Project description
# assisted-service-client
Assisted installation
This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 1.0.0
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
Python 2.7 and 3.4+
Installation & Usage
pip install
If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github
pip install assisted-service-client
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install assisted-service-client
Then import the package:
import assisted_service_client
Install via Setuptools.
python install --user
(or sudo python install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import assisted_service_client
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
from __future__ import print_function
import time
import assisted_service_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Configure API key authorization: urlAuth
configuration = assisted_service_client.Configuration()
configuration.api_key['api_key'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['api_key'] = 'Bearer'
# Configure API key authorization: userAuth
configuration = assisted_service_client.Configuration()
configuration.api_key['Authorization'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['Authorization'] = 'Bearer'
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = assisted_service_client.EventsApi(assisted_service_client.ApiClient(configuration))
cluster_id = 'cluster_id_example' # str | The cluster to return events for. (optional)
host_id = 'host_id_example' # str | A host in the specified cluster to return events for (DEPRECATED. Use `host_ids` instead). (optional)
host_ids = ['host_ids_example'] # list[str] | Hosts in the specified cluster to return events for. (optional)
infra_env_id = 'infra_env_id_example' # str | The infra-env to return events for. (optional)
limit = 56 # int | The maximum number of records to retrieve. (optional)
offset = 56 # int | Number of records to skip before starting to return the records. (optional)
order = 'ascending' # str | Order by event_time of events retrieved. (optional) (default to ascending)
severities = ['severities_example'] # list[str] | Retrieved events severities. (optional)
message = 'message_example' # str | Retrieved events message pattern. (optional)
deleted_hosts = true # bool | Deleted hosts flag. (optional)
cluster_level = true # bool | Cluster level events flag. (optional)
categories = ['categories_example'] # list[str] | A comma-separated list of event categories. (optional)
api_response = api_instance.v2_list_events(cluster_id=cluster_id, host_id=host_id, host_ids=host_ids, infra_env_id=infra_env_id, limit=limit, offset=offset, order=order, severities=severities, message=message, deleted_hosts=deleted_hosts, cluster_level=cluster_level, categories=categories)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling EventsApi->v2_list_events: %s
" % e)
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
EventsApi | v2_list_events | GET /v2/events | |
EventsApi | v2_trigger_event | POST /v2/events | |
InstallerApi | bind_host | POST /v2/infra-envs/{infra_env_id}/hosts/{host_id}/actions/bind | |
InstallerApi | deregister_infra_env | DELETE /v2/infra-envs/{infra_env_id} | |
InstallerApi | download_minimal_initrd | GET /v2/infra-envs/{infra_env_id}/downloads/minimal-initrd | |
InstallerApi | get_cluster_supported_platforms | GET /v2/clusters/{cluster_id}/supported-platforms | |
InstallerApi | get_infra_env | GET /v2/infra-envs/{infra_env_id} | |
InstallerApi | get_infra_env_download_url | GET /v2/infra-envs/{infra_env_id}/downloads/image-url | |
InstallerApi | get_infra_env_presigned_file_url | GET /v2/infra-envs/{infra_env_id}/downloads/files-presigned | |
InstallerApi | get_supported_architectures | GET /v2/support-levels/architectures | |
InstallerApi | get_supported_features | GET /v2/support-levels/features | |
InstallerApi | list_cluster_hosts | GET /v2/clusters/{cluster_id}/hosts | |
InstallerApi | list_infra_envs | GET /v2/infra-envs | |
InstallerApi | regenerate_infra_env_signing_key | POST /v2/infra-envs/{infra_env_id}/regenerate-signing-key | |
InstallerApi | register_infra_env | POST /v2/infra-envs | |
InstallerApi | transform_cluster_to_adding_hosts | POST /v2/clusters/{cluster_id}/actions/allow-add-hosts | |
InstallerApi | transform_cluster_to_day2 | POST /v2/clusters/{cluster_id}/actions/allow-add-workers | |
InstallerApi | unbind_host | POST /v2/infra-envs/{infra_env_id}/hosts/{host_id}/actions/unbind | |
InstallerApi | update_infra_env | PATCH /v2/infra-envs/{infra_env_id} | |
InstallerApi | v2_cancel_installation | POST /v2/clusters/{cluster_id}/actions/cancel | |
InstallerApi | v2_complete_installation | POST /v2/clusters/{cluster_id}/actions/complete-installation | |
InstallerApi | v2_deregister_cluster | DELETE /v2/clusters/{cluster_id} | |
InstallerApi | v2_deregister_host | DELETE /v2/infra-envs/{infra_env_id}/hosts/{host_id} | |
InstallerApi | v2_download_cluster_credentials | GET /v2/clusters/{cluster_id}/downloads/credentials | |
InstallerApi | v2_download_cluster_files | GET /v2/clusters/{cluster_id}/downloads/files | |
InstallerApi | v2_download_cluster_logs | GET /v2/clusters/{cluster_id}/logs | |
InstallerApi | v2_download_host_ignition | GET /v2/infra-env/{infra_env_id}/hosts/{host_id}/downloads/ignition | |
InstallerApi | v2_download_infra_env_files | GET /v2/infra-envs/{infra_env_id}/downloads/files | |
InstallerApi | v2_get_cluster | GET /v2/clusters/{cluster_id} | |
InstallerApi | v2_get_cluster_default_config | GET /v2/clusters/default-config | |
InstallerApi | v2_get_cluster_install_config | GET /v2/clusters/{cluster_id}/install-config | |
InstallerApi | v2_get_cluster_ui_settings | GET /v2/clusters/{cluster_id}/ui-settings | |
InstallerApi | v2_get_credentials | GET /v2/clusters/{cluster_id}/credentials | |
InstallerApi | v2_get_host | GET /v2/infra-envs/{infra_env_id}/hosts/{host_id} | |
InstallerApi | v2_get_host_ignition | GET /v2/infra-envs/{infra_env_id}/hosts/{host_id}/ignition | |
InstallerApi | v2_get_ignored_validations | GET /v2/clusters/{cluster_id}/ignored-validations | |
InstallerApi | v2_get_next_steps | GET /v2/infra-envs/{infra_env_id}/hosts/{host_id}/instructions | |
InstallerApi | v2_get_preflight_requirements | GET /v2/clusters/{cluster_id}/preflight-requirements | |
InstallerApi | v2_get_presigned_for_cluster_credentials | GET /v2/clusters/{cluster_id}/downloads/credentials-presigned | |
InstallerApi | v2_get_presigned_for_cluster_files | GET /v2/clusters/{cluster_id}/downloads/files-presigned | |
InstallerApi | v2_import_cluster | POST /v2/clusters/import | |
InstallerApi | v2_install_cluster | POST /v2/clusters/{cluster_id}/actions/install | |
InstallerApi | v2_install_host | POST /v2/infra-envs/{infra_env_id}/hosts/{host_id}/actions/install | |
InstallerApi | v2_list_clusters | GET /v2/clusters | |
InstallerApi | v2_list_hosts | GET /v2/infra-envs/{infra_env_id}/hosts | |
InstallerApi | v2_list_of_cluster_operators | GET /v2/clusters/{cluster_id}/monitored-operators | |
InstallerApi | v2_post_step_reply | POST /v2/infra-envs/{infra_env_id}/hosts/{host_id}/instructions | |
InstallerApi | v2_register_cluster | POST /v2/clusters | |
InstallerApi | v2_register_host | POST /v2/infra-envs/{infra_env_id}/hosts | |
InstallerApi | v2_report_monitored_operator_status | PUT /v2/clusters/{cluster_id}/monitored-operators | |
InstallerApi | v2_reset_cluster | POST /v2/clusters/{cluster_id}/actions/reset | |
InstallerApi | v2_reset_host | POST /v2/infra-envs/{infra_env_id}/hosts/{host_id}/actions/reset | |
InstallerApi | v2_reset_host_validation | PATCH /v2/infra-envs/{infra_env_id}/hosts/{host_id}/actions/reset-validation/{validation_id} | Reset failed host validation. |
InstallerApi | v2_set_ignored_validations | PUT /v2/clusters/{cluster_id}/ignored-validations | |
InstallerApi | v2_update_cluster | PATCH /v2/clusters/{cluster_id} | |
InstallerApi | v2_update_cluster_install_config | PATCH /v2/clusters/{cluster_id}/install-config | |
InstallerApi | v2_update_cluster_logs_progress | PUT /v2/clusters/{cluster_id}/logs-progress | |
InstallerApi | v2_update_cluster_ui_settings | PUT /v2/clusters/{cluster_id}/ui-settings | |
InstallerApi | v2_update_host | PATCH /v2/infra-envs/{infra_env_id}/hosts/{host_id} | |
InstallerApi | v2_update_host_ignition | PATCH /v2/infra-envs/{infra_env_id}/hosts/{host_id}/ignition | |
InstallerApi | v2_update_host_install_progress | PUT /v2/infra-envs/{infra_env_id}/hosts/{host_id}/progress | |
InstallerApi | v2_update_host_installer_args | PATCH /v2/infra-envs/{infra_env_id}/hosts/{host_id}/installer-args | |
InstallerApi | v2_update_host_logs_progress | PUT /v2/infra-envs/{infra_env_id}/hosts/{host_id}/logs-progress | |
InstallerApi | v2_upload_cluster_ingress_cert | POST /v2/clusters/{cluster_id}/uploads/ingress-cert | |
InstallerApi | v2_upload_logs | POST /v2/clusters/{cluster_id}/logs | |
ManagedDomainsApi | v2_list_managed_domains | GET /v2/domains | |
ManifestsApi | v2_create_cluster_manifest | POST /v2/clusters/{cluster_id}/manifests | |
ManifestsApi | v2_delete_cluster_manifest | DELETE /v2/clusters/{cluster_id}/manifests | |
ManifestsApi | v2_download_cluster_manifest | GET /v2/clusters/{cluster_id}/manifests/files | |
ManifestsApi | v2_list_cluster_manifests | GET /v2/clusters/{cluster_id}/manifests | |
ManifestsApi | v2_update_cluster_manifest | PATCH /v2/clusters/{cluster_id}/manifests | |
OperatorsApi | v2_list_of_cluster_operators | GET /v2/clusters/{cluster_id}/monitored-operators | |
OperatorsApi | v2_list_operator_properties | GET /v2/supported-operators/{operator_name} | |
OperatorsApi | v2_list_supported_operators | GET /v2/supported-operators | |
OperatorsApi | v2_report_monitored_operator_status | PUT /v2/clusters/{cluster_id}/monitored-operators | |
VersionsApi | v2_list_component_versions | GET /v2/component-versions | |
VersionsApi | v2_list_supported_openshift_versions | GET /v2/openshift-versions |
Documentation For Models
- ApiVip
- ApiVipConnectivityRequest
- ApiVipConnectivityResponse
- ArchitectureSupportLevelId
- BindHostParams
- Boot
- Cluster
- ClusterCreateParams
- ClusterDefaultConfig
- ClusterHostRequirements
- ClusterHostRequirementsDetails
- ClusterHostRequirementsList
- ClusterList
- ClusterNetwork
- ClusterProgressInfo
- ClusterValidationId
- CompletionParams
- ConnectivityCheckHost
- ConnectivityCheckNic
- ConnectivityCheckParams
- ConnectivityRemoteHost
- ConnectivityReport
- ContainerImageAvailability
- ContainerImageAvailabilityRequest
- ContainerImageAvailabilityResponse
- ContainerImageAvailabilityResult
- Cpu
- CreateManifestParams
- Credentials
- DhcpAllocationRequest
- DhcpAllocationResponse
- Disk
- DiskConfigParams
- DiskEncryption
- DiskInfo
- DiskInstallationEligibility
- DiskRole
- DiskSkipFormattingParams
- DiskSpeed
- DiskSpeedCheckRequest
- DiskSpeedCheckResponse
- DomainResolutionRequest
- DomainResolutionResponse
- DomainResolutionResponseResolutions
- DownloadBootArtifactsRequest
- DriveType
- Error
- Event
- EventList
- FeatureSupportLevelId
- FreeAddressesList
- FreeAddressesRequest
- FreeNetworkAddresses
- FreeNetworksAddresses
- Gpu
- Host
- HostCreateParams
- HostIgnitionParams
- HostList
- HostNetwork
- HostProgress
- HostProgressInfo
- HostRegistrationResponse
- HostRegistrationResponseNextStepRunnerCommand
- HostRole
- HostRoleUpdateParams
- HostStage
- HostStaticNetworkConfig
- HostTypeHardwareRequirements
- HostTypeHardwareRequirementsWrapper
- HostUpdateParams
- HostValidationId
- IgnitionEndpoint
- IgnoredValidations
- ImageCreateParams
- ImageInfo
- ImageType
- ImportClusterParams
- InfraEnv
- InfraEnvCreateParams
- InfraEnvList
- InfraEnvUpdateParams
- InfraError
- IngressCertParams
- IngressVip
- InlineResponse200
- InlineResponse2001
- InstallCmdRequest
- InstallerArgsParams
- Interface
- Inventory
- IoPerf
- Ip
- KernelArgument
- KernelArguments
- L2Connectivity
- L3Connectivity
- ListManagedDomains
- ListManifests
- ListVersions
- LogsGatherCmdRequest
- LogsProgressParams
- LogsState
- LogsType
- MacInterfaceMap
- MacInterfaceMapInner
- MachineNetwork
- ManagedDomain
- Manifest
- Memory
- MemoryMethod
- MonitoredOperator
- MonitoredOperatorsList
- NextStepCmdRequest
- NodeLabelParams
- NtpSource
- NtpSynchronizationRequest
- NtpSynchronizationResponse
- OpenshiftVersion
- OpenshiftVersions
- OperatorCreateParams
- OperatorHardwareRequirements
- OperatorHostRequirements
- OperatorMonitorReport
- OperatorProperties
- OperatorProperty
- OperatorStatus
- OperatorType
- OsImage
- OsImages
- Platform
- PlatformType
- PreflightHardwareRequirements
- PresignedUrl
- Proxy
- RebootForReclaimRequest
- ReleaseImage
- ReleaseImages
- Route
- ServiceNetwork
- SourceState
- Step
- StepReply
- StepType
- Steps
- StepsReply
- Subnet
- SupportLevel
- SupportLevels
- SystemVendor
- TangConnectivityRequest
- TangConnectivityResponse
- TangConnectivityResponseSignatures
- TangConnectivityResponseTangServerResponse
- UpdateManifestParams
- UpgradeAgentRequest
- UpgradeAgentResponse
- UpgradeAgentResult
- Usage
- V2ClusterUpdateParams
- VerifiedVip
- VerifyVip
- VerifyVipsRequest
- VerifyVipsResponse
- VersionedHostRequirements
- Versions
- VipType
- VipVerification
Documentation For Authorization
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: X-Secret-Key
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Image-Token
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: image_token
- Location: URL query string
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: api_key
- Location: URL query string
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header
Project details
Release history Release notifications | RSS feed