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A neural network for structure parameter determination

Project description


Auriga neural net predicts age, extinction, and distance to stellar populations


pip install auriga (requires Python3)


positional arguments:
  tableIn               Input table with Gaia DR2 source ids and cluster ids

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --tutorial            Use included test.fits or test.csv files as inputs
  --tableOut TABLEOUT   Prefix of the csv file into which the cluster properties should be written, default tableIn-out
  --iters ITERS         Number of iterations of each cluster is passed through Auriga to generate the errors, default 10
  --localFlux           Download necessary flux from Gaia archive for all source ids, default True
  --saveFlux SAVEFLUX   If downloading flux, prefix of file where to save it, default empty
  --silent              Suppress print statements, default False
  --cluster CLUSTER     Column with cluster membership
  --source_id SOURCE_ID
                        Column with Gaia DR2 source id,
  --gaiaFluxErrors      If loading flux, whether uncertainties in Gaia bands have been converted from flux to magnitude, default True
  --g G                 If loading flux, column for G magnitude
  --bp BP               If loading flux, column for BP magnitude
  --rp RP               If loading flux, column for RP magnitude
  --j J                 If loading flux, column for J magnitude
  --h H                 If loading flux, column for H magnitude
  --k K                 If loading flux, column for K magnitude
  --parallax PARALLAX   If loading flux, column for parallax
  --eg EG               If loading flux, column for uncertainty in G magnitude
  --ebp EBP             If loading flux, column for uncertainty in BP magnitude
  --erp ERP             If loading flux, column for uncertainty in RP magnitude
  --ej EJ               If loading flux, column for uncertainty in J magnitude
  --eh EH               If loading flux, column for uncertainty in H magnitude
  --ek EK               If loading flux, column for uncertainty in K magnitude
  --eparallax EPARALLAX
                        If loading flux, column for uncertainty in parallax
  --gf GF               If uncertainties have not been converted to magnitudes, column for G flux
  --bpf BPF             If uncertainties have not been converted to magnitudes, column for BP flux
  --rpf RPF             If uncertainties have not been converted to magnitudes, column for RP flux
  --egf EGF             If uncertainties have not been converted to magnitudes, column for uncertainty in G flux
  --ebpf EBPF           If uncertainties have not been converted to magnitudes, column for uncertainty in BP flux
  --erpf ERPF           If uncertainties have not been converted to magnitudes, column for uncertainty in RP flux
  --memoryOnly          Store table only in memory without saving to disk
  --ver VER             Version of Gaia data to download, default DR3


Downloading photometry from the Gaia Archive for the sources defined in the fits table, saving the fluxes, and generating the outputs

auriga test.fits --tableOut test-out --saveFlux test --tutorial 

Using previously downloaded fluxes to generate predictions. 20 implementations of each cluster are generated instead of 10, to estimate the uncertainties in the cluster parameters

auriga test.csv --localFlux --iters=20 --tutorial

Using previously downloaded fluxes, defining all the necessary columns

auriga test.fits --localFlux --gaiaFluxErrors --g phot_g_mean_mag --bp phot_bp_mean_mag \
           --rp phot_rp_mean_mag --j j_m --h h_m --k ks_m --ej j_msigcom --eh h_msigcom \
           --ek ks_msigcom --eparallax parallax_error --tutorial --silent

Using from within a code, outside of a command line

from auriga.auriga import getClusterAge'test.csv')

Required packages:

  • Astropy
  • Astroquery
  • Pytorch
  • Pandas

Supported by

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