python implementation of arib-std-b10 and arib-std-b24
Project description
速度優先の Transport Stream パーサです。
Python 3.2 での動作が前提ですが、3.1 でも動くかもしれません。
$ sudo python3.2 install
ARIB-STD で定義されているデータ構造をなるべく近い形で
Python コードとして記述できるようにしています。
たとえば、 Program Map Section のデータ構造は ARIB-STD-B10 第2部付録E 表E-3 で
table_id 8 uimsbf
section_syntax_indicator 1 bslbf
‘0’ 1 bslbf
reserved 2 bslbf
section_length 12 uimsbf
program_number 16 uimsbf
reserved 2 bslbf
version_number 5 uimsbf
current_next_indicator 1 bslbf
section_number 8 uimsbf
last_section_number 8 uimsbf
reserved 3 bslbf
PCR_PID 13 uimsbf
reserved 4 bslbf
program_info_length 12 uimsbf
for (i=0;i<N;i++){
for (i=0;i<N1;i++){
stream_type 8 uimsbf
reserved 3 bslbf
elementary_PID 13 uimsbf
reserved 4 bslbf
ES_info_length 12 uimsbf
for (i=0;i<N2;i++){
CRC_32 32 rpchof
これを ariblib では以下のように記述します。 (説明に必要でない行は省略しています)
class ProgramMapSection(Section):
table_id = uimsbf(8)
section_syntax_indicator = bslbf(1)
reserved_future_use = bslbf(1)
reserved_1 = bslbf(2)
section_length = uimsbf(12)
program_number = uimsbf(16)
reserved_2 = bslbf(2)
version_number = uimsbf(5)
current_next_indicator = bslbf(1)
section_number = uimsbf(8)
last_section_number = uimsbf(8)
reserved_3 = bslbf(3)
PCR_PID = uimsbf(13)
reserved_4 = bslbf(4)
program_info_length = uimsbf(12)
descriptors = descriptors(program_info_length)
@loop(lambda self: self.section_length - (13 + self.program_info_length))
class maps(Syntax):
stream_type = uimsbf(8)
reserved_1 = bslbf(3)
elementary_PID = uimsbf(13)
reserved_2 = bslbf(4)
ES_info_length = uimsbf(12)
descriptors = descriptors(ES_info_length)
CRC_32 = rpchof(32)
使い方例1 字幕を表示
from ariblib import tsopen
from ariblib.caption import captions
import sys
with tsopen(sys.argv[1]) as ts:
for caption in captions(ts, color=True):
body = str(caption.body)
# アダプテーションフィールドの PCR の値と、そこから一番近い TOT テーブルの値から、
# 字幕の表示された時刻を計算します (若干誤差が出ます)
# PCR が一周した場合の処理は実装されていません
datetime = caption.datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
print('\033[35m' + datetime + '\33[37m')
使い方例2 いま放送中の番組と次の番組を表示
import sys
from ariblib import tsopen
from ariblib.descriptors import ShortEventDescriptor
from ariblib.sections import EventInformationSection
def show_program(eit):
event =
program_title = event.descriptors[ShortEventDescriptor][0].event_name_char
start = event.start_time
return "{} {}".format(program_title, start)
with tsopen(sys.argv[1]) as ts:
# 自ストリームの現在と次の番組を表示する
EventInformationSection._table_ids = [0x4E]
current = next(table for table in ts.sections(EventInformationSection)
if table.section_number == 0)
following = next(table for table in ts.sections(EventInformationSection)
if table.section_number == 1)
print('今の番組', show_program(current))
print('次の番組', show_program(following))
使い方例3: 放送局名の一欄を表示
(地上波ではその局, BSでは全局が表示される)
import sys
from ariblib import tsopen
from ariblib.constant import SERVICE_TYPES
from ariblib.descriptors import ServiceDescriptor
from ariblib.sections import ServiceDescriptionSection
with tsopen(sys.argv[1]) as ts:
for sdt in ts.sections(ServiceDescriptionSection):
for service in
for sd in service.descriptors[ServiceDescriptor]:
print(service.service_id, SERVICE_TYPE[sd.service_type],
sd.service_provider_name, sd.service_name)
使い方例4: 動画パケットの PID とその動画の解像度を表示
import sys
from ariblib import tsopen
from ariblib.constants import VIDEO_ENCODE_FORMATS
from ariblib.descriptors import VideoDecodeControlDescriptor
from ariblib.sections import ProgramAssociationSection, ProgramMapSection
with tsopen(sys.argv[1]) as ts:
pat = next(ts.sections(ProgramAssociationSection))
ProgramMapSection._pids = list(pat.pmt_pids)
for pmt in ts.sections(ProgramMapSection):
for tsmap in pmt.maps:
for vd in tsmap.descriptors.get(VideoDecodeControlDescriptor, []):
print(tsmap.elementary_PID, VIDEO_ENCODE_FORMAT[vd.video_encode_format])
使い方例5: EPG情報の表示
from ariblib import tsopen
from ariblib.event import events
import sys
with tsopen(sys.argv[1]) as ts:
for event in events(ts):
max_len = max(map(len, event.__dict__.keys()))
template = "{:%ds} {}" % max_len
for key, value in event.__dict__.items():
print(template.format(key, value))
print('-' * 80)
使い方例6: 深夜アニメの出力
import sys
from ariblib import tsopen
from ariblib.descriptors import ContentDescriptor, ShortEventDescriptor
from ariblib.sections import EventInformationSection
with tsopen(sys.argv[1]) as ts:
EventInformationSection._table_ids = range(0x50, 0x70)
for eit in ts.sections(EventInformationSection):
for event in
for genre in event.descriptors.get(ContentDescriptor, []):
nibble = genre.nibbles[0]
# ジャンルがアニメでないイベント、アニメであっても放送開始時刻が5時から21時のものを除きます
if nibble.content_nibble_level_1 != 0x07 or 4 < event.start_time.hour < 22:
for sed in event.descriptors.get(ShortEventDescriptor, []):
print(eit.service_id, event.event_id, event.start_time,
event.duration, sed.event_name_char, sed.text_char)
速度優先の Transport Stream パーサです。
Python 3.2 での動作が前提ですが、3.1 でも動くかもしれません。
$ sudo python3.2 install
ARIB-STD で定義されているデータ構造をなるべく近い形で
Python コードとして記述できるようにしています。
たとえば、 Program Map Section のデータ構造は ARIB-STD-B10 第2部付録E 表E-3 で
table_id 8 uimsbf
section_syntax_indicator 1 bslbf
‘0’ 1 bslbf
reserved 2 bslbf
section_length 12 uimsbf
program_number 16 uimsbf
reserved 2 bslbf
version_number 5 uimsbf
current_next_indicator 1 bslbf
section_number 8 uimsbf
last_section_number 8 uimsbf
reserved 3 bslbf
PCR_PID 13 uimsbf
reserved 4 bslbf
program_info_length 12 uimsbf
for (i=0;i<N;i++){
for (i=0;i<N1;i++){
stream_type 8 uimsbf
reserved 3 bslbf
elementary_PID 13 uimsbf
reserved 4 bslbf
ES_info_length 12 uimsbf
for (i=0;i<N2;i++){
CRC_32 32 rpchof
これを ariblib では以下のように記述します。 (説明に必要でない行は省略しています)
class ProgramMapSection(Section):
table_id = uimsbf(8)
section_syntax_indicator = bslbf(1)
reserved_future_use = bslbf(1)
reserved_1 = bslbf(2)
section_length = uimsbf(12)
program_number = uimsbf(16)
reserved_2 = bslbf(2)
version_number = uimsbf(5)
current_next_indicator = bslbf(1)
section_number = uimsbf(8)
last_section_number = uimsbf(8)
reserved_3 = bslbf(3)
PCR_PID = uimsbf(13)
reserved_4 = bslbf(4)
program_info_length = uimsbf(12)
descriptors = descriptors(program_info_length)
@loop(lambda self: self.section_length - (13 + self.program_info_length))
class maps(Syntax):
stream_type = uimsbf(8)
reserved_1 = bslbf(3)
elementary_PID = uimsbf(13)
reserved_2 = bslbf(4)
ES_info_length = uimsbf(12)
descriptors = descriptors(ES_info_length)
CRC_32 = rpchof(32)
使い方例1 字幕を表示
from ariblib import tsopen
from ariblib.caption import captions
import sys
with tsopen(sys.argv[1]) as ts:
for caption in captions(ts, color=True):
body = str(caption.body)
# アダプテーションフィールドの PCR の値と、そこから一番近い TOT テーブルの値から、
# 字幕の表示された時刻を計算します (若干誤差が出ます)
# PCR が一周した場合の処理は実装されていません
datetime = caption.datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
print('\033[35m' + datetime + '\33[37m')
使い方例2 いま放送中の番組と次の番組を表示
import sys
from ariblib import tsopen
from ariblib.descriptors import ShortEventDescriptor
from ariblib.sections import EventInformationSection
def show_program(eit):
event =
program_title = event.descriptors[ShortEventDescriptor][0].event_name_char
start = event.start_time
return "{} {}".format(program_title, start)
with tsopen(sys.argv[1]) as ts:
# 自ストリームの現在と次の番組を表示する
EventInformationSection._table_ids = [0x4E]
current = next(table for table in ts.sections(EventInformationSection)
if table.section_number == 0)
following = next(table for table in ts.sections(EventInformationSection)
if table.section_number == 1)
print('今の番組', show_program(current))
print('次の番組', show_program(following))
使い方例3: 放送局名の一欄を表示
(地上波ではその局, BSでは全局が表示される)
import sys
from ariblib import tsopen
from ariblib.constant import SERVICE_TYPES
from ariblib.descriptors import ServiceDescriptor
from ariblib.sections import ServiceDescriptionSection
with tsopen(sys.argv[1]) as ts:
for sdt in ts.sections(ServiceDescriptionSection):
for service in
for sd in service.descriptors[ServiceDescriptor]:
print(service.service_id, SERVICE_TYPE[sd.service_type],
sd.service_provider_name, sd.service_name)
使い方例4: 動画パケットの PID とその動画の解像度を表示
import sys
from ariblib import tsopen
from ariblib.constants import VIDEO_ENCODE_FORMATS
from ariblib.descriptors import VideoDecodeControlDescriptor
from ariblib.sections import ProgramAssociationSection, ProgramMapSection
with tsopen(sys.argv[1]) as ts:
pat = next(ts.sections(ProgramAssociationSection))
ProgramMapSection._pids = list(pat.pmt_pids)
for pmt in ts.sections(ProgramMapSection):
for tsmap in pmt.maps:
for vd in tsmap.descriptors.get(VideoDecodeControlDescriptor, []):
print(tsmap.elementary_PID, VIDEO_ENCODE_FORMAT[vd.video_encode_format])
使い方例5: EPG情報の表示
from ariblib import tsopen
from ariblib.event import events
import sys
with tsopen(sys.argv[1]) as ts:
for event in events(ts):
max_len = max(map(len, event.__dict__.keys()))
template = "{:%ds} {}" % max_len
for key, value in event.__dict__.items():
print(template.format(key, value))
print('-' * 80)
使い方例6: 深夜アニメの出力
import sys
from ariblib import tsopen
from ariblib.descriptors import ContentDescriptor, ShortEventDescriptor
from ariblib.sections import EventInformationSection
with tsopen(sys.argv[1]) as ts:
EventInformationSection._table_ids = range(0x50, 0x70)
for eit in ts.sections(EventInformationSection):
for event in
for genre in event.descriptors.get(ContentDescriptor, []):
nibble = genre.nibbles[0]
# ジャンルがアニメでないイベント、アニメであっても放送開始時刻が5時から21時のものを除きます
if nibble.content_nibble_level_1 != 0x07 or 4 < event.start_time.hour < 22:
for sed in event.descriptors.get(ShortEventDescriptor, []):
print(eit.service_id, event.event_id, event.start_time,
event.duration, sed.event_name_char, sed.text_char)
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- Download URL: ariblib-0.0.5.tar.gz
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- Size: 37.8 kB
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File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 0fc13019b0350dc64cb8cccb4ba6c2e452acacd0221fe5f8cc0ddfe64fd91032 |
MD5 | c3777f19c51a805c25d299507e0413e1 |
BLAKE2b-256 | 8fe0f3ebdc38ad639167a4545e30c9bc3d3004c75e162589abb7d080692b6e37 |