A CLI framework based on asyncio
Project description
A CLI framework based on asyncio.
The simplest usage is to just pass in an async function.
import asynccli
async def mycli():
print("Hello, world.")
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = asynccli.App(mycli)
It can also be instantiated as a class, as long it has a call method.
import asynccli
class DivisionCalculator(asynccli.CLI):
numerator = asynccli.Integer(help_text='This is the numerator.')
denominator = asynccli.Integer()
async def call(self):
print(self.first_num / self.second_num)
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = asynccli.App(DivisionCalculator)
In the DivisionCalculator example above, you would call your script like this:
$ /path/to/script.py 2 3
What if you want to have a tiered CLI with a hierarchy of commands? First, create your command by subclassing CLI as above. Then, wrap the whole thing inside of the TieredCLI class, and pass that to the App.
class Calculator(asynccli.TieredCLI):
d = DivisionCalculator
Now, to invoke the script, you have an extra argument to call:
$ /path/to/script.py d 2 3
pip install asynccli
Currently it requires Python 3.5 to make use of async/await. It uses argparse under the hood, and therefore has no dependencies outside of the standard library.
Additional Argument types
Integration of additional argparse features
Add uvloop
Better support for help documentation
You can invoke the test scripts a few different ways:
$ py.test
$ python setup.py test
$ python -m py.test
And, in order to generate the test coverage:
$ coverage run -m py.test
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