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A framework for creating AWS Lambda Async Workflows. - Unstable Branch

Project description


async-lambda is a framework for creating AWS Lambda applications with built in support for asynchronous invocation via a SQS Queue. This is useful if you have workloads you need to split up into separate execution contexts.

async-lambda converts your application into a Serverless Application Model (SAM) template which can be deployed with the SAM cli tool.

An async-lambda application is comprised of a controller object and tasks.

import json
from async_lambda import AsyncLambdaController, ScheduledEvent, ManagedSQSEvent, config_set_name

app = AsyncLambdaController()
lambda_handler = app.async_lambda_handler # This "export" is required for lambda.

@app.scheduled_task('ScheduledTask1', schedule_expression="rate(15 minutes)")
def scheduled_task_1(event: ScheduledEvent):
    app.async_invoke("AsyncTask1", payload={"foo": "bar"}) # Payload must be JSON serializable and < 2560Kb

def async_task_2(event: ManagedSQSEvent):
    print(event.payload)  #{"foo": "bar"}

When the app is packaged for lambda, only the main module, and the vendor and src directories are included.


The core abstraction in async-lambda is a task. Each task will result in a separate lambda function. Tasks have a trigger_type which determines what event triggers them. A task is identified by its unique task_id.

All task decorators share common arguments for configuring the underlying lambda function:

  • memory: int = 128 Sets the memory allocation for the function.
  • timeout: int = 60 Sets the timeout for the function (max 900 seconds).
  • ephemeral_storage: int = 512 Sets the ephemeral storage allocation for the function.
  • maximum_concurrency: Optional[int | List[int]] = None Sets the maximum concurrency value for the SQS trigger for the function. (only applies to async_task and sqs_task tasks.) When using the lanes feature, this can be a list of maximum concurrency for each lane. The length of the list must equal the # of lanes.

It is often useful to run code during the INIT_START phase of the lambda lifecycle. This is achieved by placing that code outside of the lambda handler, this will result in this code being run for all tasks within the application as it is executed on import. async-lambda provides a utility init_tasks argument which will run given functions during the INIT_START phase only for that specific task.

The functions should have either 0 or 1 arguments, if they have 1 argument then the task_id will be passed in.

async-lambda also provides a helper class for when a value needs to be stored from this execution. The Defer class takes a function, and args/kwargs and will only execute the function when its value is requested. This can be used in combination with init_tasks to cache values during the INIT_START phase.


def get_a_value(a: int, b: int) -> int:
    return random.randint(a, b)

cache = Defer(get_a_value, 10, 100)

@controller.async_task("Task", init_tasks=[cache.execute])
def task(event: ManagedSQSEvent):
    for i in range(cache.value):
        # Do Something

For all lambda executions which share a container cache.value will be the same and get_a_value will only be called once.

Async Task

All async tasks have a matching SQS queue which the lambda function consumes from (1 message per invocation). All async task queues share a DLQ. Async tasks can be invoked from anywhere within the app by using the AsyncLambdaController.async_invoke method. Calling this method sends a message into the queue for the given task. The task function should have a single parameter of the ManagedSQSEvent type.

app = AsyncLambdaController()

def async_task(event: ManagedSQSEvent):
    event.payload # payload sent via the `async_invoke` method
    event.source_task_id # the task_id where the event originated

It is quite easy to get into infinite looping situations when utilizing async-lambda and care should be taken.


# If task_1 where to ever get invoked, then it would start an infinite loop with
# task 1 invoking task 2, task 2 invoking task 1, and repeat...

def task_1(event: ManagedSQSEvent):
    app.async_invoke("Task2", {})

def task_1(event: ManagedSQSEvent):
    app.async_invoke("Task1", {})


Sometimes you may want multiple "lanes" for events to travel through, especially when you have constrained throughput with maximum_concurrency. Utilize the lanes feature to open up multiple paths to an async-task. This can be useful if you have a large backlog of messages you need to process, but you don't want to interrupt the normal message flow.

The # of lanes can be controlled at the controller, sub-controller, and/or task level. With the configuration propagating down the tree, but it can be overridden at any of the levels. The # of lanes can be set with the lane_count parameter.

By default all usages of async_invoke will place the message in the default lane (0). To change this specify lane= in the async_invoke call. By default, any further calls of async_invoke down the call stack will continue to put the messages into the same lane if it is available. You can turn of this behavior by setting propagate_lane_assignment=False at the controller level.

For example, we will use a payload field to determine which lane processing should occur in. We will set the maximum concurrency for the default lane at 10, and for the other lane at 2.

app = AsyncLambdaController(lane_count=2)

def switch_board(event: ManagedSQSEvent):
    value = event.payload['value']
    lane = 0
    if value > 50_000:
        lane = 1
    app.async_invoke("ProcessingTask", event.payload, lane=lane)

@app.async_task("ProcessingTask", maximum_concurrency=[10, 2])
def processing_task(event: ManagedSQSEvent):

async-lambda creates n queues and lambda triggers per async-task where n = lane_count. All of the n queues are still consumed by a single lambda function.

Unmanaged SQS Task

Unmanaged SQS tasks consume from any arbitrary SQS queue (1 message per invocation). The task function should have a single parameter of the UnmanagedSQSEvent type.

app = AsyncLambdaController()

@app.sqs_task("TaskID", queue_arn='queue-arn')
def sqs_task(event: UnmanagedSQSEvent):
    event.body # sqs event body

Scheduled Task

Scheduled tasks are triggered by an eventbridge schedule. The schedule expression can be a cron expression or a rate expression. The task function should have a single parameter of the ScheduledEvent type.

app = AsyncLambdaController()

@app.scheduled_task("TaskID", schedule_expression='rate(15 minutes)')
def scheduled_task(event: ScheduledEvent):

API Task

API tasks are triggered by a Web Request. async-lambda creates an APIGateway endpoint matching the method and path in the task definition. It is possible to configure a custom domain and certificate for all API tasks within an async-lambda app. The task function should have a single parameter of the APIEvent type.

app = AsyncLambdaController()

@app.api_task("TaskID", path='/test', method='get')
def api_task(event: APIEvent):
    event.headers # request headers
    event.querystring_params # request querystring params
    event.body # request body
    event.headers # This is a case insensitive dict


Middleware functions can be registered with controllers which will wrap the execution of tasks. These functions can be configured to trigger on specific types of tasks and can trigger side effects and modify the event or response objects.

Middleware functions must have the signature Callable[[BaseEvent, Callable[[BaseEvent], T]], T]. The first argument is the event, and the second argument (call_next) is a function which will propagate the calls down the middleware/task stack. The call_next function must be called, and its result in most cases be returned. If this is not done then tasks will not run as expected.

Extreme care should be taken with middleware as a simple mistake can have catastrophic effects.

  • Middleware functions are run in the order which they were registered and parent controller middleware will be run first.

  • Middleware functions which are registered more than once will only be run once.

Registration can be done when the AsyncLambdaController is initialized with the parameter middleware or by using the add_middleware method.

Middleware functions have three sections:

  1. Pre task
  2. Task execution
  3. Post task
def async_lambda_middleware(event: BaseEvent, call_next):
    # pre task
    result = call_next(event) # task execution
    # post task
    return result

If there are multiple middleware functions then call_next will actually be calling the next middleware function in the stack.

For example if there is middleware functions A and B registered in that order. Then the execution order would go:

A(Pre) -> B(Pre) -> Task -> B(Post) -> A(Post)


def async_task_only_middleware(event: ManagedSQSEvent, call_next):
    print(f"Invocation Payload: {event}")
    result = call_next(event)
    print(f"Invocation Result: {result}")
    return result

def all_task_types_middleware(event: BaseEvent, call_next):
    print(f"This event is of the type {type(event)}")
    result = call_next(event)
    print(f"The result is of the type {type(result)}")
    return event

controller = AsyncLambdaController(middleware=[([BaseEvent], all_task_types_middleware)])

controller.add_middleware([ManagedSQSEvent], async_task_only_middleware)

def a_task(event: ManagedSQSEvent):

@controller.api_task("BTask", "/test", "get")
def b_task(event: APIEvent):
    return "hello world"

In this scenario when ATask is invoked first all_task_types_middleware will be run, then async_task_only_middleware will be run and finally the a_task function will be executed.

When BTask is invoked first all_task_types_middleware will be run, and then the b_task function will be executed

async-lambda config

Configuration options can be set with the .async_lambda/config.json file. The configuration options can be set at the app, stage, and task level. A configuration option set will apply unless overridden at a more specific level (app -> stage -> task -> stage). The override logic attempts to non-destructive so if you have a layers of ['layer_1'] at the app level, and [layer_2] at the stage level, then the value will be ['layer_1', 'layer_2'].

Config file levels schema

    "stages": {
        "stage_name": {
            # STAGE LEVEL
    "tasks": {
        "task_id": {
            # TASK LEVEL
            "stages": {
                "stage_name": {
                    # TASK STAGE LEVEL

At any of these levels any of the configuration options can be set: With the exception of domain_name, tls_version, and certificate_arn which can not be set at the task level.



This config value will set environment variables for the function execution. These environment variables will also be available during build time.

The value is passed to the Environment property on SAM::Serverless::Function



Use this config option to attach any arbitrary policies to the lambda functions execution role.

The value is passed to the Policies property on SAM::Serverless::Function, in addition to the async-lambda created inline policies.



Use this config option to add any arbitrary lambda layers to the lambda functions. Ordering matters, and merging is done thru concatenation.

The value is passed to the Layers property on SAM::Serverless::Function



Use this config option to put the lambda function into a vpc/subnet.

The value is passed into the SubnetIds field of the VpcConfig property on SAM::Serverless::Function



Use this config option to attach a security group to the lambda function.

The value is passed into the SecurityGroupIds field of the VpcConfig property on SAM::Serverless::Function


        # Cloudformation resource

Use this config option to add extra resources for managed SQS queues (async_task tasks.)

For example this might be used to attach alarms to these queues.

Each item in the list should be a complete cloudformation resource. async-lambda provides a few custom substitutions so that you can reference the extras and the associated managed sqs resource by LogicalId.

  • $QUEUEID" will be replaced with the LogicalId of the associated Managed SQS queue.
  • $EXTRA<index> will be replaced with the LogicalId of the extra at the specified index.


This config value can only be set at the app or stage level.


If your async-lambda app contains any api_task tasks, then a AWS::Serverless::Api resource is created.

The value is passed into the MethodSettings property of the AWS::Serverless::Api. The spec for MethodSetting can be found here.


This config value can only be set at the app or stage level.


If your async-lambda app contains any api_task tasks, then a AWS::Serverless::Api resource is created.

This config value will set the DomainName field of the Domain property


This config value can only be set at the app or stage level.


If your async-lambda app contains any api_task tasks, then a AWS::Serverless::Api resource is created.

This config value will set the SecurityPolicy field of the Domain property

Possible values are TLS_1_0 and TLS_1_2


This config value can only be set at the app or stage level.


If your async-lambda app contains any api_task tasks, then a AWS::Serverless::Api resource is created.

This config value will set the CertificateArn field of the Domain property



This config value will set the Tags field of all resources created by async-lambda. This will not set the field on managed_queue_extras resources.

The keys framework and framework-version will always be set and the system values will override any values set by the user.

For managed queues the tags async-lambda-queue-type will be set to dlq, dlq-task, or managed depending on the queue type.

For async_task queues (non dlq-task) the async-lambda-lane will be set.


    "ApplicationLogLevel": "TRACE" | "DEBUG" | "INFO" | "WARN" | "ERROR" | "FATAL",
    "LogFormat": "Text" | "JSON",
    "LogGroup": "",
    "SystemLogLevel": "DEBUG" | "INFO" | "WARN"

The value is passed directly to the LoggingConfig Cloudformation parameter for lambda function/s.

Building an async-lambda app

When the app is packaged for lambda, only the main module, and the vendor and src directories are included.

From the project root directory, utilize the async-lambda CLI tool to generate a SAM template and function bundle. Optionally specify the stage to use stage specific configs.

# contains the root AsyncLambdaController
async-lambda build app --stage <stage-name>

This will generate a SAM template template.json as well as an file. This template and zip file can then be deployed or transformed into regular cloudformation via the sam or aws cli tools.

Known Limitations

  • Lambda Configuration - not all of the lambda configuration spec is present in async-lambda. It is relatively trivial to add in configuration options. Make an issue if there is a feature you would like to see implemented.
  • The async_invoke payload must be JSON serializable with json.dumps.
  • It is possible to get into infinite loops quite easily. (Task A invokes Task B, Task B invokes Task A)

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Source Distribution

async-lambda-unstable-0.4.4.tar.gz (30.6 kB view hashes)

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Built Distribution

async_lambda_unstable-0.4.4-py3-none-any.whl (30.8 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 3

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