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Advanced Pipeline for Simple yet Comprehensive AnaLysEs of DNA metabarcoding data - Graphical User Interface

Project description

APSCALE graphical user interface

Advanced Pipeline for Simple yet Comprehensive AnaLysEs of DNA metabarcoding data

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Downloads - Apscale GUI


The APSCALE Graphical User Interface is a metabarcoding pipeline that handles the most common tasks in metabarcoding pipelines like paired-end merging, primer trimming, quality filtering, otu clustering and denoising. It uses a Graphical interface and is configured via a single configuration file. It automatically uses the available ressources on the machine it runs on while still providing the option to use less if desired.

For more information on the pipeline running in the background visit APSCALE.


APSCALE can be installed on all common operating systems (Windows, Linux, MacOS). APSCALE requires Python 3.7 or higher and can be easily installed via pip in any command line:

pip install apscale_gui

To update apscale_gui run:

pip install --upgrade apscale_gui

Further dependencies - vsearch

APSCALE calls vsearch for multiple modules. It should be installed and be in PATH to be executed from anywhere on the system.

Check the vsearch Github page for further info:

Support for compressed files with zlib is necessary. For Unix based systems this is shipped with vsearch, for Windows the zlib.dll can be downloaded via:

zlib for Windows

The dll has to be in the same folder as the vsearch executable. If you need help with adding a folder to PATH in windows please take a look at the first answer on this stackoverflow issue:

How to add a folder to PATH Windows

To check if everything is correctly set up please type this into your command line:

vsearch --version

It should return a message similar to this:

vsearch v2.19.0_win_x86_64, 31.9GB RAM, 24 cores

Rognes T, Flouri T, Nichols B, Quince C, Mahe F (2016)
VSEARCH: a versatile open source tool for metagenomics
PeerJ 4:e2584 doi: 10.7717/peerj.2584

Compiled with support for gzip-compressed files, and the library is loaded.
zlib version 1.2.5, compile flags 65
Compiled with support for bzip2-compressed files, but the library was not found.

Further dependencies - cutadapt

APSCALE also calls cutadapt with some modules. Cutadapt should be downloaded and installed automatically with the APSCALE installation. To check this, type:

cutadapt --version

and it should return the version number, for example:


Further dependencies - blastn

APSCALE also calls blastn for the local blast modules. It should be installed and be in PATH to be executed from anywhere on the system.

Check the BLAST Software home page:

you can download it from here:

To check this, type:

blastn -version

and it should return the version number, for example:

blastn: 2.12.0+ Package: blast 2.12.0, build Jun 4 2021 04:06:33


Creating a new project

Create a new folder (e.g. on your desktop) and name it for example: 'APSCALE_projects'.

Now run the APSCALE GUI with:

python -m apscale_gui or simply apscale_gui

You will be asked to select an output directory.

Select the folder you just created ('APSCALE_projects').

Now create a new project using the GUI by typing your desired name of the project (e.g. My_new_project'). A new folder in your output directory will be created.

Already existing project folders can be loaded from here in the future.

In this case a new, blank project folder was created.

Data structure

APSCALE is organized in projects with the following structure:

├───1_raw data
│   └───data
│   └───data
│   └───data
│   └───data
│   └───data
│   └───data
│       ├───dereplication
│       └───pooling
│   └───data
│   └───data
    │   └───data

Input data

APSCALE expects demultiplexed .fastq.gz files in the 2_demultiplexing/data folder (see above).

If you prefer to have your data all in one place you can copy the raw data into 1_raw_data/data. However, demultiplexing won't be handled by APSCALE directly, but the GUI version has a demultiplexing tool implemented (see

The interface

When loading a project you will be greeted by the APSCALE home window.

From here a multitude of DNA metabarcoding related tools can be started.


Running apscale: All-in-One Analysis

The APSCALE pipeline can easily be started via the All-in-One window.

First, the settings need to be adjusted. Therefore, one can either adjust the settings from within the GUI and apply them via the green button. Or one can open the settings file (either from within the GUI or from the project folder) and adjust all settings according to the data set.

Most settings can be left on default. However, following settings need to be adjusted:

  • Forward primer sequence (in 5'-3' orientation)
  • Reverse primer sequence (in 5'-3' orientation)
  • Length of the target fragment (after primer trimming)

To run APSCALE, simply select the steps to perform, click on 'Run analysis' and sit back and enjoy!



APSCALE will create following output files (that are relevant for downstream analyses):

  • Lulu-filtered OTU table (.xlsx and .snappy)
  • Lulu-filtered OTU sequences (.fasta)
  • Lulu-filtered ESV table (.xlsx and .snappy)
  • Lulu-filtered ESV sequences (.fasta)

These files can be used for taxonomic assignment. For example, for COI sequences, BOLDigger ( can be used directly with the output of APSCALE to assign taxomoy to the OTUs / ESVs using the Barcode of Life Data system (BOLD) database. Furthermore, the ESV and OTU tables are compatible with TaxonTableTools (, which can be used for DNA metabarcoding specific analyses.

Click here to an exemplary APSCALE project
├───1_raw data
│   └───data
│       ├───raw_data_R1.fastq.gz
│       └───raw_data_R2.fastq.gz
│   └───data
│       ├───SAMPLE_1_a_R1.fastq.gz
│       ├───SAMPLE_1_a_R2.fastq.gz
│       ├───SAMPLE_1_b_R1.fastq.gz
│       ├───SAMPLE_1_b_R2.fastq.gz
│       ├───SAMPLE_2_a_R1.fastq.gz
│       ├───SAMPLE_2_a_R2.fastq.gz
│       ├───SAMPLE_2_b_R1.fastq.gz
│       ├───SAMPLE_2_b_R2.fastq.gz
│       └───...
│   └───data
│       ├───SAMPLE_1_a_PE.fastq.gz
│       ├───SAMPLE_1_b_PE.fastq.gz
│       ├───SAMPLE_2_a_PE.fastq.gz
│       ├───SAMPLE_2_b_PE.fastq.gz
│       └───...
│   └───data
│       ├───SAMPLE_1_a_PE_trimmed.fastq.gz
│       ├───SAMPLE_1_b_PE_trimmed.fastq.gz
│       ├───SAMPLE_2_a_PE_trimmed.fastq.gz
│       ├───SAMPLE_2_b_PE_trimmed.fastq.gz
│       └───...
│   └───data
│       ├───SAMPLE_1_a_PE_trimmed_filtered.fastq.gz
│       ├───SAMPLE_1_b_PE_trimmed_filtered.fastq.gz
│       ├───SAMPLE_2_a_PE_trimmed_filtered.fastq.gz
│       ├───SAMPLE_2_b_PE_trimmed_filtered.fastq.gz
│       └───...
│   └───data
│       ├───dereplication
│       │   ├───SAMPLE_1_a_PE_trimmed_filtered_dereplicated.fastq.gz
│       │   ├───SAMPLE_1_b_PE_trimmed_filtered_dereplicated.fastq.gz
│       │   ├───SAMPLE_2_a_PE_trimmed_filtered_dereplicated.fastq.gz
│       │   ├───SAMPLE_2_b_PE_trimmed_filtered_dereplicated.fastq.gz
│       │   └───...
│       └───pooling
│           ├───pooled_sequences_dereplicated.fasta.gz
│           └───pooled_sequences.fasta.gz
│   └───data
│   ├───tutorial_apscale_OTU_table.parquet.snappy
│   ├───tutorial_apscale_OTU_table.xlsx
│   └───tutorial_apscale_OTUs.fasta
│   └───data
│   ├───tutorial_apscale_ESV_table.parquet.snappy
│   ├───tutorial_apscale_ESV_table.xlsx
│   └───tutorial_apscale_ESVs.fasta
    │   └───data
    │   ├───tutorial_apscale_ESV_table_filtered.parquet.snappy
    │   ├───tutorial_apscale_ESV_table_filtered.xlsx
    │   └───tutorial_apscale_ESVs_filtered.fasta

APSCALE modules


Learn more


Raw reads are demultiplexed into individual files, based on indiced and/or tags (see Bohmann et al., 2022 for an overview)

Paired-end merging

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Paired-end reads are merged into a single read.

Primer trimming

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Adapter or primer sequences are removed from each read.

Quality & length filtering

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Reads are filtered according to the expected length of the target fragment. Usually a certain threshold around the expected length is applied (e.g., +-10 of the target fragment length).


Additionally reads are filtered by quality. APSCALE uses the 'maximum expected error' value for quality filtering, which is calculated based on Phred quality score. You can learn more about quality filtering in the usearch documentation.

Dereplication & pooling

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Initially, reads are dereplicated per sample. Only reads with an abundance of at least 4 (default value) are kept.


Then, reads are pooled into a single file and globally dereplicated. The pooled and dereplicated reads are used for clustering and denoising.

OTU clustering

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Reads are clustered into Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs), based on a similarity threshold (e.g., 97% similarity).

Denoising (ESVs)

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Reads are denoised into Exact Sequence Variants (ESVs). Here, neighbours with small numbers of differences and small abundance compared to X are predicted to be bad reads of X (see Edgar 2016 for more details). Denoising is an error removal step.

Chimera removal (both for OTUs and ESVs)

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Chimeras are artificial products derived from two biological sequences. They can occur through incomplete extension during PCR. You can learn more about chimeras in the usearch documentation. Chimeras are removed from the OTUs and ESVs.

LULU filtering

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The LULU filtering algorithm is used to reduce the number of erroneous OTUs/ESVs to achieve more realistic biodiversity metrics. More details can be found in Frøslev et al., 2017.


Learn more


Lastly, OTUs and ESVs are re-mapped to the sequences of each sample and read tables are created.

Summary statistics

APSCALE will write all relevant statistics for each module to a project report file. In the ASPCALE-GUI version one can additionally calculate many relevant statistics for the processed dataset. All plots are stored as .pdf and interactive .html charts.

You can check out some examples below:

Boxplot of reads per sample for each module

newplot (5)

Summary of reads per sample for each module (excel table)


OTU summary (all samples)

newplot (2)

OTU summary (negative controls)

newplot (3)

OTU summary (sample 1 consisting of 4 extraktion replicates with each 2 PCR replicates)

newplot (4)

OTU heatmap (all samples; log of reads)

newplot (6)

LULU filtering



The local BLAST tool is really simple to use.

  1. Select your sequences (.fasta) and OTU table (.xlsx).
  2. Build a new database from a source file (see available dabases below). This only needs to be done once.
  3. Select your database to perform the BLAST against.
  4. Run the BLAST (blastn is recommended)
  5. Filter the BLAST results. The hits per OTU will be filtered as follows:
  • By e-value (the e-value is the number of expected hits of similar quality which could be found just by chance):
  • The hit(s) with the lowest e-value are kept (the lower the e-value the better).
  • By taxonomy:
  • Hits with the same taxonomy are dereplicated.
  • Hits are adjusted according to thresholds (default: species >=98%, genus >=95%, family >=90%, order >=85%) and dereplicated.
  • Hits with still conflicting taxonomy are set back to the most recent common taxonomy
  • OTU without matches are collected from the OTU table

The following exemplary BLAST results...

ID Hit Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Similarity (%) E-Value
OTU_1 Hit_1 Chordata Actinopteri Esociformes Esocidae Esox Esox lucius 100 3.33e-68
OTU_1 Hit_2 Chordata Actinopteri Esociformes Esocidae Esox Esox lucius 100 3.33e-68
OTU_2 Hit_1 Chordata Actinopteri Cypriniformes Leuciscidae Leuciscus Leuciscus aspius 100 3.43e-59
OTU_2 Hit_2 Chordata Actinopteri Cypriniformes Leuciscidae Squalius Squalius cephalus 100 3.43e-59
OTU_3 Hit_1 Chordata Actinopteri Cypriniformes Leuciscidae Rutilus Rutilus rutilus 95 4.77e-35
OTU_3 Hit_2 Chordata Actinopteri Cypriniformes Leuciscidae Rutilus Rutilus rutilus 95 4.77e-35
OTU_4 Hit_1 Chordata Actinopteri Cypriniformes Leuciscidae Leuciscus Leuciscus aspius 100 1.05e-46
OTU_4 Hit_2 Chordata Actinopteri Cypriniformes Leuciscidae Squalius Squalius cephalus 99 9.27e-16
OTU_4 Hit_3 Chordata Actinopteri Cypriniformes Leuciscidae Barbus Barbus barbus 98 1.68e-12

... would be filtered into a taxonomy table like this:

ID Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Similarity (%)
OTU_1 Chordata Actinopteri Esociformes Esocidae Esox Esox lucius 100
OTU_2 Chordata Actinopteri Cypriniformes Leuciscidae 100
OTU_3 Chordata Actinopteri Cypriniformes Leuciscidae Rutilus 95
OTU_4 Chordata Actinopteri Cypriniformes Leuciscidae Leuciscus Leuciscus aspius 100

Available databases for local BLAST

Diat.barcode database

Available from here:

Please download the latest .xlsx file!

Midori2 database

Available from here:

Please download the latest .fasta file!

The PATH should be as follows: GenBank2xx/BLAST/longest/fasta/*

For example: Databases/GenBank249/BLAST_AA_sp/fasta/

Unzip it to recieve the .fasta file!

Custom NCBI database

Visit the Genbank homepage ( and search for sequences to add to your database.

Then select

  • Send to:
  • Complete record
  • File
  • GenBank (full)

Then download the .gb file!

Click here to see an example image

Alternatively (for large datasets) one can use the Entrez-Direct tool:

The easiest way to construct a query is by using the the Genbank browser and copying the search details: image

The following command will download all 12S reference sequences for vertebrates:

esearch -db nuccore -query '12S[All Fields] AND ("Vertebrata"[Organism] OR "Vertebrata"[Organism] OR Vertebrata[All Fields]) AND is_nuccore[filter]' | efetch -format gb > Desktop/

My database is missing!

Just let us know if there is need for further databases and we will try to add them.


For now APSCALE-GUI can be cited with this Github page. A publication is coming soon.

Please also cite:

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

apscale_gui-1.1.6.tar.gz (102.1 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

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