Project description
This is a preview version of Asana's new python client library. For feedback and feature requests, please leave a comment on this forum thread or through the feedback form on our documentation site
- API version: 1.0
- Package version: 1.0.28
Python 3.4+
Installation & Usage
pip install from PyPI
pip install asana-preview
Then import the package:
import asana_preview
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import asana_preview
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import asana_preview
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
configuration = asana_preview.Configuration()
configuration.access_token = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>'
api_client = asana_preview.ApiClient(configuration)
# create an instance of the API class
users_api_instance = asana_preview.UsersApi(api_client)
user_gid = "me"
opts = {}
# Get a user
api_response = users_api_instance.get_user(user_gid, opts)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling UsersApi->get_user: %s\n" % e)
Example: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE on tasks
GET - get multiple tasks
import asana_preview
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
configuration = asana_preview.Configuration()
configuration.access_token = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>'
api_client = asana_preview.ApiClient(configuration)
# create an instance of the API class
tasks_api_instance = asana_preview.TasksApi(api_client)
opts = {
'limit': 50,
'offset': "eyJ0eXAiOJiKV1iQLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9",
'assignee': "14641",
'project': "321654",
'section': "321654",
'workspace': "321654",
'completed_since': '2012-02-22T02:06:58.158Z',
'modified_since': '2012-02-22T02:06:58.158Z',
'opt_fields': "actual_time_minutes,approval_status,assignee,,assignee_section,,assignee_status,completed,completed_at,completed_by,,created_at,created_by,custom_fields,custom_fields.asana_created_field,custom_fields.created_by,,custom_fields.currency_code,custom_fields.custom_label,custom_fields.custom_label_position,custom_fields.date_value,,custom_fields.date_value.date_time,custom_fields.description,custom_fields.display_value,custom_fields.enabled,custom_fields.enum_options,custom_fields.enum_options.color,custom_fields.enum_options.enabled,,custom_fields.enum_value,custom_fields.enum_value.color,custom_fields.enum_value.enabled,,custom_fields.format,custom_fields.has_notifications_enabled,custom_fields.is_formula_field,custom_fields.is_global_to_workspace,custom_fields.is_value_read_only,custom_fields.multi_enum_values,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.color,custom_fields.multi_enum_values.enabled,,,custom_fields.number_value,custom_fields.people_value,,custom_fields.precision,custom_fields.resource_subtype,custom_fields.text_value,custom_fields.type,dependencies,dependents,due_at,due_on,external,,followers,,hearted,hearts,hearts.user,,html_notes,is_rendered_as_separator,liked,likes,likes.user,,memberships,memberships.project,,memberships.section,,modified_at,name,notes,num_hearts,num_likes,num_subtasks,offset,parent,parent.created_by,,parent.resource_subtype,path,permalink_url,projects,,resource_subtype,start_at,start_on,tags,,uri,workspace,"
# Get multiple tasks
api_response = tasks_api_instance.get_tasks(opts)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling TasksApi->get_tasks: %s\n" % e)
POST - create a task
import asana_preview
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
configuration = asana_preview.Configuration()
configuration.access_token = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>'
api_client = asana_preview.ApiClient(configuration)
# create an instance of the API class
tasks_api_instance = asana_preview.TasksApi(api_client)
body = {
"data": {
"name": "New Task",
"projects": ["<YOUR_PROJECT_GID>"],
opts = {}
# Create a task
api_response = tasks_api_instance.create_task(body, opts)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling TasksApi->create_task: %s\n" % e)
PUT - update a task
import asana_preview
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
configuration = asana_preview.Configuration()
configuration.access_token = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>'
api_client = asana_preview.ApiClient(configuration)
# create an instance of the API class
tasks_api_instance = asana_preview.TasksApi(api_client)
body = {
"data": {
"name": "Updated Task",
task_gid = "<YOUR_TASK_GID>"
opts = {}
# Update a task
api_response = tasks_api_instance.update_task(body, task_gid, opts)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling TasksApi->update_task: %s\n" % e)
DELETE - delete a task
import asana_preview
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
configuration = asana_preview.Configuration()
configuration.access_token = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>'
api_client = asana_preview.ApiClient(configuration)
# create an instance of the API class
tasks_api_instance = asana_preview.TasksApi(api_client)
task_gid = "<YOUR_TASK_GID>"
# Delete a task
api_response = tasks_api_instance.delete_task(task_gid)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling TasksApi->delete_task: %s\n" % e)
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AttachmentsApi | create_attachment_for_object | POST /attachments | Upload an attachment |
AttachmentsApi | delete_attachment | DELETE /attachments/{attachment_gid} | Delete an attachment |
AttachmentsApi | get_attachment | GET /attachments/{attachment_gid} | Get an attachment |
AttachmentsApi | get_attachments_for_object | GET /attachments | Get attachments from an object |
AuditLogAPIApi | get_audit_log_events | GET /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/audit_log_events | Get audit log events |
BatchAPIApi | create_batch_request | POST /batch | Submit parallel requests |
CustomFieldSettingsApi | get_custom_field_settings_for_portfolio | GET /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/custom_field_settings | Get a portfolio's custom fields |
CustomFieldSettingsApi | get_custom_field_settings_for_project | GET /projects/{project_gid}/custom_field_settings | Get a project's custom fields |
CustomFieldsApi | create_custom_field | POST /custom_fields | Create a custom field |
CustomFieldsApi | create_enum_option_for_custom_field | POST /custom_fields/{custom_field_gid}/enum_options | Create an enum option |
CustomFieldsApi | delete_custom_field | DELETE /custom_fields/{custom_field_gid} | Delete a custom field |
CustomFieldsApi | get_custom_field | GET /custom_fields/{custom_field_gid} | Get a custom field |
CustomFieldsApi | get_custom_fields_for_workspace | GET /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/custom_fields | Get a workspace's custom fields |
CustomFieldsApi | insert_enum_option_for_custom_field | POST /custom_fields/{custom_field_gid}/enum_options/insert | Reorder a custom field's enum |
CustomFieldsApi | update_custom_field | PUT /custom_fields/{custom_field_gid} | Update a custom field |
CustomFieldsApi | update_enum_option | PUT /enum_options/{enum_option_gid} | Update an enum option |
EventsApi | get_events | GET /events | Get events on a resource |
GoalRelationshipsApi | add_supporting_relationship | POST /goals/{goal_gid}/addSupportingRelationship | Add a supporting goal relationship |
GoalRelationshipsApi | get_goal_relationship | GET /goal_relationships/{goal_relationship_gid} | Get a goal relationship |
GoalRelationshipsApi | get_goal_relationships | GET /goal_relationships | Get goal relationships |
GoalRelationshipsApi | remove_supporting_relationship | POST /goals/{goal_gid}/removeSupportingRelationship | Removes a supporting goal relationship |
GoalRelationshipsApi | update_goal_relationship | PUT /goal_relationships/{goal_relationship_gid} | Update a goal relationship |
GoalsApi | add_followers | POST /goals/{goal_gid}/addFollowers | Add a collaborator to a goal |
GoalsApi | create_goal | POST /goals | Create a goal |
GoalsApi | create_goal_metric | POST /goals/{goal_gid}/setMetric | Create a goal metric |
GoalsApi | delete_goal | DELETE /goals/{goal_gid} | Delete a goal |
GoalsApi | get_goal | GET /goals/{goal_gid} | Get a goal |
GoalsApi | get_goals | GET /goals | Get goals |
GoalsApi | get_parent_goals_for_goal | GET /goals/{goal_gid}/parentGoals | Get parent goals from a goal |
GoalsApi | remove_followers | POST /goals/{goal_gid}/removeFollowers | Remove a collaborator from a goal |
GoalsApi | update_goal | PUT /goals/{goal_gid} | Update a goal |
GoalsApi | update_goal_metric | POST /goals/{goal_gid}/setMetricCurrentValue | Update a goal metric |
JobsApi | get_job | GET /jobs/{job_gid} | Get a job by id |
MembershipsApi | create_membership | POST /memberships | Create a membership |
MembershipsApi | delete_membership | DELETE /memberships/{membership_gid} | Delete a membership |
MembershipsApi | get_membership | GET /memberships/{membership_gid} | Get a membership |
MembershipsApi | get_memberships | GET /memberships | Get multiple memberships |
OrganizationExportsApi | create_organization_export | POST /organization_exports | Create an organization export request |
OrganizationExportsApi | get_organization_export | GET /organization_exports/{organization_export_gid} | Get details on an org export request |
PortfolioMembershipsApi | get_portfolio_membership | GET /portfolio_memberships/{portfolio_membership_gid} | Get a portfolio membership |
PortfolioMembershipsApi | get_portfolio_memberships | GET /portfolio_memberships | Get multiple portfolio memberships |
PortfolioMembershipsApi | get_portfolio_memberships_for_portfolio | GET /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/portfolio_memberships | Get memberships from a portfolio |
PortfoliosApi | add_custom_field_setting_for_portfolio | POST /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/addCustomFieldSetting | Add a custom field to a portfolio |
PortfoliosApi | add_item_for_portfolio | POST /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/addItem | Add a portfolio item |
PortfoliosApi | add_members_for_portfolio | POST /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/addMembers | Add users to a portfolio |
PortfoliosApi | create_portfolio | POST /portfolios | Create a portfolio |
PortfoliosApi | delete_portfolio | DELETE /portfolios/{portfolio_gid} | Delete a portfolio |
PortfoliosApi | get_items_for_portfolio | GET /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/items | Get portfolio items |
PortfoliosApi | get_portfolio | GET /portfolios/{portfolio_gid} | Get a portfolio |
PortfoliosApi | get_portfolios | GET /portfolios | Get multiple portfolios |
PortfoliosApi | remove_custom_field_setting_for_portfolio | POST /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/removeCustomFieldSetting | Remove a custom field from a portfolio |
PortfoliosApi | remove_item_for_portfolio | POST /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/removeItem | Remove a portfolio item |
PortfoliosApi | remove_members_for_portfolio | POST /portfolios/{portfolio_gid}/removeMembers | Remove users from a portfolio |
PortfoliosApi | update_portfolio | PUT /portfolios/{portfolio_gid} | Update a portfolio |
ProjectBriefsApi | create_project_brief | POST /projects/{project_gid}/project_briefs | Create a project brief |
ProjectBriefsApi | delete_project_brief | DELETE /project_briefs/{project_brief_gid} | Delete a project brief |
ProjectBriefsApi | get_project_brief | GET /project_briefs/{project_brief_gid} | Get a project brief |
ProjectBriefsApi | update_project_brief | PUT /project_briefs/{project_brief_gid} | Update a project brief |
ProjectMembershipsApi | get_project_membership | GET /project_memberships/{project_membership_gid} | Get a project membership |
ProjectMembershipsApi | get_project_memberships_for_project | GET /projects/{project_gid}/project_memberships | Get memberships from a project |
ProjectStatusesApi | create_project_status_for_project | POST /projects/{project_gid}/project_statuses | Create a project status |
ProjectStatusesApi | delete_project_status | DELETE /project_statuses/{project_status_gid} | Delete a project status |
ProjectStatusesApi | get_project_status | GET /project_statuses/{project_status_gid} | Get a project status |
ProjectStatusesApi | get_project_statuses_for_project | GET /projects/{project_gid}/project_statuses | Get statuses from a project |
ProjectTemplatesApi | delete_project_template | DELETE /project_templates/{project_template_gid} | Delete a project template |
ProjectTemplatesApi | get_project_template | GET /project_templates/{project_template_gid} | Get a project template |
ProjectTemplatesApi | get_project_templates | GET /project_templates | Get multiple project templates |
ProjectTemplatesApi | get_project_templates_for_team | GET /teams/{team_gid}/project_templates | Get a team's project templates |
ProjectTemplatesApi | instantiate_project | POST /project_templates/{project_template_gid}/instantiateProject | Instantiate a project from a project template |
ProjectsApi | add_custom_field_setting_for_project | POST /projects/{project_gid}/addCustomFieldSetting | Add a custom field to a project |
ProjectsApi | add_followers_for_project | POST /projects/{project_gid}/addFollowers | Add followers to a project |
ProjectsApi | add_members_for_project | POST /projects/{project_gid}/addMembers | Add users to a project |
ProjectsApi | create_project | POST /projects | Create a project |
ProjectsApi | create_project_for_team | POST /teams/{team_gid}/projects | Create a project in a team |
ProjectsApi | create_project_for_workspace | POST /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/projects | Create a project in a workspace |
ProjectsApi | delete_project | DELETE /projects/{project_gid} | Delete a project |
ProjectsApi | duplicate_project | POST /projects/{project_gid}/duplicate | Duplicate a project |
ProjectsApi | get_project | GET /projects/{project_gid} | Get a project |
ProjectsApi | get_projects | GET /projects | Get multiple projects |
ProjectsApi | get_projects_for_task | GET /tasks/{task_gid}/projects | Get projects a task is in |
ProjectsApi | get_projects_for_team | GET /teams/{team_gid}/projects | Get a team's projects |
ProjectsApi | get_projects_for_workspace | GET /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/projects | Get all projects in a workspace |
ProjectsApi | get_task_counts_for_project | GET /projects/{project_gid}/task_counts | Get task count of a project |
ProjectsApi | project_save_as_template | POST /projects/{project_gid}/saveAsTemplate | Create a project template from a project |
ProjectsApi | remove_custom_field_setting_for_project | POST /projects/{project_gid}/removeCustomFieldSetting | Remove a custom field from a project |
ProjectsApi | remove_followers_for_project | POST /projects/{project_gid}/removeFollowers | Remove followers from a project |
ProjectsApi | remove_members_for_project | POST /projects/{project_gid}/removeMembers | Remove users from a project |
ProjectsApi | update_project | PUT /projects/{project_gid} | Update a project |
RulesApi | trigger_rule | POST /rule_triggers/{rule_trigger_gid}/run | Trigger a rule |
SectionsApi | add_task_for_section | POST /sections/{section_gid}/addTask | Add task to section |
SectionsApi | create_section_for_project | POST /projects/{project_gid}/sections | Create a section in a project |
SectionsApi | delete_section | DELETE /sections/{section_gid} | Delete a section |
SectionsApi | get_section | GET /sections/{section_gid} | Get a section |
SectionsApi | get_sections_for_project | GET /projects/{project_gid}/sections | Get sections in a project |
SectionsApi | insert_section_for_project | POST /projects/{project_gid}/sections/insert | Move or Insert sections |
SectionsApi | update_section | PUT /sections/{section_gid} | Update a section |
StatusUpdatesApi | create_status_for_object | POST /status_updates | Create a status update |
StatusUpdatesApi | delete_status | DELETE /status_updates/{status_update_gid} | Delete a status update |
StatusUpdatesApi | get_status | GET /status_updates/{status_update_gid} | Get a status update |
StatusUpdatesApi | get_statuses_for_object | GET /status_updates | Get status updates from an object |
StoriesApi | create_story_for_task | POST /tasks/{task_gid}/stories | Create a story on a task |
StoriesApi | delete_story | DELETE /stories/{story_gid} | Delete a story |
StoriesApi | get_stories_for_task | GET /tasks/{task_gid}/stories | Get stories from a task |
StoriesApi | get_story | GET /stories/{story_gid} | Get a story |
StoriesApi | update_story | PUT /stories/{story_gid} | Update a story |
TagsApi | create_tag | POST /tags | Create a tag |
TagsApi | create_tag_for_workspace | POST /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/tags | Create a tag in a workspace |
TagsApi | delete_tag | DELETE /tags/{tag_gid} | Delete a tag |
TagsApi | get_tag | GET /tags/{tag_gid} | Get a tag |
TagsApi | get_tags | GET /tags | Get multiple tags |
TagsApi | get_tags_for_task | GET /tasks/{task_gid}/tags | Get a task's tags |
TagsApi | get_tags_for_workspace | GET /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/tags | Get tags in a workspace |
TagsApi | update_tag | PUT /tags/{tag_gid} | Update a tag |
TaskTemplatesApi | get_task_template | GET /task_templates/{task_template_gid} | Get a task template |
TaskTemplatesApi | get_task_templates | GET /task_templates | Get multiple task templates |
TaskTemplatesApi | instantiate_task | POST /task_templates/{task_template_gid}/instantiateTask | Instantiate a task from a task template |
TasksApi | add_dependencies_for_task | POST /tasks/{task_gid}/addDependencies | Set dependencies for a task |
TasksApi | add_dependents_for_task | POST /tasks/{task_gid}/addDependents | Set dependents for a task |
TasksApi | add_followers_for_task | POST /tasks/{task_gid}/addFollowers | Add followers to a task |
TasksApi | add_project_for_task | POST /tasks/{task_gid}/addProject | Add a project to a task |
TasksApi | add_tag_for_task | POST /tasks/{task_gid}/addTag | Add a tag to a task |
TasksApi | create_subtask_for_task | POST /tasks/{task_gid}/subtasks | Create a subtask |
TasksApi | create_task | POST /tasks | Create a task |
TasksApi | delete_task | DELETE /tasks/{task_gid} | Delete a task |
TasksApi | duplicate_task | POST /tasks/{task_gid}/duplicate | Duplicate a task |
TasksApi | get_dependencies_for_task | GET /tasks/{task_gid}/dependencies | Get dependencies from a task |
TasksApi | get_dependents_for_task | GET /tasks/{task_gid}/dependents | Get dependents from a task |
TasksApi | get_subtasks_for_task | GET /tasks/{task_gid}/subtasks | Get subtasks from a task |
TasksApi | get_task | GET /tasks/{task_gid} | Get a task |
TasksApi | get_tasks | GET /tasks | Get multiple tasks |
TasksApi | get_tasks_for_project | GET /projects/{project_gid}/tasks | Get tasks from a project |
TasksApi | get_tasks_for_section | GET /sections/{section_gid}/tasks | Get tasks from a section |
TasksApi | get_tasks_for_tag | GET /tags/{tag_gid}/tasks | Get tasks from a tag |
TasksApi | get_tasks_for_user_task_list | GET /user_task_lists/{user_task_list_gid}/tasks | Get tasks from a user task list |
TasksApi | remove_dependencies_for_task | POST /tasks/{task_gid}/removeDependencies | Unlink dependencies from a task |
TasksApi | remove_dependents_for_task | POST /tasks/{task_gid}/removeDependents | Unlink dependents from a task |
TasksApi | remove_follower_for_task | POST /tasks/{task_gid}/removeFollowers | Remove followers from a task |
TasksApi | remove_project_for_task | POST /tasks/{task_gid}/removeProject | Remove a project from a task |
TasksApi | remove_tag_for_task | POST /tasks/{task_gid}/removeTag | Remove a tag from a task |
TasksApi | search_tasks_for_workspace | GET /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/tasks/search | Search tasks in a workspace |
TasksApi | set_parent_for_task | POST /tasks/{task_gid}/setParent | Set the parent of a task |
TasksApi | update_task | PUT /tasks/{task_gid} | Update a task |
TeamMembershipsApi | get_team_membership | GET /team_memberships/{team_membership_gid} | Get a team membership |
TeamMembershipsApi | get_team_memberships | GET /team_memberships | Get team memberships |
TeamMembershipsApi | get_team_memberships_for_team | GET /teams/{team_gid}/team_memberships | Get memberships from a team |
TeamMembershipsApi | get_team_memberships_for_user | GET /users/{user_gid}/team_memberships | Get memberships from a user |
TeamsApi | add_user_for_team | POST /teams/{team_gid}/addUser | Add a user to a team |
TeamsApi | create_team | POST /teams | Create a team |
TeamsApi | get_team | GET /teams/{team_gid} | Get a team |
TeamsApi | get_teams_for_user | GET /users/{user_gid}/teams | Get teams for a user |
TeamsApi | get_teams_for_workspace | GET /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/teams | Get teams in a workspace |
TeamsApi | remove_user_for_team | POST /teams/{team_gid}/removeUser | Remove a user from a team |
TeamsApi | update_team | PUT /teams/{team_gid} | Update a team |
TimePeriodsApi | get_time_period | GET /time_periods/{time_period_gid} | Get a time period |
TimePeriodsApi | get_time_periods | GET /time_periods | Get time periods |
TimeTrackingEntriesApi | create_time_tracking_entry | POST /tasks/{task_gid}/time_tracking_entries | Create a time tracking entry |
TimeTrackingEntriesApi | delete_time_tracking_entry | DELETE /time_tracking_entries/{time_tracking_entry_gid} | Delete a time tracking entry |
TimeTrackingEntriesApi | get_time_tracking_entries_for_task | GET /tasks/{task_gid}/time_tracking_entries | Get time tracking entries for a task |
TimeTrackingEntriesApi | get_time_tracking_entry | GET /time_tracking_entries/{time_tracking_entry_gid} | Get a time tracking entry |
TimeTrackingEntriesApi | update_time_tracking_entry | PUT /time_tracking_entries/{time_tracking_entry_gid} | Update a time tracking entry |
TypeaheadApi | typeahead_for_workspace | GET /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/typeahead | Get objects via typeahead |
UserTaskListsApi | get_user_task_list | GET /user_task_lists/{user_task_list_gid} | Get a user task list |
UserTaskListsApi | get_user_task_list_for_user | GET /users/{user_gid}/user_task_list | Get a user's task list |
UsersApi | get_favorites_for_user | GET /users/{user_gid}/favorites | Get a user's favorites |
UsersApi | get_user | GET /users/{user_gid} | Get a user |
UsersApi | get_users | GET /users | Get multiple users |
UsersApi | get_users_for_team | GET /teams/{team_gid}/users | Get users in a team |
UsersApi | get_users_for_workspace | GET /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/users | Get users in a workspace or organization |
WebhooksApi | create_webhook | POST /webhooks | Establish a webhook |
WebhooksApi | delete_webhook | DELETE /webhooks/{webhook_gid} | Delete a webhook |
WebhooksApi | get_webhook | GET /webhooks/{webhook_gid} | Get a webhook |
WebhooksApi | get_webhooks | GET /webhooks | Get multiple webhooks |
WebhooksApi | update_webhook | PUT /webhooks/{webhook_gid} | Update a webhook |
WorkspaceMembershipsApi | get_workspace_membership | GET /workspace_memberships/{workspace_membership_gid} | Get a workspace membership |
WorkspaceMembershipsApi | get_workspace_memberships_for_user | GET /users/{user_gid}/workspace_memberships | Get workspace memberships for a user |
WorkspaceMembershipsApi | get_workspace_memberships_for_workspace | GET /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/workspace_memberships | Get the workspace memberships for a workspace |
WorkspacesApi | add_user_for_workspace | POST /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/addUser | Add a user to a workspace or organization |
WorkspacesApi | get_workspace | GET /workspaces/{workspace_gid} | Get a workspace |
WorkspacesApi | get_workspaces | GET /workspaces | Get multiple workspaces |
WorkspacesApi | remove_user_for_workspace | POST /workspaces/{workspace_gid}/removeUser | Remove a user from a workspace or organization |
WorkspacesApi | update_workspace | PUT /workspaces/{workspace_gid} | Update a workspace |
Accessing repsonse data
Example: Accessing task data
task = tasks_api_instance.get_task(task_gid)
task_data = task['data']
task_name = task_dict_data['name']
task_notes = task_dict_data['notes']
except ApiException as e:
Accessing response status code and headers
In the scenario you want to access the response headers or the status code along with the response data you can
provide the _return_http_data_only
parameter argument in the request method and set the value to False
import asana_preview
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
configuration = asana_preview.Configuration()
configuration.access_token = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>'
api_client = asana_preview.ApiClient(configuration)
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = asana_preview.UsersApi(api_client)
user_gid = 'me' # str | A string identifying a user. This can either be the string \"me\", an email, or the gid of a user.
# Get a user - Add asana-enable in the request
api_response = api_instance.get_user(user_gid, _return_http_data_only=False) # returns a tuple: (object, status, headers)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling UsersApi->get_user: %s\n" % e)
Adding deprecation flag to your "asana-enable" header
On the client
import asana_preview
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
configuration = asana_preview.Configuration()
configuration.access_token = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>'
api_client = asana_preview.ApiClient(configuration)
# Add asana-enable header for the client
api_client.default_headers['asana-enable'] = 'string_ids'
On the request
import asana_preview
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
configuration = asana_preview.Configuration()
configuration.access_token = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>'
api_client = asana_preview.ApiClient(configuration)
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = asana_preview.UsersApi(api_client)
user_gid = 'me' # str | A string identifying a user. This can either be the string \"me\", an email, or the gid of a user.
# Get a user - Add asana-enable in the request
api_response = api_instance.get_user(user_gid, header_params={'asana-enable': 'string_ids'})
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling UsersApi->get_user: %s\n" % e)
Documentation for Using the call_api
Use this to make HTTP calls when the endpoint does not exist in the current library version or has bugs
Example: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE on tasks
GET - get a task
import asana_preview
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
configuration = asana_preview.Configuration()
configuration.access_token = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>'
api_client = asana_preview.ApiClient(configuration)
# GET - get a task
api_response = api_client.call_api(
path_params={"task_gid": "<YOUR_TASK_GID>"},
header_params={"Accept": "application/json; charset=utf-8"},
response_type=object, # You can specify one of the following types: float, bool, bytes, str, object
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception: %s\n" % e)
GET - get multiple tasks -> with opt_fields
import asana_preview
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
configuration = asana_preview.Configuration()
configuration.access_token = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>'
api_client = asana_preview.ApiClient(configuration)
# GET - get multiple tasks
api_response = api_client.call_api(
query_params=[('opt_fields', 'name,notes,projects')],
header_params={"Accept": "application/json; charset=utf-8"},
response_type=object, # You can specify one of the following types: float, bool, bytes, str, object
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception: %s\n" % e)
POST - create a task
import asana_preview
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
configuration = asana_preview.Configuration()
configuration.access_token = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>'
api_client = asana_preview.ApiClient(configuration)
# POST - create a task
api_response = api_client.call_api(
"Accept": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
"data": {
"name": "New Task",
"projects": ["<YOUR_PROJECT_GID>"],
response_type=object, # You can specify one of the following types: float, bool, bytes, str, object
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception: %s\n" % e)
PUT - update a task
import asana_preview
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
configuration = asana_preview.Configuration()
configuration.access_token = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>'
api_client = asana_preview.ApiClient(configuration)
# PUT - update a task
api_response = api_client.call_api(
path_params={"task_gid": "<YOUR_TASK_GID>"},
"Accept": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
"data": {
"name": "Updated Task",
response_type=object, # You can specify one of the following types: float, bool, bytes, str, object
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception: %s\n" % e)
DELETE - delete a task
import asana_preview
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
configuration = asana_preview.Configuration()
configuration.access_token = '<YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>'
api_client = asana_preview.ApiClient(configuration)
# DELETE - delete a task
api_response = api_client.call_api(
path_params={"task_gid": "<YOUR_TASK_GID>"},
header_params={"Accept": "application/json; charset=utf-8"},
response_type=object, # You can specify one of the following types: float, bool, bytes, str, object
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception: %s\n" % e)
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Details for the file asana_preview-1.0.28.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: asana_preview-1.0.28.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 85.5 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/4.0.2 CPython/3.11.6
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 1f3efb8e0da6b6f435d640576dfe64730440b609f78eda631e265c8433f3a9e8 |
MD5 | 86fdb6bd21c0881929ea3c82ed61c9d0 |
BLAKE2b-256 | fd08105aa8ab763e000bc0610fb075ab7f393bd8adb184544d0013a7ad33dd0d |
File details
Details for the file asana_preview-1.0.28-py3-none-any.whl
File metadata
- Download URL: asana_preview-1.0.28-py3-none-any.whl
- Upload date:
- Size: 154.1 kB
- Tags: Python 3
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/4.0.2 CPython/3.11.6
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 8e0a561e22274aef08108b2bfcc124202765262285108de62d8e5d9b10960a4c |
MD5 | 84b630b98489baec9ff8a86a3a0bafa9 |
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