the tests needed to be in the format of 'run tests -test=test1 -test=test2 -test=test3' then the following arguments would be required: startrunspecific="run tests " and prefixtest="-test="

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  <testsuite errors="0" failures="1" hostname="DESKTOP-16O0SVF" id="0" name="TestRun" package="junit" skipped="0" tests="1" time="0.16" timestamp="2018-06-07T06:22:50">
      <testcase classname="junit.TestRun" name="PassToFail" time="0.008">
        <failure message="failreason1" type="junit.framework.AssertionFailedError"> fails



python --url "" --apikey "apikeyvalue" --project "Test" --testsuite "Test" --report "report --runtemplate "prioritized tests with unassigned" --testtemplate "mvn"

Deprecated examples

Click to expand for deprecated examples

Java All Tests --url "" --apikey "apikeyvalue" --project "Test" --testsuite "Test" --report "report" --teststorun "all" --startrun "mvn test"

Java High Tests --url "" --apikey "apikeyvalue" --project "Test" --testsuite "Test" --report "report" --teststorun "high,medium" --startrun "mvn -Dtest=" --fullname "true" --fullnameseparator "#" --endrun " test" --testseparator ","

Rspec all tests must be installed Startrun="rspec --format RspecJunitFormatter --out rspec.xml"

Rspec specific tests --url "" --apikey "apikeyvalue" --project "Test" --testsuite "Test" --report "rspec.xml" --teststorun "high,medium" --startrun "rspec --format RspecJunitFormatter --out rspec.xml -e '" --endrun = "'" --testseparator "' -e '"

Change Log


  • Improve azure functionality
  • Set tests to run for variable on failure


  • Add ability to run new tests
  • Add ability to run all tests on weekend


  • Add new runcommand param
  • Add percentage


  • Fix for invalid trx files


  • Fix for webdriver io creating invalud Junit
  • Fix for large trx files
  • Improvement for specflow removing retry


  • Include additional filter for Azure


  • Change report to work for partial paths in Windows


  • Update for Cypress


  • Added recursive search for reports


  • Add integration with Bitrise using --bitrise flag saves tests to env variable TESTS_TO_RUN


  • Update for pipe output


  • Update for pipe output


  • Update for trainer

0.0.7 (08/02/2021)

  • Update for Azure to run tests via saved variable

0.0.5 (08/02/2021)

  • Default rerun to false

0.0.4 (08/02/2021)

  • Add try catch to environment variable creation

0.0.3 (08/02/2021)

  • Third Release
  • Fix failfast tests

0.0.2 (07/02/2021)

  • Second Release

0.0.1 (07/02/2021)

  • First Release

Project details

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Source Distribution

appsurifyci-0.0.46.tar.gz (31.7 kB view hashes)

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