Improved unittest test runner
Project description
Run Python unittests automatically. Re-run tests when source has changed. Try to make intelligent decisions about which tests to run.
In project directory with unittests:
$ autocheck discover -v
Accepts the same options as python -m unittest.
$ pip install autocheck
Optionally, for Growl support:
$ pip install gntp
Install watchdog kernel support according to
Django support
Tell django to use our test runner, in settings:
TEST_RUNNER = 'autocheck.contrib.django.TestSuiteRunner'
Or on the command line:
./ test --testrunner=autocheck.contrib.django.TestSuiteRunner
Run tests automatically whenever source has changed:
$ autocheck
autocheck tries to figure out if it runs in a django project (./ exists, contains DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE, django is importable). Additionally, if a file exists, DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=test_settings is added to the environment.
Behind the scenes, there are two test runners for django, selected during import of autocheck.contrib.django.TestSuiteRunner:
autocheck.contrib.django.discoveryrunner.TestSuiteRunner for recent versions of django (>=1.6)
autocheck.contrib.django.testsuiterunner.TestSuiteRunner for older versions (<1.6)
The latter is not compatible with the old ./ test command, instead it tries to reproduce the interface of python -m unittest.
The other one is a thin wrapper around django’s DiscoverRunner, adding a few command line switches for our custom TestRunner.
Dump the test database with:
$ autocheck --stats
Or for flat output with:
$ autocheck --stats-flat
Run in project directory:
$ python test
Run tests using our own test runner:
$ pip install -e . $ pip install -r requirements/test.txt $ python -m autocheck discover -v --once -s ./vows -t .
Tested against Python-2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, PyPy 2 and 3.
make autocheck.autorunner file pattern configurable
config file(s)
documentation for tags and tag expressions
documentation for autocheck command line flags
--help for autocheck command
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
Project details
Download files
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Source Distribution
Built Distribution
Hashes for autocheck-0.2.7-py2.py3-none-any.whl
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | c79b193ed725a1fd6afe78cbf3be5adc553a3c02a3794cec9ec8b7c72a133e96 |
MD5 | dd11a49c17cdba770d1094b3d82d8747 |
BLAKE2b-256 | d8228f03136b877bd43ebf8e98bf7be704de36f1b93f1fe3fe3bbeca3c5d4132 |